Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Trump Hot-Miked After SOTU on FISA Memo

John R. Houk, Blog Editor
Posted January 31, 2018

After the State of the Union speech last President Trump was caught on mike telling South Carolina GOP Rep. Duncan that he is 100% behind releasing the FISA Memo to the American people. Whether that Presidential answer was the desire of the President’s heart or an actual made decision, only time will tell.

Published on Jan 30, 2018

President Trump caught on hot Mic on Tuesday after state of the union speech, He guaranteed Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) he’ll release a controversial memo by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA).

Below is a Fox News report on the hot mike and that is a computer-generated voice from Youtube channel Today News including the description.

Trump overheard saying he is '100 percent' behind releasing surveillance memo

Rep. Jeff Duncan urges President Trump to 'release the memo' as he exits the House chamber following the State of the Union address.

President Donald Trump was overheard telling a GOP lawmaker Tuesday night that he’s “100 percent” behind releasing a classified Republican intelligence memo detailing alleged surveillance abuses.

"Don't worry," the president reportedly told U.S. Rep. Jeff Duncan, R-S.C., on the House floor after delivering his first State of the Union address. “One hundred percent."

Duncan asked Trump to “release the memo,” a controversial document drafted by U.S. Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

The House panel voted Monday along party lines to release the memo, prompting a political fight between Republicans and Democrats and pitting Congress against the FBI and the Department of Justice, which object to the release of the four-page document.

Republicans said the memo reveals alleged abuses of government surveillance powers in the investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Democrats said the document is selectively edited in an attempt to thwart the investigation.

House Speaker Paul Ryan came out Tuesday in support of releasing the memo, but warned against using it to attack special counsel Robert Mueller. "This is a completely separate matter from Bob Mueller's investigation and his investigation should be allowed to take its course," he said.

Ryan added that the memo shows “there may have been malfeasance at the FBI by certain individuals” and raise questions “about whether an American's civil liberties were violated by the FISA process,” referring to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which was extended for an additional six years earlier this month.

The Justice Department called the Republican staff memo’s release “unprecedented” and “reckless.” Assistant Attorney General Stephen E. Boyd wrote in a Jan. 24 letter that “Though we are currently unaware of any wrongdoing relating to the FISA process, we agree that any abuse of that system cannot be tolerated.”

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray reportedly advised White House Chief of Staff John Kelly against releasing the memo, saying such action would set a dangerous precedent and would not accurately characterize the FBI's investigative practices, the Washington Post reported.

But two senior FBI officials – one from the bureau’s counterintelligence division and the other from the legal division – who reviewed the memo said they “could not point to any factual inaccuracies,” Fox News reported Tuesday.

The White House has five days to review the content of the memo and decide whether to release the memo. It said Tuesday that it would conduct a legal and national security review before making the decision.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Lukas Mikelionis is a reporter for Follow him on Twitter @LukasMikelionis.


Posted by TODAY NEWS
Published on Jan 31, 2018

After President Donald Trump gave his brilliant State of the Union address, he was stopped and asked a question about the FISA memo. His five-word answer has Democrats freaked out, and for good reason.

The House Intelligence Committee voted on Monday, January 29, 2018, to release the FISA memo which many have said will shake the political world to the core. The damning memo has already claimed one deep state operative, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. Now, all eyes are on President Trump to see what he will do next with the FISA memo, and the video clip of his departure from the State of the Union address reveals exactly what that is.

According to The Gateway Pundit, President Trump was stopped by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) on his way out of the House of Representatives building. The first thing on Duncan’s mind was the FISA memo and making sure the President knew that he and others want it released as soon as possible.

In the clip, Duncan can be heard asking Trump if he would release the FISA memo. Trump’s five-word answer is enough for the Democrats to start panicking. “Oh yeah, don’t worry, 100%,” Trump responded. Reportedly, Trump has five days from Monday to decide to release the memo after review. According to comments made by Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) during an interview on Fox & Friends, Trump is not likely to take all five days.

CLIP: As President Trump exits the House Chamber, @RepJeffDuncan asks him to #ReleaseTheMemo. #SOTU #SOTU2018

— CSPAN (@cspan) January 31, 2018

In addition to Gowdy’s comments, White House Legislative Director Marc Short spoke with veteran journalist Stuart Varney Tuesday, discussing the most recent developments on the secret FISA memo. “Stuart, I think the president sides on the side of transparency so I think if there were abuses he wants the American people to know it,” he explained.

“But let me be clear that the president can do this in a responsible fashion. We only received the document last night. White House counsel began to review it last night. The National Security Council will be leading the inter-agency process here to make sure no secrets were divulged and no methods were divulged. And, so, it will be done in a very responsible manner,” added Short.

I don’t think President Donald Trump wants to waste any time getting the FISA memo out. Many Republicans have already viewed the memo and urged the President to release it to the public. It’s understandable that, after a year of waiting, American patriots are a little anxious to see heads start to roll within our corrupt government agencies and departments.

For those who thought that President Trump might read the FISA memo during the SOTU, that’s not quite his style. Trump’s first SOTU was unifying and brilliant. The contents of the FISA memo would have had quite the opposite effect and worked against the message that Trump wanted to deliver. In addition, I think President Trump wanted to give officials from the FBI time to review the material before going public with it.

According to Fox News, two high-level officials at the FBI have reviewed the FISA memo and even they could not point out any factual inaccuracies. One of the FBI officials is from the bureau’s counterintelligence division, and the other one is from the legal division. They reportedly looked at the FISA memo after FBI Director Christopher Wray viewed it on Sunday, January 28, 2018.

Now that a total of three officials from the FBI have viewed the FISA abuse memo, the bureau has been strangely quiet about it and has yet to even release a statement on the departure of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. In my opinion, McCabe was just a good start, but many others within the FBI’s top ranks need to be dismissed and then prosecuted for their crimes.

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Trump overheard saying he is '100 percent' behind releasing surveillance memo

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After SOTU, Trump Says 5 Words To Congressman That Has Democrats FREAKED OUT

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