Thursday, December 31, 2020

Sworn Witness Claims To Have Hacked ‘Secure’ Georgia Runoff Race Voting Machines

 Jovan Hutton Pulitzer testifies Dominion Hack before GA Senate 12/30/20 (Screen Capture)


I actually watched a Twitter video of Jovan Hutton Pulitzer testifying before a Georgia State Senate panel providing a live demonstration of hacking into a functioning Dominion voting machine operating for early voting in Georgia yesterday (12/30). I am pleased to have discovered a Conservative Firing Line post today posting a Rumble video of the Pulitzer exposé of how corrupt Dominion software is. WHICH also demonstrates the lies of Dominion, Dem-Marxists, treasonous Republicans (ahem … in this case Georgia’s Governor and Secretary of State) and the Mainstream Media (MSM).


JRH 12/31/20

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Sworn Witness Claims To Have Hacked ‘Secure’ Georgia Runoff Race Voting Machines (Video)


By Wes Walker

December 31, 2020

Conservative Firing Line


Officially, to make them secure, voting machines are not supposed to have internet access. So how does one witness claim to have two-way communication with one of these ‘secure’ machines?


More importantly, since these are the very same machines that have been the center of so much controversy in November, what does that say for all the assurances we’ve been given about how tamper-proof THEY were supposed to have been?


Our readers will recognize this witness, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer of the Gold Institute of International Strategy. He’s the guy behind QR codes who has tech that can digitally differentiate between legit and bogus ballots. We’d love to see his tech unleashed on ballots in every state in the country, but that’s a different issue entirely.


Here, he’s been doing the work of a white-hat hacker, looking for weaknesses that can be exploited to overturn an election that has SO very much riding on it.


Rumble VIDEO: BUSTED: Dominion Machine Caught Red-Handed

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

[Posted by Trump TV 

Published December 30, 2020


Rumble — Inventor Jovan Hutton Pulitzer was in front of the Georgia Senate today and he totally destroyed Georgia’s 2020 election results.


Jovan Pulitzer on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, told Georgia lawmakers he hacked into Dominion voting systems at a Georgia polling place.


Pulitzer confirmed that the Georgia runoff IS connected to the internet.


He established a two-way communication from a polling pad in a voting center.


“At this very moment at a polling location in the county, not only do we have access through the devices to the poll pad–the system, but WE ARE IN,” Pulitzer said.


He continued, “And it’s not supposed to have WiFi and that’s not supposed to be able to happen so we’ve documented now it’s communicating two ways in real time, meaning it’s receiving data and sending data — should never happen, shouldn’t be WiFi, we’ve now documented it in real time.


“That’s going on right there where everyone is voting in the Georgia runoff.”






Weird, isn’t it, how someone can hack into tech that supposedly isn’t connected to the internet?



J. H. Pulitzer Tweet - CFL Screen Capture


Then Georgia State Sen. Blake Tillery commented. “We’ve heard that there’s three different types of machines: a scanner, a ballot marking device, and a polling ad. Do you know which one it is communicating?”


“Right now—which we heard in the the past was coming through the thermostat and stuff—this is now a more direct access wave, so this is coming through the polling pad device where they’re checking everything,” Pulitzer answered. “But now, you know, it only takes one device where you daisy chain them together and do it. The most important thing is that it shouldn’t be doing and even shouldn’t be accessible. And it’s there.”


Another questioned: “What effect could somebody with dishonest purposes—what could that person do given this access that’s going on in Fulton County?”


Statistically, Pulitzer suggested, what could be occurring with an operation as described: As that data is being exchanged, somebody can siphon off that data, modify it, and feed the information right back into the system. —POSTMILLENIAL


Gee, and these voting systems just happen to be the same super-secure design that was shut down in the middle of the night with Trump leading on election night only to have him trailing badly the next morning?


Good thing that isn’t remotely suspicious.


‘Remotely.’ Now that’s an interesting turn of phrase, under the circumstances, isn’t it?


Cross-posted with Clash Daily


© Copyright Conservative Firing Line. All rights reserved.


Wednesday, December 30, 2020

REVEALED: Full List Of Western Media Outlets Participating In Chinese Communist Propaganda Events


I am not surprised about Mainstream Media (MSM) on this list of treasonous sell-outs to the Chinese Communist Party, but now I understand why Fox News not only betrayed President Trump but also the Republic of the United States of America – Fox News IS ON THE LIST!


Here are video details I discovered just before posting.


Rumble VIDEO: Disclosing U.S. Media's Economic Ties with the CCP 

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Posted by China Insider 

Published December 18, 2020


Rumble — In May, The Federalist, a conservative online magazine, published an investigative report on the business ties of mainstream media outlets to the CPP, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and Bloomberg.


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JRH 12/30/20

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REVEALED: Full List Of Western Media Outlets Participating In Chinese Communist Propaganda Events


By Natalie Winters

December 30, 2020

The National Pulse


The National Pulse is today publishing a full list of news outlets said to have granted the Chinese Communist Party and its propaganda outlets “favorable coverage” or “positive messages” following an investigation into the China-United States Exchange Foundation and ‘BLJ Worldwide’.


