Saturday, December 30, 2023

Internal Bickering Among the Champions Against Medical Tyranny:


By John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© December 30, 2023


I am ONE who has become awakened to the existence of Medical Tyranny largely due to the debacle promoted as “Safe & Effective” mRNA Jabs that have been widely documented as a health failure with massive medical injuries and deaths. Yet, even with the documentation the pro-mRNA propagandists continue to mislead the public with claims of mystery rather than connection. The pro-mRNA propagandists are the very image of when the Tabacco Industry began its lying campaign that there was no connection between cigarettes and cancer.


The one complication bothering me about Medical Tyranny are those united in exposing the data and dangers are WIDELY disunited among themselves. They point fingers at each other with wild accusations that include character assassination and self-promotion for profit. The self-promotion would be okay from an American perspective because I have no problem with Free Enterprise to overcome Big Pharma greed.


HOWEVER, the anti-Medical Tyranny self-promotion is seemingly becoming the attitude of ‘our anti-COVID protocols and mRNA Jab-detox protocols are better than yours, so yours must be snake oil.’ This kind of disunity jockeying plays more into the hands of Globalists and Medical Tyrants rather than defeating the Narrative-Tyranny agenda.


The actuality being, most of these doctors/scientists promoting their alternative to Big Pharma Globalist-Greed injurious medication, were [and should still be] very respected in their medical expertise – UNTIL – they bucked the prevailing Globalist Narrative for offering an effective alternative to Big Pharma. What is sad for me and frankly a bit irritating, those offering an alternative are so intent on being the ones showing a medical correction as the BEST over the Globalist Narrative that they have become stuck bickering among themselves.


The bickering has become so bad, that some of the more egotistical (and let’s face it, my fellow non-science background readers, most doctors and scientists are so full of a self-aggrandized intellectual superiority, that the opinions and conclusions of the non-science readers are dismissed as unqualified) of the doctors/scientists have began to fabricate outlandish ad hominem character assassinations toward each other.


That leaves we/us non-science people against Medical Tyranny having to decide which doctors/scientists battling Medical Tyranny is the most trustworthy.


And to be honest, I have enjoyed reading doctors/scientists on each side of the bickering when their focus has been the Medical Tyrants. Not so much when they lash out at each other.


While enjoying my Christmas/New Year’s holiday break I came across a couple of Dr. Robert Malone that has brought a bit more clarity on his perspective on the squabbles between heroes battling Medical Tyranny.


I’ve avoided reading much of the squabblers’ finger-pointing at each other assuming it was based on a science arrogance of wanting to be the one with the better science. HOWEVER, after reading Dr. Malone, it is my disappointment to discover the squabbling seems to have devolved into character mudsling more than standing with a particular science.


From Dr. Malone’s perspective the mudslinging has become so egregious that he has embarked on civil suits. Law suits I might that have been dismissed not because of merit but rather on a judicial arbitrary rule on standing. DOES THAT SOUND FAMILIAR?


My point is these guys ALL need to get over themselves and unite on what they have in common. That commonality is battling the skewed, and more often than not, manipulated science of Medical Tyrants and the tyranny alliance of Leftist-Globalist-Elitists who have produced a brainwashing narrative with the agenda to COMPEL the masses to obey. The nefarious Narrative and Agenda if OBEYED brings harm to the masses and benefits to the Elitist-Few.


I pray the doctors/scientists battling Medical Tyranny eject their egos and stop the mudslinging.


I’ve read the critics of Dr. Malone call him controlled opposition because of his mRNA research cred and his past association with the CIA. Why not appreciate Dr. Malone’s background by viewing a Whistleblower looking to expose facts rather than tarnish his image with a past which frankly will not fully be known due to spook National Security issues. Can anyone see the irony that a person like Dr. Michael Yeadon (both an anti-Medical Tyranny hero and Dr. Malone critic) could be labeled controlled opposition with his past association to Pfizer and Wellcome Trust.


The powers-that-be pushing the approved Narrative for the masses to see, hear and read; are the same people doing their utmost to discredit both the likes of Dr. Malone and Dr. Yeadon.


So, I’m about to share the Dr. Malone posts of the past week that brought clarity to me as to the reason he has become so disgruntled. AND SOME OF THE NAMES of people Dr. Malone name-drops as persons maligning his image are people I consider champions in the battle against Medical Tyranny. AND in reading all these science egos, they all have one common enemy in the Globalist Elitists working tirelessly to transform the world into a decrease population more easily to control by the tyrannical few.




TOO BE CLEAR, Dr. Malone does his share naming names with reasons to castigate, BUT most (though not all) of the names castigated are stalwart battlers against Medical Tyranny. I fully support the battle against Medical Tyranny however I’m not on board with the mutual finger-pointing. It’s up to you if you wish to involve yourself in finger-pointing trivia or sharing anti-Medical Tyranny information.


JRH 12/30/23


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Bad Jacketing: Accusations of "Controlled Opposition":

60's FBI tactic is remarkably effective in the internet age when coupled with neurolinguistic programming



December 23, 2023

Who is Robert Malone


Karl Marx Quote on Causing Confusion


Bad-jacketing is a term for planting doubt on the authenticity of an individual's bona fides or identity. An example would be creating suspicion through spreading false rumors, manufacturing evidence, etc., that falsely portray someone in a community organization as an informant, or member of law enforcement, or guilty of malfeasance such as skimming organization funds.


Churchill, Ward; Vander Wall, Jim (2002). "Assassinations and Badjacketing". Agents of Repression: The FBI's Secret Wars Against the Black Panther Party and the American Indian Movement. Cambridge, MassachusettsSouth End Press. pp. 49–51, 199–217.


It is a cold gray day here in Madison, VA, this twenty third of December 2023. It could be worse, but the chilly overcast this close to Christmas seems oppressive. Scrolling through reader comments on social media, I run into this one, and my mind goes to a dark place.

JYeol Tweet screencapture 12-21-23


As I look back from a late December vantage point, 2023 has been one hell of a year, for sure. What can be learned from this?


I have now lived through three solid years of continuous efforts to delegitimize me. Efforts coming from all angles. From the government - pharmaceutical - censorship complex as well as from the fringes of those claiming to be “patriotic freedom fighters”.


I have been labeled a mass murderer for dissuading others from taking the jab, and accused of the same sin by Stew Peters and “Dr.” Jane Ruby for having invented and reduced to practice the mRNA vax technology platform in the late 1980s when I was a MD/PhD student in my late twenties.


Ridiculed by corporate media for using the term “mass formation psychosis” during a Joe Rogan interview, and then attacked by Peter Breggin as a mass murderer for supporting and promoting Dr. Mattias Desmet’s theories, which he claims have let the “global predators” off the hook.


