Sunday, July 30, 2023

Insidious Tyranny – STOP TOLERATING IT!

Posted by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

Posted on July 30, 2023


I am astonished about the apparent toleration of Tyranny in America. I watch two videos: The first infuriates my astonishment and the second is some commentary from the pseudonymous Charles Martel on Biden Administration corruption.


The first video is a re-post of a Bannon War Room interview of Dr. Robert Malone (The Website, Bitchute & Rumble). I’m not sure of the original date but I am aware it was recent. The clip I have is about 24-minutes. There are plenty of topics of insidious tyranny, BUT THE BIGGEST topic of treason is America’s own Intelligence Community cooperating with the CCP and Biden puppeteers against the American People.


The next video comes from the Canada Free Press and is essentially Charles Martel narration (almost 11-minutes) of that CFP post. The facts oft denied or obfuscated by Dem-Marxists are actually documented. The video narration makes the post memorable.


JRH 7/30/23


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Posted by Americans United Against The New World Order -


First Published July 30th, 2023 15:39 UTC



Dems chose Biden, and the Devil has arrived to collect


By Charles Martel [a pseudonym]

July 30, 2023

Canada Free Press


Government censorship, Hunter’s laptop, the DOJ, the FBI, Merrick Garland, the corrupt press and sweetheart deals.


It is a melange of trapdoors, bouncers and passwords —all hurdles to obfuscate and protect. It is a mountain of disgusting and vile garbage—each and in its own way a specific threat to our well-being.


We must get past the distractions and blow away the smoke to see with clarity.


Hunter Biden is a cog, a button to be pushed, Joe Biden is the centre and throne of the worst political scandal in American History.


Evidence is mounting that he accepted bribes to guide American policy to favor foreign entities, and to enrich himself while selling out his country.


Before us now is a legitimate opportunity. Despite best efforts of Media, Big Tech and Dem polls, this damn stain will not wash out!


There is more and worse to come and cataclysm awaits the loser. But for the first time in a long time the enemy is having to defend its flanks.


Rumble VIDEO: Dems chose Biden, and the Devil has arrived to collect

[Posted by CFPVideo

Published July 30, 2023


Dems chose Biden, and the Devil has arrived to collect, Fear has descended, and the Deep State is trembling, What foul stench adheres to Joe?, Charles Martel Bringing down the Hammer for Canada Free Press]


Site Copyright 1997-2022 Canada Free Press.Com

Thursday, July 27, 2023

INTRO TO SWC Email - Who is Behind all the Evil in this World?

Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

Email sent by David Sorensen

Posted July 27, 2023


Well OK… I’m about to share some information that detractors undoubtedly will whine is way too heavy on Conspiracy Theory information and thus is in the realm of incredulity. AND TO BE HONEST, I have a tough time swallowing it all as reliable. NEVERTHELESS, The crazy stuff from governments (USA and once Free World), media and science being EXPOSED as damnable lies with the only purpose to brainwash a trusting public; leads me to question everything spewed by the liars.


And so…I subscribe to Stop World Control (SWC). The rather long information I’m about to share is from a SWC email dated 7/25/23 sent from David Sorensen of SWC. There are lots of graphics and couple of videos which I will attempt to incorporate.


BUT HERE’S THING! As I said some of the info is hard to swallow. SO, VERIFY on your own nickel whether it is fact or fiction. BUT BEFORE DISMISSING as fiction out of hand, in today’s environment of official liars, do some checking with sources YOU trust. Keep in mind some sources are on the very payroll convicted as evil by the SWC post.




JRH 7/27/23


Thank you to those who have stepped up! I need Readers willing to chip in $5 - $10 - $25 - $50 - $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is appreciated. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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Who is behind the agenda for world domination?


Email from David Sorensen

Email sent July 25, 2023 7:32 PM

Stop World Control [Read in browser link]


This post is a section from the report
The Agenda for World Domination by the World Economic Forum". There you find references for the presented information.


When we look at the crazy plans of the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization and the United Nations, we have to wonder who comes up with this kind of insanity? Especially when we see how pedophilia is being normalized, men are encouraged to dress like women, and toddlers are coerced into having their sex surgically changed, even without their parents' consent. Where does all this perversion and cruelty come from? In order to find the answer, we must look behind the curtain of the public world theatre.


We must understand that organizations like the World Economic Forum are in reality a storefront for entities who operate behind the scenes.


This was explained during an international Grand Jury composed of eleven lawyers and a judge, during which the official agenda of world domination by financial elites was revealed by expert former agents of the World Health Organization, the United Nations, the US and British Military and Intelligence Agencies. One of the expert witnesses was Alex Thomson, a former officer of Britain’s Signals Intelligence Agency, GCHQ, the partner agency to NSA (National Security Agency, USA). As an intelligence officer, Alex learned about the British strategy for world domination. He testified to the Grand Jury how the world is run by powerful financial entities who never show themselves to the public, and who control the WEF, WHO, UN, IMF, EU, BIS, etc.


Our question is of course: who are these hidden rulers? In order to answer this inquiry, we have to go back in history...


Roman Emperor

Throughout human history, there have been psychopaths who lusted for world domination - i.e., Egyptian Pharaohs, Roman Emperors, Russian Tsars, European Kings, and so on.


The lust for world domination is a basic reality throughout all of world history. One world empire has succeeded another: the Greek, Persian, Byzantine, Chinese, Roman, Spanish and British world empires, etc. A popularly held belief today is that this ancient desire to rule the entire world has somehow disappeared - but nothing could be further from the truth. As we have just seen, emerging surveillance and data harvesting technologies allow the installation of worldwide systems of total control that previous tyrants could not even dream of.


Peasants Working for Castle

For thousands of years, freedom never existed on earth, as the entire world was always ruled by tyrants who oppressed the people. In Europe, these rulers lived in luxurious castles, while the peasants worked hard in the fields. Most of what they produced went to the wealthy tyrants.


The tyrants offered some level of comfort to the people to prevent them from revolting. A typical strategy is the "bread and circuses” concept: give the masses entertainment and food and they will be quiet. This was true in ancient Rome, as in any other culture. Today we see this on a massive scale, with the expansion of the sports and entertainment industry. The vast majority of the population has no interest in wisdom, knowledge or understanding, but rather choose to sit in front of their TV all night eating cheap industrial food. They are kept at peace with "bread and circuses".


