Sunday, April 10, 2022

What is Liberty Lost?

A WEF Borg Life


John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© April 10, 2022


WEF ideology is a refined combination of Corporatist Fascism and Marxist principles pushing for a Globalist One-World Government New World Order (NWO).


Since the end of WWII schools have mistakenly taught Nazism/Fascism was an extreme Right Wing phenomenon. Both movements evolved from Socialist concepts that differed from the Marxist-Soviet-Maoist visions only because Nazis/Fascists pushed a racist superiority Nationalism. The Marxist-Soviet-Maoist vision was a Globalist State-Supremacist NWO that demanded all Races and Cultural Thought become subservient to the State meaning the end of ANY competing religious thought.


Nazis and Fascists Globalist vision demanded other peoples surrender to the superiority of Aryan Germans, Italian (old Roman) Fascists OR Japanese Imperialism – ALL depending on the sphere of influence. The least Socialist of the Axis Allies was Imperial Japan yet Japanese ruling Elites pushed the same Racial Superiority ideology.


The 21st century Corporatist-Fascists are more concerned about greed being protected by a the transformed NWO envisioned by WEF acolytes which forces individual compliance to a One-World Government via manifestations of technology manipulation hence Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution which is clandestine-speak for a Tech-infused Transhumanist Revolution.


Tech-infused means using technological means to manipulate how you think and believe by the delusional lies of enhancing life.


Imagine a world where EVERYONE believes the same thing, does what is told to do and questions nothing. If you are an old-Trekkie like me, that is the Borg. But what the WEF’ers are looking for are Cyborgs to manipulate.


I have two cross posts I believe expresses my line of thinking. The first is a Lawrence Sellin article posted by The Gateway Pundit’s Joe Hoft entitled, “The Second American Civil War is Underway.”


I subscribe to Dr. Joseph Mercola, but I didn’t get to his 48-hour window in time to cross post his 4/8/22 post. (If I was a paid subscriber I could accessed it, but I don’t yet generate enough support myself to justify a paid subscription. If you are I encourage to support Dr. Mercola who is often wrongfully vilified!)


I am not the only person finding value in Dr. Mercola posts, as many others share his posts. I found a LifeSiteNews cross post that also added the Dr. Mercola footnotes. The email from Dr. Mercola on 4/8 used this title, “The Most Dangerous Person in the World?” Which a few cross post sharers used like Virginia Christian Alliance. It is my sense most cross post sharers used Dr. Mercola’s other title (which LifeSiteNews utilizes): “World Economic Forum was created by US policies.”


It will be worth your time to read BOTH TGP and Dr. Mercola!


JRH 4/10/22

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The Second American Civil War is Underway

Lincoln Memorial Statue


Posted by Joe Hoft

Published April 9, 2022 at 8:00am

Guest post by Lawrence Sellin

The Gateway Pundit


The confirmation of Ketanji Brown Jackson to Supreme Court is only historic in the sense that she is an illegitimate justice, nominated by an illegitimate occupant of the White House, and a nomination in violation of U.S. law prohibiting hiring people on the basis of race and gender. She is also a Groomer, friendly to pedophiles and child pornographers, and placed on the Court to normalize that behavior.


For expressing those sentiments, I was permanently suspended from Twitter.


I did not post anything obscene or threaten anyone, but, in the eyes of the Stalinists at Twitter, I did something worse.


Exercising my freedom of speech, I challenged the narrative that buttresses the goal of the de facto political and cultural civil war being waged by those who, in the words of Barack Obama, want to fundamentally transform the United States of America.


That is, transform the country from what it was, a constitutional republic founded on individual liberty, into something far less free.


Call it what you like, communism, fascism, China’s combination of state capitalism and totalitarianism, or the less ominous-sounding model of a global public-private partnership espoused by Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum.


In all cases, the goal is not better democratic government and greater freedom, but the creation of a dystopia.


Prerequisites for such an outcome are the elimination of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.


In parallel, you need, as Christopher Hitchens noted in his article “Why Americans Are Not Taught History,” an otherwise sophisticated society to lose any sense of itself through an understanding of its own history, culture and traditions.


