John R. Houk
© September 17, 2017
Rep. Jim Bridenstine’s (R-OK) NASA nomination is being
opposed because he is wise enough to not agree with a Gay lifestyle. Of course,
the Leftist MSM is lining up behind the godless LGBTQ. How can a group of
people who ONLY represent 4.1% of the population (Pew Research 2016) have
that kind of political clout? If you can’t agree that the LGBTQ is a special
Rights group of people you must be a racist evil homophobe. As if homosexuals
are a race of people rather than a group of people that chose a deviant
Yup, I said “deviant”. I don’t care if Medical
organizations, Psychologist organizations, and/or Psychiatric organizations
were essentially pressured decades ago into normalizing homosexuals rather than
keeping with their original analysis that same-sex relations is deviant.
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) was harassed by
political pressure rather than scientific data to end the mental deviancy
listing of homosexual practices:
They [i.e. Rogers H. Wright and Nicholas
A. Cummings] got established and revered practitioners to write chapters
which explore these important issues. The following regarding the removal of
homosexuality from the DSM in 1973 was written as a matter of verifiable fact:
“The Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of the American Psychiatric Association yielded suddenly and
completely to political pressure when in 1973 it removed homosexuality
as a treatable aberrant condition. A political firestorm had been created by
gay activists within psychiatry, with intense opposition to normalizing
homosexuality coming from a few outspoken psychiatrists who were demonized and
even threatened, rather than scientifically refuted. Psychiatry’s House of
Delegates sidestepped the conflict by putting the matter to a vote of
the membership, marking for the first time in the history of healthcare that a
diagnosis or lack of diagnosis was decided by popular vote than by scientific
evidence…”(page 9) - The truth on how homosexuality was
removed from the DSM by APA – Commentary on Dr Yik’s response to
Lawrence Khong; POSTED BY CONCERNEDSGCITIZEN; Homosexuality and Science; 9/14/13
I can’t blame the article writer using a pseudonym.
Homosexual activists use both defamation - to shame - and violence - to
strike fear - against truth tellers to silence them from the American
Here is a brief description when science was abandoned for
submission to political pressure:
1973 – Board of Trustees of
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) approves the deletion of
homosexuality from the DSM-II and substitutes a diagnosis of “sexual
orientation disturbance.” Intense discussion and debate followed.
On Dec 15 1973, the Board
of Trustees of the APA voted to delete homosexuality altogether from the DSM.
Opposition from several psychiatrists immediately followed. A referendum on the
Board’s decision was called.
1974 – the entire
membership of the APA was polled for their support or rejection of the Board’s
decision. žOf the
10,000 voting members, nearly 40% opposed the Board’s decision to normalize
homosexuality. Decision was hardly unanimous. (Controversially, a survey
conducted in 1979 asked 10,000 psychiatrists if they felt homosexuality
“usually represented a pathological adaptation.” 69% of respondents said “yes,” and ž60% said homosexual men were
less capable of “mature, loving relationships” than heterosexual men.)
The author of Destructive Trends in mental health was
right to conclude:
“Diagnosis today in psychology
and psychiatry is cluttered with politically correct verbiage, which seemingly
has taken precedence over sound professional experience and scientific
validation.” (Ibid.)
Since the APA barely removed homosexuality as a deviant
mental disorder, the American Left and Homosexual Activists were well armed
with the needed propaganda to slowly persuade the American public to accept
ungodly homosexuality.
Even a recent scientific study revealed by Life Site
circa November 2016 show homosexuality is not normal:
Those who are setting our so-called
“values”, such as the small but powerful group of academics, mainstream media,
and homosexual activists, do so by attempting to impose strange myths and ideas
that have no scientific basis.
These myths include the one that
homosexuals are “born that way”, can’t change, and must be accepted for “who
they are”. Further, those claiming they are a different gender than that with
which they were born, i.e. the transgendered, who “feel” they belong to other
than their gender at birth, must be accepted as such.
The public is supposed to put aside
its intelligence and common sense, and respectfully bow collectively in
obeisance to these “expert” opinions. These opinions, however, are complete and
utter hogwash.
However, the myth-makers attempt to force their nonsense on us by the heavy
hand of the law, claiming that it’s “discrimination” to refuse to accept the
myths as truth. Jurisdictions which don’t obey their rulings are
economically punished, parents are forbidden to protect their children from the
monstrous “bathroom” laws that permit males to use girls’ showers, lockers and
change rooms. It’s all a fraud based on propaganda with no scientific
Bombshells Explode The Myths
The first bombshell was a landmark
study published in The Journal – The New Atlantis, (August
23, 2016). The Journal is a well-known journal of science,
technology and ethics based in Washington D.C. This article analysed
[sic] the scientific evidence of LGBT issues published to date in scientific
Dr. Mayer stated he supports every sentence in this report without reservation
since it is about science and medicine. He also stated he was alarmed to
learn during his review of over 500 scientific articles that the LGBT community
bears a disproportionate rate of mental health problems compared to the
population as a whole.