Over time, the world population grew ever larger, and this posed an increasing threat to the power of the rulers. The more people they must control, the greater the risk of large-scale resistance. So they changed their strategy: instead of operating out in the open, where the masses are fully aware that they are being oppressed by tyrants, they decided to move backstage and give the masses the illusion of being in charge - through elections.


Controlling Politicians

In reality, the rulers never gave up their power; they have simply manipulated elections in order to position their political puppets, who dance on their strings.54


In this way, the same ancient tyrants stay in control, while the people think they are free. This was confirmed by a former top official from the United Nations, Calin Georgesque, who was an executive director at the UN for 18 years. He explained that real elections are basically non-existent in the world. His expert witness testimony before the International Crimes Investigative Committee can be seen in our documentary, "Secrets of the United Nations". Abundant further evidence that elections are rigged can be found in this evidence report.




By moving their operations behind the scenes, the rulers could be protected from the wrath of the public. But they also needed to shield themselves from the prosecution of governments, so they created for themselves so-called “sovereign states”. A sovereign state is a small area that is not submitted to the laws of the land, and is, in essence, untouchable.


BIS - Basel, Switzerland

An example of such a sovereign state, is the Bank for International Settlements [BIS], which oversees more than 50 central banks - making it one of the most powerful financial entities in the world.


The BIS became a sovereign, untouchable entity in 1987 through the Headquarters Agreement which was negotiated with the Swiss Federal Council. This agreement includes the following:


︎ Full inviolability for all buildings of the BIS, and the land beneath and around them, indifferent to who owns them.

︎ Full immunity from criminal and civil prosecution and proceedings for the bank as such.

︎ No payment of taxes on transactions and salaries of personnel.

︎ No disclosure to governments regarding the activities of the BIS.

︎ Not subject to any jurisdiction.


The Bank for International Settlements cannot be prosecuted, doesn't need to inform the government of its activities, pays no taxes, and is not submitted to any jurisdiction. It can do whatever it wants.


City of London

An even more powerful sovereign state is the City of London, an area of one square mile, in the heart of London city.


The City of London is the financial center of the world and the headquarters of the British elites, where hundreds of banks have their offices. It's not governed by the British government, but on the contrary, reigns supreme over it. The City of London has its own courts and police, is unchallenged in its sovereignty and self-government, and rules over most of the Earth. It is also the headquarters for worldwide Freemasonry, as well as the headquarters for the worldwide money cartel known as "The Crown". The Crown controls the global financial system and runs the governments of all Commonwealth countries (United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, most of Africa) and many non-Commonwealth ‘Western’ nations as well (i.e., Greece), while their hand of influence even reaches deeply into Latin America and Asia. The Crown traces back to the Vatican.


Vatican City State

Surprisingly, the most important sovereign state in the world is the Vatican City State. While to the public the Vatican presents itself as a religious institution, in reality, it is the head of the worldwide financial network.


Most people don't realize that there is not just one pope, but in fact there are three: the White Pope, the Black Pope and the Grey Pope. The only one we ever see is the White Pope, but little do we know that he is the lowest of the three popes. In reality, the highest authority is the Grey Pope, who is never seen in public at all - he operates as a perfectly concealed supreme puppet master. While the Vatican presents itself to humanity as the seat of godliness, it is in fact the exact opposite. As the saying goes: "The best place for the devil to hide is in the church." The lower-level people who work in the Vatican are clueless to this, just as low-level government officials are oblivious to who truly controls their nation. The rulers ensure that all who work for them on the lower levels are kept in a state of complete ignorance. Only those that begin to ask questions and seek truth will eventually be confronted with more and more corruption, the higher they climb the ladder.


Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has exposed sexual abuse and financial corruption in the Vatican. He also warns humanity of their agenda of world domination.


Rumble VIDEO: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano calls for resistance against New World Order

[Posted by stopworldcontrol

Published March 7, 2022




The vast majority of humanity - even most political leaders - have no clue that these sovereign states even exist, let alone rule the world. All we know and see are the public personalities - like politicians and businessmen - who are mere puppets of these concealed puppet masters. Their strength is in obscurity. By remaining hidden from the view of humanity, they are able to operate unchecked, without being held accountable by the people. Enter your text here...


Grand Jury Evidence (Medical Tyranny)


A good resource to learn about the agenda for world domination by hidden rulers, is the "Grand Jury Evidence". This report contains the expert testimonies of former members of the British Intelligence Service, British Navy, US Marine Corps, World Health Organization, United Nations, and the CDC who testified before an international Grand Jury of 11 lawyers and a judge about the agenda for world domination. Download this PDF. [Blog Editor: Actual PDF Document]




Just who are the people in these sovereign states, and who are the entities that work for them in the nations of the world? This worldwide network is generally referred to as the Deep State, Shadow Government, Cabal, The 1%, Satanic Bloodlines, Illuminati, Elites, Royals, Black Nobility, Khazarian Mafia and so on. They consist of ancient royal dynasties and bloodlines that go back hundreds and even thousands of years. To learn more about these nefarious families - who they are, where they come from and how they operate - I recommend the classic work by Fritz Springmeier, "Bloodlines of the Illuminati". This highly acclaimed reference work is made available as a download on the website of the CIA. It reveals information about the bloodlines in the United States of America who exert their influence worldwide.


Bloodlines of the Illuminati Bk Cover


The classic works, "Bloodlines of the Illuminati", volumes 1, 2 & 3, by Fritz Springmeier, are considered authoritative.


Order as paperback:  
Buy volume 1
Buy volume 2
Buy volume 3


Download as PDF:
Download volume 1
Download volume 2
Download volume 3


Satanic Bloodlines Bk Cover


A second authoritative resource that focuses more on the European families, is "The 13 Satanic Bloodlines" by the investigative journalist Robin de Ruiter, who in 2008 accurately predicted the covid pandemic. This four volume work was banned in France, but is published in about 100 other nations and languages. --Download as PDF


Some of the criminal families are Rockefeller, Rothschild, Warburg, DuPont, Russell, Onassis, Collins, Morgan, Kennedy, Van Duyn, Li, Astor, Vanderbilt, Bauer, Whitney, Duke, Oppenheimer, Grey, Sinclair, Schiff, Solvay, Sassoon, Wheeler, Todd, Clinton, Taft, Goldschmidt, Wallenberg, Guggenheim, Bush and many others.



