Emphatically NO!
John R. Houk
© October 12, 2016
Sifu is a Google+ comment contributor that usually makes a
reasonable stand when he disagrees with me rather than a hysterical ad hominem
attack. I appreciated that. Even though I do disagree.
These comments are between Sifu and I relating to the post “Trump vs. Crooked Hillary – Conservative
vs. Leftist”. Sifu’s thoughts are in normal text and mine are
in bold text as well as being indented.
JRH 10/12/16
Houk He supports massive growth of government. That is his vision
of "great". How is that so different than Obama? Maybe he won't be as
weak. Maybe he will be rabidly nationalist. How are those necessarily good?
Putin isn't weak. Doesn't make him good. Hitler was nationalist. Didn't make
him good. His goals are still very much in alignment with the liberals. Look at
his recent history of support publicly and financially for
Hillary and others on the left.
Hmm… I don’t see any massive growth of government
EXCEPT in terms of an efficient military and National Security. In terms of
National Debt and Gross Domestic Production I see government decrease. Obama is
a globalist tending toward ending National Sovereignty – Crooked Hillary too.
Is Trump a rabid Nationalist? NO, he is an America First Nationalist. Trump
admires Putin’s leadership skills NOT his Russian imperialistic agenda. Trump
is not Hitler! Hitler wanted a Socialist Despotic Aryan German Empire where
nations were subservient and Jews dead. Trump wants to keep America good
without Multiculturalist globalism destroying American exceptionalism. Trump’s
goals are VERY MUCH unaligned with the American Left that supports the globalism
of NAFTA and TPP! Trump supported the Clintons when it would benefit his business.
He paid to get Clintons to play. The play benefited Clintons financially while
charging for government favors. It is legal to donate. It is illegal to play
for pay in government. It’s called corruption.
Those qualities can be good or bad. It depends on the underlying principles they are used to accomplish. Trump's only consistent principle is to HIS PERSONAL DESIRES; see his history of the use of eminent domain. His ego and selfishness do nothing to inspire hope that those qualities would be used for good.
Trump worked within the law. Bill and Hillary worked outside the law
and used power to become Teflon so no charges were filed. By the way Trump lost his imminent domain case and complied. Bill and Hillary
LIED and people have died and American foreign policy has is in full disarray.
Trump’s business is just fine.
Trump apolitical? That's laughable. He is not PC, but that does NOT mean apolitical. He is VERY well versed in navigating politics and manipulating people to get what he wants. He is a very political personality; he simply hasn't held office before.
Hmm … I believe history proves that wrong Sifu. You
yourself mentioned how he has donating money to Dems. He also donating money to
Republicans. The donations demonstrate advancing his business goals and
profiting his investors. That’s not politics, that’s solid business in the
realm of profit and loss. In America we call that Capitalism. Capitalism has
made America wealthy enough that foreigners who hate us want to dip into that
wealth by hook or by crook (mostly crook). Donald Trump at worst is a business
personality and not a power-grabbing-monger like the Clinton clan.
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