The full list follows a National Pulse exposé on the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), founded by the Vice-Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), which has been identified by the U.S.-China Security and Economic Review Commission as a key component of the Chinese Communist Party’s United Work Front.T


he effort, according to the U.S. government report, aims to “to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party” and “influence overseas Chinese communities, foreign governments, and other actors to take actions or adopt positions supportive of Beijing’s preferred policies.”


Evidenced through the Department of Justice’s Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) filings, a relationship spanning over a decade between establishment media outlets and CUSEF can be discerned.


Sponsored Trips.


With the assistance of BLJ, CUSEF has sponsored trips to China for the following outlets with the explicit goal of “effectively disseminat[ing] positive messages to the media, key influencers, and opinion leaders, and the general public” according to FARA filings.


Dubbed “familiarization trips,” the criteria for participants included “effectiveness and opportunities for favorable coverage” in order to secure “favorable” coverage”


In order to develop favorable coverage in key national media, BLJ will continue to organize and staff “familiarization trips” to China. This includes recruiting top journalists to travel to China, selected for effectiveness and opportunities for favorable coverage.





Private Dinners.


In addition to CUSEF-sponsored travel, outlets also met with CUSEF officials and the BLJ CEO in various U.S. cities including New York, Washington, D.C., and Chicago. Often times, the meetings were described as “private dinners” in FARA filings.




  • Washington Post
  • Associated Press
  • TIME Magazine
  • New York Times
  • CBS
  • Forbes
  • PBS
  • The Atlantic
  • The Economist
  • CNBC
  • Wall Street Journal
  • Financial Times
  • National Journal
  • NPR
  • Politico
  • Chicago Tribune
  • Bloomberg
  • BBC
  • Los Angeles Times
  • Quartz
  • Agence France Presse
  • McClatchy Newspapers
  • Congressional Quarterly
  • Businessweek
  • CNN
  • The Hill
  • Reuters
  • ABC
  • Nation
  • Yahoo!
  • Newsweek


The National Pulse will continue its fearless reporting into the compromised nature of Western media and the reach of the Chinese Communist Party into U.S. institutions. Please consider supporting this crucial work.


Natalie Winters is a Senior Reporter at the National Pulse and producer of The National Pulse TV show.


The National Pulse.

Edited by Raheem Kassam


ABOUT The National Pulse


The National Pulse is a Washington, D.C.-based news and new media publication edited by author, reporter, and commentator Raheem Kassam.


The National Pulse offers unique analysis and investigative reporting in addition to cultural and Capitol Hill insights.


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The National Pulse was formed to promote honesty in politics. Concerned with all the misinformation across traditional and social media channels, our team came together before the 2016 presidential primary process. What started out small, has grown into a dynamic, new media publication.


From research and policy analysis to hard journalism and scorecards, we believe in facts.


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Is Gohmert Lawsuit Giving Teeth to Pence Card?

 John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© December 29, 2020


Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) has filed a lawsuit that if successful adds more teeth to the Pence Card. In my opinion the Judicial Branch is a corrupt tool of the Dem-Marxist Party (JUST LIKE THE MSM). As such … to hazard a guess … the lower Court in Texas Gohmert filed in will deny the suit based on GUESS WHAT – the Judicial treason of Standing.


BUT if for some reason the lower Court hears the suit and even follows through based on Merits (i.e., documented crimes), I am convinced the Appellate process on up to SCOTUS will either corruptly slow walk review to irrelevance or use corrupt legalese of Standing to ignore the existence of Merits (AGAIN i.e., documented crimes).


Maybe the Almighty will begin to influence people in authority to do the RIGHT thing in the Judiciary to activate the Pence Card. OTHERWISE what course is available for Patriots desiring to preserve the Republic? Could it be time to put the Antifa/BLM paramilitary to shame by targeting government corruption rather than personal property? HMM…?


Here is The Epoch Times on Gohmert lawsuit filed on Vice President Pence below.  


JRH 12/29/20

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GOP Lawmaker Sues to Give Pence ‘Exclusive Authority’ to Overturn Election Results



December 28, 2020 Updated: December 28, 2020

The Epoch Times


VIDEO: GOP Lawmaker Sues Pence to Give Him ‘Exclusive Authority’ to Overturn Election Results


[Posted by The Epoch Times Australia

Dec 28, 2020


Texas Republican Representative Louie Gohmert filed a lawsuit against Vice President Mike Pence in a bid to overturn the election results, asking a court to give Pence “exclusive authority” to decide which Electoral College votes should be counted on Jan. 6.






Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) filed a lawsuit against Vice President Mike Pence in a bid to overturn the presidential election results, asking a court to give Pence “exclusive authority” to decide which Electoral College votes should be counted.


According to the lawsuit (pdf), Pence has a role in the upcoming Jan. 6, 2021, joint session of Congress to count all 50 states’ Electoral College votes. Gohmert’s lawsuit, which was filed against Pence in his capacity as vice president, is asking a federal judge to strike down the 1887 Electoral Count Act and to grant Pence the authority to overturn the election results in favor of President Donald Trump.


Gohmert’s lawsuit is claiming that any action taken by Pence on Jan. 6 to certify the Electoral College results to secure a win for Joe Biden will be fraudulent. Gohmert is also asking Judge Jeremy Kernodle, a Trump appointee, to determine that Pence is authorized to pick GOP electors who cast votes for Trump during the Joint Session of Congress.


The White House and Pence’s office didn’t immediately respond to a request by The Epoch Times for comment.


