Tuesday, November 17, 2020



Quid Pro Crooked Joe told Americans a Trump reelection would bring a Dark Winter to the USA. As is typical of a Dem-Marxist, that was a lie cloaked in deceptive smoke and mirrors. Biden was telling Americans the reality of Dem-Marxist One-Party rule in America – the Dem-Marxist DARK WINTER. Justin Smith elaborates!


JRH 11/17/20

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Be the Courageous Opposition to Fear Biden's Fearmongering COVID-Tyranny - The Cure: A Patriot's Rifle 


By Justin O. Smith

Sent 11/14/2020 11:10 PM


"All who love Liberty are enemies of the State." ~ Karl Hess


"Although tyranny ... may successfully rule over foreign peoples, it can stay in power only if it destroys first of all the national institutions of its own people." ~ Hannah Arendt


A Dark Winter has been formulated and plotted for America for decades, and it wasn't from anything Trump did. No, to the contrary, as the nation repeatedly heard Joe Biden in the last days of his campaign warn of a Dark Winter that would befall the nation, if they continued going forward without extreme measures, it is the Democratic Party Communists whose policies ensure the Darkest of winters for America and Her total destruction. And, to what will be the surprise of many, this isn't something that just popped up recently, and it doesn't really concern COVID, as much as it concerns a long running desire of the tyrants of the world for raw and total power over everybody.


Not long after Pfizer announced its partnership with the German drugmaker BioNTech showed promising results and it would be filing an emergency use application with U.S. regulators, later this month, Joe Biden spoke to the crowds on November 9th, declaring: "Even if that is achieved and some Americans are vaccinated later this year, it will be many more months before there is a widespread vaccination in this country, (and) Americans will have to rely on masking, distancing, contact tracing, hand washing, and other measures to keep themselves safe well into next year. Today's news is great news, but it doesn't change that fact."


I stand with all those bikers, truckers, pipe layers, carpenters, soldiers, Moms, Dads, Brothers and Sisters and everyday Americans who are currently rallying in the District of Columbia today, November 14th 2020, to "STOP the STEAL", not necessarily because of President Trump but more due to the fact that these are the good and decent Americans, who stand against the Democratic Party Communists' false COVID narrative and for freedom and liberty in America.


On October 22nd 2020, Joe Biden warned the crowd, "We're about to enter a dark winter, a dark winter ...", as spoke on the supposed rise of the much hyped COVID-19 cases, but it is his and his Democratic Party's insistence on the need for another national lockdown to keep Americans out of work and stuck at home, that is certain to place us all in the most miserable of circumstances and terrible positions for a long time to come, should he actually be sworn in as the 46th President of the United States -- Heaven Forbid. 


Biden's statement was simply an echo of Richard Bright, former Director of the Department of Health and Human Services and head of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, as he noted in his testimony before the House, on May 14th 2020, that "Without better planning, 2020 could be the Darkest Winter in modern history."


Eerily, Bright's words are almost identical to those spoken by Robert Kadlec, in 2001, during the "DARKEST WINTER" bioterrorism exercise that took place at Andrews Air Force Base in Camp Springs, Maryland, on June 22nd and 23rd 2001, just a couple of months before the September 11th Islamic terror attack on the World Trade Center. The exercise simulated the use of Smallpox as a biological weapon that could be used against the American public. In the exercise script, Kadlec states that the lack of smallpox vaccinations means that it, quote, "could be a very Dark Winter for America.


Kadlec is currently leading the Department of Health and Human Services COVID-19 response, as the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, and he was also involved in the Trump administration's Crimson Contagion exercise, a 2019 Functional Exercise Scenario that was based on a novel influenza A[H7N9] influenza virus that originates in China and is antigenically distinct (not matched) from stockpiled H7N9 vaccines. From August 13th to August 16th, Trump's HHS, headed by Alex Azar, partnered with numerous national, state and local organizations for the exercise. The resulting draft report from October 2019, exhibited the potential for the spread of H7N9 to infect 110 million, hospitalize nearly eight million and kill 586,000 Americans.


