Tuesday, August 9, 2022

THE Dictatorship is Upon YOU – DO SOMETHING!

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© August 9, 2022


 Unless you live under a rock, you’ve probably heard by now Dementia Biden’s Brown Shirts/Gestapo FBI raided President Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago Florida under the pretense of looking for classified documents that every modern President has taken from the White House to decide what goes to their Presidential Library. AND as you will or hear in the cross posts I’ll be sharing, some Dems have actually destroyed classified or subpoenaed documents (electronic or otherwise) without ANY legal repercussions to cover up their crimes.


My fellow Americans, the Dem-Marxist dictatorship is upon you! Think about it. This is the same FBI that manufactured data leading to multiple impeachments by slim Dem-Marxist majorities in the House (with the help of treasonous RINOs. AND after the Election Coup, it is the same FBI that had plants among Trump supporters urging them to enter restricted areas resulting arrests and guilty pleas to avoid long incarcerations when in cities across American VIOLENT rioters and looters committed crimes with no consequence. AND when those rioters were actually arrested Dem-Marxist Prosecutors released and even the Coup-Elected VP even posted bail for many before the coup was a done deal.


YOU REALIZE the next step by the Dem-Marxist persecutors is to fabricate yet another crime against President Trump to arrest him. THEN MY FELLOW AMERICANS, will you sit in your armchair as the Dem-Marxist propaganda MSM mouthpieces cheer as they did during illicit impeachment proceedings? OR WILL YOU FINALLY STOP TRUSTING A CORRUPT GOVERNMENT to take the rule of law seriously?!


I first heard the Dan Bongino reaction in an interview with Jesse Watters on a Rumble video. A SGT Report video on Bitchute includes that interview with some very relevant OUTRAGE included in the eleven-minute video. Listen to Bongino’s anger. It reflects mine and should reflect YOUR anger in this degeneration of the American Republic. I am no fan of profanity but Bongino’s enunciation of the “BS” word is very appropriate in this latest repulse of American Liberty.


Apparently, shortly after Dementia Biden’s Gestapo began ransacking President Trump’s home he released a 3.50 minute video on his Truth Social platform about an America in decline. I found a version of that Truth Social post on Rumble under the title, “WATCH: Trump Issues URGENT VIDEO After FBI Raid...


Robert Spencer has an excellent post at FrontPageMag entitled, “End of the Republic: With the FBI raid on Trump’s home, America has fallen into the abyss.”


Matt Vespa at Townhall wonders about a Ft. Sumter analogy that began the Civil War on April 12, 1861. The Vespa title: “Did Joe Biden Have His Fort Sumter Moment With FBI Raid Against Trump?


The Patriot Post has  MUST READ about our Banana Republic’s current two-tier justice system under the title, “FBI Raids Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Home: In yet another case of two-tiered justice, Joe Biden’s DOJ raided the home of his past and likely future political opponent.


I end my cross posts with three videos beginning with Alex Jones that includes an interview Roger Stone and culminates with Jones urging Trump supporters to refrain from a violent response implying Biden’s Brown Shirts has the license-to-kill bullets behind them (but I am unsure how much more restraint American Patriots can endure with ever increasing acts of tyranny): “EMERGENCY BROADCAST: FBI RAID AGAINST TRUMP SIGNALS DEEP STATE COUP HAS BEGUN: ALEX JONES AND ROGER


And two Youtube videos of Fox News interviews. One with Lara Trump and another with Eric Trump.


And a couple honorable mention posts I am not sharing by cross posting:


o   WTPC Press Release on FBI Raid of Trump's Home; By Tom Zawistowski; We the People Convention; 8/9/22


o   Trump Posts Video Response on Truth Social To the Banana Republic FBI Raid On His Mara-Lago Home [VIDEO]; By Rich Welsh; DJHJ Media; 8/9/22


o   President Trump Posts Apocalyptic Ad Mourning America Hours After FBI Raids His Home – And He Makes One Inspirational Promise; By Alicia Powe; The Gateway Pundit; 8/9/22 7:30am


JRH 8/9/22

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Posted by SGT Report

First Published August 9th, 2022 03:24 UTC


The criminal Biden administration just crossed the line, again. But this time they may just cause an uprising because "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."



Rumble VIDEO: WATCH: Trump Issues URGENT VIDEO After FBI Raid...

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Posted by AngryPatriotMovement

Published August 9, 2022


This is perhaps Donald Trump's biggest hint at his 2024 presidential run.


After the feds invaded his home in yet another biased political witch hunt, Donald Trump released the following video listing ways our country is "in decline."


This is his most powerful video yet. Everyone should see it.