“Vice-President Pence determines which slate of electors’ votes count, or neither, for that State,” Gohmert’s lawsuit states. “If no candidate has a majority of 270 elector votes, then the House of Representatives (and only the House of Representatives) shall choose the President.”


It adds that the 12th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution “contains the exclusive dispute resolution mechanisms” over elections.


The court should render a judgment on whether “Vice President Pence, in his capacity as President of Senate and Presiding Officer of the January 6, 2021, Joint Session of Congress under the Twelfth Amendment, is subject solely to the requirements of the Twelfth Amendment and may exercise the exclusive authority and sole discretion in determining which electoral votes to count for a given State, and must ignore and may not rely on any provisions of the Electoral Count Act that would limit his exclusive authority and his sole discretion to determine the count, which could include votes from the slates of Republican electors from the Contested States,” Gohmert’s lawsuit says.


Gohmert noted that GOP-selected electors in several key states being contested by Trump have cast votes for Trump and Pence. The Republican parties in the states said they did so to preserve lawsuit options for the president. Electors that were certified by the key states’ executive branches cast votes during the Dec. 14 Electoral College vote, giving Biden 306 votes to Trump’s 232 votes.


Meanwhile, Gohmert said in the suit that he’s joining a GOP-led effort to challenge the Electoral College vote-count efforts on Jan. 6. The bid, which is being led by Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), has dozens of supporters in the House, Brooks told Fox News on Dec. 28.


Trump has supported the effort led by Brooks and the other Republican lawmakers to challenge the counting. But so far, it’s not clear if any senators have joined, which is needed to carry out the challenge of the electoral votes.


Gohmert filed the suit in the Eastern District of Texas. Tyler Bowyer, Nancy Cottle, Jake Hoffman, Anthony Kern, James R. Lamon, Sam Moorhead, Robert Montgomery, Lorain Pellegrino, Greg Safsten, Kelli Ward, and Michael Ward also joined the lawsuit.


The case is Gohmert v. Pence, and the case number is 6:20-cv-00660.


Is Gohmert Lawsuit Giving Teeth to Pence Card?

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© December 29, 2020


GOP Lawmaker Sues to Give Pence ‘Exclusive Authority’ to Overturn Election Results


Copyright © 2000 – 2020 The Epoch Times


Monday, December 28, 2020

The Nashville Bombing – Surreal Christmas 2020

 Intro to Smith ‘The Nashville Bombing – Surreal Christmas 2020


Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

By Justin O. Smith

Posted December 28, 2020

Nashville Blast Site 12/25/20 - Photo of Anthony Quinn Warner embedded into photo by Blog Editor (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey [Photo via Fox News])


On Christmas morning 2020 a horrific blast destroyed a building in downtown Nashville. Early reports indicated no accident was involved and the explosion was intentional. THEN the facts, the speculation and so far, the motive is quite murky. The FBI wasted little time in throwing suspicion on a 63-year-old man - Anthony Quinn Warner ( uses Snopes to debunk Conspiracy Theories yet Snopes consistently lies for the Left. I’m inclined to NOT believe Snopes if they say the sun is out at noon and the moon is visible at midnight). The tissue remains from the blast has been identified via DNA (remarkably fast in my opinion) to be the suspect Warner.


I ran into all kinds of speculation of connections mysterious vaper trail indicating a missile, NSA servers being destroyed in AT&T operation, Dominion software destruction, CCP ownership covered up via explosion … to name a few. The most plausible explanation is Warner had paranoia about 5G radiation … BUT, still a guess.


Since I no longer trust the FBI as a credible investigative agency operating for the benefit of the rule of law, we may never know the “why” or even if the suspect was the actual perpetrator. Can you say Richard Jewell, Donald Trump, Ruby Ridge, Bundy Family Ranchers, Hammond Family Ranchers, LaVoy Finicum are a few names that are associated with FBI corruption?


Justin Smith lives in Tennessee. Below are some of his early observations shared that pre-exist still ongoing investigations which by the time you read this will have been updated.


JRH 12/28/20

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The Nashville Bombing – Surreal Christmas 2020


By Justin O. Smith

Sent 12/27/2020 1:28 AM


"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men" wasn't to be allowed in Nashville, Tennessee, for reasons yet to be explained, and Nashville left 2020 behind with a bang, as a bomb in an RV at 166 2nd Avenue North, and near Commerce St, exploded at 6:30 a.m. this Christmas morning. 


What does this say for the future of America, when we see such vile, destructive evil acts unfolding in a part of the country one would never expect to see them? This used to be something one would expect to be more connected to some place like Beirut, Kabul or Mosul.


News Channel 5 Nashville has reported that authorities are taking any information on the bombing at the Crime Stoppers phone number at 615-742-7463 and online at the [JOS] link.


Reported by Channel 5, the RV arrived on Second Ave at 1:22 a.m., as revealed from downtown surveillance cameras. 


At approximately 5:30 a.m., Kim Madlom and her "wife" were awakened by the sound of gunfire near their Second Ave apartment, which is just across from where the RV was parked, and she called 911. She saw the RV from her window, when she looked to see what the trouble might be, and as she told the Washington Post, shortly afterwards, the taped warning blared out the words, "this vehicle has a bomb, (and) if you can hear this message, you need to evacuate." 