Every American who loves Freedom and Liberty must now understand, no matter one's belief regarding COVID and any actual risks, too many states' governors are now moving towards a second lockdown, as the Marxist/Globalist Mainstream Media beats the war drums against America and in favor of a second lockdown that will do exponentially greater damage, than the first lockdown, and bring extreme consequences and unimaginable, terrible harm to all America.


Despite all his best intentions, President Trump entered office surrounded by Swamp Creatures that he allowed to stay on, never ridding the country of some of the worst "enemies from within", such as Richard Bright, now a member of Biden's proposed COVID Response Team, and Dr Anthony Fauci, and so, the nation is once again preparing to be subjected to more tyranny, as the Great Reset emerges and COVID is blamed for the results of decades of economic malfeasance and corruption, that was already decimating the U.S. and global economies, just at the very time President Donald J. Trump was taking office. I won't belabor the point here, but suffice it to say, America and the world are witnessing the confluence of overloaded economies, socioeconomic meltdowns and a New Great Depression. And, in the meantime, certain factions within the U.S. government, along with the Democratic Party communists, Big Tech and the Mainstream Media have created an Orwellian world and a collective hysteria that has shifted its focus to anyone who disagrees with their false COVID narrative as people to be targeted, if Biden should become president, after December 14th.


Biden's proposals and all the measures and orders he wants in place, upon taking power come straight from a mock-up exercise, Event 201, that was organized and hosted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18th 2019, and they were partnered with the John Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Economic Forum. Those who participated looked at how the U.S. government might and could actually respond to any deadly virus outbreak, however, due to Gates' known love for the Globalist agenda and his connections to nearly every socialist organization connected to the COVID fight, his friendship with Dr Anthony Fauci and Tedros Adhanom, head of the World Health Organization, everything about this Event 201 reeks of a plan to overthrow America. Along with this, we see Biden's people rapidly moving along the lines laid out in other formerly secret plans for facing bioterrorism.


[Blog Editor: Event 201 is simply the fabric plan to end the Founding Fathers’ American Republic. Here are two information links and a remarkably concise video outline of what has transpired provided by heavily censored Infowars:


o   EVENT 201: COVID-19 Was Launched One Month After The Johns Hopkins Center And Bill Gates Hosted An ‘Invitation Only’ Global Pandemic Exercise; By Geoffrey Grider; Jon’s Place; 3/16/20


o   Event 201: The Most Serious Conspiracy Theory Regarding Covid-19; By Daniyal Sohail; PARHLO; 3/20/20


o   BrandNewTube VIDEO: The Four Year Plan To Overthrow An Elected President (Donald Trump)


Posted by OH MY GOD

12 Nov 2020]


During the Dark Winter exercise, authorities attempted to stop the spread of misinformation, but Biden's team is preparing to stop the spread of the TRUTH by the same methods utilized in Dark Winter and Event 201. Both scenarios resulted in the suppression of civil liberties, and they called for invoking the Insurrection Act, so the military could act as "law enforcement" upon the request of any state governor, as well as martial law, to prohibit assembly of the people and national travel; also, quarantines would go into effect, the writ of habeas corpus would be suspended and military tribunals would take the place of the courts, that were presumed to have become too dysfunctional.


Another simulation referenced as "Clade X" occurred in May 2018, and it simulated the release of a deadly virus by a terrorist organization known as "A Brighter Dawn." As the outbreak spread through across America, the participants asked what would be needed if the President issued a federal quarantine, as they noted that authorities would need to determine the level of force necessary to maintain a quarantine; curiously, this exercise also resulted in the federal government nationalizing the healthcare system.


