Saturday, February 24, 2024

Jew-Hatred is the Pseudo-Palestinian Way of Life:

It’s Encoded in the Islamic Revered Writings of the Quran, Hadith & Sira. The Sooner Non-Muslims Comprehend This, The Sooner They Will Comprehend the Extent of Antisemitism


John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© February 24, 2024


[I post on three blogs. In order of the most read to date: SlantRight 2.0 (Blogger), The Conservative-Patriot Christian Right (CPCR – Wordpress) and John’s Newsletter (Substack). The powers-that-be on Blogger seem to have indicated that the following post might ruffle the current Community Guidelines which I wholeheartedly do not concur. Thus, I’ll post on Blogger yet expect impending censorship. I typically promote my posts on Social Media. Due to expected Blogger censorship, I’ll only promote this post on Wordpress and Substack. If this post survives Blogger censors, PLEASE promote it on your Social Media outlets.]


For some upfront clarity, I’m Pro-Israel as in I trust the Word of God (The Holy Bible – NOT the demonic theology based on the Quran or the Book of Mormon or Leftist Biblical-rewritten interpretations that conform to Woke-Transformation).


So, I don’t follow Replacement Theology (as in Christians REPLACE Jews in the Promises of God). Rather I trust God’s Word where it states non-Jews (for that matter – non-members of the 12-Tribes of Israel) who BELIEVE Jesus the Son of God (the first-born son of the then Virgin Mary as the human agency vehicle to Redeem the Fallen descendants of Adam and Eve) died on the Cross then Resurrected bodily from death to life sitting at the Right-Hand of the Father. AND that those who BELIEVE (both Jew & Gentile) in the Risen-Savior Jesus are REDEEMED from Adam’s bequeathed Fallen Nature and are NOW new creations in Christ Jesus. MEANING: Christians who are non-Jews have become adopted (NOT REPLACING) into the very Covenants and Promises of God made to the genealogical line descending through Abraham, Isaac (NOT Ishmael) and Jacob (NOT Esau). THE KEY: Not Replacing, but rather joined by engrafting by the Redeeming Blood of Jesus – the Lamb of God.


That being said… I’m fully aware there are Jews today who still have pride in their Jewish heritage genealogically (whether by blood descent or descended from converted Jews who are so by Covenant. E.g., Rahab [SEE HERE & HERE] and Ruth [SEE HERE, HERE & HERE] to name a few), but have conformed to ungodly Covenant-Breaking (as in rebellious to God’s original Covenant) Left-Wing ideology that essentially makes them Jewish In Name Only. AND there are Jews by descent who have openly repudiated their ancestry by adopting atheism or the atheistic practices of Communism (Infamous Communists who had a Jewish ancestry: Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin & MORE). I am confidant if I performed a search of Communists who had a long religious genealogical pedigree that included Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism and so on; THAT LIST of Communist-atheists would be quite lengthy. AND YET it is the Antisemitic Jew-Haters who like to pin Communism exclusively to Jews and so condemn all Jews as evil. CAN ANYONE see the idiocy in blaming all Jews for the same things that former Christians, Muslims, Buddhist and so on have also embraced to the detriment of Individual Liberty and Freedom?


AND SO, as a Redeemed Christian and a Joint-Heir to the Covenants and Promises given by God to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; I SUPPORT ISRAEL. I support Israel’s right to be a HOMELAND to Jews. I support this because it is my belief that eventually Jesus will RETURN. And the Covenant-Keeping Jews who DO NOT TRUST Christians because of thousands of years of persecuting Jews over distorted and fabricated lies of Christ-killers (REMEMBER the first Christians were Jewish and it was jealous Pharisee and Sadducee leaders concerned about loosing their station that promoted the crucifixion of Jesus to Romans who actually killed Jesus) will recognize their true Messiah.


