Sunday, January 31, 2016

KrisAnne Hall on Constitutional Property Rights

Elaine Young shared Tiffany Taylor's video of KrisAnne Hall on the Facebook group American Patriots. KrisAnne Hall should run for Office! This is one the most erudite lessons on Constitutional law and property rights in relation to the Bundy Oregon standoff protest.

JRH 1/31/16
KrisAnne Hall on Constitutional Property Rights
January 31, 2016 9:54am

Tiffany Taylor Facebook

Elaine Young: This Is Why Bundy & LeVoy (sic) Finicum Are In The Right!!
Tiffany Taylor: KrisAnne Hall, a constitutional attorney, discusses what's going on in Oregon and she is ON POINT!!


KrisAnne Hall ‘What I Do’ tab:

Educator and Speaker

KrisAnne teaches, on average, 265 classes in over 22 States every year to people of all walks of life about the the Constitution, our Bill of Rights and what we can do to defend, promote and preserve liberty for generations to come.

The Roots of Liberty

This is KrisAnne’s 5 hour workshop.  In order to preserver Liberty for our posterity, Americans must know that the Constitution was not an invention of our framers and the Bill of Rights was not an afterthought.  Everything contained within our Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights is the product of over 700 years of time tested, blood bought experiences that gave us our foundational principles.  KrisAnne will show you where these documents came from, why our framers created a Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy, how we are operating outside the perimeters of the Constitution and HOW to return to our Roots of Liberty.  Every American should have this training, especially those who have taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

The Genealogy of the Constitution

This is KrisAnne’s introductory lesson upon which all other presentations rest. You cannot rightly understand the Constitution without a proper framing of its foundation. In this 1hr presentation KrisAnne presents the 700yr history and 5 foundational charters that gave us our founding documents. You will see the striking parallels between today’s events and the events that illuminated our framers’ understanding. You will go away inspired and hopeful, ready to take up the torch of liberty again!

The Genealogy of the Constitution For Students

This education is for middle school, high school, and college students alike!  This is KrisAnne’s introductory lesson upon which all other presentations rest designed especially for our students. You cannot rightly understand the Constitution without a proper framing of its foundation.  This history is essential to understanding why our framers designed a Constitutional Republic and NOT a Democracy.  We are not teaching this in our schools and there is no curriculum that connects these historical events for our students.  If we do not train our children to understand Liberty, they will never understand their obligation in the future to defend it.  It is time to take back the education of our students and establish some patriots on purpose.

Foundations of Religious Liberty (For Churches & Groups)

Today Religious Liberty is under assault in America on a scale not seen in over 200 years. The truth is that the expansion of liberty throughout our history has almost always been fought within a religious liberty context. KrisAnne shares the history that gave us the declarations we find in READ THE REST

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Houston Prosecutor Persecutes Daleiden and Merritt

Corruption Protects Planned Parenthood at Any Cost

John R. Houk
© January 30, 2016

I’m getting back to the indictment of David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt for exposing Planned Parenthood for performing live birth abortions for the mere sake of making a buck on baby parts for medical research. This might sound a bit repetitive of the January 26 post when I first found out about the Left going after the whistleblowers rather than the perpetrators of a murderous crime.

This indictment against those that expose Planned Parenthood for performing birth abortions which is murder even on the Left Wing scale is outrageous and scandalous. It boggles the mind that pro-abortion (aka baby-killers) are so dedicated to murder as birth control they look the other way as when a baby is born alive and either kill it or simply allow to die.

This post takes more time examining the motive of Prosecutor Devon Anderson for going after whistleblowers rather than murderers. I am first cross posting an email from the Liberty Counsel which focuses on Sandra Merritt and the second cross post looks a little more at David Daleiden of Center for Medical Progress (CMP) and more details on Prosecutor Anderson.

JRH 1/30/16
New evidence raises important questions

By Mat Staver
Sent: January 30, 2016 2:10 PM
Liberty Counsel

New evidence is emerging following a Texas grand jury indictment of Center for Medical Progress whistleblowers Sandra Merritt and David Daleiden, while closing an investigation into the Planned Parenthood traffickers of babies' body parts.

