Monday, June 22, 2015

Reliving the Fall of Rome?

Elsa Schieder from

Intro to ‘Reliving the Fall of Rome?’
Intro by John R. Houk
Intro date: 6/22/15

Elsa Schieder Ph.D. is a Liberal/Progressive academic from Canada. The appellation of the word “Liberal” usually means she is the enemy as far as my political spectrum goes. However I have to say she is a Liberal I admire.

Dr. Schieder (I believe she prefers Dr. Zee) is one of the few Liberals that gets it about the threat of Islam (she would probably prefer Radical Islam) to Western Civilization. The reality of life is that all sides of the Western political spectrum should be concerned of just how anti-Western and in my perspective Anti-Christian and Anti-Jewish.

Dr. Schieder is a busy gal. I know her from the World Truth Summit is a forum for prominent Counterjihad writers to expose Islam. She is also a bit of a poet (which is beyond my barbarian expertise), a Blogger, a critical thinker (Idea Emporium) and probably more pans in the fire than I know.

I’m on Dr. Schieder’s email list. Her 6/21 email has observations about the West in which I wholly agree. She entitles it “Reliving the Fall of Rome?” After you read I think you may agree a better title would have been from her own words – “Brain Wreck”.

Dr. Schieder precedes her thoughts with some poetry to music videos relating to peaceful unity, the idiocy of Islamic hatred and a somewhat ethereal poem about YOU being the wild card to effect global chaos. However I am more interested in her thoughts about reliving world leaders allowing the destruction of the fabric of society. Thus I am placing the videos at the end rather than the beginning.

JRH 6/22/15
Reliving the Fall of Rome?

By Elsa Schieder PhD
Sent: 6/21/2015 6:15 AM

Sometimes I feel I'm living through the fall of Rome. More on that in a bit. First, something that's not on the idea side. 3 songs - one on what we'd love to have (The Garden), one on what we're up against (Too Many Heads Off), and one on the role of the joker (The Joker is Wild). So 3 songs, and then back to Rome, Nero and the present.

Sometimes I feel I'm living through the fall of Rome. I remember reading about Nero fiddling, and about huge spectacles held to keep Roman citizens happy - gladiators killing each other, Christians thrown to lions.

And now I'm living through stories in the news that make no sense to me, with my care for facts - American blacks rioting and a president siding with the rioters when a white cop shoots a black thief, though there is massive evidence that the cop was more than fair. Islamic State - beheadings, sex slavery, ongoing suicide murdering - and the ongoing denial by many people in the West that Islamic State, which quotes from Islamic texts, is Islamic. The stories are just too insane.

And then there is the massive influx into Europe and the States of people whose Islamic ideology favors destroying every ideology but theirs, destroying any ideology that is pro male female equality, pro-democracy, pro the acceptance of other religions.

It makes no sense. If this were a dream, I would tell myself to wake up.

Instead, a huge part of me just cannot believe that what is happening could possibly be happening.

Another part asks: how does one stop this? What more can I do to turn the tide?

Quite an expression - to turn the tide!! Quite something to even think of doing.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about BrainWreck - the wrecking of people's brains in the West. It goes with something I've thought and written a lot about - Think or Sink: We Think or the West Sinks.

How to deal with wrecked brains - like the brains of the politically correct? Like the brains of those who refuse to look at the content of Islam and instead intone "all cultures are equal"? In fact, do we deal with such brainwrecked people? Or do we concentrate on people with un-wrecked - or anyway, relatively unwrecked - brains?

Something to think about.

By the way, how do you like the term, brainwrecked - rather than the milder term, politically correct? Does the term resonate for you?

Here's my viewpoint. I understand the value of using terms people know. I also understand the value of using a new term for something different.

Politically correct is the term for a mindset. Brain wreck is a term for something different: what's needed inside the brain for a person to be politically correct. Inside the politically correct: a brain wreck.

And finally, before ending, an announcement: I'm going to try something new. A short Wednesday video - 5 min max. Why Wednesday? It's mid-week. Far away enough from the weekend before, and the weekend coming. My guess: people may have a few minutes. The goal: to give something not just to watch, but to share.

And now, all the best to all of us who care and dare,


PS. More on brainwrecked brains. Here's a great short video on the content of Islamic texts and the Islamic response: Once again, inside the brain, a brain wreck.

PPS. By the way, if you like any of the songs, please share. My sense: something is blocking our having a music of our own. And of course, if you like any of the ideas, please also share those. 

And finally, something new.

The world that many of us are working for: COME TO THE GARDEN

Published by Creativity Emporium 
Published on Jun 14, 2015 
come to:  
come to the garden 
the garden we'll be creating 
where the lion and lamb 
lie down together 
come to the garden 
come and love in this garden 
come and work in this garden 
a labor of love 
it's our world 
our world for the making 
a garden in the making 
no mistaking 
the love and the labor 
it will be taking 
lifetimes and lovetimes 
forever a garden 
only if we make it 

For more, come to: 

And come visit the full emporium: 
Come to the Garden. For the full lyrics, and to purchase, 

What we're up against: TOO MANY HEADS OFF

Published by Creativity Emporium 
Published on Jun 14, 2015 Too many heads off, too many lives lost . . .
Music with a message. Call it a political song, a freedom song, political music, freedom music. Facts about Islam, truth about Islam, plus music, beat, spoken word. Too many heads off. That about sums it up. 
For more, and to buy, come to: Even more:

And then, expect the unexpected: THE JOKER IS WILD 

VIDEO: And the Joker is Wild. Political Rap, Political Music. And you, are you a wild card?

Published by Creativity Emporium 
Published on Jun 2, 2015  
And the Joker is Wild. In the words of Shakespeare, all the world's a stage. And on that stage, not in the words of Shakespeare, the joker is wild. So, are you a wild card? Tame? And what does wild mean to you? 
Political rap, rap, rap. Political spoken word. Political music that's music to my ears. 

For more, come to:
And for even more, come to:
Edited by John R. Houk

© Elsa Schieder

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