As a Covenant Supporter of Israel’s Right to exist. I AM NOT a supporter of Arabs who have adopted the name Palestinian to steal the Biblical Land Promised by God Almighty to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. There is ZERO history of a Palestinian people. The Arab refugees who holed up in Judea-Samaria (named the West Bank by Jordanian [actually British led Jordanian Army] conquerors) and the Gaza Strip after 1948 Israel Independence overcame multiple Arab armies who came to exterminate Jews. Every Arab-Israeli War since 1948 and every pseudo-Palestinian Terrorist attack on Israel the creation PLO and other pseudo-Palestinian terrorist organizations (e.g., Hamas) has been to exterminate Jews from their Biblical HOMELAND.


Frankly, I’m a bit mystified at how many fellow Conservatives have joined a bandwagon to condemn Israel for punishing Hamas and their pseudo-Palestinian supporters. Even accusing Israel of genocide for finally deciding to eradicate Hamas. The cry that innocent civilians are in the crosshairs of Israel is absurd after the fact is understood these civilians are willing [as in NOT FORCED] human shields for their Hamas overlords. The pseudo-Palestinians were and are fully supportive of the killing, maiming and raping of all Jews. I feel no sympathy with that Jew-Hatred attitude.


With that in mind, I’m cross posting a Rumble video Documentary put together by Asher Press entitled, “The Nazi Jihad Alliance: Amin Al Husseini and Otto Skorzeny (Documentary)” originally posted on 2/19/24. ALSO I subscribe to an interesting Wordpress blog that goes by the name Mining Awareness + ~ Critical Info & Awareness. On 2/22/24 that blog posted the politically incorrect yet fact-filled post of the atrocities perpetrated by Hamas on Jews associated with the October 7 Islamic Terrorist rampage that Jew-Haters who have spewed propaganda and twisted stories against Israel would rather you NOT READ. That post is entitled, “October 7th Investigative Report: Sadistic Sexual Assaults Carried Out Systematically and Deliberately by Hamas; Identical Patterns of Action Repeated in Each Attack Zone”.


I’m certain this will rub the idiot supporters of the pseudo-Palestinians the wrong way. That includes Leftist Jews who moronically believe a Palestinian State will bring peace to the Middle East. It will not bring peace. A Jew-Hating Palestinian State will only bring a launching pad to bring more Islamic terrorist attacks to maim, rape, and kill Jews and any Christians and/or Americans who happen to get in the way.


Inconvenient Facts From Years Past:


o   Arab and Jewish Refugees - The Contrast (PDF); By Eli E. Hertz; [Oddly the homepage no longer functions yet individual posts show up in search engines]; © 2007 – 72-pages


o   The Jews Are the Real Palestinians; By Steven Simpson [Posted by Speedy]; The Middle-East Conflict – IsraelPalestine – Speedy; 10/10/2010


o   Islamic Apartheid: Israel finally commemorates expulsion of close to a million Jews from Muslim countries after 1948; Posted by Pamela Geller; Geller Report; 12/1/2014




JRH 2/24/24


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Rumble VIDEO: The Nazi Jihad Alliance: Amin Al Husseini and Otto Skorzeny (Documentary)

Posted Asher Press

Published February 19, 2024


As Allied forces close in on Germany, the Nazi dream looks like it's over. But two men carry Hitler's vision beyond Germany: From their Nazi stronghold in the Middle East, Amin Al Husseini and Otto Skorzeny create a new kind of terror.


[Blog Editor: Asher Press provides the link above to the AHC Channel’s TV series of “Nazi Secret Files”. There were six episodes. Asher Press cross posts Episode Six which AHC entitled “Nazi Jihad” which originally aired 8/29/16 (



October 7th Investigative Report: Sadistic Sexual Assaults Carried Out Systematically and Deliberately by Hamas; Identical Patterns of Action Repeated in Each Attack Zone


Posted by miningawareness   

February 22, 2024

Mining Awareness + ~ Critical Info & Awareness


The ritualistic rapes and genital mutilations and murders executed by Hamas and allies on October 7th symbolically demonstrate that their intent was Jewish genocide. Furthermore, the burning of the bodies refers back symbolically to the Nazi genocide against the Jews. Today the number of Jews worldwide is only approximately 15 million – less than in 1939.


