Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Documented Science, Paul-Science & Lying Science


John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© August 4, 2021


I’ve come across four videos that are actual science based. Two have documentation and two with Senator Rand Paul – WHO IS A MEDICAL DOCTOR as well – refuting the LIAR Anthony Fauci who utilizes a warped science to line his pockets with greed.


My fellow Americans STOP being brainwashed with lies and Globalist/Dem-Marxist controlling despotism.


The first video is from Epoch TV. Unfortunately, Epoch TV does not have an embed for their videos (or at least I have not discovered their embed code). So I uploaded to my UGETube channel. I will use the UGETube embed but the Epoch TV description.


The second video is some Alex Jones info based on acquired Globalist documentation. Jones in the past has been for me a bluster of tainted info. Yet these days – especially with documents in hand – has elevated himself into a person way more reliable than the Dem-Marxist MSM mouthpieces.


And I’ve already pointed the third and fourth videos are Rand-science truth vs. Fauci-science lies. Fauci lies are not only criminal but in my opinion border on treason.


JRH 8/4/21

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Emails Detail How Fauci’s Office Received Pre-Pandemic Updates From China


Epoch TV Link:



July 29, 2021 



Epoch TV Description:


New emails from Judicial Watch highlight that Dr. Anthony Fauci’s organization was kept apprised of activities at the Wuhan Institute of Virology since at least 2014.


Fauci has testified that his organization, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), had never funded gain-of-function experiments at the Wuhan lab.


But we now know NIAID has provided funding to the Wuhan lab since at least 2013.


Fauci’s representative in China repeatedly sent email updates on activities at the lab to a senior official in Fauci’s office. The emails detailed a number of critical issues, including questioning the type of research that NIAID was funding at the Wuhan lab. Biosafety failings at the Wuhan lab were also highlighted, along with the fact that Chinese officials were restricting access to the lab.


Welcome to Truth over News with Jeff Carlson and Hans Mahncke.


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Banned.VIDEO: The Great Reset's Real Goal Exposed By Government Documents [Alternative Link]

Posted by The Alex Jones Show

Aug 1, 2021



Rumble VIDEO: It Is Time For Unfiltered News

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds


Posted by Rand Paul

Published August 3, 2021 



Rumble VIDEO: Dr. Paul Recounts Every Exchange with Dr. Fauci - August 2, 2021


Posted by Rand Paul

Published August 2, 2021


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