There are also the royal families, like the House of Habsburg, one of the most prominent dynasties in European history who ruled over most of Europe.


Other royal families are the House of Windsor (United Kingdom and the Commonwealth), House of Orange-Nassau (plays a central role in the politics and government of Europe), the House of Schwarzenberg (one of the most prominent European noble houses), etc. Many of these families are genetically connected, as they all hold the belief that they have different genetics than the rest of humanity, and therefore have the right to rule over all of us. It is an established fact that they call the public their "cattle" or "livestock". To them, humanity is merely a herd of animals that they must manage.

House of Windsor - House of ORANGE-NASSAU (Netherlands Royals) - House of Schwarzenberg


At the helm of all these families is the so-called "head of the snake", the Black Nobility or the Jesuit / Papal bloodlines, whose headquarters are in the Vatican City State. One of the most prominent ones is the House of Orsini, who are descendants from the Julio-Claudian dynasty of ancient Rome. Much more information about all this can be found in the aforementioned reference works, on the Dutch website (translate the pages using Google translate), and on the internet, when using the uncensored search engine Qwant.




Pyramid (All-Seeing Eye)


Are the concealed families who operate from within the sovereign states the highest level of the pyramid of power that controls the world? No. There is more to reveal. This next level of information can be especially challenging for some readers because it is so out of this world - quite literally. In order to help you understand the reality of what you are about to learn, I will first give some basic historic background. When we look at world history, there is one thing that stands out:


In every culture, everywhere on earth, one thing has always been at the heart of every society: the worship of demonic entities.


Ancient Egypt, Babylon, Rome, and Greece were deeply embedded in spiritual practices which usually involved two things: sexual abuse and human sacrifice. This applies to every part of the world, be it Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe - it is literally worldwide. Christianity and Islam refer to the dark spiritual entity known as Satan (which means opponent or adversary). But there are also other beings. One prominent spiritual entity that has been worshipped throughout the history of humanity is called Moloch. In different cultures around the world, he is known by various names, such as Melech, Mo-lech, Milcom, Melkom, Molek, Malec, Malik, Melek, Malkum, Melqart, Melkart, Milk, Melqarth, Kronos and Cronus. In Islam, for example, Mo-lech is called Malec or Malik.


The many names confirm the worldwide worship of this demonic entity.


Moloch is depicted as a human with the head of a bull. In ceremonies, statues of this demon were heated with fire, and once the outstretched hands were glowing hot, living babies were placed in them. To suppress the terrified cries of the child being burned alive, loud music was played.


Moloch (Child Sacrifice)


This is basic human history that every one of us should be aware of. When you travel anywhere in the world, the architectural remains of human sacrifice can often be seen at various locations. In South America, the Aztec pyramids, for example, mark the landscape. At the top of these pyramids, humans were sacrificed to dark spiritual forces. In Europe, this was done by the Druids; in Africa by the shamans; in Egypt by the high priests, and so on. Human sacrifice has been at the heart of most cultures around the world.


Aztec Human Sacrifice


With the spread of Christianity, this horrific practice was abolished in the public sphere, but it wasn't eradicated from society. Rather, many servants of the dark realm continued practicing these rituals in secret. And this is where we now come to the top of the pyramid of world power...


In every quality resource about this topic, you will find abundant documentation that, at the supreme level of the power structures, ritual sexual abuse and human sacrifice are still practiced.


Ronald Bernard

One example of this was revealed by Ronald Bernard, a former bankster who worked at a high level of the worldwide financial imperium.


Bernard moved trillions of dollars for the concealed rulers and gained a clear understanding of what happens in these circles. In the video below, he testifies that at the higher levels of the financial elites, most people are members of a religion called Luciferianism. Ronald participated in some of their satanic masses, which involve a lot of alcohol and sex. At some point, he was invited to attend high level meetings in Germany, where children would be sacrificed. He was promised that this would swing wide open the gates to astronomical power and great wealth for him personally. Instead of moving billions for the financial rulers, he would become a billionaire himself. All he had to do was put his conscience in the freezer - at minus 100. This is the motivation behind the cruel practice of human sacrifice:


In return for the offering up of humans (especially babies and children) to demonic forces, the elites receive power and wealth from the dark realm. This explains their extraordinary financial resources and their incredible influence worldwide.


Ronald Bernard refused to partake of this horror and left the world of the ruling financial elites behind. He was tortured to death, then had an NDE (near death experience) and miraculously came back to life in the hospital. After serving the dark realm, Ronald felt that he had been given a second chance to restore the damage he had caused to humanity. He has now dedicated his life to the creation of an alternative financial system, that can help people escape the tyrannical systems of the elites.


The highly revealing eye-witness testimony of Ronald Bernard can be seen in the following video, which has been viewed by about 90 million people worldwide.


Rumble VIDEO: Amazing testimony from financial elite insider - Ronald Bernard

[Posted by stopworldcontrol

Published March 10, 2022


Incredible revelations from elite whistleblower Ronald Bernard. See more here:]


The information shared by Ronald Bernard is confirmed by former directors of the CIA, FBI, police, gendarmerie, military, detectives, eye witnesses, judges, and many surviving victims in our evidence report about sexual abuse and murder by high level officials. I also have in my possession several personal letters from women who escaped the cruel circles of the elites, where they have been raped thousands of times.


Nathalie: Confessions Of A Fashion Model Bk Cover (Dutch version – Here’s the English version)


Nathalie Augustina was a world-famous fashion model who was mind-controlled by the CIA to be a sex slave for the highest level of the elites: royal families, heads of state, commanders of the military, Hollywood celebrities, etc. She describes her story in a Dutch book written by the aforementioned reporter Robin de Ruiter. 


Another (anonymous) surviving victim and eye-witness also sent me several letters. These are highly disturbing to read, but I have decided to include a small portion of them in this report, as these eye-witness accounts reveal a hidden reality that humanity urgently needs to become aware of. Please understand that you may experience cognitive dissonance or Semmelweis effect when seeing this information. These are psychological mechanisms that are subconsciously activated to protect us from new information that challenges our current beliefs.


Head in Sand

We hide our head in the sand because reality is too scary.


want to encourage you to be conscious about this, and not give in to the reflex of rejecting information that is disturbing. This is what sustains these horrors. The reason I share these sensitive details is because this kind of evil can only exist with the ignorance of humanity. Bringing this into the light is the first step to putting an end to this terror.