Silent Cry: Special Report of the Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel Content Warning: The report contains graphic descriptions of sexual abuse, torture, and murder.



Hamas’s attack on October 7 included brutal sexual assaults, carried out systematically and deliberately towards Israeli civilians. Numerous testimonies and pieces of disclosed and classified information present a clear picture of identical patterns of action repeated in each of the attack zones – the Nova Festival, private homes in the Gaza envelope kibbutzim, and IDF bases. With the abduction of 254 individuals to the Gaza Strip areas, sexual assaults continued to occur also in this arena. Therefore, there is a high likelihood that the kidnapped women and men in Hamas captivity are still at risk of sexual abuse at any given moment.


Hamas’s attack included violent acts of rape, accompanied by threats with weapons, and in some cases targeted towards injured women. Many of the rapes were carried out as a group, with the participation of violent terrorists. Often, the rape was perpetrated in front of an audience – partners, family, or friends – in a manner intended to increase the pain and humiliation of all present. Hamas terrorists hunted young women and men who fled the Nova festival, and according to testimonies, dragged them by their hair amid screams. The actions targeted women, girls, and men. In most cases, the victims were killed after or even during the rape.


A series of testimonies, interviews, and additional sources attest that Hamas terrorists employed sadistic practices aimed at intensifying the degree of humiliation and terror inherent in sexual violence. Many of the bodies of sexual crime victims were found bound and shackled. The genitals of both women and men were brutally mutilated, and sometimes weapons were inserted into them. The terrorists did not stop at shooting; they also cut and mutilated sexual organs and other body parts with knives.


This report is the result of an initial examination of all the public and classified information, interviews, and testimonies that can be revealed at this time, which will likely increase with time. The report clearly demonstrates that sexual abuse was not an isolated incident or sporadic cases but rather a clear operational strategy.


Those who choose to remain silent, silence others, or deny the sexual crimes committed by Hamas will be remembered accordingly.”


We know they were raped in Hamas captivity’: Chilling details of what hostages faced By KIM HJELMGAARD, 12-20-23, USA TODAY “Israeli medical professionals and morgue workers said many women who died on Oct. 7 were found with broken legs and pelvic bones. They said the severity of the mutilations they examined were such that it was not always possible to distinguish female from male victims. At least one survivor of the attack who was at the Supernova music festival has told Israel police she witnessed a gang rape… sexual assault appears not to have been confined to Oct. 7. Two Israeli doctors, who have been treating released hostages, and an Israeli military official familiar with the matter confirmed to USA TODAY that some released hostages revealed they suffered violent sexual assaults in captivity.”


Israel Gaza: Hamas raped and mutilated women on 7 October, BBC hears

Published 5 December 2023 By Lucy Williamson
Middle East correspondent, Jerusalem

The BBC has seen and heard evidence of rape, sexual violence and mutilation of women during the 7 October Hamas attacks.
WARNING: CONTAINS EXTREMELY GRAPHIC DESCRIPTIONS OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE AND RAPE Several people involved in collecting and identifying the bodies of those killed in the attack told us they had seen multiple signs of sexual assault, including broken pelvises, bruises, cuts and tears, and that the victims ranged from children and teenagers to pensioners….


this was part of the plan. These were the orders. A report analyzing the use of sexual violence by Hamas based on numerous testimonies from victims, First Responders and witnesses reveals that nothing happened just spontaneously. It was all pre-planned.

They planned the sexual violence. They planned the torture. They planned the uploading of it. Every single one of the fighters came with the GoPro. They uploaded it as they went along…
” Miri Eisin quote from: “Israel compiles evidence of sexual assault in Oct.7 attack” i24news, 21 Feb 2024


News Release from the Israeli government, which includes the link to the document:

ARCCI submits first report regarding Hamas October 7 attack to the UN
Publish Date
The report clearly demonstrates that this is not a “malfunction” or isolated incident but a clear operational strategy involving systematic, targeted sexual abuse. The report focuses on sexual and gender-based violence during the massacre of October 7, 2023, and the war that ensued, serving as a primary testimonial foundation indicating widespread sexual crimes.