[Blog Editor: Here’s an interesting post created in late October 2020 incorporating the Clade X & Event 201 scenario:


o    The Darkest Winter (2020); By Derrick Broze; The Conscious Resistance; 10/28/20]


Dark Winter [See ALSO: Shining Light on “Dark Winter”By Tara O'Toole, Mair Michael, Thomas V. Inglesby; Oxford Academic; Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 34, Issue 7, 1 April 2002, Pages 972–983,; 4/1/02] was largely written and designed by Tara O' Toole, a key player in Clade X, and Thomas Inglesby, of the same Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (JHCHS) that helped host Event 201. Inglesby currently heads JHCHS. Their efforts were aided by Randy Larson and Mark Demear of the Analytical Services Institute for Homeland Security (ANSER). And both Inglesby and Larson were directly involved in the alleged Anthrax response that took place in the days after September 11th on October 4th 2001. These individuals personally briefed Vice-President Cheney on Dark Winter.


In the meantime, the Gates and Fauci Circus continues, while the cash flow thins out for America, all except for the top 0.001 percent, that is flourishing and prospering rather than declaring bankruptcy, like so many other Americans and companies have been forced to do. Silicon Valley monopolies are revealing record profits, just as a record level of intolerance and censorship is also seen in social media. The lockdowns favor the accruing of wealth for the techno-elite, who work from remote locations, a luxury unavailable to most Americans; and so, tens of millions of Americans face bankruptcy and one in five small businesses face closure by Christmas, while the likes of Jeff Bezos (Amazon) and Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) rake in billions of dollars and Azure (Microsoft) and AWS (Amazon) cloud eco-systems, along with several others, have expanded by fifty percent since the beginning of the COVID pandemic. These are the Monsters of Big Tech that are currently enabling the Democratic Party Communists to implement one massive police and surveillance state program and panoptic contact tracing that can be utilized to "pacify" restless, dissatisfied, troublesome and rebellious Americans -- OH -- and to prevent a second or third wave of COVID-19, of course, for our collective good. 


I'm currently more afraid of the tyranny Joe Biden and The Squad and the Marxists and Maoists of the Democratic Party intend to create, in their mad dash to make the world more "equal and equitable" than I am of catching COVID, not for myself but for my children and grandchildren and future generations. They claim it's all innocent and for America's well-being, trying to present it as something not so intrusive, even as Biden says he will immediately implement a national lockdown and have 100,000 "Contact Tracers" going door to door forcing people to be tested for COVID, mandating masks and also mandating "Vaccines For Everybody" whether they want them or not. Biden and his Communist Red Brigade are making full use of this "COVID crisis", blowing it far out of all proportion, and they are set to prod, bully, intimidate, and eventually force all Americans to accept incredibly harsh restrictions on all freedom and liberties, as they destroy U.S. sovereignty and align the U.S. government with the anti-American machinations of the Gates Foundation, the Davos Group and the World Economic Forum.


Make no mistake. The Virus isn't the threat these Marxists and Globalists want Us to believe. America is under an all-out assault to make Her people accept the end of America as a sovereign nation, a fundamental transformation and The Great Reset and life as subjects of the New World Order, rather than free sovereign individuals of the sovereign nation of the United States of America, and a Global Conglomerate of power "elites" that will tell the entire world what it can and cannot do.


And step out of line and a person will not be able to get a job anywhere, at least not in government or any large corporation. One will be ostracized as it were and essentially pushed out of the system to the fringes, as an outcast, a pariah, or imprisoned as an "outlaw" for refusing to obey, unless a person finds a way to survive outside the system in parallel systems populated by other good, decent, strong and righteous patriots who refuse to bow to this New World, the "new normal", and refuse to comply. 


Biden and The Squad aren't planning for the betterment of America or for anything good, true and righteous. Their plans are nothing less and a whole lot more than the global redistribution of wealth [Blog Editor: code for global totalitarian Communism], such as it is and what remains in real assets, which is a goal that has remained unattainable to them until now. COVID has handed them the perfect "crisis" they have needed to make their justifications and subsequent actions to seem benevolent.


Fight this tyranny at every step of the way and refuse its ability to take root here in America. They're advocating and facilitating it now, as we see Ticket Master moving to require proof of vaccination to enter live concerts and airlines are seeking to require such proof for one to fly; and even some state law boards are currently discussing advocating for mandatory COVID Vaccinations.