The Washington Post called me a liar for stating that the mod-mRNA vaccines did not work in that they did not prevent infection, replication or spread of the virus. I have tried so many strategies to respond to the bullying and harassment, finally resorting to first cease and desist letters and then to lawsuits. My mod-mRNA vaccinated attorney developed an unexpected stroke and subsequent coma after a zoom call, and then the initial hearing on the WaPo lawsuit was ruled in favor of the defendant when I had no legal representation (or even awareness it was happening), and the briefing by the WaPo was entered into the record as the rationale for the judges ruling against me together with an admonition from the judge for filing a frivolous lawsuit.


A jurisdictional challenge to my Virginia (my home state) cases against Dr. Jane Ruby (she being a 70yo nurse, PhD economist, and social media personality) and Dr. Breggin (psychiatrist) and his defamation-peddling wife were thrown out on a technicality, in which it was determined that I would need to sue them in their home states and not mine. After which they trumpeted their success to all the world in beating the nasty Dr. Malone in court, overlooking that there was no determination on the merits of my claims regarding malicious defamation. Just to be clear, the judge never got to the merits of the case, or to the testimony from a colleague who (like many others) tried to get Peter Breggin to stop his hate campaign, but was told by Dr. Breggin that this had nothing really to do with anything I had done, but rather his hate campaign was a political effort to take me out because I had become competition for the true leader - Dr. Peter McCullough.


Aviatrix Tweet screencapture 12-21-23


And meanwhile the constant drumbeat of Dr. Paul Alexander allied with “The Wellness Company”, the anonymous “Sage Hanna” (a biological male masquerading as a female), and self-styled “Independent Journalist” George Webb’s false accusations and defamation- hundreds of pages of almost daily hate, which are then amplified daily by a gradually building hate cult of their followers.


All reinforced by the organized and promoted unending stream of contrived hate from UK’s 77th brigade, the CDC’s “Shots Heard Round the World” social media gang stalking contract participants, Anti Defamation League attacks seeking to link me to neo-Nazis, a similar strategy deployed by the CIA cutout organization “The Center for Countering Digital Hate” and then amplified by the Washington Post, and heavens knows what other surreptitious government and pharma-sponsored organizations.


Not forgetting to mention CHD’s Catherine Austin-Fitts and JJ Couey. Or CEO Mary Holland telling Meryl Nass to stop defending me on social media. Which Mary denies. But whatever her faults may be, Meryl does not lie. So many hits, so little time, it goes on and on.


They attack my wife, demeaning and threatening her on Facebook, “X”, and in direct email messages. They pour over my CV, pulling words or phrases out of context, things which they do not even comprehend, and then seek to weaponize them in an ongoing effort to delegitimize me.


And then there have been the repeated efforts to write me out of history, bully me, and deny my scientific contributions, patents, papers, and CV. Washington Post, CNN, STAT News, Atlantic Monthly, Rolling Stone, NY Times, Business Insider, various academics, Alex Berenson, the list goes on and on. And the notorious award of the Nobel for the discovery claimed to have enabled rapid development of the mod-mRNA COVID vaccines- Kariko and Weissman’s pseudouridine. Which modification of my original inventions is responsible for the frameshifting, at least some of the immunosuppression, and for the remarkable longevity of these mRNA which are not at all actually natural mRNA. I predict that one will not stand the test of time very well…


Capped off by the bizarre coincidence/confluence over the last week of vaccine promoter/apologist Dr. Paul Offit and simultaneously Dr. Michael Yeadon, the key proponent of the “majority of the jabbed will die from this bioweapon” theory of the case both calling me a fraud and fake! The latter then having his accusations of my fakery amplified by Pharmaceutical industry financial analyst and newly minted federal contracts specialist Sasha Latypova. Happy Holidays.


Of course, none of this can hold a candle to the widely amplified but patently absurd accusations of Karen Kin[g]ston (she of the -jab contains nanobots that will reprogram your brain- school of reasoning) that I somehow had a role in the CIA targeting her in Mexico for assassination by poisoning, and subsequently imploring Bobby Kennedy to somehow intervene with me to get me to call the CIA off from this imagined mission. That video got translated into four languages and circulated worldwide, resulting in a constant barrage of hate which only ended when she resurfaced, denied saying what she had said in a recorded video, and apologized - to her followers, not to me - for her misstatement.


And then there was Judy Mikovitz [sic – should be “Mikovits”] claiming that I was selling alcohol, cheating on my wife and consorting with young women based on a spoof video (“Most Interesting Doctor in the World”) produced by Mikki Willis to promote Plandemic 3. During the filming of which Jill was present the entire time.


And each and every time that I objected to the character assassination, bad jacketing, and lies, I was accused of attacking those who were attacking me. Suffice to say this has not improved my opinion of humanity at large. As is often observed, if you want a friend in D.C., get a dog. Or I guess a horse. But in retrospect, all of these many attacks and accusations, all designed to damage my reputation and legitimacy, have not withstood the test of time. Each had a short term social media impact, which then passed despite the considerable efforts of some (Breggins, Paul Alexander, Dr. Jane Ruby, George Webb, “Sage Hana”, Kingston, et al) to sustain the momentum of hate.


What a year. And yet I am still standing, still podcasting, still writing on substack, still taking care of farm and horses, and working with Jill on yet more books to follow the bestselling “Lies My Government Told Me, and the Better Future Coming”.


And for some reason, my testimony and speeches reach millions, generate standing ovations, and seem to have contributed to moving the needle towards greater freedom as well as increasing resistance to both the toxic and ineffective jabs as well as the broader globalist agenda which has exploited the COVIDcrisis to advance a variety of financial and population control strategies.


But then there is the issue of the repeated accusations of being “Controlled Opposition”. That one seems to be sticky. Like the repeated mantra of “safe and effective”, this word pair is repeated again and again as a form of neurolinguistic programming - in other words a form of hypnosis. And like the “safe and effective” false narrative, this one has stuck in the minds of many. Because neurolinguistic programming works. It is one of the core tactics of PsyWar propagandists. Or pharmaceutical industry marketing specialists. Which are two different ways of saying the same thing.


As these accusations started to heat up, Mikki Willis produced a short documentary titled “Our Birthright” which specifically addresses Bad Jacketing - in particular the delegitimization tactic of accusing someone of being “controlled opposition”; a charge which by its very nature cannot be refuted. It makes the point that all of this is designed to divide and conquer resistance movements. And relies on amplification by gossips and bullies.


When I lecture on fifth generation warfare, I always play this video. Please take a moment to watch it.