A dystopia is characterized by a cataclysmic decline of a society, in which a totalitarian government enforces ruthless egalitarianism by suppressing or denouncing ability and accomplishment, or even competence, as forms of inequality. It creates dependency on the state and attempts to eradicate the family as a social institution.


Features of a dystopic society include: control over the people through the usage of propaganda, heavy censoring of information and the denial of free thought, the complete loss of individuality, and heavy enforcement of conformity.


The strategy involves a combination of governmental coercion as in George Orwell’s “Nineteen Eighty-Four” and the hedonist nihilism of a painless, amusement-sodden, and stress-free consensus managed by the nanny-state found in Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World.”


In his book “Amusing Ourselves to Death,” Neil Postman notes that in “Nineteen Eighty-Four,” people are controlled by inflicting pain; in “Brave New World,” they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture.


America’s enemies plan to do both.


It would be a world of perpetual crisis, omnipresent government surveillance, misinformation and manipulation by state-controlled media; all overseen by a privileged, hedonistic and shallow political elite.


It is not unlike what we have now in Washington D.C.


The major obstacles to retaining our constitutional republic are: (1) the federal government, as an institution, has become hopeless corrupt and (2) although we have elections, we do not have representative government.


Yes, continue to vote, but do not expect any substantive reform. Both Democrats and Republicans benefit from the corruption and the absence of election integrity.


Change will only occur through a bottom-up, nationwide political insurgency.


The objective of a political insurgency is to restore the Constitution as the basis of our government, in particular the 10th Amendment, which states:


The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”


Ordinary Americans must band together locally outside of the Democrat and Republican Party structures to restore the rule of law and establish alternate forms of governance accountable to the people.


Fundamental to that effort are the rights guaranteed under the Second Amendment. Each locality should establish an organized and disciplined militia with sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain independence and individual liberty against any outside entity that might attempt to abuse them.


Nations are lands defined by borders containing people with a common history, culture and language.


If the United States is to remain a sovereign nation with a restored constitutional republic, local governments need to preserve the critical elements of nationhood and national culture. Such measures include:


§  Securing our national borders,


§  Detaining and expelling all illegal aliens,


§  Declaring English the only official language,


§  Strictly enforcing Equal Opportunity, eliminating all discriminatory diversity and equity policies,


§  Outlawing the teaching or promotion of critical race theory and sex-oriented curricula for children,


§  Establishing a simplified and equitable tax system for individuals and businesses to limit both the Internal Revenue Service and the impact of lobbyists,


§  Begin moving federal departments out of Washington D.C. to other locations in the country and hiring local employees,


§  Rebuilding from the ground up, the Department of Justice, the FBI and all intelligence agencies,


§  Restoring energy self-sufficiency,


§  Maintaining a strict constructionist interpretation of the Constitution,


§  Limiting Congressional terms to a total of 12 years either in the House of Representatives or the Senate or a combination thereof,


§  All current members of Congress who have exceeded the 12-year limit cannot run for reelection,


§  Removing all special benefits for members of Congress and government officials beyond those available to ordinary citizens,


§  With the exception of funds necessary for the defense of the nation, establish a yearly across-the-board 5% reduction in federal government funding with the immediate elimination of the Departments of Homeland Security, Energy, Education and the Environmental Protection Agency.


§  A yearly 10% reduction in foreign aid to be reinvested in the nation.


The political and cultural civil war, in which the United States is presently immersed, will determine the future of the country in a way no less historic than the American Civil War of 1861-1865.


And our side, the one wishing to retain our constitutional republic, is not yet fighting back in a manner that will yield victory.


We urgently need to do so.


Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is retired U.S. Army Reserve colonel and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. He had a civilian career in international business and medical research. Dr. Sellin is the author of Restoring the Republic: Arguments for a Second American Revolution. His email address is


© 2022 The Gateway Pundit – All Rights Reserved.



World Economic Forum was created by US policies

WEF’s goal isn’t to just control life on Earth but to fundamentally change it.


By Dr. Joseph Mercola

Apr 9, 2022 - 12:18 pm EDT



( — Note from LifeSite co-founder Steve Jalsevac: JP Sears and Dr. Mercola are among many public figures who have awakened to and are exposing that the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset is not a “conspiracy theory” but a very real, long-planned scheme that the entire world must become aware of and actively oppose.


