John R. Houk, Blog Editor
May 26, 2022
I’ve got three cross posts I hope you find interesting
enough to digest to comprehend the world the American Founding Fathers hoped to
frame has been whittled away for decades. Whittled so grotesquely that the
whittlers of Liberty’s total annihilation DO NOT even hide their actions any
longer believing the Sheeple are so hooked to obedience, total transformation
of the masses is nearly complete.
Perhaps there are still enough naysayers willing to
withstand the onslaught of complete tyranny – I DON’T KNOW? Do you?
o Frank
Gaffney, Jr.: Welcome
to the totalitarians’ “New World Order”
o Dr.
Robert Malone: Defending
Sovereignty: The Fight of our Lifetime
o Derrick
Broze on the NWO
Report posted 5/26/22 but picked up from The
Last American Vagabond (originally posted 5/13/22): Exposing
the ‘Digital ID is a Human Right’ Scam
JRH 5/26/22
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Welcome to the totalitarians’ “New World Order”
By Frank
Gaffney, Jr.
May 26, 2022
for Security Policy
The global governance crowd is on a roll in destroying the
sovereignty of nations like ours and freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution.
The Global Resetters and their Chinese Communist allies have recently revealed
three initiatives designed to catalyze a New World Order.
First, with the Biden administration’s connivance, the World
Health Organization is beavering away in Geneva on agreements that will empower
its Chinese-appointed, Marxist director-general to dictate public health
policies here and elsewhere.
Second, on Tuesday, China’s Alibaba conglomerate announced
at Davos that it will produce a “personal carbon footprint tracker” to monitor
everyone’s contribution to climate change – and everything else.
Then, yesterday, German-owned T-Mobile boasted at the World
Economic Forum that the World Health Organization has selected it to provide
universal Global Digital Health Passports, yet another building-block for
insinuating worldwide China’s totalitarian Social Credit System.
God help us.
This is Frank Gaffney.
CSP VIDEO: Welcome to the
totalitarians’ “New World Order”
© 2022 Center for Security Policy
Defending Sovereignty: The Fight of our Lifetime
Continuous vigilance and vigorous support of States'
Constitutional rights is critical
Quote on Abridged Freedom
By Robert W
Malone MD, MS
May 25, 2022
Is Robert Malone
A gradual and silent encroachment of our freedom and
Federal, States’ and individual sovereignty by a globalist financial corporate
cartel continues to proceed. One key aspect of our current political reality in
the US is that many of our laws at the Federal level have been placed there by
corporate stakeholders. Corporate lobbyists work tirelessly and relentlessly to
insert legislation that benefits their industries and increases the wealth of
their corporate clients and associated “stakeholders” into our federal laws and
regulations, and to twist existing legislation so that it becomes a more
perfect tool of their clients’ corporate interests. In parallel, within the
many branches of the US Federal bureaucracy, regulatory capture has become the
norm. Furthermore, it has become increasingly clear that it is grossly naive to
expect solutions to these corrupting influences to come from either Congress or
the entrenched and captured bureaucracy. And one hard truth learned by the
first Trump administration is that the executive branch lacks the power and
authority required to replace the entrenched bureaucrats that have become the
ruling lords and ladies of the new inverted
Totalitarian reality which is the entrenched Federal
In this new Federal reality, where the culture of government
institutions and agencies is damaged beyond repair, real change cannot occur by
replacing one figurehead for another. Corrupted policy can’t be easily replaced
with good policy. The ideology, the rule of law, the subverted corporatist
regulations are baked in. The system is rigged. The unknown (or known)
bureaucrats controlling the levers aren’t going to let go of that easily. When
they have done their time, most likely those employees will move into corporate
leadership positions so long as they have protected corporatist interests
during what has all too often become a form of internship-as-prelude prior to
landing a “good job”. As most federal employees at the top-tier are well aware
of their future career opportunities, they have no incentives to try to change
the status-quo and upset their potential future employers . Government
institutions that are intrinsically controlled by outside interests cannot be
reformed from within, so it is important to not waste too much energy trying.