[Posted by WTF is Going On

Posted on Feb 8, 2023




Clearly “Bad Jacketing” works. Especially when this tactic is deployed using neurolinguistic programming. In response to the accusations that I am “controlled opposition” (whatever that is), Presidential Candidate Bobby Kennedy once said “if Malone is “controlled opposition”, please send me a dozen more like him”.


Quoting Karl Marx, “Accuse your enemy of what you are doing, as you are doing it, to create confusion”. This is a classical PsyWar tactic, typically coupled with “flooding the zone” with false (ergo dis-) information.


When some social media guru or faceless anonymous Troll accuses someone else of being “controlled opposition”, please take a moment to consider the source and objective of making such an accusation. Surely any impartial observer can see by my actions that if I am controlled opposition, I must be the worst possible example of such.


Take a moment and apply just a modicum of thought to who benefits from such an accusation. Following are the Cliff Notes to that point- Pharma, WEF, Globalists, Government Deep State actors and their surrogates are who benefits. And those who exploit and weaponize hate to generate likes, followers, and revenue.


We are in the midst of the most massive, highly coordinated, global Psychological Warfare operation in modern history. It has been over three years now. Don’t be a victim of PsyWar. Think for yourself.


We have now seen years of effort to delegitimize and censor others as a key component of this propaganda warfare; seeking to destroy the careers and reputations of so many who conscientiously object to this war- not just myself. I just happen to provide a particularly clear case study in how this is done.


I am still standing, and I am doing just fine. Still married, still farming and working on my outbuildings. Still analyzing, thinking, writing. I refuse to be victimized or defined as a victim, and try to keep the “happy warrior” Ronald Regan example in mind as I travel, speak truth to power, and broadcast on a daily basis. If I can take it, so can you.


But on a cold gray overcast day, this all can creep through the cracks of my mind.


Please try to learn from this case study. Don’t hide your light under a bushel basket - practice speaking your truth to all around you. Don’t be a jerk about it, but do persist. And keep these three little words in mind.


Integrity. Dignity. Community.


If we can build those three things, we can win. Maybe not in the short term, but in the long term. And that’s what I care about. I hope that you agree, and will stand beside me, because this is going to be a long, hard fight. Those of us on team Humanity need all the help we can get.


We have not yet begun to fight.


Merry Christmas, fellow warriors.


[Blog Editor: I downloaded Dr. Malone’s Substack video then uploaded to my Bitchute Channel]


Bitchute VIDEO: Bad-Jacketing - Accusations of ‘Controlled Opposition’

[Posted by SlantRight2

First Published December 29th, 2023 23:56 UTC




© 2023 Robert W Malone, MD

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Who are Drs. John Mascola, Barney Graham and Kizzmekia Corbett?

And what do they have to do with the Moderna SARS-CoV-2 vaccine?



December 26, 2023

Who is Robert Malone

Kizzmekia Corbett speaks to Collins, Fauci, Trump & et al (caption included)


Oh, what a tangled web we weave...when first we practice to deceive. --Walter Scott, Marmion


I am constantly amazed by the self-styled social media “independent journalists” who obsessively attack me for the sin of being a mass murderer due to the role which they claim I played in creating the modified-mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. George Webb, Jane Ruby, Paul Alexander, “Sage Hana”, the list goes on and on. But they never mention those that actually did develop the specific products. Rather strange.


Which clearly demonstrates that their years of obsessive hate are not actually about those who developed the products, but rather for some reason it is specifically targeted at me. All appear to be getting compensated in some way for actively promoting hate, although in most cases it is not clear who is paying them to do this. In at least one case, the source of compensation for promoting hate is well documented.


In the case of Paul Alexander, in my opinion it is clear that his support for these activities comes from Foster Colson’s “The Wellness Company” TWC ads are often displayed on Alexander’s attack posts. Alexander never promoted anti-Malone hate until hired by Wellness, and his accusations have followed the hate narratives promoted by Wellness CEO Foster Colson in his 2022 Christmas letter.


With little effort you will see who owns these other medical freedom companies and organizations. They are owned by their donors and funded with dark money, or were created by big pharma, or led by billionaire crypto pedophiles. Their motives always lead to the same places every single time: Fame, Money and Power. …


In my search to find those who cared and made a difference, all I found was disappointment at what really was happening: Donor money being spent on personal extravagances. “Alliances” and “Summits” formed with little more than an interest in gaining email addresses to monetize  though advertising. I’ve personally witnessed other well known, caring doctors being threatened and bullied into supporting organzations with suspect motives. I personally have been threatened and others I know are being sued by “freedom fighters” who claim they want to fight medical tyranny. These organizations will come and go, and the frauds will eventually self-implode.


If you have been involved in the history here, it is easy to draw the parallels between Coulson’s attack on the physicians that I have been honored to work with over the last three years (International COVID Summit, Global COVID Summit, Physicians Health Alliance) and much of the promoted hate. The false claim of “Billionaire crypto pedophiles” appears to refer to Mr. Brock Pierce, a criticism which I first heard coming from Wellness CSO Dr. Peter McCullough.


For those who have been following the other haters’ narratives, note the parallels between Coulson’s language and the strategies used by members of this group to defame, character assassinate, and delegitimize others including myself.


Too many clamor for attention and repeat the same meaningless talking points over and over. Hosting twitter parties to pat each other on the back, or lavish fundraisers with no more purpose for their donor money than garner more press and host even more donor parties designed to just give their friends cushy jobs. But the question I have is what you all should have: What are any of them ACTUALLY doing to fix a broken system? How are ANY of them bettering our lives, or creating meaningful change? It’s one thing to stand on the roof tops and shout about a problem we all know exists, but what then?  What about solutions?”


Dr Jane Ruby - Dr. Lynn Fynn-derella Tweet Capture


The back story to this has been perversely fascinating to observe play out over time, as I watched Coulson swoop in and hire physicians who had been working effectively in a loose knit cooperative alliance and thereby divide and destroy the group cohesion which once existed.


Early on, I was offered a lucrative contract with TWC, as were many of my colleagues including Dr. Ryan Cole. I turned them down (as did Ryan once he did his diligence), as I was engaged with the others in trying to set up a medical communications company to compete with MedPage and the others who are controlled by Pharma money, and I have no expertise in either the nutritional supplement business nor in telemedicine.


Colson did succeed in wooing other physician leaders within our group who were desperate for money, and succeeded in destroying the embryonic medical communications company which we had been trying to create. Promises of great wealth, equity, monthly salary and status were made by TWC based on the enormous profit which Colson had captured while financially backing the deceased Dr. Zev Zelenko COVID supplement (Z-stack) marketing push.


Recently, despite recommendations from Wellness’ CSO to just go along, two of the original physicians hired from our group by Colson objected to the business practices of The Wellness Company, and were terminated for speaking out. Both have received significant shareholdings in the firm, but they have returned to interact with our original groups, apologized, and shared some of what they had observed while serving as employees.