The combination of Sears’ unique humor, although a bit raw at times, and crucial, added information from Dr. Mercola, makes this an especially effective presentation on the Great Reset that should be shared widely. It appears we all have no choice but to try to inform and motivate others to join in opposing this evil globalist agenda that CAN still be defeated. Public awareness is the key. This is where LifeSite readers can play a role.


Entering into the LifeSite Search window the phrase “Great Reset” will retrieve much additional information. LifeSite has been a leading information source on this globalist scheme massively threatening our and your core beliefs on life, family, faith, and freedom to a historically unprecedented degree.


Youtube VIDEO: Is Klaus Schwab the Most Dangerous Man in the World?



[Posted by AwakenWithJP

Mar 5, 2022






Ø Klaus Schwab, owner and chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), is the most dangerous man in the world


Ø WEF’s ultimate goal is to do away with the democratic process and give all ownership and control to the deep state — and the technocratic elite who control it


Ø WEF relies on fearmongering; when the population is controlled by fear, it welcomes authoritarian “protections” like increased surveillance and digital identity systems, introduced under the guise of safety, but which ultimately remove personal autonomy and freedom


Ø WEF’s goal isn’t to just control life on Earth but to fundamentally change it by hacking into humans and removing free will


Ø WEF, in partnership with investment firm BlackRock, has infiltrated the government and is colluding in corporatism, where an unelected corporate elite dictates top down to the population


Ø You can protect your sovereignty by relying on your own critical thinking and choosing bravery over obedience


Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), is the personification of The Great Reset — the ultimate goal of which is to do away with the democratic process and give all ownership and control to the deep state — and the technocratic elite who control it.


In the video above, comedian JP Sears outlines the primary reasons why this makes Schwab easily among the most dangerous people in the world — and arguably the most dangerous. One of The Great Reset’s “new normal” dictums is that you’ll own nothing and be happy. This is part of WEF’s 2030 agenda,1 and a plan is already in place to make it happen.


Schwab is also author of the book, “COVID-19: The Great Reset,” which was published July 9, 2020. “Wonder how he got it written and published that fast?” Sears said. “It’s almost like he prewrote it before he started the pandemic. I mean, before the pandemic started.”2


Acute Crisis Boosts the Power of the State


WEF operates via fearmongering — about disease and environmental catastrophes, for starters. When the population is controlled by fear, it welcomes authoritarian “protections” like increased surveillance and digital identity systems, introduced under the guise of safety, but which ultimately remove personal autonomy and freedom.


In fact, Schwab wrote, “One of the greatest lessons of the past five centuries in Europe and America is this: Acute crisis contributes to boosting the power of the state. It’s always been the case, and there is no reason why it should be different with the COVID-19 pandemic.”3 Remember, nobody elected Schwab to any government position, but he’s behind the scenes pulling strings nonetheless.


WEF portrays itself as a global organization committed to improving the state of the world, but most would be taken aback if they knew who’s behind it. As Sears put it:4


“You’ll be excited to hear that the line-up of World Economic Forum’s speakers at their annual gathering of elites in Davos included such benevolent humanitarians like Xi Jinping, the leader of the Chinese Communist Party, who’s currently committing genocide, and Tony Fauci, who’s arguably involved in crimes against humanity, and Bill Gates, who’s arguably involved in crimes against humanity, and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who’s arguably currently involved in crimes against humanity. What a great line-up!”


Committed to Reengineering Life Itself


WEF’s goal isn’t to just control life on Earth but to fundamentally change it. Schwab’s top adviser, transhumanist Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, openly admits data might enable human elites to do more than “just build digital dictatorships.”


“By hacking organisms,” Harari said, “elites may gain the power to re-engineer the future of life itself. Because once you can hack something, you can usually also engineer it.”5 Soon, he says, some corporations and governments will be able to “systematically hack all the people.” And if they succeed in hacking life, he describes it as the “greatest revolution in biology since the beginning of life 4 billion years ago.” According to Harari:6


“For 4 billion years, nothing fundamental changed. Science is replacing evolution by natural selection with evolution by intelligent design. Not the intelligent design of some god above the clouds, but our intelligent design, and the intelligent design of our clouds — the IBM cloud, the Microsoft cloud — these are the new driving forces of evolution.”


