Friday, June 28, 2024

Debate Removes Doubt Biden an Installed Puppet

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© June 28, 2024 

The Biden Debate Debacle thanks to an X/Tweet from the Libs of Tik Tok in a minute & 35-seconds:


I did not watch the Trump-Biden Debate on Thursday (6/27/24) at CNN (aka Communist News Network or CIA-Controlled Network) because I was convinced it would be rigged. So, I decided to read about it the next day.


All indications are Biden was too overtaken in his dementia for whatever mind-enhancing cocktail to work. Dem-Marxists are calling for [INSTALLED] Dementia Joe to drop out of the 2024 election.


We’ll see what strings the puppet-masters will attempt to pull to maintain their control of the coup-government. Here’s some speculation:


o   Initiate the final instalment for WWIII.


o   A Dem-Party Convention Coup against Biden.


o   A 25th Amendment removal against Biden (leaving America with godless-puppet VP Kamala Harris.


o   An actual Constitution-suspending Military Coup by an Obama-purged Woke-Military.


You could be probably think of more scenarios.


OR the debate displayed the truth of America’s government corruption, that American-awareness makes to the puppet-masters to fearful to act.


OR American-awareness ignites open rebellion against corrupt government control.


Time will tell.


Here are a couple perspectives on the Trump-Biden Debate from Newsmax and Unlicensed Punditry (Substack) followed by a somewhat trimmed upload from the CNN-Youtube channel of Biden’s debate disaster. [FULL DISCLOSURE: Even though Trump is flawed and I fully disagree with his mRNA Warp Speed support, I 100% back him for POTUS in 2024 mostly because the Dem-Marxists fear and loathe Trump.]


JRH 6/28/24


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Trump Declares Victory in Wake of Biden 'Disaster,' Dems Panic


By Sandy Fitzgerald 

June 28, 2024 07:48 AM EDT



Donald Trump made it appear obvious to America: President Joe Biden cannot stand next to him on a debate stage without a "disaster," Democrats and leftist media sources were forced to admit Thursday night after the earliest debate in presidential history.


The Trump campaign messages blared "It's So Joe-Over" and "Crooked Joe Biden's Horrible, Humiliating Night," and Friday outlined the reaction from several mainstream reporters, saying that the reaction "speaks for itself."


§  NBC's Kristen Welker: "There's widespread panic among Democrats."


§  NBC's Chuck Todd: "Biden looks like the caricature that conservative media has been painting ... you saw it before your eyes!"


§  CNN's Chris Wallace: "This has been, quite frankly, a car accident in slow motion."


§  CNN's Abby Phillip: "The panic that I'm hearing from Democrats is not like anything I've heard in this campaign so far."


§  MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace: "What was wrong with [Biden]?"


In a second memo about the debate, the campaign declared that the American people "witnessed a split screen for the ages — a strong, focused, and powerful performance from President Donald J. Trump and an incoherent, humiliating, and embarrassing display of Crooked Joe Biden's weakness and decline.


Some "must-watch moments," the campaign said, included:


§  Crooked Joe Biden took zero responsibility for the millions of illegal aliens he has ferried into the country — and even credited them as "the reason why we have the most successful economy in the world."


§  Crooked Joe Biden blamed President Trump for his own historic inflation crisis.


§  Crooked Joe Biden admitted he has NO PLAN for Social Security.


§  Crooked Joe Biden lied about raising taxes on middle-class Americans.


§  Crooked Joe Biden was unable to name a single limit he'd support on taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand until birth.


§  Crooked Joe Biden malfunctioned in real-time (again, and again, and again, and again).


"Meanwhile, President Trump took Crooked Joe Biden to task over Biden's border invasion, his disastrous foreign policy, his plan to raise taxes on 91% of American families, and his lifetime of chronic lying," the campaign said. "There's a reason two-thirds of Americans say President Trump was the clear winner of tonight's debate — because he was."


The debate left many in the left-wing media shaken, including CNN analyst John King, who commented minutes after the debate ended that "there is a deep, a wide, and a very aggressive panic in the Democratic Party."


The campaign, declaring victory, said that Trump "delivered the greatest debate performance and victory in history to the largest voter audience in history, making clear exactly how he will improve the lives of every American."


In its statement, the campaign commented that Trump "over and over" again "highlighted common-sense plans to reduce inflation, bringing down the costs of groceries, housing, and gas, as well as his plans to bring back his successful first-term policies that kept our southern border secure and free from the wave of Biden migrant crimes currently sweeping our country."


