Saturday, March 15, 2025

Facts vs Lies: A Look at Jew-Hating Pseudo-Palestinians

Yup, I’m a Christian Zionist

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© March 15, 2025


I’ve come to the conclusion Jew-Hating Antisemites exist in every sector of the political scale: Left-to-Right and in between.


The Left (Marxists, Nazis, Socialists – All the same fabric regardless of any naysaying propaganda) have largely joined radical Muslims (aka Jihadists or terrorists) to cast hate on Jews.


Sadly many Conservatives and Patriots that I otherwise join, hate on Jews because of a history of Jews embracing different degrees Marxism or Socialism. Marxist/Socialist principles and ideology are not friendly to what Conservatives (especially American Conservatives) hold dear: Religious Liberty, Christian Morality, Independent Thinking, a Laissez-Faire entrepreneurial mindset, Bill of Rights Constitutional Originalism and you get the picture.


This Left-Right dichotomy leaning toward Antisemitism has eroded once strong American support for Israel. To be fair, American Jews are very supportive of the Dem Party which these days are more aligned with Marxism than American Exceptionalism. Such support for the Dems is like a target on Dem-supporting Jews feeding Antisemitic thought.


There are always the Jew-Haters who point to Talmudic crazy social mores that are unacceptable among Christian moral thinking. I refer Talmud critics to this balanced post from the Online Hate Prevention Institute entitled, ‘Antisemitism based on “The Talmud”’ (posted 10/24/24).


Then there is the classic Antisemitism based on the forged and fabricated The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The craziness of The Protocols is the most persecuted adherents of a religious faith in history have an agenda of global domination. Anyone who reads a Bible should realize this is poppycock. God’s Covenant initiated with Abraham is a Promise of a specific area of Land to Abraham’s descendants through a line proceeding through Isaac and Jacob. NOT a global Jewish empire. Short History of The Protocols forgery HERE. Longer more detailed HERE. The closest thing to Biblical world domination is the RETURN of Jesus is to reestablish the Kingdom of God on Earth.


BY THE WAY, Jesus the Son of God via His Mother Mary is from the Tribe of Judah (the Tribe from which modern Jews of ALL Twelve Tribes are today called Jews). Jesus then is a direct lineage result of the Abrahamic Promises through the ancestor line from Isaac and Jacob. Yup, King Jesus was raised as a Covenant-Observing Jew.


Via the Word of God in the New Testament, non-Jews (Gentiles) that BELIEVE in the RISEN SAVIOR are engrafted into the Covenant and Promises that began with Abraham. AND SO YUP, I’m a Christian Zionist.


Daniel Greenfield posted an article on Antisemitism on March 14 at Jihad Watch you should take a look at entitled, “The Moral Inversion of Antisemitism”. The Greenfield post is actually a book review of Robert Spencer’s new book entitled, “Antisemitism: History & Myth”.


Arabs (and faux-Palestinians) who hate Jews do NOT you to be aware of Palestine Media Watch. PMW exposes the blatant Jew-Hatred and support for killing Jews that spews from the media controlled by Islamic terrorist in faux-Palestine locations.


Below are four videos that look at the faux-Palestinians and Zionism.


JRH 3/15/25


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Tal News update: Historian on the land.


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Youtube VIDEO: Zionism: Why All the Controversy? | 5-Minute Videos

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