Liberty Counsel is representing Sandra in this criminal case and in a civil case being waged against her in federal court by Planned Parenthood. Please see my very important update below – Mat. 

Following the release of 13 undercover videos produced by the Center for Medical Progress exposing Planned Parenthood's immoral and callous trafficking of aborted babies' body parts, Texas officials stepped up and ordered an investigation into the Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast Center.  

While reportedly investigating the center, District Attorney Devon Anderson instead chose to bring a different set of charges to a Texas grand jury, which then indicted Merritt and Daleiden for allegedly "tampering with a governmental record … with intent to defraud and harm" and a misdemeanor count related to buying human tissue. Planned Parenthood walked out of the investigation unscathed.

The grand jury was ostensibly opened to investigate Planned Parenthood. However, recent reports suggest the grand jury was never asked to vote on whether to indict Planned Parenthood. This lack of a vote calls into question if there was any legitimate investigation of this organization.

+ + Evidence is surfacing that the Harris County District Attorney's Office tasked with investigating Planned Parenthood has financial and personal biases towards abortion providers in Texas. 

District Attorney Devon Anderson led a grand jury who failed to convict an abortionist after multiple eye witnesses testified that he frequently murdered babies after they were born alive. One person described how a baby grabbed the finger of abortionist Douglas Karpen before he killed the infant. Afterwards, the attorney for abortionist Karpen donated more than $25,000 to Anderson's reelection campaign. This history makes one question whether Anderson or her office withheld information from the grand jury regarding the actions of Dr. Karpen.

The District Attorney's office also has to explain having an assistant district attorney, Lauren Reeder, on the payroll who is also listed in tax records as a "Director" of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast.

+ + Liberty Counsel's legal team will work with Sandra to undo this act of gross injustice.

We are honored to defend Sandra in both her criminal indictment and against Planned Parenthood's civil lawsuit claiming that her connection to undercover videos produced by the CMP violated the federal "Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations" or "RICO" statute. RICO was never intended to implicate undercover journalists. 

I am asking ALL members of our Liberty Counsel team to join us in declaring "I Stand With Sandra."

The solidarity statement simply declares: YES! I'm standing in solidarity with Sandra Merritt and strongly oppose the abortion and trafficking operations of Planned Parenthood!

One click here and your name will be immediately added to the "I Stand With Sandra" page.

+ + Reactions are strong!

The indictment against Sandra Merritt is outrageous. There is a history of bias in the DA's office involving abortion doctors and Planned Parenthood. We will intend to shine the light on the process. We believe the prosecutor and the grand jury twisted the law. Sandra Merritt should never have been indicted. The focus and the inquiry should and will remain on the horrific abortion practices of Planned Parenthood.

Presidential candidate Marco Rubio called this reversal of prosecution "outrageous," while Fox News host Megyn Kelly called it a "political hit job." They share the same sentiments as many pro-life Americans.

Join us today in our campaign to rally support for Sandra.

God bless you for taking this principled stand.


P.S. We are looking forward to investigating the situation in Houston, and we will seek justice for our client. We will defend Sandra against all charges without cost to her. Join us in this effort to defend a principled young woman.

Click here if you would like to first read the content of the "I Stand With Sandra" statement of solidarity before signing.

Constant Corruption from the Democrat party
D.A. Who Indicted David Daleiden Received Over $25,000 From Attorney for Late-Term Abortionist

Posted by Dave
January 29, 2016 12:31 PM 

Today, Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson (pictured) defended her indictment of pro-life advocate David Daleiden despite the fact that a Planned Parenthood abortion business board members works as a prosecutor in her office. Now, new information has come to light that Anderson’s campaign received more than $25,000 from the attorney who works for a late-term abortionist.

As LifeNews reported Monday, a Texas grand jury has ignored the videos exposing a Houston-based Planned Parenthood abortion clinic caught selling aborted baby body parts and has instead indicted the man behind producing the expose’ videos.