"I grew up in Canada. The core of this thing is genetics. These bloodline families believe they are genetically superior. Wherever you see people manipulating genetics.... it's probably them. And wherever you find "royal families" ruling countries.... you'll find them in abundance.


So... these families worship the fallen angels... that would be Satan, Lucifer, Baphomet, Moloch and Baal. So my childhood was one satanic ritual after another. They are done on specific dates throughout the year.... solstices, equinoxes, full moons, etc. The purpose of the rituals is to gather power for themselvesA typical childhood in this horror will find kids raped a few thousand times by the time they're 18. We're talking a satanic cult network that is worldwide. And they make a big chunk of their money trafficking kids. It's brutal.

They start the programming in the womb or at birth. They use astrology and numerology... they're black magic occultists.... they pick your birth date.... they groom you for specific careers. They attempt to put their people at the top of fields around the world. But now they're going for broke. They want a central world government.... in Jerusalem. They want to take down nation states.


Because the torture in the cult is so extreme.... people split and dissociate, so most people are DID... suffering from dissociative identity disorder.... which used to be called multiple personality disorder. Basically you end up with a whole bunch of people or personality fragments inside yourself... because with each torture.... you split.

The result of this is that a lot of people who went through this.... have no memory of it.... and the cult takes advantage of that. They structure the personality so you have personalities that come out at night.... and others that live your day life. People live double lives and don't realize that. It's very clever, so the cult gets all sorts of things done at night. They want unfeeling psychopaths who will have no emotion as they do their dirty work. They strip the feelings right out of kids in the cult. They put you through near death experiences..... this opens up the psychic centers and shoots the IQ through the roof. Makes kids very useful to them.

During world war 2... the Nazis developed sophisticated mind control techniques.... and many medical procedures.... Allen Dulles, who was the first director of the CIA (first called the OSS - office of strategic studies), got funding from the US gov't under Project Paperclip..... he brought a lot of the scientists and doctors over to the US. Russia took a lot of them also. When they got here... they carried on their work.... but that mind control got integrated into the cult network throughout North America. That's how I ended up in it. The fact that my grandfather and great uncle were both Grand Masters in the Scottish Rite of Masonry here.... was also why. I was born into it.


Nothing this lady wrote to me was totally new, as I have read similar revelations in numerous publications, by established investigators who have been warning humanity for decades. I have also seen several videos with testimonies from other people who escaped this dark network of world rulers. That's how I know this information to be authentic and accurate.


In another personal letter which I received from a different surviving victim, Nathalie Augustina, I read certain details that explain the connection between criminal humans and higher spiritual entities, who use them for an even far more nefarious purpose than just financial corruption and political world power. What Nathalie describes has been revealed in the past by several researchers and whistleblowers, but nevertheless I found it deeply disturbing, as she reveals the substantial reality of evil. It's one thing to know about the abstract concept of evil; it's a whole different experience to discover how real the forces of darkness are. They are very well organized and operate in an extremely strategic way. Here is a segment from Nathalie's letters to me:




"My book is only a fraction of the truth. It is all much worse. I have actually waited until the people are awake enough before telling everything. The people were awakened via the elections in the USA with the illegitimate positioning of pedophile Joe Biden, covid and now Ukraine.


I know the whole world of satanic pedophile head families. I know and have been used and raped by members of the ruling families who are above the Royal Houses. The Dutch fake royal house has as its boss the Habsburg clan and the Vatican. The Rothschilds control all royals financiallyEvery Royal House must bow before them and give act de presence when summoned.

I was often in Switzerland in DAVOS and Lausanne and Zurich and Geneva. Always during the political meetings of world leadersThere is much more going on on earth than you know or realize. E.g. Klaus Schwab is a pure Habsburg.

The Absolute Ruling Families meet 3 times a year in Davos, Switzerland. These gatherings are closed and heavily secured. This is where the Dinosaur Families meet. One specific group only comes out at night. Never during the day. Daylight is harmful to them. They're not normal people either. They live hundreds of years, the oldest I met was 830 years old. They do not eat food like humans do. Their medical need is baby blood, until 25 days after the baby is born. The other group takes baby blood and baby meat, nothing but that."


Anyone who wants to verify this information can watch the videos in this report, download the PDF documents, read the books, and do your own research on the internet using the uncensored search engine Qwant and the video platform BitChute. If you want to learn more about the reality of cannibalism in the dark realm, I invite you to look into our evidence report about abuse by high level officials.


I will offer something here that confirms the cannibalistic nature of the elites. In Hollywood, there have recently been exclusive parties organized by Marina Abramovic. Some photographs from these parties leaked out, and you can see them in the linked report below. Because of their graphic nature, I have concealed them. In order to see the images, click the link. But if you are very sensitive, do not open it.


Click to see images [***] that prove the satanic nature of the elites. [***Blog Editor: At this point at this Stop World Control post, you will have to scroll down and “CLICK” where it says to do so. I’m not showing the graphic images of ritual Satanic abuse on this Blog.]


What you see in these images is just the superficial low-level stuff shown to the public. We cannot even imagine what they are doing in secret. The eye-witness testimonies also only briefly lift the veil of this dark realm. Once you know how evil these entities are, it becomes clear why they have no problem imposing the inhumane tyranny promoted by the World Economic Forum and their allies. It is critical that we have the courage to share this information with the world. Enter your text here...


Humanity is not merely suffering from corrupt politicians and bankers, but is under attack by pure evil. At the very top, there are dark spiritual entities that are simply a continuation of ancient practices of demon worship and human sacrifice. 




Hope Future

What we must understand however, is that aside from these dark forces, there is also a Creator who is the giver and origin of all that is good, who is on the side of humanity, to deliver us from evil.


In the past decades, there has been a worldwide, strategic mind control operation against the people of this world, to steer the vast majority away from the Source of all life. When people are disconnected from God, who alone is greater than the realm of evil, they are easier to control and enslave. Spiritually ignorant people are powerless. It is imperative that we wake up from this brainwashed state of induced spiritual blindness and return to the Giver of all life, who can empower and guide us to deliver humanity from the forces of darkness. This has nothing to do with religion, but is as basic to our existence as 1+1=2. We all know there is good and evil. It is, however, not just some vague "energy", but there exist personal entities, just as we are personal beings. It is absurd to recognize the existence of intense evil, while denying the reality of the realm of life, love, goodness and truth. 