Fox News 17 noted on the evening of December 26th that the gunshots were also part of the warning tape that played on Christmas morning. 


According to several witnesses, this warning played for approximately thirty minutes before it went into a countdown mode with fifteen minutes to evacuate the area. Although this is still a vile evil act, in and of itself, this warning probably did prevent the deaths of countless people in the area, as Nashville Metro Police Sergeant Timothy Miller and Officers Brenna Hosey, James Luellan, Michael Sipos and Amanda Topping honored the motto "To Serve and Protect" and rushed towards the danger and immediately began going door to door and clearing the area of people; they persevered to the point that one officer was actually close enough to the blast that he was blown off his feet.  


[Blog Editor: Justin provided two Youtube links associated with the info in the above paragraph. Rather than embed those links in the above text, below are the two Youtube videos:


VIDEO: RV blared warning before Nashville explosion


Posted by CBC News: The National

915K subscribers -  Dec 25, 2020


Video description




VIDEO: Surveillance video shows moments leading up to explosion in downtown Nashville


Posted by NewsChannel 5

121K subscribers - Dec 25, 2020


Video posted to YouTube appears to capture the reported warning message seconds before the blast.]


Three of these first responders suffered non-critical injuries, from the blast, and they were all in stable condition, at this writing. One officer was left deaf from the blast, but the Metro Police Department is hoping the loss of hearing is temporary, and I'm sure that all of Nashville and Tennessee, perhaps most of America, is hoping and praying the same, as we all offer them our best wishes for speedy and full recoveries. 


Betsy Williams and her family left, after hearing the RV's broadcast warning state that eight minutes remained before detonation. They drove across the Cumberland River to the NFL stadium and safety, heading back after waiting several minutes and just in time to see the explosion, as they drove back up 2nd Ave.


Quoted from CNN, Williams said: "The fireball went all the way up past the AT&T, above the AT&T building. Everything just, I mean, everything shook. It was quite the blast."


My first-born daughter was on her way to meet me in Murfreesboro, TN, as she tried to get from the north side of Nashville to I-24 East, unaware that a bomb had just detonated 30 minutes earlier. She soon encountered roadblocks, and when she called me to explain, phone service kept dropping, due to what we now know was the damage to the AT&T transmission building that was caused by the bomb's blast, a blast so powerful that it destroyed most of a city block and forty-one businesses and created so severe a communications problem from as far away as Kentucky that the Federal Aviation Administration temporarily halted flights from Nashville International Airport. 


Needless to say, it was quite surreal to go to sleep on Christmas Eve thinking one may awaken to a joyful, wonderful day to find such a miserable, hate-filled scenario greeting Us instead, not knowing how much more serious or dangerous a situation might be developing.


Even more surreal, at 2:30 p.m. today (December 26, 2020) I watched the news intently, as the FBI, TBI and ATF agents raided the home of Anthony Quinn Warner, age 63, at 3724 Bakertown Rd, in Antioch, TN, my old running grounds as a young man, from Blue Hole Rd to Haywood LN and on to Harding Place. I know the area all too well, since I worked for the LaVergne-Antioch Fire Department for eight years, and what time I wasn't working hard to extinguish a fire somewhere, I was playing hard out with friends across the community.


Although authorities suspect that Warner is responsible for the bombing and may have committed suicide by remaining in the RV, they've asserted that, for now, they will continue to follow leads. Over 250 FBI agents are involved in this case, not to mention an untold number of ATF and TBI agents too. And, FBI Special Agent in Charge Doug Korneski recently declared:


"Our investigative team is turning over every stone to make sure we know as many details as possible to answer the question of who is responsible for this, and also to understand, why did they do this?"


Forgive me, if you will, as I say that Korneski's assurances are cold comfort given what the FBI has become of late. They're to be taken with a grain of salt at best.


Nashville Metro Police officials have reported the finding of some sort of tissue at the bomb site, yet to be confirmed as a human victim, or not, according to Chief John Drake. The Associated Press is calling the remains human, but the AP has yet to make a connection between the tissue and the explosion. 


How things change. It's hard to imagine that such evil could emanate from what was once before an extremely close-knit God-fearing community. But times change, and for a litany of economic reasons and immigration and shifting cultural geographical demographics, the area has grown massively, and not necessarily for the best over the past forty years.


Far from a fan of Mayor John Cooper, petty tyrant of Nashville, as I recall the horrific casualties of the Boston Bombing, I have to agree with him, when he said: "At the end of the day, I think all of us have gone from relief that there were not more casualties ... to now anger and determination and resolve, and a resolve to rebuild and not be deterred, and to bring whoever is responsible for this to justice."


As more information is forthcoming, hopefully a clearer picture will emerge, to reveal the motive behind this dastardly deed. At this point, we don't know if it was an angry impoverished victim of Mayor Cooper's tyrannical Covid shutdowns, an Antifa communist striking at Corporate America, some other radical, someone upset over the Democrats attempt to steal the election, or just some lost person devoid of all hope wanting to finally be seen even if it meant being seen in an infamous manner. But suffice it to say, if someone becomes miserable enough, either due to their own fevered delusions and flawed perceptions of reality and their own bad choices or real abuse by a person of power or some government agency, there will be blood.