The other author is Dr.
Paul McHugh, one of the leading psychiatrists in the world. … These scientists reviewed
hundreds of peer reviewed studies on sexual orientation and gender identity
from the biological, psychological and social sciences. Their conclusions
were as follows:
§ The belief that gender identity is an innate, fixed human
property independent of biological sex – so that a person might be a ‘man
trapped in a woman’s body’ or ‘a woman trapped in a man’s body’ – is not
supported by scientific evidence.
Only a minority of children
who express gender-atypical thoughts or behaviour will continue to do so into
adolescence or adulthood. There is no evidence that all
such children should be encouraged to become transgender, much less subjected
to hormone treatments or surgery.
Non-heterosexual and
transgender people have higher rates of mental health problems (anxiety,
depression, suicide), as well as behavioral and social problems (substance
abuse, intimate partner violence), than the general population. Discrimination
alone does not account for the entire disparity.
The second bombshell was exploded
by a top researcher for the American Psychological Association (APA),
lesbian activist, Dr. Lisa Diamond, co-author-in-chief of ‘the APA Handbook’ of
sexuality and psychology and one of the APA’s most respected members. She
admitted that sexual orientation was “fluid” and not unchangeable. By
doing so, Dr. Diamond confirmed that the myth that “homosexuals can’t change”
is now a dead-end theory. She summarized the relevant findings in a
lecture at Cornell University stating that abundant research has now
established that sexual orientation – including attraction, behaviour and
self-identity – is fluid for both adolescents and adults for both genders. (The LGBT fraud has been exposed, and
they’re definitely not happy about it; By Claire Chretien; Life
Site News; 11/15/16 1:37 pm EST)
The Multiculturalist Left and the lying Homosexual
activist-lobbyists have been brainwashing Americans for decades. Even now I am
guessing NO one has heard the recent science confirming the brainwashing lies.
ERGO, the reality of the Will of God found in His Word shows
the purpose of the Creator of one male and one female is the standard He
intends for His creation. If God’s Word calls same-sex relations an abomination
in His sight, then it is so - Leviticus 18: 22; 20: 13 NKJV:
22 You shall
not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.
13 If a man
lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an
abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon
God in Christ is no less approving -Romans 1: 18-19,
26-27 NKJV:
God’s Wrath on Unrighteousness
18 For the
wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and
unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because
what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to
26 For this
reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the
natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise
also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for
one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in
themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
And yet, it is not God’s will that any human should perish
in eternal separation from His Presence. All humanity is born in a sin nature.
That is the reason the Almighty emptied Himself of Divine prerogatives and
became fully human to born as a perfect human to be the sacrificial lamb for
Adam’s hereditary disobedience.
Jesus the infant was conceive in the womb of a human female
by the power of the Holy Spirit (not human copulation as the Muslims
erroneously believe). The infant Jesus became a man. Jesus as the Son of
God and the son of man simultaneously, ministered His Divine purpose for three
years then became the Lamb of God dying for humanity’s sin nature so that all
that believe in the Resurrection of Jesus are re-united with God Almighty in
spirit now and in our resurrection from the dead our natural appearance will be
changed spirit, soul and body -Galatians 3: 10-14 NKJV:
The Law Brings a Curse
10 For as
many as are of the works of the law are under the curse; for it is
written, “Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all
things which are written in the book of the law, to do them.”[a] 11 But
that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident,
for “the just shall live by faith.”[b] 12 Yet
the law is not of faith, but “the man who does them shall live by them.”[c]
13 Christ
has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it
is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”[d]), 14 that
the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we
might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
I have no idea how those of the Jewish faith handle the
brutal punishments of the Law in this modern era, but for Christians the
punished prescribed in the Law in this life has eternally been paid for by the
Lamb of God. That includes the numerous sin punishments that is also applied to
heterosexuals and as to the subject of this post, those who have made the
choice of a homosexual lifestyle.
