Sunday, March 17, 2024

Connecting the Dots!

Some AI Truth – What Used to be “Playing God” is Really “Playing Devil”

John R/ Houk, Blog Editor

© March 17, 2024


Apparently the identity of “Lucifer” is a bit controversial in the passage of Isaiah 14:12. Is it Satan? Is it a wicked Babylonian king? Is it both?


For the purpose of this post, I’m going with the line taught to me in my Bible School days (1984 graduate of RHEMA): It is both Satan and a wicked Babylonian King (SEE Reference to Isaiah 14:12-16). If you are solidly in another theological camp, I pray we can agree to disagree.


My line of thinking goes with Satan is a fallen angel in rebellion to the Creator Almighty – a defeated foe especially by the Resurrection of Jesus and a future solidification on the RETURN of King Jesus. Satan – the foe – has only one delusional recourse: Brainwash human souls the ADVERSARY can still win against the ALMIGHTY but really only succeed in bringing a host of fallen human souls with him to the Lake of Fire.


ENTER: The Satanic agenda of the hogwash a Transhumanist human transformation (merging human consciousness with Artificial Intelligence) will bring immortal godhood to human existence.


With that thought, now read the Holy Scripture:


Isaiah 14: 12-17 (NKJV):


12 “How you are fallen from heaven,
[a]Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
13 For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’
15 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,
To the [b]lowest depths of the Pit.

16 “Those who see you will gaze at you,
And consider you, saying:
Is this the man who made the earth tremble,
Who shook kingdoms,
17 Who made the world as a wilderness
And destroyed its cities,
Who [c]did not open the house of his prisoners?’




a. Isaiah 14:12 Lit. Day Star

b. Isaiah 14:15 Lit. recesses

c. Isaiah 14:17 Would not release


Luke 10:17-19 (NKJV):


17 Then the [a]seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.”

18 And He [i.e., Jesus] said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19 Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.




a. Luke 10:17 NU seventy-two


Revelation 12:7-12 (NKJV):


And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they [a]did not prevail, nor was a place found for [b]them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.


10 Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. 12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.”




a. Revelation 12:8 were not strong enough

b. Revelation 12:8 M him


AND NOW I come to the post that awakened my thoughts of the Satanic influence behind those pushing a Transhumanist Artificial Intelligence (AI) agenda among prominent Globalists pushing a New World Order.


The post is by Julian Rose, it’s posted at 21st Century Wire, and it is entitled: “AI is Starting to Scare People – And So It Should!” For the sake of convenience, below is the cross post.


JRH 3/17/24


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AI is Starting to Scare People – And So It Should!

[Article spell-checked with British grammar left intact]



Posted by NEWS WIRE 

By Julian Rose

March 16, 2024

21st Century Wire


The Human Race is awakening to the possibility that it is invoking its own demise.


The word ‘race’ according to my dictionary means ‘the major divisions of human kind based on particular characteristics.’


But there is another meaning to the word ‘race’ of course, and that is defined as ‘competition to determine the fastest over a set course.’


This latter meaning seems to have replaced the former. Especially where a blinkered, tunnel vision view of the future has become hard wired to an artificial intelligence world in which everything is designed to the bespoke demands of left brain dominated computer nerds.


For these psychotic individuals, there is a race on to develop an artificial human entity essentially indistinguishable from a robot. A Transhuman.


Amongst those at the forefront of pursuing this techno-human vision are Professor Yuval Noah Harari, chief advisor to Klaus Schwab and Sam Altman, founder of Open AI/Chat GPT.


Harari’s vision is largely philosophical, tracing the evolution of the artificial intelligence boom and extrapolating from this an outcome of a cyborgian take-over of just about all work oriented planetary activity.


He generally sees this in the positive, believing a new species will emerge with the ability to access superhuman volumes of information and in this way acquire ‘knowledge’.


In a recent interview he stated “AI will make it possible to enhance and upgrade humans.”


Meaning – as we shall see later – upgrade them into being inhuman/non-human.