All America awakened Christmas morning to the terrible news of one more instance of domestic terrorism, because no matter the perpetrator's attempt to minimize or prevent innocent deaths through his "warning", his intent was to terrorize someone, if not all America, and to send some sort of message, vague at the moment. As reprehensible and evil as many of us see this act of terrorism, I would suggest that Nashville, the victims of this blast and all displaced by it are, at this very minute, in the thoughts and prayers and the hearts of most Americans, who truly love this country and all the potential it still holds for continued greatness and the creation of so much good.


Let us all pray that this flaming burst of madness, closing out the year, isn't a foreshadowing of 2021. I long for the truly normal times, when one's worse worry on Christmas morning was not getting the puppy you had asked Santa to bring, or that you might really get a lump of coal -- days when constant serial violence wasn't "the norm" -- wasn't sanctioned by the nation's leaders -- and destroying neighborhoods, or livelihoods, was unthinkable.


"And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us."  ~ Luke 2:15


By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Text embraced by brackets are by the Editor.


© Justin O. Smith


Sunday, December 27, 2020

Pence Card -OR- GOP No Longer Relevant


John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© December 27, 2020


On January 6, 2021Vice President Mike Pence apparently can unilaterally save the Republic by invalidating criminally acquired Electoral votes or do nothing insuring the destruction of the Republican Party. Unless President Trump has an alternative plan to overrule a criminal election coup, Pence inaction on 1/6 solidified a Biden/Harris path to a 1/20 Dem-Marxist Inauguration. It is my opinion – my hope – such a 1/20 travesty will lead to an armed rebellion making the Antifa/BLM Marxist paramilitary look like an amateur hour.


If the Republic miraculously survives a Biden/Harris Inauguration, a new Patriot-friendly political will emerge to replace Deep State infected Republicans. Just as the national landscape of the Whig Party disintegrated over the issue of slavery, the Republican Party will disappear because American Patriots want nothing to do with a corrupt government ran by criminals and do-nothing Republicans.


So, Pence, do we prolong a Republican Party under a Trump second term or do Patriots start looking for name options for a new relevant Political Party?


JRH 12/27/20

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It's for Mike Pence to Judge whether a Presidential Election Was Held at All


By Ted Noel

December 26, 2020

American Thinker


On January 6, a joint session of Congress will open with Vice President Pence presiding as president of the Senate.  His power will be plenary and unappealable.  You heard that right.  As president of the Senate, every objection comes directly to him, and he can rule any objection "out of order" or "denied."  His task will be to fulfill his oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and to ensure that the laws be faithfully executed.  This is a high standard of performance, and V.P. Pence will have two choices.  He can roll over on "certified" electors, or he can uphold the law.


Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution gives state legislatures "plenary authority" as enunciated in Bush v. Gore.  This is key, since the counting of votes is discussed in Article II, the 12th Amendment, and 3 USC 15.  To this we must add the history of counting and objections recounted by Alexander Macris (here and here).  Put bluntly, it's as clear as mud.  Add to that the fact that the contested states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, New Mexico, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin have sent dueling slates of electors to D.C.  This means that the V.P. has to decide how he will handle the situation when two sealed envelopes are handed to him from any of those states.


Macris points out that in 1800, even with constitutional deficiencies in Georgia, Thomas Jefferson blithely counted defective electoral votes from Georgia, effectively voting himself into the presidency.  This demonstrates that the president of the Senate is the final authority on any motions or objections during the vote-counting.  There is no appeal.  That doesn't mean there won't be any outrage.  Whatever Pence does, people will be angry.  But what does the law demand?


Seven contested states clearly violated their own laws.  Rather than list the facts, which have been detailed in multiple articles, we must consider the following:


An election is a process of counting votes for candidates. Only valid, lawful votes may be counted.  A valid lawful vote is:


·       Cast by an eligible, properly registered elector as prescribed by laws enacted by the state Legislature.


·       Cast in a timely manner, as prescribed by laws enacted by the state Legislature.


·       Cast in a proper form as prescribed by laws enacted by the state Legislature.


Any process that does not follow these rules is not an election.  Anything that proceeds from it cannot be regarded as having any lawful import.


Most commentators suggest that a process of collecting pieces of paper with marks on them is an election regardless of errors, omissions, and even deliberate malfeasance.  This is a mistake.  Imagine a golf tournament where every bad shot by one player gets a do-over, but the competing player has to follow USGA rules in detail.  One player gets to drop freely out of hazards, but the other has to tackle every embedded ball as it lies.  The result is a travesty.


The same thing applies to elections.  If there are a handful of improper votes, we can suggest that there was in fact an election, perhaps tainted, but the election wasn't materially harmed.  But when the people charged with managing the election decide to ignore the law, whatever process they supervise is not the process defined by the law.  Therefore, it is not an election.


This leaves V.P. Pence with a dilemma.  He is a gentleman who regards our governmental traditions with a degree of reverence, so he will be reluctant to take any bold action.  But as an honorable man, faced with massive illegality, he must act to protect the law.  Consider how things might go down as the two closed envelopes from Georgia are handed to the V.P.  Rather than opening them, he says:


In my hand are envelopes purporting to contain electoral votes from Georgia.  They are competing for consideration, so it is essential that I consider the law that governs this.  That law, according to the Legislature of Georgia and Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution is the Georgia statute that includes procedures for signature-matching on absentee ballots, a requirement that all absentee ballots be first requested by a legitimate voter, and that election monitors be meaningfully present at all times while votes were counted.