That’s why many argue that a “siege strategy” or even the creation of
completely new institution(s) may be the answer.
Those of us fighting for freedom have come full circle and
now confront the issue of state’s rights. This is a fundamental principle of
our republic (often incorrectly referred to as “our democracy”). Each state has
the ability to govern itself, within the confines of the Constitution, Federal
law and the Bill of Rights. Those powers are vast but frequently
under-utilized. States have the power to ensure that a strong federalized
governance is not the norm.
Dept Logo
In 2012, Obama lifted restrictions from the Smith-Mundt Act
(passed in 1948) that allowed domestic dissemination of government-funded
media. Then the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act, introduced by
Republican Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio in 2016, established the Global
Engagement Center under the State Department, with the
following Mission and Vision statements:
Core Mission: To
direct, lead, synchronize, integrate, and coordinate efforts of the Federal
Government to recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and
non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining or
influencing the policies, security, or stability of the United States, its
allies, and partner nations.
Vision: A data-driven Mission Center leading U.S. inter-agency
efforts to proactively address foreign adversaries’ attempts to use
disinformation and propaganda to undermine U.S. interests.
For examples of how this is being operationalized, please
see the associated COVID-19
recovery policy page for this organization.
This center authorizes grants to non-governmental agencies
to help "collect and store examples in print, online, and social media,
disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda" directed at the U.S. and
its allies, as well as "counter efforts by foreign entities to use disinformation,
misinformation, and propaganda to influence the policies and social and
political stability" of the U.S. and allied nations. These laws have
worked to loosen the controls previously placed on the Federal government
regarding its ability to push propaganda. The very fact that we have an
ex-president of the USA, the very same one who presided over the lifting of
restrictions of the Smith-Mundt
Act calling
for censorship of the press to “PROTECT OUR DEMOCRACY” and
this he is SUPPORTED in this call by so many on the left is chilling.
When the changes to Smith-Mundt
Act are combined with the Global Engagement Center, it is
interesting to speculate how the US population might be manipulated. The CDC
has spent a billion dollars on propaganda and censorship to ensure vaccine
compliance through media buys, and one has to wonder just what
sort of propaganda will be pushed on the American people in the future.
But what happens when a state like Florida becomes a threat
to the Federal government exceeding its enumerated
powers, and seizing control of more powers that have been traditionally
assigned to the states? The back and forth between President Biden
and Governor DeSantis over Florida’s COVID policies make clear the power that
the Federal government has developed over states by leveraging the distribution
(and ability to withhold) Federal Tax dollars. The actions of Governor DeSantis
of Florida are so harshly criticized by those who control the levers of the
Federal government (as well as purchased
main stream media) because he has refused to comply with the Biden
administration’s HHS bureaucratic edicts.
After the Biden administration admonished Florida for
stagnant vaccination rates in Florida, the Feds then decided to federalize
the distribution of monoclonal antibodies so that those who
don’t get the vaccine have no alternative treatment option. This is a prime
example of the retaliatory tools available to the Federal government, and
illustrates that the Federal government is able and willing to compromise the
health of US citizens to punish a state that choses to be noncompliant. Remember,
the states regulate medicine and public health policy within that state. Biden
refusing to send lifesaving medicine is a clear abuse of Federal power. The
10th Amendment of the United States Constitution authorizes states to establish
laws and regulations protecting the health, safety, and general welfare of
their citizens. The practice of medicine is not an inherent right of an
individual, but a privilege granted by the people of a state acting through
their elected representatives. For further details please see the Federation of
State Medical Boards statement “About
State Medical Boards”.
