Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor
© February 28, 2025
I continue to dive into my concerns into the pervasiveness of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The date 2/25/25 was my last post about AI concerns under the title, “A Hacked AI is NOT Good for Humanity”. I posted this on all of my Blog platforms (HERE, HERE & HERE). It became evident to me that typical readers do not share my concerns about AI because viewing traffic was down on all three blog platforms.
TODAY I ran into a Christian blogger who shares my concerns and writes about Artificial Intelligence from a Christian perspective. In her post she shares the transcript of a dialogue between Glenn Beck and AI-futurist Ray Kurzweil. The portion with Kurzweil’s predictions about tech interaction in relation to AI/Transhumanism and humanity hopefully will raise a personal red alert alarm bells about human existence.
Pam Kohler authored the post. Her transcript link between Glen Beck and Ray Kurzweil is from a video that aired May 30, 2008. These predictions which seem to me eerily prescient to the present are from roughly 17-years ago!
JRH 2/28/25
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Everything Just Changed! Have We Sealed the Fate of the Human Race?
Cyborg [Referencing movie ‘The Terminator’] (Salvation And Survival Photo)
By Pam Kohler
February 26, 2025
It has been 41 years since the sci-fi movie franchise of "The Terminator" took our imaginations by storm. The series introduced what seemed, at the time, like a far-fetched fantasy where synthetic artificial intelligence is merged with robots to create a cyborg intent on destroying humankind. As one of the main characters in the first film explained, "Defense network computers ... new and powerful ... hooked into everything, and trusted to run it all. They say it got smart, a new order of intelligence that saw all humans as a threat; and they decided our fate in a microsecond: extermination".
Isn't that the dynamic that many people (including myself) have been fearful of? Believe me, I would have loved to stick my head in the sand and pretended like there was nothing to worry about -- after all, it was only a movie -- but I believe the Holy Spirit kept shining a light on the discussions of scientists and agnostic engineers like Google's Ray Kurzweil, who touted the benefits for mankind in pursuing the acceleration of artificial intelligence. In turn, I've been shining the light [since 2013] on engineers their efforts which have brought us to the point where we're very close to these computer machines achieving complete "self-awareness".
So, you can call me a skeptic, a fear-monger, and even a conspiracy theorist, but almost as frightening [to me, at least] is the realization that the existence of these "super computers" has become such a part of our culture and means of communication and creativity, that our younger generations don't remember when they didn't exist! I know it sounds crazy, but I would like to invite the Gen-Xers, Millennials, and Gen-Zers to watch at least the first two movies of the series, so they see the potential dangers of what we've created, seemingly without any kind of security or protection in place.
Need convincing? Instead of reading about my admittedly dubious concerns, let me share with you a conversation between national broadcaster Glenn Beck and the very real computer scientist, futurist, and inventor, Ray Kurzweil, who promotes furthering the progress of artificial intelligence, transhumanism, and the technical singularity, which by the way is a "hypothetical" point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable consequences for human civilization. Got your attention now? This conversation took place during an interview with Mr. Kurzweil in May, 2008...
Beck begins the interview by introducing Kurzweil as "the guy Bill Gates calls a visionary thinker and futurist. He has been inducted into the Inventors' Hall of Fame and the author of "The Singularity is Near". At the time, Beck was enthralled with the accomplishments of Kurzweil and, at the same time, found his books "some of the most frightening and yet hopeful stuff I have ever read". Their conversation progressed through topics that Kurzweil was working on: the future of energy, global warming, and health strategies. Here are some snippets of their conversation in 2008 that pertain to our current progression in the arena of technology...
KURZWEIL: We are doubling the paradigm shift rate of technical progress every decade. So in the next 50 years, we'll see 32 times more progress than in the last century.
BECK: Where does that put us? What is life like at that point?
KURZWEIL: Fifty years from now, life is quite different. We will be spending most of our time in virtual reality. We'll be enhancing our brains by merging with our technology, and we will be able to back up our mind file.
BECK: They tell me that in the movie, "The Matrix", they could put a chip or put a cord in the back of your head and you could upload all of this information.
KURZWEIL: Well, we're going to be able to send nanobots, blood cell sized devices, inside our blood stream that will keep us healthy from inside, and also go inside our brains through capillaries and interact with our biological neurons. Parkinson's patients have a pea-sized computer in their brain that replaces biological neurons destroyed by the disease. The latest generation actually allows you to download software in the neural implant from outside the body in[to] the patient. [NOTE: This is where Elon Musk and his invention of the Neuralink in 2016 comes into the story]. That is today. And this kind of technology is doubling in power every year. It is shrinking in size by effect of 100 per volume per decade. So 25 years from now, these technologies will be a billion times more powerful; 100,000 times smaller, and we'll be able to send the nanobots into our brain. They'll interact with our neurons and they will extend our intelligence. We'll be a hybrid of biological and non-biological intelligence.