The Texas grand jury indicted David Daleiden and another pro-life activist, Sandra Merritt, behind the videos. Instead of prosecuting Planned Parenthood for selling aborted baby parts, Daleiden was indicted for buying them.

Daleiden and Merritt were charged with one felony related to tampering with a governmental record and a misdemeanor count related to buying human tissue. The felony charge was in reference to the use of a fake ID. If convicted, Daleiden faces 20 years in prison while Planned Parenthood officials face no legal consequences for their actions.

Since the indictment, Anderson is facing criticism over her failure to prosecute an abortionist known as the Kermit Gosnell of Houston.

Anderson oversaw a previous abortion-related grand jury investigation of Houston abortionist Douglas Karpen after Operation Rescue released evidence in the form of photos and witness testimony that babies were being born alive during abortions and intentionally killed by twisting their necks. This case garnered publicity in the wake of the conviction of Pennsylvania abortionist Kermit Gosnell on three counts of First Degree Murder for intentionally killing babies born alive during abortions in a similar fashion.

That Anderson-led grand jury failed to indict Karpen despite the considerable evidence against him.

Karpen was represented at his trial by attorney Chip Lewis, who donated more than $25,000 to Anderson’s re-election campaign.

According to official campaign finance records from Harris County, Lewis donated a total of $15,000 to Anderson’s re-election campaign in 2014, with a $10,000 donation from Lewis to Anderson in February and another $5,000 from Lewis to Anderson in May. The abortion practitioner’s attorney made additional contributions to Anderson’s campaign later in the year — with Lewis sending another $1,000 on September 17 and $9,100 on September 25– as these Harris County campaign finance records show.

As to the Karpen case and Anderson’s lack of an indictment, the pro-life group said that grand jury failed to return a “true bill” that would have led to Karpen’s prosecution. Operation Rescue has reason to believe that the grand jury did not have access to all the evidence, and that Anderson’s close personal relationship with Karpen’s attorney may have contributed to the failure of the grand jury to indict Karpen.

“Where there’s smoke, there’s fire, and there’s just too way much smoke blowing Planned Parenthood’s way in Harris County for us to feel remotely comfortable that Anderson’s office can conduct a fair and impartial investigation,” the group said at the time.

Now that Anderson’s office has indicted the pro-life investigators, Cheryl Sullenger, Senior Vice President of Operation Rescue is renewing the criticism.

“There is now a pattern in Houston of District Attorney Devon Anderson’s office covering up abortion-related crimes,” she told LifeNews.

“In 2013, another Anderson-controlled grand jury failed to indict Houston abortionist Douglas Karpen, who was accused by three of his former employees of murdering babies born alive during shoddy late-term abortions by twisting their heads or slashing their throats. Photographic evidence provided to me showed injuries to large aborted babies that was consistent with those claims. Operation Rescue has good reason to believe that evidence was never presented to that grand jury,” Sullenger explained a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.” She also laughed while looking at a plate of fetal kidneys that were “good to go.”

Anderson has come under considerably fire for what pro-life advocates call a politically motivated indictment and because a Planned Parenthood board member works for Anderson as an assistant district attorney. Lauren Reeder is a prosecutor in the Harris County District Attorney’s criminal family law division. Reeder is listed as a non-compensated “Director” on the 990 Tax Form for 2014 filed by Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast.

Although Anderson indicates Reeder had no role in the Daleiden indictment, there’s really no way of knowing if that is truly the case. Because of that, pro-life advocates have called for the appointment of a special prosecutor to look into the indictment and the fact that the grand jury never voted on charges related to Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted babies.

The expose’ videos catching Planned Parenthood officials selling the body parts of aborted babies have shocked the nation. Here is a list of all eleven:

§  In the first video: Dr. Deborah Nucatola of Planned Parenthood commented on baby-crushing: “We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”

§  In the second video: Planned Parenthood’s Dr. Mary Gatter joked, “I want a Lamborghini” as she negotiated the best price for baby parts.

