Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Addressing Maui Wildfires:

Green Lies, Misplaced Conspiracies, Dem-Marxist Rule & Militarized DEW

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© August 22, 2023


So, the tragedy of the Maui Fires in the Left-Wing State of Hawaii.


Over the last week the Social Media news often generated by eyewitness accounts were circulated widely. The two primary villains from Social Media was Direct Energy Weapons (DEW) and the WEF Agenda.


The DEW accusation was set upon as FALSE by the Mockingbird-controlled MSM across the board. I mean when I see Snopes say “FALSE”, my immediate action is “it must be true”. Because, Leftists Lie, right?


BUT it turns out some actual journalism has shown the Social Media dissemination of DEW were actually beams of light projected in other locations other than Hawaii. One even appears to be the aftermath of a Space X launch. [SEE KHOU 11 Journalism discrediting viral Social Media] BUT IF BEAMS OF LIGHT came from the sky at other locations, THERE SEEMS A BIT VALIDATION OF DEW usage from someone. So not Maui, but somewhere, some how and from someone (probably a military).


The MSM pooh-pooh as FALSE is WEF involvement in the Maui Fires. THE TRUTH is there is no direct evidence linking WEF Globalism to the Maui Fires. HOWEVER! There is plenty of evidence the WEF has grand designs of making the Leftist State of Hawaii a WEF testing ground for transformation intentions. SEE HERE & HERE. I mean WEF guys have so much hubris about untouchability, they tell everything about their agenda and how human existence should be like. Blaming the WEF kind of runs Conspiracy-Conjecture of 2-plus-2-has-gotta-equal-4. The reality is conjecture is not proof and I doubt proof of dots connecting the WEF to Maui deadly Wild Fires exist.


YET HERE’S A FACT THAT CAN’T BE REFUTED! Hawaii is a State operated by Democrats (I prefer Dem-Marxists). Dem-Marxists are completely onboard with the transformist concepts of the WEF particularly in manipulated Climate data to create Climate Hysteria to control the lives of human beings. And even the Leftist MSM is beginning to look at the practices of Dem-Marxist (the MSM would say State Officials) leaders failing in management and safety implications. ALL the Lefties – Dems & MSM – are still screaming to blame Climate Change, but are admitting a combination of incompetence.


Climate Change DID NOT cause Maui Wild Fires! Here’s the best quote I’ve found that ignited the fires from the American Thinker (8/20/23):


The fire itself was occasioned by hurricane force winds passing over drought-stricken land. Toppled electric wires ignited flammable grasses around those wires. Electricity was not shut down during the storm and much is made of the company’s failure to remove the grasses, but the story is a bit more complicated.” (Green Policies and Government Incompetence Led to the Tragedy of the Maui Fire; By Clarice Feldman; American Thinker; 8/20/23)


And Clarice Feldman’s first paragraph that American Thinker post illustrate the incompetence of Hawaii’s Dem-Marxist leadership elected by a no-doubt brainwashed citizenry and the consequences of aligning society with a WEF-Green agenda:


“As many as 1000 persons, many of them children, may have died as a result of the fire in Maui. The exact toll -- above the hundreds documented -- is difficult to assess right now as the bodies are charred beyond recognition and scientific equipment to test the remains are not readily available, but the tragedy -- naturally and without basis -- is being blamed on "climate change” in many of the media accounts. In fact, these people died as human sacrifices to green policies, legislative and corporate missteps, and administrative incompetence.  The citizens of Hawaii, a solidly Democratic one-party state, are learning what those of similarly governed urban centers are learning: elect incompetents who forget their first duty is to protect their constituents and you will suffer. Will they respond as they ought to and vote out of office the governor and legislature responsible?” (Ibid.)


You might want to check these recent Journalistic posts contrasting the Dem-Marxist/MSM Climate Change narrative on Maui:


o   Hawaii Gov Doubles Down Efforts To Link Climate Change To Tragic Fires; By Nick Pope; Daily Caller News Foundation; 8/20/23 8:20 PM ET


o   Democrats use 'climate change' as an excuse for their incompetence; By Zachary Faria; Washington Examiner; 8/21/23 02:15 PM


SO, if there was any Direct Energy involved in the Maui Fires the most likely culprit Hawaiian Electric company coupled with the consequences of Dem-Marxist land management practices and the horrible absence safety precautions.


BUT HERE’S THE THING! Direct Energy Weapons (DEW) are beyond the development stage and are usable by militaries in nations that have the tech and money to deploy them. The usual suspects: USA, CCP, Russia and probably EU militaries.


And since I have no doubt the military possesses DEW. And any national military still operating under Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) doctrines causing hesitancy in using Nukes, expect the first appearance of DEW usage.