It is state’s rights – as imperfect as that system is, that
protects us from the WHO/globalist power grab to leverage public health to
compromise the sovereignty of the United States. The current strategic agenda
of those seeking to advance globalism and global governance policies at the
expense of the autonomy of nation-states is often referred to as the New World
Order. Those advocating for the New World Order include the World Economic
Forum, transnational corporations/globalized investment capital, the UN, World
Trade Organization, World Bank and now the World Health Organization. These
entities have, to a more or lesser extent, gained control of the Federal
government through leveraging the regulatory capture of our federalized
agencies, departments and institutions. Money from these entities flows into
the coffers of Congress to influence law makers. Often, treaties and agreements
on the global level codify these arrangements. This ensures that our federal
government is coopted by these entities.
Our federal government believes that it will be stronger
when states have little or no control over the rules and regulations of the
state. This is not what our founding fathers intended, and this is when the
rights of all of us are trampled on. Our constitution codifies that each
state maintains its own set of laws, rules and regulations. The beauty of this
system is the diversity of cultures can be maintained within states. Living in
Texas is very different than living in New Hampshire, and I believe that this
is a good thing. Although states are stronger when there is a federal
government appropriately assuming and defending those responsibilities
enumerated under the US Constitution, they are also guaranteed the freedom to
have their own cultural identity and rule of law. This is the beauty of our
Constitution and Bill of Rights. This interweaving of states rights under the
limited umbrella of a Federal government.
For many, the erosion of each states’ right to monitor and
control federal elections, as guaranteed in the constitution, is the easy
example to reach for as that line is also being repeatedly crossed. But the
depth of this problem is much, much deeper than this single issue.
The use of federal tax dollars to control states may be a
more persistent and pernicious issue. As an example, the Department of
Transportation allocates funds for states that comply with seat belt laws or
speeding limits, but will withhold such funds for states that don’t. The
Department of Education allocates taxpayer funds based on the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act (ESEA) goals or other “reforms”, thereby controlling
and harmonizing certain aspects of education in the USA across all
states. In the example of COVID lock down policies and masking, it is
quite clear that the CDC and the NIH have overstepped Federal powers again and
again by leveraging Federal Tax Dollars to create perverse financial incentives
within hospitals and to promote mis- dis- and malinformation and to promote
propaganda in both old and new media. It is time to return to the rule of law,
and return the power back to the state to regulate medicine and public health.
States must remember that Federal funding is not the be all,
end all. If a state can develop the political will to refuse such funds,
sovereignty can be re-established. This requires that plans can be made to
mitigate the impact of such an action. These Tax kickbacks are often weaponized
in an arbitrary and capricious way by the Federal Executive branch to illegally
control state policies, including public health policies. State leaders who are
willing to walk away from federal funding, who are willing to work with other
states and congress to negotiate better terms for federal dollars, may offer
the best hope for breaking this Federal overreach.
This is why the upcoming ruling on Roe v. Wade is so
important, as this ruling by the Supreme Court appears to reset the
constitutionally correct relationship between the Federal government and the
States in a wide range of ways, including regulation of health care. IF they
are willing to plan for and mitigate the risks associated with taking back
their Constitutionally-granted powers, States can leverage this new ruling to
enable something closer to the intended balance of powers. “We the People” need
to insist that they do so by electing strong and independent leaders at the
state level, leaders who will fight for the right of each state to govern
itself as our founding fathers intended. Governor Ron DeSantis and Attorney
General Jeff Landry are two leaders leading the fight on this front. We
must support them, so that they can continue to restore and protect the Constitutional
rights of each State in the Union. Other states will follow their example.
I believe that it is critical to the future success of our nation to have these
great leaders paving the way, being brave and setting an example for other
state leaders to follow, so that the attempts of the Globalist cabal to empower
the WHO to subvert
Constitutionally-granted States Rights can be thwarted.