The Georgia secretary of state, who is not empowered by the U.S. Constitution to make changes to election law, entered into a Consent Decree that gutted these protections enacted by the Georgia Legislature.  The processes that he prescribed and were ultimately followed were manifestly contrary to that law.  Further, the State of Georgia, in unprecedented concert with other states, suspended counting of ballots in the middle of the night, covering its conspiracy with a false claim of a "water main break."  We now know from surveillance video that many thousands of "ballots" were counted unlawfully in the absence of legally required observers.


Finally, the State of Georgia, under the authority of secretary of state Brad Raffensperger, a non-legislative actor, used fatally flawed Dominion voting machines that have been demonstrated to be unreliable.  In testing, the error rate of Dominion machines has exceeded 60%, far in excess of legal limits.  They are designed to facilitate fraud without creating the legally required paper trail.  This alone is far more than enough to swing an election.


Since the state of Georgia has failed to follow the election law established by its legislature under Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution, it has not conducted a presidential election.  Therefore, no "presidential electors" were appointed in Georgia.  Further, "electors" "certified" by non-legislative actors pursuant to this process are in fact not "presidential electors."  The competing slate of "electors" is similarly deficient, having not been elected through a presidential election.


Therefore, the chair rules that Georgia has not transmitted the votes of any presidential electors to this body.  Georgia presents zero votes for Donald Trump and zero votes for Joseph Biden.


The central point is that the VP, as the presiding officer and final authority, has the unquestionable authority to declare that the states in question have not conducted presidential elections.  There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth, but no one has the authority to override his decision.


The statement says nothing about who might or might not have "won" the contested states.  Rather, by not following their own laws, as enacted by their own legislatures, they have violated Article II, Section 1.  Thus, they have not conducted an election, and their results are void.

If the votes of all seven contested states are registered as zero, President Trump will have 232 votes, and Joe Biden will have 222.  The 12th Amendment says, "[T]he votes shall then be counted[.] ...  The person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President[.]"


In plain language, Donald Trump will be re-elected since he has a majority of the actual electoral votes.  There will be no need to involve the House of Representatives to resolve a contingent election.


Richard Nixon chose not to contest the 1960 election because he felt that winning that way would lead to an ungovernable country.  If V.P. Pence does this, that same argument might be made.  But is the country governable even now?  Blue states such as California, Oregon, Washington, New York, New Jersey, and Michigan are already operating in an openly lawless manner with their "emergency" "COVID-related" restrictions.  Their denial of the civil rights of law-abiding citizens is horrific.  Their refusal to do basic policing and law enforcement is a recipe for open war.  How much worse would things be if the V.P. lived up to his oath and upheld the law?


Ted Noel posts on multiple sites as DoctorTed and @vidzette.


Pence Card -OR- GOP No Longer Relevant

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© December 27, 2020


It's for Mike Pence to Judge whether a Presidential Election Was Held at All


© American Thinker 2020


Thursday, December 24, 2020

Patriotism Defeats Election Crimes


John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© December 24, 2020


Here are some Patriotic videos (I’m including the Ex22 Report who is a fan of Q who is full of positive info that NEVER takes place … at least so far) with best regards to Bitchute and a load of ill-regard to censorship minded Youtube. Patriotism means awareness means Dem-Marxists are in the process of an election coup utilizing COVID-fearmongering to make America a One-Party Marxist State intent on controlling YOUR thinking and actions. Following the videos is a cross post of a National File article on how Vice President Pence as the President of the Senate Constitutionally can nullify disputed (i.e., criminally fraudulent) elections in five or is it six States.


The first video is new music from ‘70s rockers protesting COVID lockdowns, but if you listen to the words; one could apply it the Dem-Marxist election coup.


JRH 12/24/20

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Posted by TruthVideos1984

10056 subscribers - December 21st, 2020 15:43 UTC


Van Morrison (75) recently shared three anti-lockdown protest songs, in which he accused the government of being “fascist bullies”. ‘No More Lockdown’, ‘Born to Be Free’ and ‘As I Walked Out’ were written in opposition to the government’s coronavirus restrictions.


Now, he and Clapton (75) have shared ‘Stand and Deliver’ that continues Morrison’s protest against the lockdowns.


All proceeds from the song will go to Morrison’s Lockdown Financial Hardship Fund, which helps musicians facing financial insecurity as a result of the coronavirus crisis.


Clapton said: "“We must stand up and be counted because we need to find a way out of this mess. The alternative is not worth thinking about. Live music might never recover.”



Posted by Banned Youtube Videos - specializedtom

6096 subscribers -  December 23rd, 2020  07:26 UTC 


22nd December, 2020 - Statement by Donald J. Trump, The President of the United States



Posted by Free Your Mind - EUMELs Media Library

38234 subscribers -  December 23rd, 2020 13:35 UTC


🇺🇸 All credit to “X22report” - Original video:
Bitchute Channel: YT-Channel: DELETED by YT


[X22 Report] EP. 2361B - PENCE CARD IN PLAY, PREPARE TO SURFACE, RIG FOR RED, HOLD THE LINE (MIRRORED) [Election Fraud hence the “Pence Card” begins to be addressed at 6:16 mark.]