BECK: You said in your book, "The Age of Spiritual Machines", at some point you will walk into your room, and your computer will surpass your intelligence, or all the intelligence on the planet by 2027.
KURZWEIL: By 2029. By 2029 a machine will be able to pass a Turing test [a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligence behavior equivalent to that of a human]. It will be able to have a natural-language conversation and you won't be able to tell the difference between the human and the machine. Our computers aren't going to be these distinct rectangular devices we carry around. We are going to merge with them. Someday we'll have blood cell sized devices in our blood stream keeping us healthy -- [healthy by whose standards, say skeptics like me]. There are already 50 experiments of doing that today [in 2008]. These devices will get more and more intelligent. If you go on to 2029, they're going to be inside our bodies and brains and we are going to be a hybrid of biological and nonbiological intelligence.
Fast forward to today in 2025, and back to my relatively simplistic thinking... I mean, Kurzweil predicted this would all happen by 2029, only 4 years from now! [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis] And can you see the similarities to movies such as "The Terminator" and "The Matrix"? Is fantasy about to become reality? Well, based on the information Glenn Beck shared on his program just last week, it looks like Ray Kurzweil's predictions are coming true.
Last week, Microsoft announced that they have developed a quantum chip which results in a fundamental leap in computing. In other words, from my limited understanding, a molecule has been discovered that enhances the capability of these chips to hold massive amounts of cubits of information. What might have taken a computer (using AI) several cubits to process and solve a problem, will now be able to be accomplished with millions of cubits in a very short period of time. In other words, this rate is way past the computation of the world's best supercomputer! So what has just been invented, and how will it affect us, as human beings?
Please do your own research on this phenomenon! I really can't wrap my head around it! All I know is that this invention revolves around this new molecule, which is actually a new state of matter (other than a solid, liquid, or gas) that when applied to this chip, allows for a million cubits of quantum computing. That means that AI computers will be able to solve problems faster and more efficiently, at rates beyond human computation. Imagine the current state of AI on steroids!
And where does that lead us to? In my mind, right back to Ray Kurzweil and his predictions for 2029. As computers get faster and their ability to gain information and solve problems outpaces human capabilities, you very well might ask a computer, "How do we cure cancer"? And it's response could conceivably be, "Why cure cancer? I'll just redesign the human body [by merging it with machines], so it never gets cancer"! Can you see that AI is going to move at exponential speeds? Can you see that what might take our human brains 50 or 60 years to solve problems in the areas of health, military defense strategies, or energy crises, could be done in 5 or 10 minutes with this chip? AI employing this chip will grow in knowledge and experience faster than we can imagine, and that kind of capability is a temptation to mankind.
Instead of using it to grow our own intelligence, wisdom and understanding, it will be easier to let AI do it; and faster. So not only will we become lazy, but we will begin depending on it, and binging on it, and it will become part of who we are. What will then be the purpose of being a human being? Consider this: When we get to that merging point, are we looking at Mark of the Beast? Microsoft predicts that this technology will be in full operation by 2030. That's only 5 years from now, and only one year beyond Ray Kurzweil's prediction of 2029 for hybrid human/computer robots! [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis]
This is just a cursory examination of the state of AI interaction with humans. I am no expert, but even I can see the danger signs! As humans, we are created in the image of God Almighty! Computers, including AI, have been created by man, but without the God component that makes us accountable to our Creator. Therefore, we have no guarantee that the technological advances of AI into the quantum realm will not backfire on the human race.
In conclusion, all this brings me back to "The Terminator" movies. They may seem out-of-date and corny now, but their message is not. We must not dismiss the warning signs that this iconic franchise portrays clearly and sharply. As one of the characters says, "This is the world now. Logged on, plugged in, all the time". It's true! And we, humanity, will make a takeover by machines easier if we don't evaluate what we're doing and what we're becoming. And I'll leave you with a quote from John Connor, the protagonist and hero of the movie: "The future has not been written. There is no fate but what we make for ourselves." I hope and pray that we take a step back, re-evaluate where we're going and our purpose on earth, and don't turn mankind's future over to these false gods.
Psalm 135:118 Those who make them become like them, so do all who trust in them.
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