DeSantis Swamp Loaded with Snakes Meme
The federal government has been intentionally infiltrated by
Globalists trained by the World Economic Forum. Make no mistake. The elites and
transnational corporations have and continue to undermine our institutions and
our very Constitution. President Trump has taught us that we can’t pull our
punches, we must act aggressively and give no quarter. That means utilizing
every tool available; these tools include using the judicial branch (the
courts), working to elect and educate legislators and of course, educating and
mobilizing the populace.
Individuals can have a huge role in working to ensure our
freedoms, our sovereignty as a nation by writing letters, phoning legislators,
publishing independent articles and memes. Even just re-posting on social media
can help. We are all in this fight together. Individuals must organize, join
groups and organizations, and create new groups and organizations.
Having an independent and free press that can report on our
government and institutions is critical. It is how we can help Americans make
informed decisions when voting. That means replacing the captured and outdated
old media with new media outlets that are censorship free. Using block chain to
create new social media outlets that cannot be subjected to propaganda and
censorship is a good step in the right direction.
Organizing into groups that can work collectively to get the
truth out is another way to help save the Sovereignty of our great nation, and
that of all of the independent nations of the world. We must fight against the
narratives that are being constantly pushed by government agencies that have
been subverted by the Globalists. They do not want their corruption exposed. What
we have learned over the past two years is that they will do whatever it takes
to hide their dirty dealings from the American and world public.
So, get ready patriots – we have a lot of work to do in the
coming months. First and foremost – let’s take back the House and Senate in
November and flip as many states as possible to RED. We must have as many
congress people as possible who are committed and aware that our nation is in
Fire up your engines – and let’s get to work!
© 2022 Robert W Malone, MD
Exposing the ‘Digital ID is a Human Right’ Scam
Alien (Digital ID)
Posted by Billy M | NwoReport
By Derrick Broze
May 26, 2022
A major component of the Great
Reset-Technocratic Agenda is the implementation of a worldwide digital
identity scheme. One of the first steps to realize this goal is to convince the
public that digital identity programs are a “human right” worth fighting for.
Why is the push for digital identity absolutely vital to
the Technocrats visions?
The world of 2030 — the one in which the World
Economic Forum imagines “you will own nothing and be happy” —
depends on an all-encompassing digital id program. This digital ID will allow a
track and trace society where the authorities can see every purchase and every
move you make.
One could argue much of society has already handed over this
data with the ubiquitous use of credit cards which track purchases, and phones
which log GPS data.
However, the digital ID scheme will also be linked to a
digital wallet holding the local Central
Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), the digital currency of
governments which will be needed for all legal transactions. Eventually, this
digital ID and the digital wallet will be connected to, and impacted by, your
individual social credit score.
As I have reported since March 2020, these initiatives were
already in the works prior to COVID-19. However, it was the beginning of the
COVID-19 panic that allowed governments around the world to push further towards
their vision of Technocracy.
For example, we have been told that use of cash should be
greatly reduced or eliminated altogether because of reports claiming COVID-19
spread through dirty old money. This conveniently leads into the calls for
digital currency programs such as CBDCs.
Of course, we see the push for “contact tracing” apps to
track the alleged spread of disease, and jjab passport/health passport apps
have begun to acclimate the public to carrying a digital ID card with them
everywhere they go.
The jjab passport is simply a gateway to a digital identity
which has already been in the works in the United States, to one degree or
another, since at least 2005 with the passing of the controversial REAL ID Act.
UN Sustainable Development Goal 16
This push towards a digital identity has its roots in the
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030
Agenda. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection
of 17 interlinked objectives adopted by the United Nations in 2015 with the
ostensible goal of ending poverty, protecting the planet, and spreading peace
and prosperity to all people by 2030. Their actions, however, regularly belie
their stated intentions.
The SDGs were part of a larger resolution known as the 2030
Agenda, or Agenda 2030, with the stated purpose of fighting
climate change.
While the United Nations SDGs and Agenda 2030 are often
touted as a tool for establishing healthy multilateral relationships between
nations, in truth, they are based in a deeper agenda to monitor, control, and
direct all life on the planet.