AND THUS, I uploaded an Epoch TV Crossroads episode to my Bitchute Channel taking a look at Militarized DEW. AND THEN an AMG-News post that still implies DEW usage in Maui and from my Christian perspective – is a bit too New Agey, BUT also touches on the military and law enforcement usage of DEW.


Just to get you thinking… History shows that nations that have had (and still have) Marxist-oriented governments, have no problem in murdering portions of their own population to maintain rule and control. If the Dem-Marxist control extends to a ONE-Party State tyranny, would DEW be used to eliminate resistance?


JRH 8/22/23


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Bitchute VIDEO: Space War Squadron Created by US Prepares for War With Lasers and Particle Beams

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published August 22nd, 2023 13:56 UTC


Epoch TV’s Crossroads hosted by Joshua Philipp ( Space Weapons ( as in lasers and particle beams [44:41 minutes]. Some have called such as Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). I have no doubt the discussion because of the many Social Media Claims the Maui deadly fires were ignited by DEWs. Of course, publicly the experts and an oh-sooo lying government have denied the DEW claim – BUT that’s another story. (BTW: H/T to Telegram for discovery.)


Here’s Epoch TV description of the episode that was originally posted 8/21/23 (HEADS UP: Only the first half of the episode is about Militarized DEWs. A Considerable amount of time is spent on rebutting Leftist Southern Poverty Law Center’s vilification of Dr. James Lindsay who became a target due to criticism of Critical Race Theory [14:25 mark]. THEN at about 38-minute mark Roger Simon enters to discuss Donald Trump choosing NOT to participate in first RNC Debate):


“Wars in space sound like science fiction, but for the military, space is regarded as “the ultimate high ground.” It’s where the eyes and ears of the military are located. Satellites that run the GPS systems. Command and control systems. Weapons targeting. The devices that enable the special capabilities that put America leagues ahead of its adversaries. And America’s adversaries have come to understand this. They see satellites and space-based systems as the Achilles' heel of the U.S. military. Not only have they been aggressively building weapons to target these systems, but they’ve also been actively attacking them. A war is quietly developing in space.


And recently, the United States put in place a new military unit to help fight and defend itself in this war. You might have seen this. The strange logo was making rounds on the internet. Space Force activated its first targeting unit. It’s the 75th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Squadron. Its logo shows the grim reaper, with one eye showing that glows with light, its nose shaped like the Space Force emblem. It’s inside three overlapping triangles—likely a reference to the Valknut symbol, which represents the nine worlds of Norse mythology and the connection between Earth, Heaven, and Hell. The background has blue scales, like a dragon. And while it’s not clear if this is the intention, directed energy weapons such as lasers tend to be compared to dragon fire.


In this episode of Crossroads, we’ll discuss this story and others.”



Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs) AKA Electronic Harassment Weapons, is the Invisible Predator (VIDEO)


Directed Energy Weapons Collage – AMG-News Photo


By Medeea Greere

August 22, 2023

American Media Group


In an age where the truth is suppressed and masked by layers of deception, the spotlight is now on one of the U.S. government’s most covert technologies: Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs). The recent events in Maui might just be the tipping point for this clandestine narrative. Hold onto your hats, folks. We’re about to unmask a conspiracy that has been decades in the making.


VIDEO:  Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs) AKA Electronic Harassment Weapons [Blog Editor: This AMG-News embedded link takes you the video on the AMG-News Telegram Channel. I uploaded that video to my Bitchute Channel and is posted below:]



Throughout history, great empires have always had secret weapons—tools and technologies that remained hidden from the public eye, only to be unveiled when the time was right. But what if the U.S. government has had a weapon, not just for a few years, but for DECADES? A weapon so powerful that it can target specific coordinates on Earth’s surface and deliver unparalleled destruction? Enter the realm of Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs) or, as some refer to them, Electronic Harassment Weapons.


DEWs: An Introduction to the Invisible Predator


Often buried in the annals of classified information, hidden from public scrutiny, the DEWs are a reality we cannot ignore. From the Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) that targets victims with painful auditory frequencies, to the spine-chilling Ultra-Sonic Frequency Canon that can manipulate human behavior – the world of DEWs is vast, unsettling, and unfortunately real.


[VIDEO AD – Below Photo Originally had AMG-News embedded link to video] WARNING: Watching The Following Video Will Give You Access To Knowledge The Government Does NOT Want You To Know About

Secret-Ancient-Technology AMG-News Screen Capture


But what really sends shivers down one’s spine is the idea of Energy Lasers from Space, a piece of technology straight out of a science fiction narrative. Picture this: with just a set of coordinates, an operator on the ground, perhaps even thousands of miles away, can command a satellite in space to shoot down a high-energy laser to any location on the planet’s surface. And this isn’t new tech, it has existed quietly in the U.S. Government’s arsenal for decades, raising eyebrows and concerns amongst the few who are privy to its existence.


