Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Murder of LaVoy Finicum

LaVoy Finicum

John R. Houk
© January 27, 2016

Mark McConnell was at the arrest and shootout of Ammon and Ryan Bundy, LaVoy Finicum (killed), Brian Cavalier, Shawna Cox and Ryan Waylen Payne. At nearby locations Joseph Donald O’Shaughnessy and Pete Santilli (Internet Journalist).

Evidently Mark McConnell was in one of the vehicles but was not arrested after interrogation. The reasoning for no arrest is unclear to me at this point. McConnell says he wasn’t a part of the agenda of the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom so they let him go. To me it sounds suspicious but he does come across as convincing. The problem his account of Finicum’s murder by the FBI differs from others who say they watched what happened.

Ammon and Ryan Bundy

Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore on her twitter account posted this on 9:35 PM - 26 Jan 2016:

My heart & prays go out to LaVoy Finicum's family he was just murdered with his hands up in Burns OR. Ryan Bundy has been shot in the arm

Here we have an elected official from the state of Nevada with obvious sympathy for the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom stand against the unconstitutional usurpation of private land from the Federal government. For more public examples like the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) charging the Bundy family graze their cattle on land appropriated by the Federal government. Or right in Oregon when the BLM burned brush for a good purpose but torched private homes in the process. AND when a family like the Hammonds ignited a backfire to keep a BLM fire from overtaking their own land, a Hammond father and son were thrown in jail twice for the same incident labelled a crime by first Oregon state and second by the Federal government when a Federal prosecutor deemed the State sentence was too lenient. So after a half decade the Federal Judiciary threw them in jail again.

This last intrusion in the private lives in a rancher family’s life led to Ammon Bundy to organize what became the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom. This CCF group never and I mean never initiated an armed resistance to the government but rather occupied a then unused wildlife center on Federally usurped land saying they would stay there until the Hammonds were released from prison.

The Hammond family already feeling the full force of State and Federal government power through manipulation of the rule of law chose not to join Ammon Bundy and the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom in their stand for Original Intent of the U.S. Constitution.

The core leaders of the Bundy led group were on their way to another Oregon town called John Day to make a free speech appeal to the citizens there in a public Townhall meeting. It turned out the Feds got wind of the expedition and set up a road block to arrest the core leadership. One of which was LaVoy Finicum. Now we come back to Mark McConnell and the details of how Finicum was shot to death.

McConnell asserts Finicum charged the FBI and was shot to death. Other witnesses say Finicum got out of the vehicle and went to his knees with his hands up (as Assemblywoman Fiore indicated) and the FBI sent a hail of bullets onto the surrendering Finicum killing him in cold blood. Here is Mark McConnell’s Facebook video which he preluded with, “Here’s the video of what happened.”

NOW here is an eyewitness account of a troubled lady who claims to be in one of the vehicles in which she saw LaVoy Finicum murdered in cold blood. THIS IS ENTIRELY A DIFFERENT PICTURE than what Mark McConnell paints.

Posted by Imma Reporter 
Published on Jan 27, 2016 
 This is breaking, first-hand, eyewitness audio testimony of one person's perspective on what happened to LaVoy Finicum on January 26, 2016. The witness you're going to hear was in the car with LaVoy, Ryan Payne, Ryan Bundy, and Shawna Cox. 

The federal agents fired the first and only shots, according to this testimony. The witness stated that Finicum had his hands in the air when he was shot.
Blog Editor Update 1/30/16: The owner of the above video as of this moment has withdrawn the embed to other blogs. So here is the same audio as above but with a WND embed:

The two pictures painted by McConnell and the other eyewitness are very divergent. I am willing to bet when the FBI finally releases an official account it will resemble McConnell’s version. But if you listened closely to his account you will pick up on something about his monologue as being off. I heard him say something to the effect he was in one of the vehicles stopped by the road block. McConnell described that the Bundy’s surrendered but left out any details of Ryan Bundy being shot which he was. Ryan was shot in the arm according to what I read. McConnell also says Finicum jumped back in his vehicle and tried to speed away yet got blocked by the cops. According McConnell, then Finicum got out of his vehicle and charged the FBI and then was shot to death. Does anyone see something off about McConnell saying Finicum sped off but was able to see his get out of his vehicle and charge the FBI?

Well that is just something to dwell on.

It is also interesting that LaVoy Finicum seems to have had a premonition of his death. He gave an interview to the Oregonian the very same day he was assassinated by the FBI:

Posted by The Oregonian 
Published on Jan 26, 2016 
 "They're doing all the things that shows that they want to take some kinetic action against us," Robert "LaVoy" Finicum says of federal agents. These were some of Finicum's last words to The Oregonian/OregonLive on the day before his death.

Also on the same day LaVoy Finicum to a mobile phone video of his family singing “Amazing Grace”:

Posted by DefendYourBase 
Published on Jan 26, 2016 
 Very talented. Awesome group of folks!

Although quite awesomely endearing, perhaps not so talented. AND YET a dad and husband was shot to death on that same day.

Sources Examined:


Deceased Militant LaVoy Finicum: Rancher, Patriarch, Bundy BelieverOregon Public Broadcasting (OPB) – 1/27/16 12:48 a.m. Updated 1/27/16 12:24 p.m.

LaVoy Finicum Dead: 5 Fast Facts You Need to – 1/26/16 10:49 pm EST Updated 1/27/16 3:05 pm EST

JRH 1/27/16

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