Once human life is hacked, the hackers will maintain control over life itself — a process that has been accelerated by the pandemic. After all, Harari said, “It’s often said that you should never let a good crisis go to waste.”7


Surveillance is a key part of the plan for global totalitarian control, and Harari says that in 100 years, people will be able to look back and identify the COVID-19 pandemic as the moment when a new regime in surveillance took over — “especially surveillance under the skin.”8


WEF Is Actively Indoctrinating ‘Young Leaders’


WEF maintains a “Young Global Leaders” program,9 a five-year indoctrination into their principles. Its goal is to create world leaders who don’t answer to their people but to their bosses at WEF. Graduates of the program include world leaders who are “suspiciously in lockstep” with WEF’s Great Reset, such as:10


§  Justin Trudeau, prime minister of Canada


§  Emmanuel Macron, president of France


§  Mark Zuckerberg, cofounder and CEO of Facebook


Sponsors of WEF’s Young Global Leaders Program include the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Google — “I wonder why Google censors and shapes information to be in exact support of the World Economic Forum’s narrative?” Sears asks.11 Meanwhile, WEF is predicting a worldwide cyberattack, which Schwab says “could bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole.”12


WEF then conducted a simulation of the cyberattack, which appears more like an elaborate planning session, much like Event 201 — WEF’s pandemic preparedness simulation for a “novel coronavirus” that took place in October 2019.


How Will People ‘Own Nothing and Be Happy’?


If WEF and Schwab are intent on moving ahead with their plan for global domination, they’ll need to get people on board with the idea of giving up ownership to an elite class. But how? Bring in BlackRock, an investment firm that has $9 trillion under management — a higher GDP than every country on Earth aside from the U.S. and China, Sears says.


BlackRock has more power than most governments on Earth, and it also controls the Federal Reserve, Wall Street mega-banks like Goldman Sachs and the WEF’s Great Reset, according to F. William Engdahl, a strategic risk consultant and lecturer who holds a degree in politics from Princeton University.13


So, what’s the connection with the World Economic Forum? Blackrock founder and CEO Larry Fink is a WEF board member. Sears poses the question: “Is the World Economic Forum and Blackrock colluding in corporatism, where an unelected corporate elite dictates top down to the population?”14


To do this, they’d need to infiltrate the government — and they have. Brian Deese, the U.S. director of National Economic Council, was formerly BlackRock’s global head of sustainable investing. “Now he’s Biden’s main adviser for economic policy,” Sears says.15 Vice President Kamala Harris’ chief economic adviser Michael Pyle also came from BlackRock, where he was a global chief economic strategist.


“It looks like corporatism but it’s probably not,” Sears says jokingly. “But if it was, it would actually be a viable strategy for BlackRock and the World Economic Forum to own everything and for you to own nothing.”16


BlackRock is also buying up single family homes at an alarming rate, paying up to 50% above asking price17 so “average” people can’t buy them. Why is BlackRock interested in overpaying for modest, single-family homes? In a Twitter thread posted by user Culturalhusbandry, it’s noted:18


“Black Rock, Vanguard, and State Street control 20 trillion dollars’ worth of assets. Blackrock alone has a 10 billion a year surplus. That means with 5-20% down they can get mortgages on 130-170k homes every year. Or they can outright buy 30k homes per year. Just Blackrock.


… Now imagine every major institute doing this because they are. It can be such a fast sweeping action that 30yrs may be overshooting it. They may accomplish feudalism in 15 years.”


If the average American is pushed out of the housing market, and most of the available housing is owned by investment groups and corporations, you become beholden to them as your landlord. You’ll then own nothing, not even your home. All items and resources are to be used by the collective, while actual ownership is restricted to an upper stratum of social class.


Schwab Wasn’t the Mastermind Behind WEF


If Schwab is the most dangerous person alive today, his predecessors deserve honorable mentions. In an investigative report by journalist Johnny Vedmore, it’s revealed that Schwab wasn’t the mastermind behind WEF and The Great Reset.


