[Blog Editor Update 12/30/18: Discovered murdered girls
are from Norway (Maren Ueland) and Denmark (Louisa Vesterager Jespersen).
Although Kutnicki is correct on Swedish government censorship and threats of
incarceration for showing beheading video, the victims' nation of origin is not
Adina Kutnicki utilizes the beheading-murders by Islamic terrorists to correctly launch criticism of the Multiculturalist Left’s ungodly protection of Islamic atrocities committed against Westerners in the name of Allah.
The criticism includes exposing the Swedish government’s attempted
coverup of the beheadings which includes the government threat to incarcerate
anyone showing or watching the beheading video.
I despise government censorship; however, if you are ever in
a position to watch that gruesome video, I highly recommend AGAINST IT. I tried
to watch the video but couldn’t get past HORRENDOUS screams as the Muslim
terrorist begins to saw off the victim’s head. I TURNED IT OFF BEFORE I COULD
JRH 12/29/18
Islam’s Jihadis Beheaded Swedish Girls – Allah-Washed Via
Apologetic Media & Captured Pols. Where Is The Nexus? Where Is The West
Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
December 29, 2018
BY now, it should be glaringly obvious from these pages that
a collaborative (death) dance is being played out before the west’s horrified
eyes, that is, between so-called mainstream media and complicit leftist
politicians. Others alike. In a real sense, not unlike vultures, they feed off
of one another for the benefit of anti-western outcomes – in the forefront,
with Jihadi
psychopaths as the leading beneficiaries. Yes,
LONG analysis short, generally, psychopaths are highly
adept at dragging along sympathizers to their side and cause. For the most
part, Islamic Jihadis possess a built-in coalition of willing and symbiotic
partners. Leftists – through their fixation on multiculturalism – become
attached to the “other” via various methods of “atonement” for western “ills” –
e.g. imperialism, colonialism, capitalism, and related victim-hood “isms”
in between. Think: “intersectionality” and its infinite usages as a bludgeon to
the west – the latest phase and craze of leftists and Mohammedans! Equality
opportunity exploiters. Destroyers.
INDEED, as of Sept. 25, 2003, one particularly
influential Jihadi psychopath met his fate in Allah’s hell-hole. Edward Said – a
serial (historical) fabricator, an Arab/Muslim “Orientalist” – had one foot
deeply rooted in Muhammad’s door, the other within western academia. His
decades-long “research” turned history upside its head, as well as his own
life-story. But never mind, few (even those who knew better, Muhammadans and
leftist scholars) seemed to care! After all, his “scholarship” fit their
ideological (victim-obsessed) narrative and that was that. A veritable nexus. A
devil’s bargain.
EVEN so, know this: if not for the inflated narcissism of
western fantasists a/k/a leftists (as they play “rescuers” for Jihadi
psychopaths by reinforcing their status as “victims” of the west through
their widely-held
perches in media, academia, cultural, legal, and political arenas),
the blood of innocents would not continue to flow ala the barbarism perpetrated
by millions upon millions of soldiers for Allah, Muhammadans. Fittingly, when
all is said and done and despite their heavy-lifting, they too will be devoured
– not unlike the crocodile who eats their young. Said outcome is a paradox of
monumental proportions, one which, in no uncertain terms, is a vortex of their
own making.
MORE specifically, due to the fact that millions upon
millions of followers of Islam adhere to the dictates of the Islamic prophet,
Muhammad, their insanity is continuously growing and mutating – century after
century. Yes, he was
[Posted by CBS This
Published on Dec 21, 2018
Four men with alleged ties to ISIS
are in custody in Morocco after the killing of two European tourists. The two
female victims were university students from Denmark and Norway. Their bodies
with stab wounds were discovered Monday in the mountains south of Marrakesh.
Holly Williams reports.
… Further Reading CBS
ALL of which brings us full circle to the most recent
(out of a ceaseless and endless list) Jihadi murders; (mis)reported on via an
Allah-washing by Swedish media and like-minded surrogates. Indeed, their
emphasis was not on Islam’s poisonous and nihilistic roots, but on separating
the barbaric murders from Islam! Of course, “crazies” from ISIS were solely
responsible…. blah, blah.