§  In the third video: Holly O’Donnell, a former Stem Express employee who worked inside a Planned Parenthood clinic, detailed first-hand the unspeakable atrocities and how she fainted in horror over handling baby legs.

§  In the fourth video: Planned Parenthood’s Dr. Savita Ginde stated, “We don’t want to do just a flat-fee (per baby) of like, $200. A per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.” She also laughed while looking at a plate of fetal kidneys that were “good to go.”

§  In the fifth video: Melissa Farrell of Planned Parenthood-Gulf Coast in Houston boasted of Planned Parenthood’s skill in obtaining “intact fetal cadavers” and how her “research” department “contributes so much to the bottom line of our organization here, you know we’re one of the largest affiliates, our Research Department is the largest in the United States.”

§  In the sixth video: Holly O’Donnell described technicians taking fetal parts without patient consent: “There were times when they would just take what they wanted. And these mothers don’t know. And there’s no way they would know.”

§  In the seventh and perhaps most disturbing video: Holly O’Donnell described the harvesting, or “procurement,” of organs from a nearly intact late-term fetus aborted at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte’s Alameda clinic in San Jose, CA. “‘You want to see something kind of cool,’” O’Donnell says her supervisor asked her. “And she just taps the heart, and it starts beating. And I’m sitting here and I’m looking at this fetus, and its heart is beating, and I don’t know what to think.”

§  In the eighth video: StemExpress CEO Cate Dyer admits Planned Parenthood sells “a lot of” fully intact aborted babies.

§  The ninth video: catches a Planned Parenthood medical director discussing how the abortion company sells fully intact aborted babies — including one who “just fell out” of the womb.

§  The 10th video: catches the nation’s biggest abortion business selling specific body parts — including the heart, eyes and “gonads” of unborn babies. The video also shows the shocking ways in which Planned Parenthood officials admit that they are breaking federal law by selling aborted baby body parts for profit.

§  Unreleased Videos: Unreleased videos from CMP show Deb Vanderhei of Planned Parenthood caught on tape talking about how Planned Parenthood abortion business affiliates may “want to increase revenue [from selling baby parts] but we can’t stop them…” Another video has a woman talking about the “financial incentives” of selling aborted baby body parts.

      §  The 11th video: catches a texas Planned Parenthood abortionist planning to sell the intact heads of aborted babies for research. Amna Dermish is caught on tape describing an illegal partial-birth abortion procedure to terminate living, late-term unborn babies which she hopes will yield intact fetal heads for brain harvesting.

The federal law that technically prohibits the sale of aborted babies and their body parts was written by a pro-abortion Congressman decades ago and essentially spells out a process by which sellers of aborted baby body parts can meet certain criteria that allows the sales to be legal. That’s why a Colorado congressman has introduced legislation to totally ban the sales of aborted baby body parts.

Houston Prosecutor Persecutes Daleiden and Merritt
John R. Houk
© January 30, 2016
New evidence raises important questions

Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education, and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and the family.  Liberty Counsel. PO Box 540774. Orlando, FL 32854


Liberty Counsel® is an international nonprofit litigation, education, and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of life, and the family since 1989, by providing pro bono assistance and representation on these and related topics. With offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., and an outreach in Israel, Liberty Counsel has hundreds of advocates around the world.

Recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization, this Christian ministry is funded by tax-deductible donations from concerned individuals, churches, businesses, foundations and other organizations.

The purpose of this ministry is to preserve religious liberty and help create and maintain a society in which everyone will have the opportunity to discover the truth that will give true freedom.

Liberty Counsel sends a Liberty Alert® email to inform subscribers about breaking news, and publishes The Liberator® newsletter to overview current issues and legal cases.

Liberty Counsel produces several multimedia programs dealing with various legal, religious and policy issues, and is active in social media such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

Read more about Liberty Counsel® (sometimes referred to as Liberty Council®) in our Annual Report.


Natural laws are laws that transcend time, cultures and political institutions. The Declaration of Independence recognizes those laws as “laws of nature and of nature’s God."