Everything about "The Virus" has been politicized and weaponized.


The Globalists' plan for America is to end America as a sovereign nation and with that to make all Americans compliant to a system that offers little room for escape or doing anything other than complying, if one wants to eat or feed one's family.


Be prepared to rise when the time arrives.


After witnessing my Countrymen, my fellow Americans, arrested in numerous states simply for attempting to play in the nation's parks with their children, and trying to conduct business to pay bills and eat, and even as they tried to worship God in the Church they had attended for years, even as I too refused to comply with any mandate from the first lockdown, and now seeing corporations facilitating the Marxist agenda and Biden's and the Communist Red Brigade's policy of demanding proof of a "COVID Vaccination" for travel and all other aspects of life, such as work, school and entry to every public institution, I most certainly will not abide by another lockdown, especially one that is a federally mandated lockdown to be enforced aggressively across the nation, in every crook and cranny of every community. At that point, I would suggest we all pick up our rifles, for "the collective good" and put an end to these tyrants.


In an October 25th 2020, open and yet very personal letter to President Trump, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano wrote


"This people, which for too long has endured the abuses of a hateful and tyrannical power, is rediscovering that it has a soul; it is understanding that it is not willing to exchange its freedom for the homogenization and cancellation of its identity; it is beginning to understand the value of familial and social ties, of the bonds of faith and culture that unite honest people.


This Great Reset is destined to fail because those who planned it do not understand that there are still people ready to take to the streets to defend their rights, to protect their loved ones, to give a future to their children and grandchildren.


The leveling inhumanity of the globalist project will shatter miserably in the face of the firm and courageous opposition of the Children of Light."


These are the times that try our souls, because most Americans still know and understand deep in our gut, our minds and our hearts exactly what it means to live free to be free. We know what freedom is and we demand to be free. Now is the time for all Freedom and Liberty loving American patriots to stand firm together and prepare to do whatever they must, in the face of a Biden administration, if the States' Electors are corrupt to the point they hand him the presidency, even in the face of such massive fraud perpetrated by him and his Democratic and international communist allies. Americans must act, while there remains time and hope, to remain free and save America. 


Biden's administration will be hell on earth and a doomsday machine, and through the ages, all Christian, Conservative Patriotic Americans have been raised with an inherent understanding that life on Earth was never intended by God to be lived in the immoral, tyrannical manner desired by Democrats, who always seem to fit us into neat boxes as cogs and so many workers to be used up for the Super State, the Leviathan, until we drop dead from the ills of poverty and exhaustion, as they enact the fantasies of their deluded, sick minds.


The Democratic Party Communists are the only real danger America faces. They are the virus, and if we are to have a war against any virus, let us end this one first.


Free Born American Patriots with rifle in hand are the cure. This is war.


By Justin O. Smith



Bonus video found on some of the embedded links above:




Posted by The Last American Vagabond

 14506 subscribers - October 29th, 2020


his message is for anyone who has concerns about the upcoming U.S. elections, the potential for chaos and civil unrest, or those who fear what a “second wave” of Covid-19 could mean for the future of humanity. If you have found this message on your own please share it with your friends and family. If someone you care about recommended you watch this, please do so with an open mind.

We are in the last few months of a tumultuous year and it appears there might be more unprecedented events on the way. As we near election 2020, it’s important to step back and analyze the potential plans of the Predator Class. Specifically, it’s important to understand a number of recent government simulations and exercises.





Posted by TrustChristORGoToHell

 933 subscribers - April 12th, 2020 01:44 UTC


Our prayer is that even more VINDICATORS of CHRIST arise and execute #JUDGMENT upon the wicked. MIRRORED FROM:
[Video at Youtube has been removed. Censored if you will.]


The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda.


This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat, and tears by a team of woke professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for free for anyone to watch.


Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video.


You can support our team and future projects making a donation at


Edited by John R. Houk.

Text embraced by brackets and embedded links are by the Editor.


© Justin O. Smith


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