I am fairly certain that homosexual apologists and Leftist
Multiculturalists will try to disarm God’s Word by attempting to twist it to
bend to human academics to fit their world view. That is unfortunately the problem
with Humanist thinking. Humanism intentionally dismisses the Divine paradigm
because world order darkness blinds Humanists unable to see the Light of
Salvation of Jesus Christ the Son of God/Lamb of God that can Redeem those
stuck in Humanist darkness.
That is the plus of Rep. Jim Bridenstine, President Trump’s
nomination to lead NASA. If Bridenstine is a good Christian, he will not make a
person blinded in homosexual darkness suffer for their social choices but rather
direct them according to merit. That is probably unlike a virulent homosexual
that would make it their life’s aim to persecute a Christian employee for their
beliefs with shaming or worse – violence.
In essence, the Left and Homosexual activists are actually
attempting to utilize a religious test to disqualify Jim Bridenstine from being
the next NASA Administrator. I like the observations made by Mark Whittington
on the Bridenstine nomination:
However, it appears that Bridenstine is
being subjected to a religious test for the position that he has been nominated
for. Many people oppose some items on the LGBT agenda out of
sincere religious conviction. Bridenstine’s private and political beliefs are
being used as a disqualifier for becoming head of NASA, even though those views
would not affect his conduct as administrator. The space agency has no
influence whatsoever on whether or not people of the same sex have the right to
marry. That issue was decided by a ruling of the Supreme Court and is now the
law of the land.
One wonders if these questions are
going to come up during the hearings when they finally take place. Bridenstine will
likely reply that he will follow the law, as he is obligated to do, and perhaps
openly wonder what these issues have to do with returning to the moon and
re-establishing American dominance in space. (Now Jim Bridenstine is in trouble with the
LGBT community; By Mark Whittington; Blasting News; 9/14/17)
The LGBTQ ungodly nuts are trying to same political muscle
they used way back in 1973 to disqualify Jim Bridenstine in 2017. The Left-Wing
Washington Post actually has a news story of those that are supportive
of the Bridenstine nomination largely due to the fact his Congressional record
demonstrated a huge support for NASA’s space exploration agenda with the
addition of private capital cooperation:
Bridenstine’s nomination comes as
NASA is increasingly relying on the private sector to perform tasks that were
once the exclusive domain of the government. …
Now, under Trump, the growing
private sector is looking to capitalize on its momentum and partner with NASA
to go even farther — to the moon and deep space. And it regards Bridenstine as
someone who would be good for business.
“NASA needs dedicated and inspired
leadership, and Representative Bridenstine is an outstanding choice to provide
precisely that,” said S. Alan Stern, chairman of the Commercial Spaceflight
Federation, an industry group representing many space companies and start-ups.
The Coalition for Deep Space
Exploration, representing many of the big legacy contractors, said it also
welcomed the nomination, saying Bridenstine “has been an active and vocal
advocate for space on Capitol Hill.”
NASA is poised to ask the private
sector for proposals to develop a lunar lander that could take experiments
and cargo to the surface of the moon, with flights starting as early as 2018.
Bridenstine, who serves in the Navy Reserve, has advocated a return to the
moon, writing in a blog post last year that “from the discovery of water ice on
the moon until this day, the American objective should have been a permanent
outpost of rovers and machines, with occasional manned missions for science and
In addition to backing work with
younger, entrepreneurial firms, Bridenstine has also voiced his support for the
traditional industrial base, made up of behemoths such as Lockheed Martin and
Boeing. They want to ensure that programs such as the Space Launch System, the
massive rocket being developed by NASA, and the Orion crew capsule continue …
Mike Gold, the chairman of a
commercial space advisory committee for the Federal Aviation Administration,
said that Bridenstine would be able to unite the industry with “his support
for a diverse array of activities such as deep-space exploration,
private-sector partnerships, Earth science and technology development.” (Support builds for Bridenstine to lead NASA
despite past skepticism on climate change; By Christian Davenport; WaPo;
WaPo gravitates to the Left so it is unsurprising
that the article continues by stating that in Congress Bridenstine was critical
of Obama spending more on Climate Change than on weather forecasting.
The Senate will be involved in the confirmation hearings for
Bridenstine. The Multiculturalist Dems in the Senate were extremely displeased
that Bridenstine does not share the concerns of the immediacy of a doomed earth
from constantly fudged statistics pointing
toward Climate Change disasters.
Between Homosexual activists and Leftist Eco-Marxists, Bridenstine
at the very least can be grilled by Leftist Senators about issues that have
zero to do with the science of space exploration.
My fellow Okies, write, email or phone Senators Inhofe and
Langford to make a stir about the real issues that Jim Bridenstine should be
judged as a capable Administrator of NASA.
JRH 9/16/17
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