Paul Alexander, PhD (Senior Advisor to TWC)

(TWC) Chief Medical Board - McCullough, Pinsky, Risch, & Thorp


In a bizarre unanticipated twist, out of the blue an anonymous substack author (“BODHISATTVAS BETTY”) apparently with no affiliation to our original physicians’ group has begun investigating the background and funding of “The Wellness Company”, and seems to suggest that the firm is actually yet another CIA cutout organization. Her initial essays can be found here and here. [Blog Editor: Again, I can’t blame Dr. Malone because of the viciousness he has received. BUT for me there is a bit of irony Dr. Malone dregs up a CIA connection after receiving the same criticism from the Malone-critic camp. It’s all very sad when the focus should be the Leftist-Globalist-Elitists who I have no doubt have infected Intelligence Alphabet groups like the CIA.]


Now others are chiming in, and provoking strong reactions from Wellness’ Legal.

Anti-TWC Tweet & Legal Response Capture


And round and round it goes. Where it stops, nobody knows. The Rabbit hole seems quite deep and twisty. And the Wellness Company is legally quite aggressive, in my opinion and that of many others.

Josh Yoder Tweet Capture Connecting TWC to Globalist Agenda


So, who actually did engineer the Moderna vaccine? And why haven’t these self-styled social media “journalists” covered that story?


Well, that narrative seems to have devolved into yet another catfight, with lawsuits disputing this question being exchanged between Moderna and the NIH/NIAID. What is not in dispute is that Moderna had paid a “catch up payment” to NIH for $400M US Dollars, apparently a downpayment for what are anticipated to be ongoing additional payments.


Moderna has stated that the agreement also required royalty payments representing low single-digit percentages of future Covid-19 vaccine sales. Moderna received $18.4B in COVID vaccine sales during 2022, and projects at least $5B in 2023. 1% of that would be $234 million US Dollars, so since the “catch up payment” was for 400M$, we can assume that the royalty rate is more than 2% on sales. In my experience, these sorts of NIH exclusive outlicensing deal terms tend to run in the 4-6% rate, which would put the anticipated revenue to NIH for 2022-2023 in the range of a bit under 1B$ to 1.4B$.


Who gets to share in the goodies from this haul?


According to widespread press coverage, the actual “inventor” organization for the Moderna vaccine is the NIH/NIAID Vaccine Research Center (VRC). Until his recent departure, NIAID’s Anthony Fauci had executive oversight of the VRC, akin to serving as chairman of the Board of Directors. He may or may not have been one of the beneficiaries. But other former federally employed VRC employees certainly are.


Named for lifelong vaccine and childhood immunization advocates former Arkansas Senator and First Lady Dale and Betty Bumpersthe VRC was basically created to develop an AIDS vaccine. Initially under the advisory leadership of Nobel Laureate David Baltimore, the VRC was structured as a public entity modeled after Vical, the La Jolla firm once touted by Wired magazine (itself with strong CIA/Mockingbird ties) as the next Microsoft. Under the “leadership” of Dr. Phil Felgner, Vijay Samant and others, Vical focused on DNA vaccines, never pursued mRNA vaccine development, ran through well over a billion US Dollars in investor capital, the patents expired, and Vical merged with another firm when its market cap dropped below cash on hand. Along the way, Vijay and Vical functionally pioneered the “pump and dump” vaccine developer business model of exploiting shelf offerings to dump shares each time a wave of new infectious disease fearporn was promoted by the mockingbird press, and then doing a reverse stock split once the hype died down. Vical leadership rode that strategy for decades.


Vical was the little tiny startup which I joined (I believe I was employee #10) after leaving the Salk Institute Molecular Virology lab of Dr. Inder Verma in 1989, and which sponsored me (total of about $40K including salary) to set up a skunkworks, bring over my reagents and protocols, and carry on with my PhD research focused on mRNA delivery and related applications such as antisense RNA, mRNA vaccines, and ribozymes. The original business plan for Vical involved development of liposomal HIV antivirals (the Vi- part of the name) and calcitonin analogs (the -cal part). Nothing to do with polynucleotide delivery (DNA or RNA) or vaccines prior to my joining. At the time that the VRC was created, Drs. Gary and Elizabeth Nabel had become key advisors and leaders at Vical. Gary was trained by David Baltimore, who tapped Gary to lead the newly formed VRC, while Elizabeth was given a plum appointment at the NIH as part of the recruitment package. Gary failed to deliver on promises of an AIDS vaccine. Both have since left NIH.


Following Dr. Gary Nabel’s departure, one of his deputies (Dr. John Mascola) was appointed to fill his shoes. And still, despite basically unlimited funding, Fauci and Mascola failed to deliver on multiple congressional promises to develop safe and effective infectious disease vaccines for influenza, West Nile Virus, Zika, Ebola, and many others. In all of these efforts, Mascola functioned as the administrative lead and director, but the operational (bench) leader for vaccine development was assistant director Dr. Barney Graham. Until recently, Graham focused on developing adenovirus vectored gene therapy-based vaccines and DNA vaccines. Fauci repeatedly deployed a version of the Vical pump and dump model, but with Congress as the target rather than Wall Street.


And then along came the novel coronavirus agenda, which the NIAID and VRC seems to have had remarkable foreshadowing of. Dr. Graham had long mentored a young PhD vaccinologist, Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett, PhD, and guided her through her training at the commuter campus of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (BS Biological Sciences and Sociology), and then her 2014 PhD at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (UNC) in Microbiology and Immunology. UNC is the academic home of Ralph Steven Baric of EcoHealth Alliance fame), with whom Dr. Corbett has extensive co-authored publications concerning engineering and testing of an engineered SARS-CoV-2 spike protein incorporating previously published stabilizing proline point mutations used in prior SARS and MERS coronavirus vaccine development efforts.


On the basis of this history, consistent with the terms of the 1980 Bayh-Dole act, it is reasonable to infer that Drs. Mascola, Graham, and Corbett are all receiving a substantial fraction of the Moderna royalty payments to NIH/NIAID and will probably continue to do so for as long as that royalty stream continues. All have now left government employment. Mascola left the VRC in 2022 and is now employed as Chief Scientific Officer at ModeX Therapeutics. Graham left VRC in 2021 and now serves as Professor of Medicine and Microbiology, Biochemistry, & Immunology and Senior Advisor for Global Health Equity at Morehouse School of Medicine (a private medical school) in Atlanta. Corbett also left the VRC in 2021 and now serves as Assistant Professor of Immunology and Infectious Diseases at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Shutzer Assistant Professor at the Harvard Radcliffe Institute.


