Thursday, May 5, 2016

Sharia and Kafirs

Here is a teaching moment from Bill Warner on Sharia and Kafirs. In case you are unfamiliar with Political Islam, Sharia is the law of Islam and Kafir is the Islamic word for a non-Muslim unbeliever. That is the simple description for Kafir. The Islamic word is actually quite demeaning toward non-Muslims like you and I.

JRH 5/5/16
Sharia and Kafirs

May 5, 2016

Sharia law is the most important part of Islamic doctrine. Sharia is Islam; Islam is Sharia. Sharia includes law, but it also includes how to raise a family, theology, philosophy and every aspect of daily living. Sharia law includes pronouncements for both Muslims and non-Muslims (Kafirs). Sharia is a manual for a civilization.

Sharia does not allow free speech. It is forbidden to make a joke about Mohammed. Blasphemy is forbidden. The US is following Sharia when it allows the UN to determine that Muslim refugees come to America and not Christians.

We have Sharia compliant textbooks now in Tennessee. We hesitate to anger Muslims or criticize Islam. In Europe Islamic rape is accepted behavior.

Sharia says that our Constitution is manmade and a product of ignorance. Sharia is Allah’s law and must replace all other governments. Countries that adhere to all of Sharia are Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Yemen. Most Islamic nations do not apply all of the Sharia, but it is there when more stringent laws are wanted.

All Kafirs are involved in the Sharia; it is just a matter of how much. We should recognize it and resist its expansion in our civilization.

Posted by Political Islam
Published on May 5, 2016

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What is Islam?

Islam is a cultural, religious and political system. Only the political system is of interest to kafirs (non-Muslims) since it determines how we are defined and treated. The Islamic political system is contained in the Koran, the Hadith (the traditions of Mohammed) and his biography, the Sira.

Our Mission

Political Islam has subjugated other civilizations for 1400 years. Our mission is to educate the world about political Islam, its founder Mohammed, his political doctrine and his god, Allah.

The Five Principles

Islam’s Trilogy of three sacred texts is the Koran and two books about the life of Mohammed. When the Trilogy is sorted, categorized, arranged, rewritten and analyzed, it becomes apparent that five principles are the foundation of Islam.

All of Islam is based upon the Trilogy—KoranSira (Mohammed’s biography) and Hadith (his Traditions).

Most of the Islamic doctrine is political, not religious. Islam is a political ideology.

Islam divides the world into Muslims and unbelievers, kafirs.

Political Islam always has two different ways to treat kafirs—dualistic ethics. Kafirs can be abused in the worst ways or they can be treated like a good neighbor.

Kafirs must submit to Islam in all politics and READ THE REST

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