MIND you, this (latest) outrage is coming from the “rape-capital” of Europe (with
others nipping at Sweden’s heels, thus, claiming the mantle), as well as from
an explosion of global evidence that Jihadi
terror is here, there, and everywhere!
state broadcaster SVT’s coverage of the double murder of
24-year-old Louisa Vesterager Jespersen and 28-year-old Maren Ueland by
Islamists in Morocco has sparked
a fury of criticism.
Besides running an article that the savage murder of the two
Scandinavian girls “had nothing to do with Islam”, they also pushed the
narrative that sharing of the graphic video of the murder is illegal, warning
Swedes not to share the video as that is punishable with up to four
years imprisonment.
Scores of viewers complained that SVT was more concerned by
people sharing the video of the killing, than they were with the horrific
murders, themselves. As well, they failed to mention the ISIS style
execution by beheading, instead reported the murder from “neck wounds”.
Some who made the decision to watch the video admitted it
was a poor choice, regretting having seen it.
Svenska Dagbladet columnist Ivar Arpi stated on his Facebook
“Happened to watch the movie clip that is being circulated.
The one where one of them gets her head cut off. I wish I could unsee it. I’ve
seen many horrible things. For a while I felt a responsibility as a journalist
to see the movie clips that Daesh released. Still, this was much worse. It is
the worst I have ever seen. It will haunt me”, he also referred to the
murderers as “beasts”.
SVT stressed that Islam “has nothing to do with it” regarding
the murders. The response on Twitter was as one would expect.
One twitter user said: “To sum up SVT’s coverage of the
Muslim terrorist attack in Morocco and Daesh ‘warriors’: 1) You’ll be sent to
prison if you spread the beheading film, you racist Nazi! 2) Daesh warriors
have returned home to Sweden 3) They died of knife wounds, sort of 4) The
murder in Morocco has nothing to do with Islam!”
Former Sweden Democrat leader Anders Klarström tweeted: “The
murders in Morocco and the PC media: first, the fake media attempts to hush up
the brutal execution in Morocco. When the people start sharing pictures of what
happened, those who do so are threatened with several years’ imprisonment”.
“You know that you are in Sweden when Daesh
murderers receive benefits, housing and protected identity, but people
who post movies of what they have done can get four years in prison”,
another person tweeted.
“Have the killers already been awarded jobs at SVT?” said
“225 years ago Marie Antoinette suffered ‘knife damage to
her neck’ during the French Revolution”, yet another remarked regarding SVT’s
factually economic coverage.
MOST significantly, having spent years in the Jihadi
muck, dutifully, informing the public via a honed
expertise in Islamic Jihad (despite many
threats for exposing Islam’s
cancerous scourge), it is imperative to tell the truth about
Islam’s absolute nexus to Jihadi terror, that which includes “rape-Jihad” and
the “art
of beheading.”
INEXORABLY, like it or not, Islam’s
authentic face sanctions beheading, impaling, burning alive,
and barbarism at large. Nihilism.
JUST ask Steven Sotloff (for example) if this is so –
oops, you can’t, he was beheaded by Allah’s Muslim Terrorists on September 2,
2014, as reported within “ISIS,
Islam And Obama – Understanding The Threat To The Free World”
(September 3, 2014)!
Published on May 19, 2015
Saudi Arabia, which executes more criminals
than any nation except China and Iran, wants to hire eight new executioners. A
surge in executions has been witnessed under new King Salman’s rule. … READ
{MEMO: FB’s censors are limiting the sharing
of Adina Kutnicki: A
Zionist & Conservative Blog! Indeed, the following
message from FB’s censors is crystal clear:
This message contains content that has been
blocked by our security systems.
If you think you’re seeing this by mistake,
please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the
pudding” as to why “BANNED:
How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be
Adina Kutnicki

For the most part, my work-product revolves
around militant Islamic jihad, with a particular emphasis on the Muslim
Brotherhood Mafia. My geo-political analysis appears at various Zionist and Conservative media
outlets. As an example of my long-standing efforts, I contributed to an
in-depth investigative series at FrontPage Magazine with Lee
Kaplan from 2003-2007. We are still working together.
Segue over to his interview at Iran’s Press
TV (one of many tv debates/interviews) where he debated a rabid self-hating
Israeli, a so-called Jew – who supports every manner of terror against
Israelis/Jews, even the kidnapping (subsequent murder) of 3 Israeli Jewish
teenagers. It can be found here. He is a …
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