Orit Sulitzeanu, CEO of the Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel, stated, “The report, submitted to decision-makers at the UN, leaves no room for denial or disregard. The terrorist organization Hamas chose to harm Israel strategically in two clear ways – kidnapping citizens and committing sadistic sexual crimes. Silence is no longer an option. We expect international organizations to take a clear stance; we cannot stand on the sidelines. Silence will be remembered as a historical stain on those who chose to remain silent and deny the sexual crimes committed by Hamas.”


The report is the first official research since October 7, consolidating evidence and providing conclusions. The report clearly demonstrates that this is not a “malfunction” or isolated incident but a clear operational strategy involving systematic, targeted sexual abuse. The report focuses on sexual and gender-based violence during the massacre of October 7, 2023, and the war that ensued, serving as a primary testimonial foundation indicating widespread sexual crimes. The report was written by, Dr. Carmit Klar Chalamish, head of the research department at the Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel, and Noga Berger, director of content at the organization.




The report analyzes numerous confidential and public pieces of information, including testimonies, interviews with official and non-official first responders, information permitted for publication in various media outlets, and direct information received by the ARCCI. After gathering the information, a cataloging and analysis process was undertaken to map the areas and patterns of sexual crimes. The report does not provide quantitative information due to the nature of the events, most of which resulted in the victims’ deaths, making their full extent unknown and possibly unknowable. Findings


The report finds that the Hamas attack included brutal acts of violent rape, often involving threats with weapons, specifically directed towards injured women. Many rape incidents occurred collectively, with collaboration among the perpetrating terrorists. In some cases, rape was conducted in front of an audience, such as partners, family, or friends, to increase the pain and humiliation for all present. Some Hamas members pursued victims who escaped the massacre, dragging them by their hair with screams. The majority of victims were subsequently killed during or after the sexual assault.


Several testimonies, interviews, and additional sources indicate the use of sadistic practices by Hamas terrorists, aimed at intensifying the humiliation and fear of sexual abuse. Many victims’ bodies were found mutilated and bound, with sexual organs brutally attacked, and in some cases, weapons were inserted into them. Some bodies were discovered deliberately booby-trapped. It is essential to note that the report details only information from identified sources permitted for publication, while analysis includes additional confidential information that cannot be disclosed publicly.

Analysis of the information reveals that sexual and gender-based violence occurred systematically in 4 arenas:


1. Nova Festival (Re’im music festival) –testimonies from survivors significantly indicate severe sexual assaults in the festival arena. There are eyewitness and earwitness testimonies of group rape.  These testimonies align with descriptions from first responders and corpse-handling personnel.


2. Kibbutzim – Testimonies from first responders and corpse-handling personnel reveal signs of sexual assault in the scenes of the massacre. Many cases involve heinous attacks on women and girls, including a case of hiding a knife in a genital organ. Additional information was received by the ARCCI but cannot be disclosed due to privacy concerns.


3. IDF bases – Bodies of female soldiers arriving at the “Shura” camp exhibited clear signs of sexual violence, 


4. Captivity – Information regarding sexual assaults in captivity has been published following the testimonies of those who returned from captivity. These testimonies include various cases, including those of captives who are still alive.


According to Dr. Carmit Klar-Chalamish and Noga Berger, the report’s authors,

“The brutal practices used on October 7, such as genital mutilation of girls, women, and men, shooting, and weapon insertion, were designed to destroy and inflict sadistic terror.


The manner in which these assaults were carried out aimed to reinforce their impact on the victims and their communities, which failed to prevent the harm.


As the scars in our hearts refuse to heal, and the souls of our sisters and brothers cry out to us from the depths of the earth, a significant portion of those we considered partners responded in silence and denial of these horrors.


We call on you to raise your voices and not allow the cries of these victims to fade away.”