Below is the official approved narrative relating to the development of the Moderna SARS-CoV-2 vaccine at the VRC. Note that many of the statements in this 2021 narrative are now known to be either highly questionable or falsehoods. It also adds new elements to the timeline which many have been assembling. [Blog Editor: This anti-Medical Tyranny great info that should be a focus rather than the guilt by association Dr. Malone embarked in preceding paragraphs. Sadly, the finger-pointing is the ‘What’s good for the goose is good for the gander’ paradigm.]


Conducted groundbreaking research that led to the development of highly effective vaccines in record time that are protecting hundreds of millions of people from contracting the deadly coronavirus that swept across the globe in 2020 and 2021.


Even before the first U.S. death from the coronavirus, Drs. Barney Graham and Kizzmekia Corbett at the National Institutes of Health’s Vaccine Research Center were in a race against the clock.


On a Saturday morning in early January 2020, Chinese scientists posted the gene sequence of the rapidly spreading COVID-19 virus online so that other researchers could understand the mysterious, deadly illness that in short order would spread across the globe. By the end of the weekend, Graham and Corbett, aided by years of foundational work, were able to use the genetic information to design the basic structure for the lifesaving COVID-19 vaccines. 


This innovation would turn out to be one of the monumental achievements of modern medicine.


“Their names will be in the history books,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a 2020 Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medal recipient. “All the (COVID-19) vaccines that are doing really well are totally dependent on their work.


Just days after Graham and Corbett supplied the critical information, collaborators at the biotech company Moderna were able to manufacture the first doses of the coronavirus vaccine. The first human trials began just 65 days later. It was, by far, the fastest vaccine development process in history.


“Kizzmekia and Barney have made contributions to human health that few others could claim,” said NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins.


Breaking every speed record for developing a safe and effective vaccine was only possible because of years of work. In 2013, while studying a respiratory syncytial virus, a troubling and sometimes fatal childhood ailment, Graham and his collaborators discovered that a few key mutations to the protein analogous to the spike that sits on the surface of the coronavirus could make them useful for a vaccine. Graham realized that this discovery could unlock a new vaccine design, especially if paired with a rapid manufacturing approach.


Partnering with Moderna, Graham initially planned to use the prototype vaccine for Nipah—a contagious and deadly paramyxovirus transmitted by bats in South and Southeast Asia—as the demonstration project. But when the pandemic began, the decision was quickly made to use COVID-19 for the proof of concept. “We wanted to show the world how fast we could go,” Graham said.


Graham and Corbett’s design ended up forming the backbone of many COVID-19 vaccines in use today, including those made by Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and Novavax. Pfizer’s vaccine, developed separately, relies on a nearly identical design.


Graham, deputy director of the NIH Vaccine Research Center, and Corbett, who leads the coronavirus research team in Graham’s Viral Pathogenesis Laboratory, made versions of a spike protein based on prior work from other coronaviruses. Two specific amino acid substitutions were used to stabilize the protein that sits on the surface of the COVID-19 virus and gives it its distinctive, crown-like appearance, hence the name “coronavirus.”


Their modifications have proven critical. In order to provoke an effective immune response, a vaccine needs to deliver these proteins in their initial active shape, rather than their inactive shape, after interacting with a cell. Graham and Corbett’s mutations met that goal. Jason McClellan’s lab, then at Dartmouth College and now at the University of Texas at Austin, and Andrew Ward’s group at the Scripps Research Institute, also played key roles. 

“They could see right away that when the protein was made with their mutations, it looked the way it should,” said Dr. John Mascola, director of the Vaccine Research Center. “When made in the lab without those mutations, it tended to fall apart.”


This modified spike protein can be delivered either by messenger RNA technology, as Moderna’s vaccine does, or by more traditional means.


Corbett, who had previously interned with Graham, returned to NIH after completing her doctoral degree to study coronaviruses, which had been responsible for the troubling outbreaks of SARS in 2003 and MERS in 2012. She took up the mantle, focusing on coronavirus biology, especially spike structure, antibodies and vaccine development.


“I think Barney and Kizzmekia, having seen what happened with SARS, and what happened with MERS, were pretty convinced that we had not seen the last coronavirus,” Collins said. “They wanted to be prepared for that, and that was quite prescient on their part.”


“It’s the culmination of Barney’s life’s work and a validation of his vision of pandemic preparedness,” said Mascola.


Thanks to encouraging data from animal studies and the first human clinical trials, Corbett and Graham had early confidence their vaccine would work. But it wasn’t until Pfizer showed 95% efficacy in its late-stage trial results in November, just ahead of Moderna’s own announcement a week later, that the pair knew just how effective their vaccine design would be.


“It was the first time in 10 months where I was actually able to breathe,” Corbett recalled. “I shed every tear I had wanted to shed over the last year.”


For both, the results were beyond their wildest expectations. “Getting 95% is kind of rare in vaccines. I was expecting 70% and hoping for 80%,” Graham said.


“This moment has transformed virology and vaccinology in a way that no one will be able to ignore,” Corbett said.


Here is a link to the 2021 Time “Heroes of the Year” coverage.


Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more: it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing. --Shakespeare, Macbeth (Act 5, Scene 5)


In Conclusion


There are at least a few things which can be concluded from the facts summarized above.


First, that the constant stream of weaponized hate and accusations concerning my having played a key role in the development of the SARS-CoV-2 modified-mRNA “vaccines” has no basis in fact. I had no role in developing these or any other FDA, Health Canada, EMA (etc.) market authorized COVID-19 products. That is a false narrative, part of a larger years-long campaign to defame, character assassinate and delegitimize me by a variety of self-styled “truth tellers” and “independent journalists”. For some reason.


Second, there are strong indications that these actors are sponsored by others to push hate and “bad jacketing” tactics.


Third, that at least one of those actors is the corporation “The Wellness Company”, which some are asserting may be a CIA cutout organization designed to fragment and destroy what had previously been a loose but fairly cohesive alliance of physicians and scientists acting cooperatively to question and refute the approved COVIDcrisis narrative pushed by governments, corporate mockingbird media, pharma, and the new censorship-industrial complex.


Time Mag Heroes of the Year 2021 (Globalist Villains)


Fourth, those that actually engineered the Moderna SARS-CoV-2 vaccine are well known, have received multiple awards, have been widely hailed in corporate media, and have apparently received massive financial benefits from their work consequent to Moderna royalty payments. But they are never mentioned by these same self-styled “truth tellers” and “independent journalists”.


And why do you think that is?


[Blog Editor: Dr. Malone at this juncture shares a pro-Globalist Science Narrative video I presume the hope being he has provided enough information for you to comprehend the 31:38-minute video is a False Narrative.]