Posted by Free Your Mind - EUMELs Media Library

38234 subscribers -  December 24th, 2020 09:26 UTC 


🇺🇸 All credit to “X22report” - Original video:
Bitchute Channel: YT-Channel: DELETED by YT




EXCLUSIVE: White House Memo Details How ‘Pence Card’ Can Save Trump’s Presidency On Dec 23

A White House memo that details how Vice President Mike Pence is legally required to reject Electoral College votes from contested states.



December 22, 2020

National File


Sources in the Trump administration confirmed to National File that President Donald Trump’s most vocal advocates within the White House have determined that both U.S. Code and the Constitution contain language that requires Vice President Mike Pence to reject unlawful Electoral College certificates, but Pence must act by no later than Wednesday, December 23.


The drafters of this White House memo believe that the federal check to the states’ elections resides with Vice President Mike Pence in his role as President of the Senate. Additionally, Pence has the sole power determine whether to reject impermissible states of electors. However, Pence is legally required to do this on the fourth Wednesday in December, which this year falls on December 23.


National File’s sources in the White House indicated that the memo was requested by those in the President’s circle who are most keen to see the 2020 election, and the ensuing fallout, administered in as transparent of a manner as possible. They also indicate that the push to find a path to verify the 2020 election’s integrity is not coming solely from the White House, but also comes from across numerous agencies in the administration.


The emergence of the memo could mark a decided shift in roles for Pence, our sources explain. Since the days immediately following the election, Pence has remained relatively silent compared to President Trump and his legal team.


The revelation that Pence alone can reject allegedly fraudulent Electoral College certificates shifts the spotlight from President Trump and Congressional leaders significantly by putting President Trump’s electoral destiny squarely on Pence’s shoulders.


This memo will likely interfere with Pence’s travel plans, as the vice president recently announced his intention to travel to Israel for two weeks after January 6, when he will preside over a joint session of Congress, according to the Times of Israel.

What’s Inside The Memo


Pence can deny Electoral College certificates from states with widespread election fraud.




Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution requires that “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors.”  Therefore, the papers (or “slates”) the states attempted to submit to the President of the Senate and Archivist of the United States are not legal, permissible certificates of votes and lists by Electors as recited in Title 3, U.S.C., sections 9 and 11.  Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin violated the U.S. Constitution’s Art. 2, S.1, Cl.2 and 14th Amendment, Section 1, Equal Protection Clause in administering their elections, therefore rendering their slates impermissible.


On Dec. 14, the States consummated a fraudulent and Constitutionally deficient certification of their electors as required by 3 USC 7.  State and federal authorities have discovered Overwhelming evidence of election fraud and irregularities since Nov. 4, likely  rising to the level of criminal election fraud and public corruption. Civil courts dismissed these claims procedurally, rather than on substance.


Pence must then notify the Secretary of State in each contested state that they have until January 6 to send a legal Electoral College certificate.




The President of the Senate, as the Vice President, statutorily sits on the National Security Council and is privy to information no other individual in the Presidential electoral process has — not the States, not the SCOTUS, not U.S. Congress. This specifically includes any classified evidence and assessments which emanate from EO 13848 regarding foreign interference with US elections. Therefore, the President of the Senate is uniquely qualified to issue judgement on impermissible electors.


This is not an option for Pence. If he intends to follow the law from December 23 until January 6, he must instruct these states to remedy their Electoral College certificates.




JUDGMENT:  All of these factors above inform and contribute to the Vice President’s analysis in deciding that he, as the representative of the Federal Seat of Government did not “receive” a constitutionally permissible slate of electors.  For that reason, he is not only duty-bound to request that the States send certificates and lists as required by Title 3, U.S.C., sections 9 and 11 from Electors that were appointed in the manner that the State Legislatures directed as soon as possible, he is also the sole plenary power that has the authority to make this determination.


The drafters of the memo also tell National File that, assuming the six contested states – Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Nevada – do not remedy their Electoral College certificates by either selecting them in the Legislature or holding another election, President Trump will prevail in the Electoral College.

As there will no longer be 538 possible electoral votes, with several states having having disqualified themselves by refusing to comply, President Trump will have accrued 232 electors to Joe Biden’s 227.




[Blog Editor: National File PDF of “DRAFT MEMO”:]


Sample Letter For Secretaries of State


The memo also contains a sample letter our sources say could be signed by Pence at any time on December 23.



National File first covered Pence’s responsibility to act lawfully on December 23 last weekend. Thus far, National File has not been able to locate a relevant public comment from Pence or his surrogates.


Tom Pappert is the editor-in-chief of National File.

© COPYRIGHT NATIONALFILE.COM. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © 2019 Flyover Media, LLC – All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, in whole or part, without the prior written permission of


‘Pence Card’ not Played, Amistad Lawsuit Goes into Effect Names Pence, Others say Date Not Important


By Kari Donovan

December 23, 2020



President Trump retweeted a copy of a Memo, starting online conversations between people outlining authorities and powers that Vice President Mike Pence could have used by Midnight Wednesday night to stop the certification of electors in troubled states where there was suspected voter fraud, and it appears that Pence chose to ignore those powers, which, according to some posters result in him being named in a lawsuit by the Amistad Project.