The following diagram shows a basic overview of the worldwide power structure of evil and corruption, which has penetrated every aspect of human society. I reveal this in the hope that it will assist in the worldwide downfall of these nefarious networks, since their #1 strength is the ignorance of the population. As long as they can operate beyond the awareness of the public, they can continue unchecked. That's why I implore all who read this report to please not hesitate to share it, but have the courage to spread it far and wide, as that is what will eventually shatter these networks' stronghold over humanity. As long as they can operate in total darkness, meaning no one can see them, they can continue their operations unchecked. Once this is brought into the light, meaning the world becomes aware of it, they can no longer hide and will be held accountable for their innumerable crimes against humanity and all of creation. 


Worldwide Criminal Power Structure [Original photo a GIF - Click embedded link to view larger size]




This post is a part of a longer report "The Agenda for World Domination by the World Economic Forum". There you also find all the references that prove all the above information. If you want to see the full picture, with more evidence, make sure to read the full report.


[Blog Editor: From this point there are a huge amount linked headings of Stop World Control posts under this introductory heading: “CRITICAL INFORMATION FOR HUMANITY”. IF you found this post interesting or informative, YOU should scroll down after CLICKING HERE.]


Copyright 2023 Stop World Control, All rights reserved.

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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Looking at Trump Campaign Truth & RFK Jr. False Accusation

Posted by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

Posted July 25, 2023


Two-shares today.


The first is a Rumble video that is essentially a 1:49-minute campaign video (7/24/23) for the actual President Donald Trump. The video is full of brief truth about Deep State political persecution, I must share!


The second share is Dr. Joseph Mercola (7/25/23) mounting an effective defense AGAINST the Dem-Marxist false claims of Antisemitism smeared against Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for simply sharing the facts in a research paper showing COVID was more susceptible to Caucasians and people of an African-heritage than Ashkenazi Jews, Chinese and Finns. The Dem-Marxist were so intent on labeling RFK, Jr. a Jew-Hater, I think they forgot to call him a racist against people of Chinese and Finnish descent. SO FULL of hypocrisy those Dem-Marxists are (perhaps something fictional character Yoda would have said)! Dr. Mercola opens the post with a 3:38-minute video of Rabbi Shmuley Boteach (Bios from: ABOUT PAGE, Wikipedia & Wikiwand) defending RFK, Jr.


IN FULL DISCLOSURE: I admire the RFK, Jr. stand against Medical Tyranny, BUT HE IS RUNNING AS A DEM. Compared to today’s Dem-Marxists, RFK, Jr. might be a moderate; NEVERTHELESS he still supports a host of old Dem-Party talking points. As such – THE ONLY WAY I’ll ever for a Dem is without my knowledge probably when already dead without consent from the grave.


JRH 7/25/23


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Rumble VIDEO: If I were the Deep State…

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15 seconds

Posted by Lauren3ve

Published July 24, 2023


With Bad Carma & MAGADevilDog



Was COVID a Bioweapon That Targets Certain Races?


Racial Bioweapon [Photo from HOMEPAGE and nor original post page]


Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

July 25, 2023


Rumble VIDEO: Rabbi Shmuley & Kennedy On NYPOST Smear

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15 seconds

[Posted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Published July 17, 2023






Ø According to mainstream media, Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently made claims about COVID-19 being an ethnically targeted bioweapon. That is false


Ø Kennedy was discussing the threat posed by bioweapons development, and the need to regulate this kind of research and “resuscitate” the 1972 international bioweapons charter that forbids most of it


Ø Kennedy cited a 2020 scientific paper, which found that ethnic Chinese, Finns, and Ashkenazi Jews were the least susceptible to COVID-19, while people of African descent and Caucasians were the most susceptible, due to ACE2 and TMPRSS2 polymorphism variations


Ø Because we now have synthetic biology and a wide variety of genetic engineering techniques, there’s a whole new retinue of bioweapons, and among the most heinous are bioweapons that target specific ethnicities


Ø While evidence from official sources are scant, high-level individuals insist that race-specific bioweapons development is already underway, in one country or another, and/or that ethnic-specific bioweapons may already exist


According to mainstream media, Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently made claims about COVID-19 being an ethnically targeted bioweapon. Yahoo! News,1 for example, reported that “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. baselessly claimed COVID-19 may have been ‘ethnically targeted’ ... He said Caucasians and black people were most susceptible, and Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people were most immune.”


The New York Post claimed “RKF Jr. Says COVID May Have Been ‘Ethnically Targeted’ to Spare Jews.”2


According to Yahoo! News, Kennedy “did not cite any specific sources,” but this whole story turns out to be wrong. Kennedy was in fact citing a very specific scientific paper, and his comments about that paper were then taken out of context.


‘Wild Claims’ Taken Out of Context


Kennedy’s comments, which have been taken out of context by mainstream media to paint him as an anti-Semite, were made during a July 13, 2023, after-hours campaign dinner at an Upper East Side restaurant.3,4 In a July 17, 2023, Instagram video,5 Kennedy tried to set straight “the inaccurate distortion” of his comments.


As explained by Kennedy, he was discussing the threat posed by bioweapons development, which is being done by the U.S., China, Russia and many other countries, and the urgent need to regulate this kind of research and “resuscitate” the 1972 international bioweapons charter (the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological Weapons,6,7 which took effect in March 1975) that forbids much of this research.


Because we now have synthetic biology and a wide variety of genetic engineering techniques, “there’s a whole new retinue and generation of bioweapons,” Kennedy said in his Instagram reply, “and among the worst of those are bioweapons that target ethnicities.”


Research Has Identified Genetic Predispositions to COVID


During the dinner in question, Kennedy cited a July 2020 study8 in BMC Medicine, which reported that, based on ACE2 and TMPRSS2 polymorphism analysis, certain races, as well as people with certain diseases, are more susceptible to COVID-19. As noted in that paper:9


“We found unique genetic susceptibility across different populations in ACE2 and TMPRSS2. Specifically, ACE2 polymorphisms were found to be associated with cardiovascular and pulmonary conditions by altering the angiotensinogen-ACE2 interactions, such as p.Arg514Gly in the African/African-American population.