The first rights recognized by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution are the freedom of religion and speech. Liberty Counsel advances these liberties on behalf of
Constant Corruption from the Democrat party

About Dave

Never before have I followed politics as close as I do now. I would call myself an Independent. I have voted both parties. I kinda followed Obama, with the Blago stuff going on. The more I learned the Truth I realized I will never vote Liberal Democrat again.


John R. Houk
© January 30, 2016

This is an Interesting post at It begins by railing against Finicum who clearly was not attacking anyone but surrendering.

The post says he reached for something but there STILL is no report Finicum was shot to death with a handgun inside a vest. He clearly had his hands raised and was shot in the back. The post exonerates the FBI, but it is not any less heinous that the Oregon State Police were the shooters.

THEN the post has Wild Bill speaking the sentiments that I concur with of the Finicum murder, the Bundys, the Hammonds, continuous Federal abuse of rancher land and finishes by smacking Hillary as a real criminal (Go Wild Bill, THAT WAS AWESOME!).

Then the post has the FBI lengthy 26-minute drone video which is difficult to decipher without watching over and over.

THEN the 33 second version of FBI drone video is shown clearly with Finicum being shot in the back.

 LaVoy Finicum in Circle

Talk about an odd conflicting post. But I think real Americans can decipher this was a WRONG action by the State and Federal government against American citizens weary of government abuse against private land owners.

JRH 1/30/16
FBI And Patriot Blood

Posted by TMH
January 29, 2016

You are about to watch the confrontation, including “shots fired” at Mr. LaVoy Finicum in Oregon on January 26th, 2016. Many stories, including so-called “eye witnesses” have communicated versions of the incident leading to the death of Mr. Finicum of Mohave County, Arizona who had been protesting in Burn, Oregon the past five weeks. The most recent “eye witness” account distributed nationally was reported by Victoria Sharp. Ms. Sharp’s account is false. The video below is taken from the FBI plane following the Finicum vehicle, and shows the shooting event as it occurred. A massive campaign has been launched nationally depicting Mr. Finicum as innocent and shot without provocation by the FBI. As you will see (go to full screen) Mr. Finicum exits his vehicle upon hitting a snow bank attempting to avoid a police roadblock. While there is no sound, and having been a police officer myself, I have to think commands were given to Mr. Finicum as he came to the rear of his vehicle. As you will see, Mr. Fincium reaches into the left side of his coat making a clear gesture that he may be going for a weapon. Shots were then fired by Oregon State Police, NOT FBI.

Blog Editor Update 2/8/16:

As I was checking this post as a source I was disappointed to learn that Wild Bill took down his video "FBI and Patriot Blood." This means Wild Bill has changed his mind that LaVoy Finicum was murdered in cold blood and leans to agreeing with the Bob Owens paragraph above. Wild Bill's most recent update that I found to date is entitled, "Finicum Shooting Update." Primarily due to the lack of sound in the aerial video taken of Finicum being shot, I am not convinced he was reaching for a gun in his vest. Many witnesses have establish the vest reach was to Finicum's torso point of a bullet. Then after Finicum was down, witnesses cowering in fear of the designs of the Oregon State Police and the FBI assert Finicum's downed body continued to be shot. Was he already dead or were the police making sure he was dead? Witnesses claim Finicum exited his truck so the police would shoot him rather than the ladies with him in the truck. Until proven by documentation rather than the word of the police involved in shooting Finicum, I believe the witnesses rather than the police or the significant amount of pro-gun enthusiasts willing to throw Finicum under the bus. Yes, I AM STILL OUTRAGED!

Posted by Wild Bill for America 
Published on Jan 28, 2016 
 The FBI just gunned down a rancher in Oregon...justified?Or an attempt to intimidate Americans who protest government abuses?

Posted by fbi 
Published on Jan 28, 2016

Posted by The Oregonian 
Published on Jan 28, 2016 
 The FBI released video footage of the traffic stop that ended in the death of Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, a spokesmen for the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. This is an excerpt. Viewer discretion advised.