That is one version of the story which many people are following. There is another version of the Constitutional duties Pence has that says Wednesday is not an important date in the process at all, and January 6th is the important date.


If the “Pence card” theory is true, this is how it unfolds:


The idea was that Pence had until Midnight Wednesday to “pull the Pence Card” which was described as Pence sending demand letters to contested states, whose voter tallies were suspect.


The Gateway Pundit reported on the matter and said,” Many experts believe that Vice President Mike Pence has the duty to throw out electoral college recommendations in the 2020 election that are based on fraud. 


This will then force these states to have their legislatures choose the set of delegates they believe will best represent the state’s election results.“


One reporter said, “President Trump has retweeted the #PenceCard memo, which details an argument set out by @Raiklin, showing how Vice President Pence has until midnight tonight to deny Electoral College votes from states with rampant voter fraud”


This is the Memo Trump tweeted Wednesday evening:


According to the Amistad lawsuit:


“The above-named Plaintiffs Wisconsin Voters Alliance, Pennsylvania Voters Alliance, Georgia Voters Alliance, Election Integrity Fund, Arizona Election Integrity Alliance, Lynie Stone, Baron Benham, Debi Haas, Brenda Savage, Matthew Dadich, Leah Hoopes, Ron Heuer, Richard W. Kucksdorf, Debbie Jacques, John Wood, Sonny Borrelli, Warren Peterson, Matthew Maddock Daire Rendon, David Steffen, Jeff L. Mursau, William T. Ligon and Brandon Beach, for their complaint, allege as follows:


Vice President Michael Richard Pence is a Defendant sued in his official capacity as President of the United States Senate. As such, Pence is identified as having legal obligations under the Constitution and federal law regarding opening and counting the ballots of Presidential electors for President and Vice President.




A. State Legislatures are Prohibited from Fulfilling Their Constitutional Responsibility.

This lawsuit seeks protection of voters’ rights in Presidential elections. Voters in Presidential elections have a constitutional right to have their respective state legislatures meet after the election and certify their votes and, based on the votes, certify the Presidential electors whose votes are counted in Congress to elect the President and Vice President.

In drafting Article II, the Framers of the Constitution reasoned state legislatures should select Presidential electors so as “to afford as little opportunity as possible to tumult and disorder” and to place “every practicable obstacle [to] cabal, intrigue, and corruption,” including “foreign” powers” that might try to insinuate themselves into our elections.

Article II limited Congress’s role in selecting the President and provided no constitutional role for Governors. Yet, at present state legislatures should select Presidential electors so as “to afford as little opportunity as possible to tumult and disorder” and to place “every practicable obstacle [to] cabal, intrigue, and corruption,” including “foreign powers” that might try to insinuate themselves into our elections.




As voters, the Plaintiffs have legal standing to bring these constitutional claims to ensure that Presidential elections are constitutionally conducted by Defendants.27


32.                   The Plaintiffs claim that Article II of the U.S. Constitution provides a voter a constitutional right to the voter’s Presidential vote being certified as part of the state legislature’s post-election certification of Presidential electors. Absence such certification, the Presidential electors’ votes from that state cannot be counted by the federal Defendants toward the election of President and Vice President. Because the Plaintiffs’ votes are not counted as part of the constitutionally-required state legislative post-election certification of Presidential electors, the Defendants are causing the Plaintiffs to be disenfranchised. See Baten v. McMaster, 967 F.3d 345, 352–53 (4th Cir. 2020) (voters who vote in Presidential elections have standing on claims of government causing disenfranchisement).


32.                   When Defendants violate the Constitution as it relates to Presidential elections in the Defendant, all voters in Presidential elections suffer an injury-in-fact caused by the Defendants.

Voters in a Presidential election, in this instance, have an injury-in-fact different than the public because when they voted and they had an interest that the election in which they voted is constitutionally-conducted. The same is true of future elections. Finally, the Court can redress the Plaintiffs’ injuries by issuing a declaratory judgment and accompanying injunction to enjoin the Defendants’ unconstitutional conduct.


32.                   As voters, each Plaintiff has a fundamental right to vote.28 Thus, each Plaintiff has a recognized protectable interest. As the U.S. Supreme Court has long recognized, a person’s right to […]


Read the full 116 page lawsuit here


Suspiciously, the Lincoln project, a group of failed Republican consultants with ties to foreign interests, who hate Trump, took credit for starting the idea that Pence would betray Trump with the “PenceCard”, which then led to an article in Axios that allowed leftist media to attack Trump, and dehumanize him.


The Lincoln Project bragging:


THis Axios article is the result of the Lincoln Project braggart mythology:


At this point it is unclear what Pence’s thoughts are on the “Pence Card” play. His latest post was:


Kari Donovan is an ex-Community Organizer who writes about Voter Engagement, Cultural Marxism and Campaigns. She has been a grassroots volunteer with the GOP, on and off for 18 years. She is a Homeschool Mom in North Carolina and loves Photojournalism and Citizen Journalism. @Saorsa1776


© 2020 DJHJ Media 


Blog Editor: The Gateway Pundit on the Pence Card from 12/23/20:


“Mike Pence Must Do This” – President Trump Retweets “Operation Pence Card” Urging His VP to Act on Fraudulent Election; By Jim Hoft; The Gateway Pundit; 12/23/20 7:38pm