Biden, on the other hand, "showed exactly why he deserves to be fired," the campaign said. "Despite taking a week-long vacation at Camp David to prepare for the debate, Biden was unable to defend his disastrous record on the economy and the border. Throughout the debate, Biden lied, invented stories, and could not articulate a single plan to make things less expensive and keep our people safe, choosing instead to change the subject and dwell on the past."


Even worse, the campaign declared, "Biden couldn't explain why he took a week of vacation at Camp David while 50 ISIS terrorists ran loose in our country. President Trump is spot-on when he says that if Joe Biden is too incompetent to stand trial, then Biden is too incompetent to be president."


Meanwhile, "Americans are struggling financially while the families of Laken Riley, Rachel Morin, Jocelyn Nungaray, and every other victim of Biden Migrant Crime are grieving," the campaign said. "Our country is on fire at home and we stand on the brink of World War III because of Joe Biden's incompetence. But we can turn it all around, and bring back the American Dream, starting on day one, by reelecting President Donald J. Trump.


Sandy Fitzgerald [EMAIL] has more than three decades in journalism and serves as a general assignment writer for Newsmax covering news, media, and politics.


© 2024 Newsmax. All rights reserved.



About Last Night

Biden was revealed as a pale rider on a pale horse.

4 Horsemen Apocalypse [Unlicensed Punditry Photo]



June 28, 2024

Unlicensed Punditry


Last night was billed as a never-before-seen event, two former presidents going at each other for an hour and a half, may the best man win scenario.


It turned out to be ninety minutes filled with "Weekend at Bernie's" moments.


I will admit, I enjoyed last night, the first hour at least. Trump was really good the first hour, less so the last thirty minutes, but by that time everyone watching was horrified Biden has his finger on the nuclear button.


For the first hour, Trump was focused, calm, serious, policy driven. The last thirty minutes was “Why am I on the stage with this guy, he needs medical attention.”


I would have had a hard time holding my tongue, too, especially when it became clear that there is an entire Deep State fighting against Trump and the man across from him doesn’t have two brain cells to rub together.


I’m sorry, but that is true. The Joe Biden of last night isn’t the Joe Biden of four years ago. Hell, he isn’t even the Joe Biden of four MONTHS ago. This man is in rapid decline.


Now we have confirmation of why the White House is desperate not to release the tapes of the Robert Hur interview with Biden.


The biggest surprise last night was the relatively fair moderation. I mean it became public knowledge that Dana Bash’s husband, Jeremy Bash, was a signatory of the laptop from hell “spies who lie” letter and CNN is facing a billion-dollar charge for libel and slander, in which Jake Tapper is a prime figure.


So, I assume their bosses told them to lay off.


Even then the questions were weighted 80/20 toward left wing concerns vs things the right are concerned about.


In an interesting twist, Biden was so bad last night, attacking him for being who he is will be seen as cruel.


This morning, I actually feel bad for the guy - and I'm feeling a deep hatred for his wife, his family and the Democrat Party who have lied and propped him up for four years when they knew he was deteriorating quickly.


It isn't so much the Democrats near Biden didn't know this is who he has become, they didn't want America to know. Of course, there will be a few who keep trying to carry the water, but the well is dry on this one. Anyone who even intimates that Biden won anything last night is someone not to be believed.


Trump may not have won last night, but Biden demonstrably lost - and lost badly.


So did America.


Sure, Democrats will be spinning like the blades of a Waring blender, but this can’t be spun away. If you try, people will know you are just a liar. Immediately after the debate ended, even the media was strongly signaling to the Democrats, “You guys are on your own. No way we can help you on this one.”


You don't need to like Trump to know the liars in the Democrat Party, including Joe, have no place anywhere close to power.


Democrats had to do a virtual nomination to get him on the Ohio ballot, so Joe IS their nominee, but now the public knows their nominee is a skeleton riding a pale horse.


They must replace him, but how do they do it without angering their collection of grievance groups that make up a significant portion of their base?


Time will tell but now we know that this election is Trump’s to lose, and that is driving the left insane.


I don’t know what the Democrats will do, all I can say is the next few months will be interesting.


© 2024 Michael Smith

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UGETube VIDEO: CNN Presidential Debate Trump vs Biden 6-27-24

Posted by John Houk

Published 28 Jun 2024


I tried to trim the CNN-Youtube streamed video ( of 6/27/24 Trump-Biden Debate because of the annoying opening test-sound and roughly 10-minutes of silence. There’s still a couple minutes if silence (apparently video editing is not my thing). As you watch, it became very apparent to me – I hope you are not too brainwashed – and should be apparent to YOU, Dementia Joe is way to cognitively impaired to manage the operations of the Office of POTUS.

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