End of the Republic

With the FBI raid on Trump’s home, America has fallen into the abyss.


Trump - Mar-a-Lago


By Robert Spencer

Aug 9, 2022



When the FBI raided Donald Trump’s home on Monday, a key aspect of what made the United States of America great and free has been lost, and likely cannot be recovered. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson detested one another for years before their eventual reconciliation, but neither one used the agencies of the U.S. government to hound, persecute or discredit the other. Other bitter political opponents throughout the history of the republic have never before used the government’s own mechanisms of justice to do injustice to their foes. Joe Biden, Merrick Garland and their henchmen have brought America to a new phase of its history, and it is not likely to be one that is marked by respect for the rule of law or defense of the rights of individual citizens. Instead, we are entering an ugly age of authoritarianism, in which the brute force of the state is used to bend the people to the will of the tyrant.


Trump announced on Monday, “These are dark times for our Nation, as my beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents. Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before. After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate.”


The 45th president is not given to understatement, but the FBI raid on his home is much more than just unnecessary and inappropriate. It is criminal. The FBI that was heavily involved in trying to frame and destroy Trump in the Russian Collusion hoax is now trying once again to destroy him, apparently by claiming that he improperly took classified material from the White House. They never cared when Hillary Clinton misused classified material on a grand scale; what is the difference? They’re also likely trying to find something to link him more firmly to the January 6 “insurrection” that never was. The Left’s January 6 narrative has been full of holes from the beginning: Trump told the demonstrators to proceed peacefully, the people who entered the Capitol had no weapons, and no one had sketched out any kind of plan to do what the Left continues to claim that Trump was trying to do all along, overthrow the government and rule as a dictator.


But Joe Biden’s handlers are desperately afraid that Trump will return to the White House on January 20, 2025 and that things will go harder for them next time than they did during his first term. They’re afraid that a vengeful Trump will do a genuine and thorough housecleaning of the desperately corrupt and compromised Washington bureaucracy, and that many of them will, quite justly, end up out of power, and some of them will, even more justly, end up in prison. So they’ve determined to pre-emptively do the same to Trump. If they can’t actually find anything to prosecute him for (and Lord knows they’ve tried, this is the most investigated and poked and prodded and scrutinized man in American history, and still those who hate him have nothing), then at very least they hope to taint Trump so completely in the eyes of the distracted and indifferent public that they will have a fighting chance in 2024.


This is banana republic stuff. This is the kind of thing that moved Woodrow Wilson to intervene militarily in Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, and Nicaragua, explaining: “We are friends of constitutional government in America; we are more than its friends, we are its champions. I am going to teach the South American republics to elect good men.” Wilson was an authoritarian scoundrel and one of the worst presidents we have ever endured, but much as he hated Theodore Roosevelt and feared that he would be reelected to the presidency in 1920 (instead, Roosevelt died in 1919), Wilson never had rogue government agents raid Roosevelt’s home looking for something they could use to pin some crime on him.


Merrick Garland recently signaled that something like this was in the offing, when he emphasized that no one was above the law and anyone could be prosecuted. No one is above that law, that is, except Hillary Clinton, and Hunter Biden, and all the FBI officials who have been implicated in the Russian Collusion hoax, and all the other Leftists who have escaped and will continue to escape prosecution because they hold what the elites consider to be acceptable political opinions.


The two-tier justice system that aggressively prosecutes conservatives while turning a blind eye to Leftists who have committed similar or worse crimes is now out in the open. Trump did nothing, but the FBI will find some crime for which the Justice Department will prosecute him. Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden did a great deal, but none of it matters to corrupt officials who share their worldview.


The lesson is clear: in America today, in the corrupt kleptocracy of Joe Biden, you have to have the right opinions. Then all doors will open for you and you can even break laws with impunity, and have no fear of prosecution. But if you dare to dissent from the opinions of the elites, prepare to be hounded by the new super-IRS and the weaponized FBI, and you’ll face raids, and prison, and who knows what else is coming.


Many conservatives are saying that this ensures Trump’s victory in 2024. But what makes them think that this corrupt regime will allow the man whom they fear and hate above all others return to the White House? It’s clear now. They will stop at nothing.


This is no longer a republic, except of the banana variety. It may be a republic again someday, but for now, the great American experiment is over. Born July 4, 1776 in Philadelphia, died August 8, 2022, in Mar-A-Lago, at the hands of Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and Christopher Wray.


Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 25 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest book is The Critical Qur’an. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.





Did Joe Biden Have His Fort Sumter Moment With FBI Raid Against Trump?