Youtube VIDEO: Kizzmekia S. Corbett, PhD, lead developer of the Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (Full Stream 1/4)

[Posted by Washington Post Live

Posted on Jan 4, 2022




© 2023 Robert W Malone, MD

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Sunday, December 24, 2023

Medical Tyranny: What’s the mRNA-DNA Intention?


John R. Houk, Blog Editor

December 24, 2022


WELL… It appears holiday distractions has caught up to me this week. I’ve found these posts to share at least a couple of days ago, but you might night see them until 12/24/23.


Today’s post is a return to examining the Medical Tyranny being perpetrated on Americans (really the entire world) with the full cooperation of a lying government and a lying Big Pharma (whose nefarious goals probably range from greed to Globalist-Elitist population control or combinations of both).


First up is an Igor Chudov (Substack) post showing that DNA is indeed affected if not downright altered by mRNA gene therapy Jabs (H/T Vigilant News). Yup, all those so-called scientists and/or doctors crying misinformation/disinformation Conspiracy Theory against those exposing DNA adulteration are in fact the liars (at worst) or the gullible-deluded (at best) spreaders of misinformation/disinformation.


THEN NEXT a post I discovered on 12/24 morning from Telegram Natural News entitled, “Bill Gates organization partners with biotech company to develop needle-free mRNA vaccine WAFER for taking under the tongue”.


NEXT up is a Lioness of Judah Ministry (Substack) who cross posts from The Exposé the self-explanatory title, “FRIGHTENING TRUTH: Airborne mRNA Vaccines Are Being Created That Can Be Delivered Straight Into the Lungs Without the Need for Injection”. After reading Chudov’s post on mRNA Jabs altering DNA, YOU should ask yourself, “Why would lying governments and deceptive Big Pharma want to massively dose populations with gene altering mRNA?


AND FINALLY a Lee Hall-Dr. Robert Malone interview via EPOCH TV’s British Thought Leaders (I’ll upload to my Bitchute & UGETube channel for sharing purposes) originally posted 12/21/23. The title: “Dr Robert Malone: ‘I’ve Been Labelled an Enemy of the State for Speaking Inconvenient Truths’ | British Thought Leaders”.


JRH 12/24/23


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COVID Vaccines Integrate Into Human DNA, Study Finds:

The much-ridiculed "antivax trope" proved to be true



December 21, 2023

Igor’s Newsletter


Summary: a study of humans suffering from Long Covid analyzed their cellular DNA. The authors unexpectedly found genes uniquely specific to the Pfizer COVID vaccine in human blood cells. This finding proves that mRNA COVID vaccines permanently integrate into the DNA of some COVID-vaccinated people.


newly published study analyzed human DNA isolated from volunteers' blood samples. Authors looked for matches between blood cells’s DNA and genetic sequences unique to the Pfizer COVID vaccine BNT162b2. After using sensitive tests, scientists found genes that could only come from the Pfizer COVID vaccine in the genomes of blood samples analyzed.


Long COVID DNA Discovery


What is this about?


Almost two years ago, I posted a description of a study that found integration of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine into human DNA, discovered by a lab experiment in a dish (in-vitro).


Worst Fears Realized: Pfizer mRNA Transcribes into DNA

mRNA Vaccines Actually are "Gene Therapy", Study Shows


A new study is out: Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line. What it is saying is: lab studies show that mRNA vaccine DOES integrate itself into human cellular DNA. This means that a shot of Pfizer vaccine, taken even once, permanently changes the DNA of affected cellsREAD MORE (2/25/22)


Experiments involving human cells in Petri dishes are easier and lead to easily reproducible results. However, there is always a question of whether the results of such experiments on cell cultures can be replicated in live human beings.


Specifically, does the COVID-19 vaccine reverse transcribe, integrate, and thus become part of human DNA in living, breathing humans? We had no answer to that question - until now.

Spoiler alert - the answer is yes - the mRNA Covid vaccine sometimes becomes a part of DNA.


The study by Dhuli et al. describes an interesting scientific discovery journey by Italian scientists exploring the so-called “Long Covid.”


At first, they detected spike protein, with certain features specific to Covid vaccines only, in the blood of some people suffering from Long Covid.


Discussions- Viral-Vaxx Spike Protein Presence


The detection happened long after vaccination.


mRNA Post-Jab Discovery


Then, the study authors asked, how is long-term spike protein production possible? Could it be due to DNA changes making their cells into permanent spike-protein factories?


To answer that question, they used DNA-specific tests to detect the presence of COVID vaccine genetic code in the genomes of the cells of study subjects.


The supplement explains:


COVID vaccine genetic code in the genomes of the cells


Did the scientists find anything interesting in these genomes?


The answer is yes - some experimental subjects’ DNA was altered and contained genes that could only come from the Pfizer COVID vaccine!


Supplementary Discussion - DNA was altered


Authors note, above, that their findings are consistent with ‘intracellular reverse transcription’ - the vaccine becoming part of the genomes of its recipients!

Pfizer genetic code was detected in cellular DNA


The image points out that it was the cellular DNA where the Pfizer genetic code was detected, not RNA or proteins.


Words of Caution


The above findings are unsettling and show that some vaccinated people experience forced alteration of their genomes, with spike protein-producing code permanently residing in the affected cells.


However, we do not know how many cells are affected in persons experiencing reverse transcription and integration of Pfizer vaccine code into their DNA. The methods used to detect such altered genetic strands are very sensitive. I hope the Pfizer vaccine-code-carrying cells are a small minority in each affected organism.


We also do not know if reproductive cells (eggs and sperm) are affected. Are there any newborns whose germ-line genes carry the Pfizer vaccine code? (check out this post by the Daily Beagle also)


Further, it appears that not every vaccinated person was affected by this reverse integration, and therefore, vaccinated individuals have hope that they were not the ones whose genomes were altered.


Additionally, the journal where this study was published is not the most prestigious. (Prestigious journals do not like to publish scientific findings critical of COVID vaccines.) I hope more studies will attempt to reproduce the authors’ methods to confirm their findings.


Remember that “Covid vaccine changes our genome” was considered an antiscience antivax trope and was constantly ridiculed by Pfizer-sponsored press. [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis – My interpretation: MSM does what its told to do even if harmful to the general public.]


Big Pharma Propaganda Spread by MSM


It turns out that the truth is more nuanced…


Now that tests of the genomic DNA of vaccinated subjects have confirmed these fears, will apologies be forthcoming?


© 2023 Igor Chudov

Igor’s Newsletter HOMEPAGE




Bill Gates organization partners with biotech company to develop needle-free mRNA vaccine WAFER for taking under the tongue

Gates Smiling Holding Vial & Syringe (screengrab from Telegram)


Natural News Telegram

December 24, 2023 8:45am


In the coming soon dystopian future, patients will be able to take vaccines in wafer form under the tongue like some kind of abominable Eucharist rather than getting the usual needle injections, thanks in part to a new investment tied to billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates.