Unique but prevalent polymorphisms ... in TMPRSS2, offer potential explanations for differential genetic susceptibility to COVID-19 as well as for risk factors, including those with cancer and the high-risk group of male patients.”


In his Instagram rebuttal, Kennedy explained that, according to this study, ethnic Chinese, Finns, and Ashkenazi Jews were the least susceptible to COVID-19, while people of African descent and Caucasians were the most susceptible.


“This is not a controversial study,” Kennedy said. “Nobody has suggested that these were deliberately engineered changes. And I certainly don’t believe that they were deliberately engineered.


But what they are is kind of a proof of concept, that you CAN develop bioweapons that will attack certain ethnicities, and this should be terrifying to all of us ... and [needs to be] an object of discussion.”


Genetic susceptibilities to COVID-19 were also reviewed in a March 2021 paper10 in the Annals of Laboratory Medicine. As noted by Kennedy in his Instagram rebuttal, throughout history, powerful individuals have sought to eliminate certain races or ethnicities, and current-day bioweapons give them the ability to do that very efficiently.


For this reason, gain-of-function research and bioweapons development must be guided by robust regulations and oversight. THAT was the take-home point he was making during that dinner.


‘Disgusting Fabrication’


In a July 16, 2023, Twitter post, Kennedy wrote:11


“The insinuation by @nypost and others that, as a result of my quoting a peer-reviewed paper on bio-weapons, I am somehow antisemitic, is a disgusting fabrication ...


My father and my uncles, John F. Kennedy and Senator Edward Kennedy, devoted enormous political energies during their careers to supporting Israel and fighting antisemitism. I intend to spend my political career making those family causes my priority.


I will fight relentlessly alongside my Jewish brothers and sisters and friends against Jew-hatred and the demonization of Israel. I have just recorded an interview with @RabbiShmuley, whom the same New York Post just this month called, ‘the most famous Rabbi in America.’


I have called upon the Biden Administration not to consummate a second Iran deal that would give that genocidal government a legitimized nuclear program. In the same interview, I called upon the Democratic Party to return to the strong, unconditional support of Israel that was the hallmark of the party under the leadership of my uncle and my father.


Today I had a great conversation with Rabbi Shmuley on Judaism and anti-Semitism. He had this to say: ‘Two things bothered me about the reports I had read about what you had said at that dinner on the upper east side. I said number one, again, this perception that you’re anti-Semitic. I know you’re not.


And in fact, I know precisely the opposite is true. I know that in your heart you feel a great closeness to the Jewish people, to the Jewish community, and to Israel. And the second thing that bothered me is, that you’re being portrayed as you said before, a crank, as a loony toon … but you’re brilliant. You know your facts.’”


A Harbinger of Smears to Come


Is it possible that Kennedy’s pro-Israeli stance might in fact be one of the reasons why the Deep State-shackled media try so hard to smear him as an anti-Semite? Maybe, maybe not. What we do know is that Kennedy poses a serious threat to more than a few corrupt institutions, and they’re willing to use just about any smear tactic available, even if it makes no sense. As noted by Roger Simon in The Epoch Times:12


“This isn’t, in the end, really about anti-Semitism, real or imagined. It was just low-hanging fruit ... a harbinger of many dastardly smears of the candidate to come.


If there’s one thing the military-industrial complex (endless wars from Iraq to Ukraine) and the health care-industrial complex (Big Pharma, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, et al.) do not want, it’s a Robert F. Kennedy Jr. presidency.


Big Tech probably isn’t very keen on it, either. It would cost them all incalculable amounts of money, much of it courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer and a complaisant government.


Most of all, the current leadership of the Democratic Party — bent on exploiting every so-called progressive policy, no matter how looney, for maximum gain and power — don’t want anyone bringing their party back to sanity, under the leadership of Mr. Kennedy or anyone else.”


Race-Specific Bioweapons Are a Reality


Getting back to Kennedy’s main point, there’s ample evidence showing we have the ability to create race-specific or ethnicity-specific bioweapons, and history tells us that race-specific targeting in war is nothing new. This is precisely why we need to rein in this mad science.


As noted in a September 2000 report by The Project for the New American Century, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses,”13 “advanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.”


In other words, if a particular race or ethnic group becomes politically troublesome, an ethnic-based bioweapon could suddenly become a “useful political tool” to restore order or power.


Kennedy is not saying that COVID-19 was an intentionally created race-specific bioweapon. He merely pointed out research showing that different races did have varying levels of susceptibility to it, and that race-specific or gene-specific bioweapons are, in fact, in the works around the world — and must be stopped.”


Fast-forward to August 2019, and Cambridge University’s Centre for the Study of Existential Risk warned humanity is unprepared for the emergence of race-specific bioweapons. As reported by The Guardian:14


“Scientists warn that humans should be worried about being wiped out by a killer pathogen that is specifically designed to kill people of only a particular race, based on their genetic material/ Deoxy ribonucleic Acid (DNA).


A new report from Cambridge University’s Centre for the Study of Existential Risk says that world governments have failed when it comes to preparing against threats like futuristic bioweapons powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and genetic manipulation. Such weapons would have to power to target specific DNA, and kill certain races of people leaving other swaths of the population unharmed ...


The authors warn: ‘The technology is becoming increasingly sophisticated at ever cheaper prices, democratizing the ability to harm more quickly and lethally. In a particularly bad case, a bioweapon could be built to target a specific ethnic group based on its genomic profile.’”


According to The Guardian, an estimated 16 to 20 countries have known biological warfare programs, but well over 100 have the capacity to make bioweapons. Making matters more difficult, most labs are “dual use,” meaning the work they do have both defensive and offensive uses, and there’s no hard distinction between the two.


Genetic Data Collection Poses Serious Threat


Two years later, in July 2021, Dr. P.S. Venkatesh Rao, a consultant endocrine, breast and laparoscopic surgeon, published an article15 in The Sunday Guardian, warning that global genetic data collection, artificial intelligence and genetic engineering techniques currently available allow for the creation of race-specific bioweapons. He wrote, in part:16


“Global collection of genetic data and genetic manipulation of humans, animals, plants, destructive insects and deadly microbes is of dual use from bio-welfare to bio-warfare ...


It has become ridiculously simple and cheap to misuse data and gene altering and synthesizing tools, as simple as the use of an ordinary computer and a 3D printer. Big data, artificial intelligence and gene synthesis are being misused to create racially specific bioweapons ...