The 17 SDGs each tackle a different area of their ostensible
fight for justice and equality. UN SDG 16 focuses on “Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions” and states
that “by 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth
One document from the United Nations titled “United Nations Strategy for Legal Identity for All”
further defines what is meant by “legal” and “digital identity.” A legal
identity is essentially a form of registration with a civil body (a
The UN document makes it clear that “legal identity
is widely acknowledged to be catalytic for achieving at least ten of the SDGs“,
and the data generated by the registration supports the measurement of more
than 60 SDG indicators. “Legal identity has a critical role to ensure
the global community upholds its promise of leaving no one behind
as espoused in the 2030 Agenda,” the UN report states.
When it comes to digital identity, the document says digital
identity is generally understood as a unique and constant identity — a virtual
identification card, for example — assigned to individuals that authenticates
them as users of all their portable digital devices.
This identity can apply to the digital and physical worlds.
Using a digital identity involves passwords, cryptographic key, biometrics such
as fingerprint or iris scanning.
Digital Identity as a Human Right
As we approach 2030 the “digital identity as a human right”
meme is increasingly being planted in the minds of the masses. I would expect
this trend to become a standard talking point amongst corporate media hacks and
their followers.
Not only is the public being primed to accept digital
identity as a method of tracking illness (and the population), but digital
identity is being sold to the bleeding hearts of the Western world as a
necessity for helping the so-called “unbanked” of the world and bringing them
into modern financial systems.
The term unbanked refers to those people who, for one reason
or another, lack bank accounts and credit cards. This apparent lack is often
reported as a flaw of modern society, an example of another poor population
being left behind. What goes unquestioned is whether integration into the
banking system is the best thing for an individual or not.
It is assumed that all people should need or want to be
involved in the debt based banking system, allowing the criminal banks
behind The Great Reset to fund their projects with
the people’s money.
Many of these people live in the developing world, and in
places like Mexico there exists a thriving counter or informal economy of
people trading, buying, and selling goods without taxes, regulations, or a
digital record of any kind.
This type of economic and social activity is the exact
behavior the Technocrats want to eliminate, precisely because it flies in the
face of the Great Reset vision.
Thus the media must do its job to convince the public that
colonization is not colonization when it involves sustainability and diversity.
The people need to be convinced that those poor Mexican farmers won’t be
complete until they have a digital ID, with a digital wallet for receiving the
digital currency as part of the Universal Basic Income program. These gushing
stories promoting digital identity as the savior of the developing world fail
to mention the dark side to the digitization of all life, specifically
the coming
terror of social credit and social impact finance tools.
Instead we get headlines like, “Digital
Inclusion. The Human Right to Have an Identity” from the Thales
Group, a French multinational with ties to the French government and one of the
largest military weapons contractors in the world.
“The lack of identity is not just a loss in terms of
being seen by the system and society. It is an exclusion that prevents people
from achieving their full potential. They cannot be educated, they cannot
access healthcare services, and their children inherit this legacy as they’re
born outside the system,” the group wrote in February 2021. Again, the
general assumption is that there is no life to be had “outside the system”.
Meanwhile, Impakter Magazine, known for
promoting the SDGs, published a piece titled “Digital
Identity As a Basic Human Right” in May 2018. The Impakter piece
promotes blockchain based ID’s and putting children’s birth certificates on the
blockchain as well.
Thankfully there are some examples of pushback to the
commonly held narratives surrounding digital id.
In April 2021, the Center for Human Rights and Global
Justice published a skeptical piece titled “Everyone
Counts! Ensuring that the human rights of all are respected in digital ID
systems.” This article looked at some of the ways marginalized
populations are further marginalized by digital systems. They warn of the “need
for the human rights movement to engage in discussions about digital
transformation so that fundamental rights are not lost in the rush to build a
‘modern, digital state’.”