About the Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel The Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel was founded in 1990 as an umbrella organization, bringing together nine rape crisis centers across the country, addressing around 50,000 calls each year. The organization operates as an agency for social change, complementing and relying on the individual work carried out at the centers. The ARCCI works to promote rights and services for survivors of sexual abuse, adopt preventive measures, and reduce the prevalence of the phenomenon in Israel. The various services provided by the rape crisis centers and the ARCCI are the result of over three decades of experience, creating a professional knowledge base regarding the characteristics and implications of sexual assault on survivors and society as a whole.

ARCCI report regarding Hamas sexual crimes

File type : pdf
Size : 603.64 Kb

Original news release found here:


An especially important point in the report, since Hamas refused to release the men: “Medical teams that treated the hostages who were released from captivity reported that men were also sexually assaulted in captivity.


Additionally: “Evidence of the events of October 7th show that children and men were also assaulted. However, information about this phenomenon is relatively scarce at this stage and focuses on body mutilation…. Generally, men suffer from compounded shame when disclosing sexual assaults, which are perceived as deeply humiliating and an attack on masculinity.” “Silent Cry: Special Report of the Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel”


Related articles:
Call It What It Is: Genocide Through Male Rape and Sexual Violence in the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda”, by Claire Bradford Di Caro
The United Nations 1948 treaty known as the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide provided for a definition for genocide that purposefully included other forms of genocide, particularly genocidal rape and sexual violence. Yet the two most comprehensive genocidal tribunals, the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), refrained from charging criminals with genocide when their victims are male. This Article will address how males, similarly to female, have been victims of genocide in the forms of genocidal rape and sexual violence, and will argue that the ICTY and ICTR should have used the 1948 Convention’s definition of genocide to achieve the goals of the United Nations”.


A Study in Violence: Examining Rape in the 1994 Rwandan Genocide.” Inquiries Journal/Dixon, Violet K. Student Pulse 1.12 (2009).


Sexual homicides consist of two key components: the homicide of a person and the sexual behavior of the perpetrator. The homicide may be an impulsive…. or an act meticulously planned for days or even weeks before the attack… Sexual behavior may occur prior to, during and/or after the homicide…. and may even be symbolically expressed through genital mutilation of the victim.” (“Sexual homicide: Brief review of the literature and case report involving rape, genital mutilation and human arson” Maria-Valeria Karakasi a, Epameinondas Vasilikos a, Polichronis Voultsos b, Aikaterini Vlachaki a, Pavlos Pavlidis c Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine Volume 46, February 2017, Pages 1-10 


Some statistics:

Today the number of Jews worldwide is only approximately 15 million. Those eligible under the Law of Return, because of a Jewish ancestor raise the number to 25 million. 


Two countries account for 81% of those recognised as Jews or of sufficient Jewish ancestry to be eligible for citizenship in Israel under its Law of Return: the United States with 51% and Israel with 30% (including the West Bank with 2%)” There are between approximately 16 and 27 times more Arabs than Jews worldwide. There are around 400 million Arabs worldwide: The number of Arabs calling themselves “Palestinians” worldwide is 14.3 million. Those living in Gaza are a little over 2 million or approximately 14% of “Palestinians” and 0.25% of Arabs.


In 1939, the global population of Jewish people worldwide peaked at around 16.6 million. That population was soon decimated by the Holocaust, which saw Nazi Germany and its collaborators kill approximately 6 million Jews.” 3 million out of 3.4 million, i.e. 88% of Polish Jews were killed during the Holocaust: Estimated pre-war Jewish population and estimated number of murdered Jews per country during the Holocaust from 1930 to 1945


Families were reportedly coerced by Hamas to witness the rapes of victims on October 7th”: i24news, 21 Feb 2024 


Youtube VIDEO: Families were reportedly coerced by Hamas to witness the rapes of victims on October 7th


[Posted by i24NEWS English

Posted on Feb 21, 2024




Israel compiles evidence of sexual assault in Oct.7 attack” i24news, 21 Feb 2024


Youtube VIDEO: Israel compiles evidence of sexual assault in Oct.7 attack

[Posted by i24NEWS English

Posted on Feb 21, 2024



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