The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), which works with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has partnered with a company called Jurata Thin Film, Inc. (Jurata) to develop a thermostable mRNA (modRNA) vaccine film that a doctor, behaving like a religious priest, will be able to place into the mouth of a patient as a rite of passage into "immunity."


Instead of patients having to continue rolling up their sleeve for a penetrating pharmaceutical injection, recipients of Jurata's product will simply need to open the mouth, lift up the tongue and receive the wafer-like film under their tongue for rapid dissolution.


"Vaccine distribution is just as important as vaccine development in response to an emerging crisis – so, while mRNA quickly became one of the technological 'shining stars' during the COVID-19 pandemic, global access to doses was majorly hindered by its frozen storage needs," said Ingrid Kromann, CEPI's acting director of vaccine manufacturing and supply chain, in a December 5 news release.


Edible vaccines to lure back the "vaccine hesitant"


A $1.2 million cash injection from CEPI will allow Jurata to develop what it describes as a "3D structure of mRNA-containing lipid nanoparticle (LNP) vaccine materials," which are to be derived from a company called Quantoom Biosciences. These materials will then be developed into a thin thermostable film "that will alleviate frozen storage and transportation issues associated with traditional needle and syringe vaccines," to quote the Epoch Times.


"LNP's are the delivery system used to deliver mRNA and have properties that may cause clotting or trigger the immune system."


The same initial round of CEPI will allow for pre-clinical trials to determine whether or not these novel films can actually deliver stabilized mRNA vaccines effectively, or if they will simply be broken down by saliva and the digestive system into inert foreign, and likely toxic, materials. If successful, pre-clinical trials will lead to clinical trials, which will lead to edible vaccine wafers being unleashed into the public.


Since many are now considered to be "vaccine hesitant," meaning they want nothing to do with Big Pharma's chemical injections, researchers are working on needle-free concepts that they hope will lure people back into the vaccination fold by making vaccines edible and "fun."


According to the terms of Jurata's agreement with CEPI, the films will need to be stable at temperatures of two to eight degrees, 25 degrees and 40 degrees. The films will also need to be optimized using different buffers, pH, stabilizers, sugars, salts and various drying parameters.


"Jurata's proprietary thin films have the potential to transform the way in which we store, deliver and distribute mRNA vaccines, advancing CEPI's pandemic preparedness plan to accelerate the speed and scale of our response to future epidemics and pandemics, and heighten access to vaccine doses," Kromann further said.


Commenting on the project, Dr. Robert Malone, credited as a founder of mRNA technology, says edible vaccine wafers will probably not do what their backers claim they will do.


"Sublingual delivery is useful for some drugs but seems poorly matched to LNP mod mRNA technology," Dr. Malone says.


"Needle-free mucosal vaccines have been on the vaccine developer wishlist for decades, but the barriers to achieving such a capability are substantial. However, if paired with self-replicating RNA technology, it is possible that something could come of this."


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FRIGHTENING TRUTH: Airborne mRNA Vaccines Are Being Created That Can Be Delivered Straight Into the Lungs Without the Need for Injection:

Researchers have developed an airborne mRNA vaccine offering a vehicle by which to rapidly vaccinate the masses without their knowledge or consent.



December 22, 2023

Exposing The Darkness

By The Exposé December 22, 2023


Researchers have developed an airborne mRNA vaccine offering a vehicle by which to rapidly vaccinate the masses without their knowledge or consent.


A team from Yale University has developed a new airborne method for delivering mRNA right to your lungs. The method has also been used to vaccinate mice intranasally, “opening the door for human testing in the near future.


While scientists may celebrate this invention as a convenient method to vaccinate large populations, skeptics raise obvious concerns about the potential misuse of an airborne vaccine, including the possibility of covert bioenhancements a concept that has previously been suggested in academic literature. (source).


Roman Balmakov of Facts Matter discusses the study in the video below:



0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

[Posted by nonvaxer420

Published September 7, 2023




The Study: Polymer nanoparticles deliver mRNA to the lung for mucosal vaccination


In a research conducted on mice, scientists from Yale University developed polymer nanoparticles to encapsulate mRNA, transforming it into an inhalable form for delivery to the lungs. Courtney Malo, who serves as an editor at Science Translational Medicine, the publication that featured the study, explained,


The ability to efficiently deliver mRNA to the lung would have applications for vaccine development, gene therapy, and moreHere, Suberi et al. showed that such mRNA delivery can be accomplished by encapsulating mRNAs of interest within optimized poly(amine-co-ester) polyplexes [nanoparticles].


Polyplex-delivered mRNAs were efficiently translated into protein in the lungs of mice with limited evidence of toxicity. This platform was successfully applied as an intranasal SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, eliciting robust immune responses that conferred protection against subsequent viral challenge.


These results highlight the potential of this delivery system for vaccine applications and beyond.


The team, which was led by cellular and molecular physiologist Mark Saltzman, claims that the inhalable mRNA vaccine “successfully protected against “SARS-CoV-2“, and that it “opens the door to delivering other messenger RNA (mRNA) therapeutics for gene replacement therapy and other treatments in the lungs.”(source)

mRNA therapeutics for gene replacement therapy & other treatments in the lungs


For the study, mice received two intranasal doses of nanoparticles carrying mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, which proved to be effective in the animals. In the past, lung-targeted mRNA therapies had trouble making it into the cells necessary to express the encoded protein, known as poor transfection efficiency (source).


“The Saltzman group got around this hurdle in part by using a nanoparticle made from poly(amine-co-ester) polyplexes, or PACE, a biocompatible and highly customizable polymer,” a Yale University news release explained. In a previous study, Saltzman had tried a “prime and spike” system to deliver COVID-19 shots, which involved injecting mRNA shots into a muscle, then spraying spike proteins into the nose.


It turned out the injection portion may be unnecessary, and Saltzman has high hopes for the airborne delivery method, beyond vaccines: (source).


“In the new report, there is no intramuscular injection. We just gave two doses, a prime, and a boost, intranasally, and we got a highly protective immune response. But we also showed that, generally, you can deliver different kinds of mRNA. So it’s not just good for a vaccine, but potentially also good for gene replacement therapy in diseases like cystic fibrosis and gene editing.


We used a vaccine example to show that it works, but it opens the door to doing all these other kinds of interventions.”


Air Vax Could ‘Radically Change’ How People Are Vaccinated

Saltzman says this “new method of delivery could ‘radically change the way people are vaccinated,’” making it easier to vaccinate people in remote areas or those who are afraid of needles.10 But that’s not all. An airborne vaccine makes it possible to rapidly disseminate it across a population.