Altman comes at it from the post silicon valley (called ‘cerebral valley’) perspective. Wikipedia states, as part of a longer revue “Altman co-founded Tools For Humanity in 2019, a company which builds and distributes systems designed to scan people’s eyes to provide authentication and verify proof of personhood to counter fraud. People who agree to have their eyes scanned are compensated with a cryptocurrency called Worldcoin. Tools for Humanity describes its cryptocurrency as similar to universal basic income.”


I’m sure I read that in Huxley’s Brave New World Revisited


Brave New World Revisited Bk Cover


His company is already rushing ahead with the development of various high tech aids to government surveillance programs, age extension projects and instant text to image formulations.


Altman has come up with the proposition that just one man will shortly be able to manage a business with a turnover of $1 billion – no other staff required.


He is on the same page as Harari in stating “Such companies require an elite new species to run them.”


Stock market valuations of Open AI/Chat GPT reveal an astronomical growth rate, close to surpassing the net worth of Google and Microsoft combined.


That alone is enough to raise the hairs on the back of one’s neck.


It’s not my purpose to go into Altman’s or Harari’s personal ambitions, I simply want to show where their minds are and explore the psychology behind the surge in fascination with AI as well as look out for signs of a counter reaction to its accelerating dominance.


There’s no doubt that man has always had an instinct for material inventiveness and a fascination in advancing technological developments – coupled with a desire to make things go ever faster.


But this has now taken us to a place where, if what it means to be human is to be respected, one should dare go no further. Rather, one should be alert to recognising the need to select a reverse gear.


Flirting with designing a new species whose chief characteristics are the antithesis of those deemed to be the most beneficial for our higher evolution, used to be called ‘playing God’.


But this expression no longer seems appropriate, because what is actually happening is that the likes of Harari and Altman are ‘playing Devil’. [Bold Text Added by Blog Editor]


They are articulating and promoting the replacement of the spontaneous human qualities of love, compassion, pain and pleasure – with high-tech robotic states of mind that see no place for these deeply human instincts – and then they name this ‘progress’.


These cyborgian characteristics are modelled on the precept that human emotions are somehow primitive, blocking our ability to design an existence of completely controllable, frictionless, linear certainty.


No ups, no downs, no passion, no feelings – except what Huxley describes in ‘Brave New World’ as a state acquired after being prescribed the chemical docility pill ‘Soma’.


Thus the proponents of A New World Order/Great Reset can point to the fact that by manipulating human DNA, installing internal nanotech computer chips and using targetted EMF radiation frequencies to control mankind’s cognitive faculties – one removes the danger of any form of destabilising or rebellious influence ever becoming a threat to the smooth functioning of a sterilised and sanitised status quo (The Matrix). [Bold Text Added by Blog Editor]


This makes the idea of a completely predictable chipped and digitalised AI cyborg man the perfect fit for number crunching technocrats administrating the central planning department of the dark cabal’s Great Reset/World Government.


It also explains why Klaus Schwab can, with such certainty, announce that by following the diktats of the Fourth Industrial Revolution “you will own nothing and you will be happy”. Yes, because

the ‘Soma affect’ of DNA and brain manipulation mean no individual powers of resistance will remain! [Bold Text Added by Blog Editor]


It’s all connected when one joins the dots. And it is when such joining is finally undertaken that the scary factor suddenly cuts in – and providing it is functioning as it should – a biological impulse to reject such a scenario, takes over.


Consider this: The great global warming scam has been maintained at full volume for over two decades in order the make sure people can see no other solution for life on earth – than ‘Net Zero’. Thus daily life must conform to a series of dictatorial impositions designed to ensure a zero carbon future ‘as the only way to save the world’.


Soothing titles like ‘Agenda 2030 Sustainability’ and ‘Green New Deal’ have been invented to give the impression that this is a benign ‘greening’ operation for the assured benefit of present and future generations.


But ‘playing devil’ means reversing realities, a fiendish trick that those in charge of the Great Reset are well schooled in. Like the Nazi ploy of turning an Indian peace symbol, the swastika, into a symbol of repression and war.


‘Reversal’ is the chief destabilising characteristic of demonic entities. [Bold Text Added by Blog Editor]


So, can Green New Deal really be a benign ecological initiative to increase the biodiversity of the planet and improve food quality?