The International HapMap Project of 2002 to 2010 developed a human genome map and provided a massive genotype data from Caucasian, African and Asian population samples. Many differences in susceptibility to some diseases, and response to certain drugs between different ethnic groups were reported in a 2015 study in BMC Genomics.


Multiple reports in scientific journals in 2016 such as in Oncotarget, in Cell and from Pasteur Institute in Paris, found differences in antibody responses and cellular immunity between those of African ancestry and Caucasians.


Those of African ancestry had a stronger inflammatory response and immune overreaction like cytokine storm and autoimmune diseases. Genetic differences affecting the immune system led to racial differences in the response to infections, drugs and vaccines.


In a pandemic, racial differences exist in mortality rates and vaccine efficacy and complications. Genetic data from blood samples about racial differences can be used for racially targeted biowarfare.”


China Accuses Pentagon of Making Race-Specific Bioweapons


Fast-forward yet again, to May 2023, and Newsweek reported17 that a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry had accused the U.S. Pentagon of creating “race-specific bioweapons.” The spokesperson, Wang Wenbin, told reporters:18,19,20


“The U.S. widely collects and uses genomic information. According to The Wall Street Journal, the Pentagon has formulated R&D plans for hitting opponents with genetically engineered weapons. Those involved disclosed that the genomic data of Asian Chinese, European Aryans and Middle Eastern Arabs are all being collected by the U.S. military.


According to the website of Russia-based RT, the U.S. Air Education and Training Command (AETC) once issued a tender seeking to acquire samples of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and synovial fluid from Russians. It’s pretty clear who exactly is using genomic information for secret purposes.”


Wenbin’s accusation came one day after U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken accused China of collecting the genomic data of ethnic minorities such as the Uyghurs in Xinjiang for the purposes of control and surveillance.


A senior Pentagon official denied Wenbin’s allegation and Newsweek was reportedly unable to locate The Wall Street Journal article cited by Wenbin. I’ve had no luck locating it either. Whatever the truth may be, there’s no doubt that race-specific bioweapons CAN be created though. We certainly have the technologies required.


Do Ethnic-Specific Bioweapons Already Exist?


While evidence from official sources is scant — Blinken’s and Wenbin’s mutual accusations notwithstanding — Kennedy and many others insist that race-specific bioweapons are in active development, and some may even exist already. In a June 20, 2023, appearance on Newsmax, Kennedy told On the Record host Greta Van Susteren:21,22


“We know that the Chinese are developing ethnic bioweapons. Bioweapons that are designed to attack people of certain racial types. And we’re doing the same thing. We’ve been collecting Chinese DNA. We’ve been collecting Russian DNA specifically for that. [This] arms race is a catastrophe.”


Rumble VIDEO: RFK JR - Says Ethnic Bioweapons that Target Specific Races Have been Developed

[Posted by MJTruth

Published June 6, 2023




Kennedy made the same claim in a June 5, 2023, live Twitter discussion with Elon Musk, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, venture capitalist David Sacks, investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger and securities attorney Omeed Malik (video above).


Ethic-specific bioweapons have already been developed, Kennedy said, and exist in labs around the world. The Epoch Times also insists that claims of China developing race-specific bioweapons are true (video below).


Youtube VIDEO: China’s New DNA-Based Bioweapons Target Specific Ethnic Groups, Races | Trailer | Facts Matter


[Posted by The Epoch Times

Posted on Mar 21, 2023


Watch the full episode:




In an April 3, 2023, Wall Street Journal opinion piece,23 Paul Dabbar, undersecretary of energy for science during the Trump administration, also underscored this threat, writing, in part:24


“Around 2017, the Energy Department’s national laboratories started having significant concerns about biosecurity with regard to China. A Chinese general who was head of the National Defense University in Beijing publicly declared an interest in using gene sequencing and editing to develop pathogenic bioweapons that would target specific ethnic groups ...


Taking note, the Commerce Department ordered export restrictions of potentially dangerous biotechnology to China. But the NIH and NIAID refused to believe that there was any risk involved in collaborating with Chinese labs. Their indiscriminate commitment to open science blinds them to threats, even when a country like China is open about its intentions.”


Next-Gen Warfare Will Target Genes


The Chinese general in question is Zhang Shibo, who in 2017 published “New Highland of War,”25 a war manual of sorts that discussed “new domains of warfare,” one being biology.


In the book, Shibo concluded that “Modern biotechnology development is gradually showing strong signs characteristic of an offensive capability,” including the possibility of “specific ethnic genetic attacks.”26


The same terms, “specific ethnic genetic attacks” can be found in the People’s Liberation Army’s textbook, “Science of Military Strategy,” also published in 2017. It too looks at biology as a military domain and mentions that biological warfare may eventually include race-specific, gene-based weapons.27


In June 2021, biosecurity specialist Michael Knutzen, a former Army intelligence officer and a Presidential Management Fellow at the Department of Homeland Security, wrote:28


“The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed critical weaknesses in the human domain of warfare at just the moment technology has emerged that gives bad actors new power to exploit those weaknesses.


Developments in synthetic biology will create next-generation bioweapons, ‘human-domain fires’ that will fundamentally change the strategic environment ... Recent developments in synthetic biology ... pose a profound threat ... Of those dangers, next-generation bioweapons are the most serious ...


One threat that was once the stuff of science fiction may soon become real. Some researchers (including Lieutenant General Zhang Shibo, former president of the PLA National Defense University) foresee the possibility of ‘specific ethnic genetic attacks’ on whole racial or ethnic groups ...


And China may already have hacked from medical records or purchased the genetic information of millions of ordinary Americans through genealogical companies such as 23andme.


Bill Evanina, former director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, warned against Beijing Genomics Institute–linked COVID-19 tests, noting: ‘Foreign powers can collect, store and exploit biometric information from COVID tests.’


Potential SBW effects include not only incapacitation and death, but also boutique outcomes. Colonel Guo emphasizes that ‘learning, memorizing ... and even the ‘bellicose character’ can be injured precisely without a threat to life’ ...


The ability to remotely hold a person’s biology hostage — through degenerative, frustrating, or simply embarrassing symptoms — but promising a personal cure (or enhancement) could create enormous strategic leverage.”