No Jab Needed


By releasing the vaccine in the air, there’s no need to inject each person individually — which is not only time-consuming but difficult if an individual objects to the shot. This isn’t the case with an airborne vaccine, which can be released into the air without consent or even the public’s knowledge.


A similar strategy is being used with mRNA in shrimp, which are too small and numerous to be injected individually. Instead, an oral “nanovaccine” was created to stop the spread of a virus. Shai Ufaz, chief executive officer of ViAqua, which developed the technology, stated:


Oral delivery is the holy grail of aquaculture health development due to both the impossibility of vaccinating individual shrimp and its ability to substantially bring down the operational costs of disease management while improving outcomes …”


While the Yale scientists are targeting an intranasal mRNA product, the outcome is the same — get as many exposed as possible with the least amount of cost and effort. According to the Yale study:


An inhalable platform for messenger RNA (mRNA) therapeutics would enable minimally invasive and lung-targeted delivery for a host of pulmonary diseases. Development of lung-targeted mRNA therapeutics has been limited by poor transfection efficiency and risk of vehicle-induced pathology.


Here, we report an inhalable polymer-based vehicle for the delivery of therapeutic mRNAs to the lung. We optimized biodegradable poly(amine-co-ester) (PACE) polyplexes [nanoparticles] for mRNA delivery using end-group modifications and polyethylene glycol. These polyplexes achieved high transfection of mRNA throughout the lung, particularly in epithelial and antigen-presenting cells.


We applied this technology to develop a mucosal vaccine for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 and found that intranasal vaccination with spike protein–encoding mRNA polyplexes induced potent cellular and humoral adaptive immunity and protected susceptible mice from lethal viral challenge. Together, these results demonstrate the translational potential of PACE polyplexes for therapeutic delivery of mRNA to the lungs.”


The following excerpts are from Dr Joseph Mercola, who explains his concerns regarding the airborne mRNA

US Government Has History of Bioweapons Release


When you put the pieces of the puzzle together, a disturbing picture emerges. As reported by The Epoch Times, we have a history of the U.S. government taking extreme measures to mandate and promote COVID-19 shots to the public. Now, researchers have developed an airborne mRNA vaccine, offering a vehicle by which to rapidly vaccinate the masses without their knowledge or consent (source).


Is there proof that the government or another entity has plans to covertly release an air vax on the population? No. But there is a history of it carrying out secret bioweapon simulations on Americans. In 1950, the U.S. Navy sprayed Serratia marcescens bacteria into the air near San Francisco over a period of six days.


Dubbed “Operation Sea Spray,” the project was intended to determine how susceptible the city was to a bioweapon attack. Serratia marcescens turns whatever it touches bright red, making it easy to track. It spread throughout the city, as residents inhaled the microbes from the air. While the U.S. military initially thought Serratia marcescens wouldn’t harm humans, an outbreak occurred, with some developing urinary tract infections as a result.


At least one person died “and some have suggested that the release forever changed the area’s microbial ecology,” Smithsonian Magazine reported. This wasn’t an isolated incident, as the U.S. government carried out many other experiments across the U.S. over the next 20 years. (source).


 So, while it’s disturbing to think of an air vax experiment being conducted on an unsuspecting public, it’s not unprecedented.

Bioethics Study Promotes Covert, Compulsory Bioenhancement

Adding to the story is academic endorsement of the use of compulsory, covert bioenhancements. Writing in the journal Bioethics, Parker Crutchfield with Western Michigan University, Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine, discusses moral bioenhancements, which refers to the use of biomedical means to trigger moral improvements.


Drug treatments, including vaccines, and genetic engineering are potential examples of bioenhancements. Further, according to Crutchfield:


“It is necessary to morally bioenhance the population in order to prevent ultimate harm. Moral bioenhancement is the potential practice of influencing a person’s moral behavior by way of biological intervention upon their moral attitudes, motivations, or dispositions.


The technology that may permit moral bioenhancement is on the scale between nonexistent and nascent, but common examples of potential interventions include infusing water supplies with pharmaceuticals that enhance empathy or altruism or otherwise intervening on a person’s emotions or motivations, in an attempt to influence the person’s moral behavior.”


Some argue that moral bioenhancements should be compulsory for the greater good. Crutchfield believes this doesn’t go far enough. He also wants them to be covert: (source).


“I take this argument one step further, arguing that if moral bioenhancement ought to be compulsory, then its administration ought to be covert rather than overt. This is to say that it is morally preferable for compulsory moral bioenhancement to be administered without the recipients knowing that they are receiving the enhancement.”


He even goes so far as to suggest “a covert compulsory program promotes values such as liberty, utility, equality and autonomy better than an overt program does.” (source).


So here we have evidence of academic support for covertly releasing drugs and other bioenhancements onto the public. This, combined with the creation of an airborne mRNA vaccine and the government’s history of experimenting on the public, paints an unsettling picture of the future.


Problems With mRNA COVID Shots Persist


Aside from the concerns of airborne delivery, mRNA COVID-19 shots are associated with significant risks — no matter how you’re exposed. People ages 65 and older who received Pfizer’s updated (bivalent) COVID-19 booster shot may be at increased risk of stroke, according to an announcement made by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration. (source).


Further, a large study from Israel revealed that Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA jab is associated with a threefold increased risk of myocarditis, leading to the condition at a rate of 1 to 5 events per 100,000 persons (source). Other elevated risks were also identified following the COVID jab, including lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes), appendicitis, and herpes zoster infection (source).


At least 16,183 people also say they’ve developed tinnitus after receiving a COVID-19 shot (source). The reports were filed with the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database. But considering only between 1% and 10% of adverse reactions are ever reported to VAERS, the actual number is likely much higher.


It’s because of risks like these that informed consent is essential for any medical procedure, including vaccinations. The development of airborne mRNA jabs, however, makes the possibility of informed consent being taken away all the more real. From Mercola


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Dr Robert Malone: ‘I’ve Been Labelled an Enemy of the State for Speaking Inconvenient Truths’ | British Thought Leaders


British Thought Leaders



[Blog Editor: To watch on EPOCH TV, you may need a paid subscription so I uploaded to my Bitchute Channel. In the case of the possibility of The Epoch Times sending a copyright complaint to Bitchute, I also posted on my UGETube Channel.]



[Posted by SlantRight2

First Published December 23rd, 2023 16:51 UTC




NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with Dr. Robert Malone to talk about vaccines, a global surge in mortality rates, and the consequences of our pandemic policies.


Dr. Malone discusses the weaponisation of language, a global psyops campaign to suppress dissent, and the capture of mainstream media.


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