John R. Houk
© January 29, 2016
FBI And Patriot Blood

© 2016

Friday, January 29, 2016

LaVoy Finicum Shooting Video Released by FBI!

I know some credible bloggers that devalue Conspiracy Theory websites because, well because some of their posts are simply too outlandish on the believability scale. One of those websites is DC Clothesline. Nevertheless, it is DC Clothesline that the National Director of AC2C Laura J. Alcorn found an FBI released video of how LaVoy Finicum was shot to death.

The FBI released video was taken from a drone. It clearly shows that Finicum indeed has his arms up in a sign of surrender and not charging the FBI as Mark McConnell intimated as an eyewitness on his Facebook video. The other eyewitness was closer to the facts with her passionate audio describing how Finicum was gunned down.

LaVoy Finicum

I’m cross posting Ms. Alcorn’s cross post below just because I place more stock in her than DC Clothesline.

LaVoy Finicum Shooting Video Released by FBI!

January 29, 2016 at 8:26 am
Originally DC Clothesline
January 29, 2016 at 4:23 am

The video has been released in the shooting of LaVoy Finicum. The angle is a helicopter shot and shows Finicum driving his truck into a snow embankment.

However, what takes place is different than several stories that have been conveyed.
He was not charging the officers as Mark McConnell claimed nor was he handcuffed, so his story is bogus. Many, including myself, didn’t think what he said sounded right.

He also was not down on his knees with his hands behind his head as relayed by the wife of Ammon Bundy.

However, he clearly had his hands in the air when he exited the vehicle.

You will notice that at several points he does drop his hands. Because there is no sound, it is difficult to tell if he was responding to being shot or whether he was reaching for a sidearm.

One officer approaching from behind seems to shoot him in the back at the 0:24 second mark, as other officers are there as well. You can clearly see the snipers in the trees as well, which was relayed by Victoria Sharp. However, the video doesn’t seem to capture any of the shooting into the vehicle that she claimed took place, though it is hard to then shots were fired or what commands Finicum was responding to.

Additionally, one should note that there was no attempt made by the officers to provide any sort of medical assistance to Finicum.

I’ll let the viewers determine whether they believe the shooting was justified or not. At this point, we need other angles to determine whether or not Finicum was responding to being shot or whether he was actually going for a gun.

The full video shows Finicum driving from the first stop. One wonders if he was shot at, as Victoria Sharp claims.

Posted by fbi 
Published on Jan 28, 2016 
 This is the complete video footage of a joint FBI and Oregon State Police traffic stop and OSP officer-involved shooting of Robert "LaVoy" Finicum on the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. This footage, which has only been edited to blur out aircraft information, was taken by the FBI on 01/26/2016 and released by the FBI on 01/28/2016. Note regarding date/time stamp in the left corner of video: Pilots use Zulu Time, also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), when they fly. Zulu time is eight hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time (PST). Therefore, although this footage was taken on January 26, 2016 in Oregon, the date/time stamp on the video shows just after midnight January 27, 2016.

What I find interesting is that the time stamp on the video is dated January 27, the day after Finicum was killed, and the time is after midnight. Has the video been altered? Why are sections blurred? Was this some sort of re-creation? Why is there only one woman exiting the truck? There were two inside.

The FBI’s statement on the video reads:

This is the complete video footage of a joint FBI and Oregon State Police traffic stop and OSP officer-involved shooting of Robert “LaVoy” Finicum on the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. This footage, which has only been edited to blur out aircraft information, was taken by the FBI on 01/26/2016 and released by the FBI on 01/28/2016.

Perhaps they can explain why they took the video on 01-26-2016 and the video time stamp is 01-27-2016.

I’m sure we’re going to have more questions the more the video is examined.

UPDATE: The time used in the video has been accounted for. The time setting on all military drones are for Greenwich Mean Time (ZULU), which is London UK time. That is eight hours ahead of Oregon time, so the time has been determined to be correct. (Thanks Joe!)

Courtesy of Freedom Outpost.

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