That honor goes to his three mentors — John K. Galbraith, a Canadian-American economist, diplomat and public policy maker, Herman Kahn, who created concepts on nuclear deterrence that became official military policy, and Henry A. Kissinger, who recruited Schwab at a Harvard international seminar, which was funded by the U.S. CIA.


“If you have a decent knowledge of Klaus Schwab’s history, you will know that he attended Harvard in the 1960s where he would meet then-professor Henry A. Kissinger, a man with whom Schwab would form a lifelong friendship,” Vedmore explained.19


“My research indicates that the World Economic Forum is not a European creation. In reality, it is instead an operation which emanates from the public policy grandees of the Kennedy, Johnson and Nixonian eras of American politics; all of whom had ties to the Council on Foreign Relations and the associated “Round Table” Movement, with a supporting role played by the Central Intelligence Agency.


There were three extremely powerful and influential men, Kissinger among them, who would lead Klaus Schwab towards their ultimate goal of complete American Empire-aligned global domination via the creation of social and economic policies.


In addition, two of the men were at the core of manufacturing the ever present threat of global thermonuclear war … their paths would cross and coalesce during the 1960s … they recruited Klaus Schwab through a CIA-funded program, and … they were the real driving force behind the creation of the World Economic Forum.”


Your Free Will Is Under Attack


Environmental pollution, disease and cyberattacks are being used to generate fear in order to keep the population compliant. Another part of The Great Reset is a reset of the economy, including jobs. Many across the U.S. are facing unemployment if they do not choose to take a genetic therapy experiment in the form of a COVID-19 shot.


It’s clear that the COVID-19 pandemic has created “a unique window of opportunity” to rapidly usher in the Great Reset, which involves changing everything from future global relations and the direction of national economies to “the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons.”20


Part of the plan involves the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which Schwab has been discussing since at least 201621 and “is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres.”


In terms of government, the Revolution will bring new technological powers that allow for increased population control via “pervasive surveillance systems and the ability to control digital infrastructure.”22 Meanwhile, while people are busy worrying about the orchestrated threats that are out to get them, technocrats are working on how to remove the essence of what it means to be human — namely, free will.


“Humans are now hackable animals,” Harari said. “Humans have this soul or spirit and they have free will, and nobody knows what’s happening inside me, so whatever I choose, whether in the election or whether in the supermarket, this is my free will — that’s over.”23 It’s urgent that we all take steps to remain free, sovereign individuals, which can be as straightforward as:24


§  Be guided by your own critical thinking and what your heart and soul know is right


§  Choose bravery over obedience


“We are in the process of either The Great Reset or the Great Awakening,” Sears points out, “and the choice isn’t Klaus Schwab’s. The choice is yours.”25


Sources and References


1 Forbes November 10, 2016

2 YouTube, Awaken With JP March 5, 2022, 1:25

3 YouTube, Awaken With JP March 5, 2022, 2:33

4 YouTube, Awaken With JP March 5, 2022, 3:00

5 YouTube, Awaken With JP March 5, 2022, 3:35

6 YouTube, Awaken With JP March 5, 2022, 4:30

7 YouTube, Awaken With JP March 5, 2022, 6:01

8 YouTube, Awaken With JP March 5, 2022, 6:27

9 WEF, Young Global Leaders

10 YouTube, Awaken With JP March 5, 2022, 7:16

11 YouTube, Awaken With JP March 5, 2022, 7:38

12 YouTube, Awaken With JP March 5, 2022, 7:51

13 June 18, 2021

14 YouTube, Awaken With JP March 5, 2022, 9:00

15 YouTube, Awaken With JP March 5, 2022, 9:51

16 YouTube, Awaken With JP March 5, 2022, 10:00

17 YouTube June 10, 2021

18, News June 11, 2021

19 Unlimited Hangout March 10, 2022

20 WEF, The Great Reset, The Opportunity

21, 22 World Economic Forum January 14, 2016

23, 24 YouTube, Awaken With JP March 5, 2022, 12:30

25 YouTube, Awaken With JP March 5, 2022, 13:25


Reprinted from with permission from the author.


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