Only if you believe the following to be a description of such: covering the rural landscape with giant wind turbines and acres of photovoltaic panels; the eradication of farmers and their replacement with robots; farm grown foods replaced with synthetic GMO laboratory lookalikes; cows replaced with machines that produce GMO synthetic milk and petri dish raised medicinal meats.


So you see why the deep state cabal has to keep up a full spectrum dominance barrage of ulterior motive lies about why meeting ‘Net Zero’ is the all important issue of the millennium.


The transition to a Transhuman obviously requires a super-vast false flag indoctrination process to give it any chance of succeeding. One backed by the threat of fines; permanent AI surveillance tied into a digital currency; imprisonment in 5G powered ‘smart cities’ and long range attacks on the ability of the human brain to remain capable of clear thinking. [Bold Text Added by Blog Editor]


All this and much more, to squelch the threat of any possible rebellion or dissension from the rules put in place to force mankind to surrender to its carefully planned Net Zero eradication. Again, an agenda that replaces the human with an AI computer programmed replica species having no capability to express resistance.


All this forms the deep state agenda of The Great Reset. And its reasoning for the necessity of such actions is that there is no other way of terminating the existence of the benign ‘gas of life’ called CO2. No way, other than turning the human race into a well drilled army of the walking dead.


Should such an insane agenda send a shiver down one’s spine?


Well, if it doesn’t, then one’s assumed status as a human being must surely be in doubt.


If the inclination is simply to dismiss these warnings as some sort of exotic fantasy, consider the following prescient news item: a company called Aria Advanced Research Invention Agency has recently been established in the UK under the strap line ‘Shaping the Global Future’ and with the stated number one goal of ‘cutting the global warming threat caused by methane emissions from cows’. To be followed by ‘the development of genetically modified programmable plants’. Also as a means of cutting global warming, of course.


Need I provide any more evidence that the fake green fascistic agenda designed to ‘stop climate change’ was chosen to be the straw man essential for gaining public acceptance of the need to alter the DNA of nature, redesign the human species and depopulate the planet?


We were gifted the nerve guided emotional condition of fear as an early warning system for addressing a situation that is potentially perilous. Stopping in our tracks and taking a second look before proceeding.


Elon Musk and few others of similar standing, did momentarily get this message a few months ago.


Musk, himself a leading exponent of AI – wanted a task force to examine where artificial intelligence is going and whether it is already out of control.


The alarm bells have been ringing for two to three decades, but the rise of the crucial scary feelings are quite recent for most. They represent a last chance saloon – an emotional life line – and must be individually and collectively analysed and acted upon.


I would prioritise children as being the most urgently in need of protection from AI. The distortion and poisoning of their beautiful innocent minds with digital EMF powered virtual reality war game violence, toxic advertising and twisted sexuality, firmly belongs in the category of crimes against humanity.


And then the thoughtless – one might even say ‘careless’ – adoption of mass produced digitalised weapons of convenience (i.e., the mobile phone) by what are supposed to be intelligent human beings capable of discernment and rational thought, requires the establishment of a new category of social and mental sickness.


But more important than this, is the need for those addicts to be sufficiently scared of what they are doing to themselves, others and the natural environment, so as to finally kick their habit.


It is not my wish to devote the majority of my writing in trying to scare people. It’s not as though there isn’t a bucket full of the preplanned distorted version going on under the auspices of the shadow government cabal.


I much prefer to encourage the extraordinary creative qualities that lie just below the surface of many millions of warm, humanitarian, pro-life men, women and children spread far and wide across this world.


However, I must articulate the nature of the dis-ease picked-up by my personal early warning system. The one that calls out for one to take action for the preservation of life.


It is because I recognise the existence of a collective unconscious vibrational energy which connects us all, that I believe readers will share my trepidations, foresights and deepest beliefs. After all, they are common to us all.


It is for this reason that we can and will overcome even the worst threats to our common futures. Rediscovering and rejuvenating our humanity, our love of life and our love for each other. And in so doing, pull the plug on the builders of monstrous, soulless, virtual realities devoid of all qualities that make life so profoundly meaningful – so incalculably precious.


Julian Rose is an organic farmer, writer, broadcaster and international activist. He is author of four books of which the latest ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind’ is a clarion call to resist the despotic New World Order takeover of our lives. Do visit his website for further information



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