The group Access Now published a report, Busting
the dangerous myths of Big ID programs: cautionary lessons from India,
focused on the concerns surrounding India’s implementation of their digital ID
system, Aadhaar. The report concludes that so-called “Big ID programs” — that
is programs implemented by governments with the help of Big Tech —
are not needed to give people a legal identity. Further, the report found that
Big ID creates space for surveillance to flourish, as demonstrated by India’s
Aadhaar system.
In May 2021, the ACLU
released a blog in response to concerns around jab passports.
The ACLU warned about digital identities, including recent
efforts to mandate digital drivers licenses. “A move to
digital IDs is not a minor change but one that could drastically alter the role
of identification in our society, increase inequality, and turn into a privacy
nightmare,” the ACLU wrote.
Finally, the organization Privacy International directly
challenged the United Nations SDGs and asked, “The
Sustainable Development Goals, Identity, and Privacy: Does their implementation
risk human rights?.” The report states:
“If actors fail to consider the
risks, ID systems can themselves threaten human rights, particularly the right
to privacy. They can become tools for surveillance by the state and the private
sector; they can exclude, rather than include.
There are thus risks in the
implementation of an ID scheme – not only that it fails to meet the promise of
SDG 16.9, but that it also builds a system for surveillance and exclusion. It
is thus essential to critically engage with the interpretation of the goal, and
the uses to which it has been put.”
The World Economic Forum, the United Nations, and The
World Bank
The United Nations is not the only supranational body
lobbying for digital identity. In January 2021, the World Economic Forum met
for their annual meeting to discuss the “Davos Agenda.”
As TLAV previously reported, the January meeting was focused on restoring trust
and outlining the plan for The Great Reset. In the lead up to the January 2021
meeting the WEF published an article titled “How
digital identity can improve lives in a post-COVID-19 world.”
The article notes, “while government’s role is key,
regulators have understood that they don’t hold all the cards and that
solutions are needed across the public and private sectors. Digital identity
trust frameworks led by governments working with the private sector are
emerging.” This discussion of “frameworks led by governments working
with the private sector” is exactly the public-private partnership the WEF has
been promoting for decades.
We should also remember that the WEF was one of the first
organizations to begin promoting the idea of jjab passports as part of a “new
normal.” The WEF would officially announce The Great Reset initiative in June
2020, only 3 months into the COVID-19 panic.
Of course, the WEF’s Great Reset plan is ultimately a
refinement of the UN’s Agenda 2030 and SDGs. Thus it should come as no surprise
that the UN is also working on a form of digital identity. The UN Digital Solutions Centre (UN
DSC) has developed an “innovative digital identity solution for UN
The UN DSC, a pilot project of the UN World Food Programme
(WFP) and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), says they are working
on a suite of digital solutions that can be shared among UN Agencies to “transform
common business operations and streamline time-consuming transactional tasks.”
The UN
Digital ID will use blockchain and some form of biometrics. It
has been described as a digital wallet for UN personnel. The UN DSC website describes
the project as “based on a blockchain, biometrics and a mobile app
solution, this pilot will look to offer a unique digital ID for every UN
employee for end-to-end lifecycle management from on-boarding through to
retirement that will be immutable, protected, transparent and portable.”
While the UN and WEF have been promoting the acceptance of
digital identity, the World Bank has been funding the development of such
programs as part of the Identification
for Development (ID4D) initiative. The World Bank is
funding digital
biometric ID programs in Mexico, pushing digital ID in poorer
countries with the ostensible goal of providing legal identity to the 1.1
billion people who do not currently have one.
Luis Fernando García, the director of the Mexican digital
rights organization R3D, says the programs are being funded by those interested
in exploiting Mexico’s human data. “Sophisticated intelligence agencies
in rich countries are delighted that poor countries are creating these
databases of people that they can exploit for their benefit. They have
offensive capabilities that allow them to attack, obtain, and collect
information that less-developed countries create through these databases,” he
stated in a 2021 interview.