President Trump - Source: AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin


By Matt Vespa

Aug 09, 2022 12:01 AM



These are challenging discussions, and they're certainly not pleasant given the heinous nature of the American Civil War. That conflict remains our nation's bloodiest war. It was also arguably our most moral struggle, which began when Confederate troops fired on Fort Sumter in South Carolina. After that attack, the Rubicon had been crossed, and both sides prepared for armed conflict. Did that just happen with the FBI's raid on Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence yesterday evening? Given how America is split, it wouldn't have shocked me if a civil war-like event occurred in my lifetime. Hopefully, I'd be almost dead, but the chances of that happening earlier increased with the latest activity from the Department of Justice.


For an absurd amount of time, we didn't even know why FBI agents busted into the domicile of the former president. It looked as if the Democrat-run Department of Justice had been unleashed against the top political opponent of the opposing party. Then, we learned that agents were combing the grounds for papers relating to the preservation of documents under the auspices of the National Archives. Are you kidding me? They unleashed an army of federal agents to find those 15 or so boxes that allegedly weren't turned over after the end of the first Trump presidency. That's rich—and pure propaganda. No one believes that.


What is clear is that the rule of law is relative under the governance of Democrats. They will hurl all the accusations against us conservatives about jailing political opponents being a characteristic of banana republics. That became a talking point in the waning days of the 2016 election when Trump mentioned possibly going after Hillary Clinton for her shady deeds with her foundation, which arguably was a slush fund and favor bank for the wealthy and well-connected. Trump opted not to do that, but Joe Biden decided to send it on this front, unleashing the Justice Department's full force to find something that could bar the former president from running again.


The shot has been fired across the bow. No one believes this is over documents not turned over to the National Archives. You'd have to be smoking Hunter Biden's crack to settle on that reasoning. This raid is the culmination of needless attempts to indict Trump on criminal charges, whether that be tax evasion, treason, or fomenting rebellion via January 6 and coming up short every time for the past six years.


Congress couldn't do it, and neither could the media. The endless pool of Democrat lawyers couldn't find anything either, so unleash the party's quasi-hit squad, the FBI, to dig up the dirt. The FBI manufactured evidence to secure FISA spy warrants on Trump campaign officials, like Carter Page. They spied on the Trump campaign via Crossfire Hurricane. And this agency ran with a Russian collusion investigation that they knew was fake. It was an opposition research project funded by the Clinton campaign, so it wouldn't shock me if agents planted evidence against Trump at Mar-a-Lago to secure indictments. If we know anything by now, the credibility of the FBI hit the negative years ago.


The Democrats' decision to use their institutional power to go after political opponents could be a Rubicon moment. It could be the 21st Century Fort Sumter event because anything the FBI does now will be viewed rightfully with deep suspicion and disbelief. The DOJ can do nothing to improve its image with half the country. With law and order directly applied based on political bias, there's ample reason for millions of Americans to never trust federal law enforcement again with potentially deadly consequences. Biden and the Democrats set this nation on a course for civil war. That's not hyperbole. When you turn the nation's institutions against people with whom you disagree politically, and those people see it happening in real-time, fear of government skyrockets, and confrontation increases. With a nation loaded with gun owners, Biden's healing appears to be paradoxically grounded in slash and burn, and that's not a symptom of long COVID.


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 FBI Raids Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Home

In yet another case of two-tiered justice, Joe Biden’s DOJ raided the home of his past and likely future political opponent.


2-Tier Justice-- Hunter Biden, Crooked Hillary & President Trump



August 9, 2022

The Patriot Post


Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats can’t seem to decide whether or not they want Donald Trump to run for president. But either way, they’re committed to turning our nation into a banana republic with their political persecution of the man whose appeal drives them crazy and whose commitment to draining The Swamp frightens them to their core. As Fox News reports:


The FBI’s decision to execute a search warrant at former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home on Monday is “unprecedented” — especially for a non-sitting commander-in-chief and one who has indicated he might run again, a former special-agent-in-charge told Fox News Digital on Monday.


“We just haven’t investigated presidents after they’ve served their term,” Michael Tabman, former head of the FBI’s Minneapolis Field Office, said. “But it is a huge move by the FBI in that the political sensitivities are clear. It’s obvious that they’re dealing on a very, sort of tenuous political climate when you go out and you investigate a president, especially one who says he may run for office again.”


Trump announced on Monday that his palatial Florida residence had been raided early in the morning. Sources told Fox News Digital the search was in connection with materials that Trump took with him from his time as president. Sources also said National Archives and Records Administration referred the case to the Justice Department, which recovered 15 boxes of classified materials from the home.