We Must Protect the World From Targeted Bioweapons


In closing, Filippa Lentzos, associate professor in science and international security at King’s College London, in December 2020 published an essay in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, in which she discussed the need to “protect the world from ultra-targeted biological weapons”:29


“As genomic technologies develop and converge with AI, machine learning, automation, affective computing, and robotics, an ever more refined record of our biometrics, emotions, and behaviors will be captured and analyzed.


Governments and, increasingly, private companies will be able to sort, categorize, trade, and use biological data far more precisely than ever before, creating unprecedented possibilities for social and biological control ...


These game-changing developments will ... radically transform the dual-use nature of biological research, medicine, and health care and create the possibility of novel biological weapons that target particular groups of people and even individuals.


In the coming decade, managing the fast and broad technological advances now under way will require new governance structures that draw on individuals and groups with cross-sectoral expertise — from business and academia to politics and defense — to identify emerging security risks and make recommendations for dealing with them.”


This is essentially what Kennedy is calling for as well, but he’s not content with recommendations alone. We need strict safeguards to prevent one nation or another from obliterating entire ethnic groups from the face of the earth.


We also need strict regulations to protect people’s genetic data, seeing how such data can be used for global genocide. One loophole in the Biological Weapons Convention is its “general purpose criterion,” which allows most biological research as long as it’s for defensive or protective purposes.


As a result, the most hazardous biowarfare research in the world is being conducted in the name of defense or vaccine research. And, as noted by Lentzos, “Distinguishing permitted biodefense projects from those that are prohibited is difficult; one cannot just assess the facilities, equipment, material, and activities involved, but must also examine and interpret the purpose, or intent, of those activities.”


Converging Risks


The fact that we need to start examining and interpreting the purposes of biological research in earnest is quite clear. The escape of SARS-CoV-2 from a biolab in Wuhan, China, highlights this need. We’re fortunate that it wasn’t something with an exceptionally high mortality rate.


In her article, Lentzos reviews warnings about genetic weapons issued by a wide variety of actors over the last three decades:30


“The possibility of ... ‘genetic weapons’ was first discussed in the biological arms control community in the 1990s, as the Human Genome Project to map the full complement of human genes got underway.


The UK government said ‘it cannot be ruled out that information from such genetic research could be considered for the design of weapons targeted against specific ethnic or racial groups.’


The British Medical Association cautioned that ‘the differential susceptibility of different populations to various diseases’ had been considered in the past, and that ‘whilst we should hope that genetic weapons are never developed, it would be a great mistake to assume that they never can be, and therefore that we can safely afford to ignore them as a future possibility.’


A report31 from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) spoke of the potential for ‘future development of weapons of mass extermination which could be used for genocide.’


Developments in genomic technologies and other emerging technologies, especially machine and deep learning, have spurred renewed concerns. ‘Access to millions of human genomes — often with directly associated clinical data — means that bioinformaticists can begin to map infection susceptibilities in specific populations,’ a recent report32 from the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research warned.


A United Nations University report,33 meanwhile, asserts that ‘deep learning may lead to the identification of ‘precision maladies,’ which are the genetic functions that code for vulnerabilities and interconnections between the immune system and microbiome.


Using this form of bio-intelligence, malicious actors could engineer pathogens that are tailored to target mechanisms critical in the immune system or the microbiome of specific subpopulations.’


A 2018 National Academies of Sciences report34 suggests ‘[a]ctors may consider designing a bioweapon to target particular subpopulations based on their genes or prior exposure to vaccines, or even seek to suppress the immune system of victims to ‘prime’ a population for a subsequent attack.


These capabilities, which were feared decades ago but never reached any plausible capability, may be made increasingly feasible by the widespread availability of health and genomic data.’”


A Blanket Ban Is the Safest Solution


Lentzos reviews many of the challenges involved in effective oversight of potential bioweapons research. I, for one, believe we should opt for the simplest solution, which would be to issue a blanket ban on all gain-of-function research that involves equipping pathogens with novel capacities.


As well as a blanket ban on all research that could be used to develop a race-specific bioweapon, or a bioweapon intended to take out people with a particular genetic makeup, regardless of how that target group is defined.


We simply do not need this kind of research to live long, fruitful, healthy lives. It’s unnecessary, and taxpayers should not be paying for science that can result in their own demise.


Kennedy seems to be of like mind. As he stated in his June 5, 2023, live Twitter discussion, he wants to see bioweapons development shut down worldwide. During a June 27, 2023, health policy roundtable discussion he also promised to redirect federal grants away from infectious disease research to study chronic disease instead, were he to gain the White House.


This would ensure that tax dollars are not siphoned into biowarfare efforts veiled as vaccine research and the like. Scientists are flocking into biowarfare research because that’s where the grants are, so we need to turn off that tap and encourage scientists to engage in study that leads us toward better health outcomes.


Again, to pull us full circle to where we started, Kennedy is not saying that COVID-19 was an intentionally created race-specific bioweapon. He merely pointed out research showing that different races did have varying levels of susceptibility to it, and that race-specific or gene-specific bioweapons are, in fact, in the works around the world — and must be stopped.


Sources and References


1 Yahoo News July 15, 2023

2 NY Post July 15, 2023

3 ZeroHedge July 17, 2023

4, 12 Epoch Times July 17, 2023

5 Instagram Robert F. Kennedy Jr. July 17, 2023

6 Convention on the Prohibition of Biological Weapons

7 March 2022

8, 9 BMC Medicine July 15, 2020; 18(1): 216

10 Annals of Laboratory Medicine March 1, 2021; 41(2): 129-138

11 Twitter Robert F. Kennedy Jr. July 16, 2023

13 The Project for the New American Century, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” September 2000

14 The Guardian August 20, 2019

15, 16 The Sunday Guardian July 24, 2021

17, 19 Newsweek May 11, 2023

18 May 10, 2023

20 Twitter Spokesperson for China May 10, 2023

21 Rolling Stone June 20, 2023

22 Twitter Alicia Sadowski June 20, 2023

23, 24 Wall Street Journal April 3, 2023

25 New Highland of War

26, 27 National Review April 10, 2023

28 June 2021; 147(6): 1420

29, 30 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists December 7, 2020

31 SIPRI Yearbook 1993

32 August 19, 2020

33 The New Geopolitics of Converging Risks

34 Biodefense in the Age of Synthetic Biology 2018


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