“Like many other Global South national identity projects
— whether in Kenya, Uganda, or Mexico — the World Bank is behind it. The World
Bank is giving Mexico a loan of $225 million to implement the system. It is
not promoting this approach in Germany or Canada or the U.S.: countries that do
not have a national identity system. But they are promoting it in the Global
South, which is very telling.”
At the same time an alliance of Microsoft, GAVI — the Global
Vaccine Alliance which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation — and
the Rockefeller Foundation have organized their
efforts under the ID2020
project. The ID2020 project is an attempt to create digital
identification for every single person on the planet. In 2018, Microsoft
announced a formal partnership with the ID2020 project at the World Economic
Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
The usual cast of characters — the WEF, the UN, the World
Bank, the Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation — have spent the recent
years lobbying for the need to create a digital identity for every person on
the planet. During the COVID-19 crisis, these organizations promoted the use of
jjab passports, which itself is a form of a digital identity.
Now, they are poised to use economic turmoil and fears of
pandemic 2 to promote the value of digital identity, whether to receive a
digital currency in exchange for dollars, or to prove vaccination status. One
way or another, the Technocrats will force their digital identity prisons on
the masses.
Colonization 3.0 and the Future of Identity
The colonization of the Americas and Africa took place in
the obvious forms — physical slavery, murder, rape, erasing of language,
customs, and culture, etc. — and in less obvious ways — psychological trauma,
isolation, loss of identity. The exploits of the European empires were the
first wave of the colonization, with later colonization in the form of weaponized financial aid and
assistance designed to trap developing nations in debts which
require them to sell their natural wealth and resources.
Now, digital colonization is on the horizon. Once again,
Africa and Latin America are on the list of targets for digital id schemes. As
Impakter Magazine reported, there are plans for placing infant identity on a
blockchain so there may be a permanent record of the person. These programs are
already taking place in South Africa. Dr. Aaron Ramodumo says the country is on
a “progressive transition” towards using biometrics for an infant identity with
unique ID numbers.
South Africa’s new program will begin in 2024, and provide
capabilities for palm prints, fingerprint, footprint, face and iris biometrics.
Ramodumo told
Biometric Update he hopes it will be available for infants
soon. “While we want to build a policy around biometric capture of
infants and children, we still have not made a selection of the specific
technology,” Ramodumo said. “And that continues to be a
subject of research, and I hope researchers will provide other options to
choose from.”
Another organization which has been calling for a “legal identity” in Africa is
ID4Africa. Coincidentally, the organization received 3
grants totaling $600,000 USD from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in
2019 and 2021.
Despite the attempts to colonize Africa with digital
identity, there is some hope. In late 2021, Kenya’s digital ID program,
the National
Integrated Identity Management System (NIIMS), was ruled illegal
by the highest court because the government did not clearly establish the data
privacy risks, nor did they outline a strategy for measuring and mitigating
Ultimately, the crux of this discussion centers around
identity and what is needed for a person to operate in the world today.
For example, in many nations a person already cannot open a
bank account, attend school, rent a house, take out a loan, or drive a vehicle
legally without presenting some form of identification. These are conditions that
many people in the modern world have come to accept as norms.
However, there is a growing skepticism of the incoming
digital systems, and, in some cases, even the “traditional” systems most people
are familiar with.
Why should we have to show a government approved ID to be
recognized as a person? Why must we submit to the government sanctioned
identity if we do choose to carry a form of identity (digital or physical)?
These are important questions to ask and the assumptions we
hold must be questioned. As we push further into the digital world of 2030, I
encourage all readers to alert your friends and family to the dangers posed by
digital identity.
Help them understand how digital id will inevitably be
connected to digital currency, and eventually, a social credit score. This
infrastructure, along with widespread facial recognition cameras, will be the
invisible enforcement arm of the Technocratic State.
Together, facial recognition, digital identity, digital
currency, and social credit scores represent a giant leap forward towards
digital totalitarianism.