“The raid of [Mar-A-Lago] is another escalation in the weaponization of federal agencies against the Regime’s political opponents, while people like Hunter Biden get treated with kid gloves,” tweeted Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. “Now the Regime is getting another 87k IRS agents to wield against its adversaries? Banana Republic.”


The governor is spot-on. We used to roll our eyes and shake our heads at the corrupt political machinations going on in all those small, sorry Central American countries. Who’s laughing now?


“A raid is supposed to be a last resort,” said constitutional law expert Alan Dershowitz. “But this administration has used the weaponization of the justice system against its political enemies. It’s arrested people, denied them bail, put them in handcuffs — used all kinds of techniques that are not usually applied to American citizens.”


Indeed, Dershowitz seemed stunned by the use of an FBI raid, calling the proper step for retrieving the documents in question a subpoena. He noted that a raid should be used to obtain evidence that’s under immediate threat of being destroyed. And with Donald Trump in Manhattan instead of at his Florida home, it’s unclear who might’ve been poised to destroy those documents.


Or, as columnist Byron York incredulously tweeted, “They raided his house over the Presidential Records Act?”


Of course, we shouldn’t be surprised. After all, this is the same FBI that falsified evidence to the FISA Court in order to obtain a warrant to spy on Trump associate Carter Page and thereby spy on Donald Trump and his entire team. The same FBI that helped concoct that whole “Russia collusion” hoax. So if you’re thinking the FBI deserves the benefit of the doubt when it comes to decency and credibility and integrity, well, think again.


No, this ain’t your daddy’s FBI. Much as it pains us to say it, this is Joe Biden’s FBI, his Praetorian Guard. This is a nakedly corrupt FBI that has finally been exposed by more than a dozen whistleblowers, an FBI led by a gutless bureaucrat who last week skipped out on a serious grilling from Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans so he could board the FBI’s private Gulfstream 550 jet to vacation at his summer home in the Adirondacks.


Ultimately, and most troubling of all, this is an FBI that treats those on the Right differently than it treats those on the Left.


How so? “Christopher Wray has ironclad video evidence that Hunter Biden broke multiple federal gun laws, multiple federal narcotics laws, and multiple federal sex trafficking laws,” tweeted political commentator John Cardillo, “and still hasn’t served a search warrant on any of his homes or offices.”


True enough. And that assessment doesn’t even factor in Junior’s influence peddling with woefully corrupt Ukraine and the Communist Chinese while his dad, the “Big Guy,” was serving as our nation’s vice president.


It’s also the FBI that, just before the 2020 election, entrapped a bunch of knuckleheads with more than a dozen agents and informants in an unserious plot to kidnap Michigan Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer. To the FBI’s eternal shame, that case ultimately collapsed and was all but laughed out of court.


Or, to cite yet another example, as Donald Trump himself put it: “Hillary Clinton was allowed to delete and acid wash 33,000 emails AFTER they were subpoenaed by Congress. Absolutely nothing has happened to hold her accountable.”


Is all this an effort to disqualify Trump from running in 2024? It sure seems like it. And a well-placed lefty lawyer might’ve let that cat out of the bag. Tweeted Harry Litman: “Per Marc Elias HUGE POINT: the records provision they’re investigating carries the penalty that someone convicted ‘shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.’ So this could be the whole enchilada in terms of DOJ resolution.”


Regardless of the Democrats’ intent, though, they’ll have some ‘splaining to do come January. If, as is expected, Republicans retake control of the House of Representatives, they’ll regain the gavels, regain investigative and subpoena power, and regain control of the congressional purse. As our likely next House Speaker Kevin McCarthy declared: “I’ve seen enough. The Department of Justice has reached an intolerable state of weaponized politicization. When Republicans take back the House, we will conduct immediate oversight of this department, follow the facts, and leave no stone unturned. Attorney General Garland, preserve your documents and clear your calendar.”


Copyright © 2022 The Patriot Post. All Rights Reserved.




Posted by BNN

First Published August 9th, 2022 08:39 UTC 


Aug 9, 2022


The Alex Jones Show


August 8th 2022 is dark day for America. FBI raids have finally reached the former president of the United States as Donald J Trump's Mar-A-Lago residence was invaded by an army of Feds under the guise of looking for classified documents. Alex Jones and Roger Stone respond to this signal that the deep state coup against free America has gone into overdrive and what we can do to stop it.





Youtube VIDEO: F/22ULL HD 8/8 Lara Trump This should shake you to your core FOX NEWS


Posted by S-NEWS-HD

Posted on Aug 8, 2022



Youtube VIDEO: Eric Trump: FBI's raid of Mar-a-Lago goes past politics


Posted by Fox News

Posted on Aug 9, 2022



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