The Tools in the Arsenal


You might be familiar with some fancy terms like LRAD or Ultra-Sonic Frequency Canon. But do these terminologies sound too science-fictional? They shouldn’t. These are not figments of a paranoid mind but real, tangible tools in the U.S. government arsenal.


1. LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device): A device that sends out high-powered sound waves. It can disperse crowds or even incapacitate individuals. Its shrill sound is enough to deter any adversary.


2. Ultra-Sonic Frequency Canon: Sounds futuristic, doesn’t it? This is a tool that uses ultrasonic waves, waves that are beyond the range of human hearing. But just because we can’t hear them doesn’t mean they can’t affect us.


But the jewel in the crown? Energy Lasers from Space.


A Fiery Testimony: The Maui Fires


To the unsuspecting eye, the Maui fires were just another unfortunate event, another blip in the endless news cycle. But those with discerning eyes and an understanding of the world’s undercurrents saw it for what it was: a glaring display of DEW technology.


[VIDEO AD] What is the Most Powerful Force on the Planet? The Secret Ancient Egypt Never Wanted To Let Go Of… Now Yours…


This isn’t just speculation. This is connecting the dots. You enter the coordinates of your target, and within seconds, an energy laser is beamed down from a satellite to Earth. It’s surgical, it’s precise, and it’s deadly. But why Maui? Why now?


Maui, often revered as the heart chakra of the world, is not just a geographical location. It’s a spiritual epicenter. An unprovoked invasion on Hawaii is more than just an attack on a location. By targeting the heart chakra of the world, they are symbolically ATTACKING THE COLLECTIVE HEART OF HUMANITY. Is this a show of power? Or a deeper, more sinister game?


DEWs: Not Just Physical, But Astral


Most people believe wars are fought in the physical realm. But true power lies beyond. DEWs, with their unmatched capabilities, don’t just operate in the physical. They also transcend boundaries and operate in the astral realm. Think about that for a moment. If a weapon can target you not just physically but spiritually, what defense is left?


Why Now?


This technology has been around for DECADES. It has been hidden in plain sight, with whispers and murmurs surrounding it but never concrete evidence. But like all secrets, they eventually see the light. The Maui fires could very well be a mere demonstration—a show of strength to cow the world into submission.


[VIDEO AD – The photo below is a screen capture of a video ad. On the AMG-News post, clicking the photo takes you ad. Here’s the first line of the video ad where embed the link: “Shocking Study Confirms India’s Ancient Illuminati Secret Teachings”.]


Secret Government AMG-News Screen Capture


Diving Deeper: What’s at Stake?


This isn’t just about covert weapons or hidden agendas. It’s about the very fabric of our society, our freedom, our spiritual well-being. If a force can attack our collective heart, what’s next? Our collective soul?


As we peel back the layers of this conspiracy, we have to ask: who stands to gain? What is the endgame? We might not have all the answers now, but with every revelation, every connection we make, we get closer to the truth.


[VIDEO AD] ALSO: Uncovering the Lost Tesla Secret – What’s Hidden in the 369 Code?


Wake up, world! This isn’t science fiction. This isn’t a dramatic reenactment. This is real, and it’s happening right now. We must unite, not just as nations, but as humanity, to confront and challenge the powers that wield these harbingers of destruction.


As we stare into the abyss of this new era, we must not blink. The truth is our weapon, and together, we can dispel the shadows that seek to envelop us.


APOCALYPTIC! Sailboat Video Documents Lahaina’s Orchestrated Firestorms


The following once confidential intel report was sent to the Maui Massacre Investigation Team for dissemination.


For everyone’s information, whenever highly classified information and data like this is allowed to be leaked, it’s because the perps at the very top of the black operation want the public to know about it.


This is their way of telling every single political leader in America, and beyond, that they can incinerate your jurisdiction, too, should you stray from the New World Order reservation. In other words, non-compliance with the globalist agenda will be dealt with severely and swiftly as follows.


Read the full article HERE:


Also: Direct Energy Attack on the Innocent People of Maui, Hawaii: The Silent Warfare – BOOST THIS VIDEO!!! –


Related: The Inferno of Secrets: How the Deep State Wields Power – Why Hawaii? And Why Now? –


Rumble VIDEO: APOCALYPTIC! Sailboat Video Documents Lahaina’s Orchestrated Firestorms

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15 seconds

[Posted by MedeeaGreere

Published August 21, 2023




Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article may not represent the official views of Medeea Greere or the American Media Group. Stories filed under Opinion contain information from various sources that may be both, verified and unverified. Medeea Greere and the American Media Group do not make any claims as to the validity of the information expressed in the opinion section, however we do encourage the reader to do further research on their own and we hope that you will share your findings with us. The mission for the truth requires a collective effort. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.


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