Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Introducing – ‘A Matter of Life and Death’

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

January 7, 2025


Health Update: I’ve been overcoming a nasty chest cold over the last four days or so. Why do I share this? I’ve learned from the Medical Narrative imposed upon people since COVID 2020 onward used political science rather actual science to brainwash many into believing in a Pandemic that should been classified as an epidemic to force people to get injected with a dangerous mRNA experiment. Furthermore, people were denied actually effective medical treatments in hospitals and were forced to receive debilitating treatments that often led to deaths in the name of receiving bonus COVID bucks from the government.


So how have I handled a nasty chest cold?


The old fashioned way. I got rest. I took over the counter cold and flu remedies to alleviate symptoms. I chose to ignore the emerging bird flu Medical Narrative. TODAY, the symptoms are very minor and I’m on the mend well enough to post on my blog.


With sharing my HEALTH UPDATE, this leads me to share a post I found in the Canada Free Press (CFP) by Alek Rybczynski entitled “A Matter of Life and Death”.


Essentially Rybczynski shares how a Globalist mindset has transformed Western Culture from a life-preserving philosophy into a DEPOPULATION philosophy. Rybczynski targets Transhumanist thinking as the prime example. Awaken your thinking to overcome official narratives to see what Elitists have instore for you.


JRH 1/7/25


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A Matter of Life and Death

To save life, we cannot remain inactive and fear action. Only we, increasingly enslaved and deprived of rights, can oppose and fight for the future of coming generations


By Alek Rybczynski, CFP's Poland Reporter

January 7, 2025

Canada Free Press

Extended Hand (CFP Photo)


"Life in itself is good and pleasant" (Aristotle --"Nicomachean Ethics")


"The purpose of the state is good life" (Aristotle -- "Politics")


The world has entered a very dangerous path. The civilization of life affirmation, of assigning the highest value to life and its protection, has been replaced by a mad pursuit of depopulation and its resulting philosophy and strategy, devaluing life and creating a social and political system that praises destructive forces, completely changing the hierarchy of values.


Politicians, scientists, philosophers, artists, and activists participate in this reconstruction of civilization's principles and its rebuilding, jointly creating a new world order.


The path on which humanity carefully moved is slowly turning into a wide highway that leads nowhere and from which there is no return.


Philosophical Decline - from Aristotle to Transhumanism


The philosophical signposts, representing the legacy of great Western civilization thinkers, have been abandoned by the wayside, and in their place, misleading directions of reset propaganda ideologues are being installed. Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas emphasized the natural dignity of human life, which was to be the goal and meaning in itself. Contemporary followers of posthumanism view humans as a "project for improvement" or even overcoming. In classical philosophy, life was seen as a gift and a task, while transhumanism sees it as a limitation to be transcended through technology. These dangerous philosophical deviations aim to turn societies away from humanistic values, from the affirmation of life's beauty, towards suspicious ideologies leading to self-destruction. Considered Klaus Schwab's right hand, Yuval Noah Harari believes that "human life has no meaning whatsoever" and predicts a future where technology will transform humanity into "homo deus," meaning a new kind of human capable of transcending biological limitations. This idea has been implanted in the minds of contemporary world reconstructors who dream of playing God, deciding about the life and death of ordinary mortals whom they try to herd into a humble flock of obedient slaves.


Education as Indoctrination


The education system has become a tool for indoctrinating the young generation. Traditional humanistic values are being systematically replaced by the ideology of posthumanism and moral relativism. The curriculum increasingly focuses on shaping “appropriate” attitudes rather than imparting knowledge and critical thinking skills. Teachers are forced to promote gender ideology, ecological alarmism, and program children to accept a transhumanist future. Classical literature is being removed from curricula or presented in a distorted manner. History is being reinterpreted according to current ideological trends. This is an exceptionally perfidious strategy of censorship and soul engineering.


Media in the Mask of a Villain


Mainstream media has become a propaganda mouthpiece for forces seeking to destroy traditional civilization. They systematically promote disinforming narratives while simultaneously censoring or discrediting voices of dissent. They employ psychological manipulation techniques to shape public opinion. They create artificial social divisions, fuel conflicts and fear. They remain silent about inconvenient facts, such as the rising number of excessive deaths or vaccine side effects. Journalists critical of the dominant narrative are marginalized or lose their jobs. Social media actively censors content that challenges the official narrative line. The work of mainstream media can hardly be called journalism—it's usually just manufacturing content to order for the prevailing propaganda. And the goal of propaganda is to muzzle the truth.


Depopulation - From Conspiracy Theory to Real Threat


Depopulation, which once passed for an extreme conspiracy theory, was previously confirmed by careless statements from activists associated with the World Economic Forum, such as Jane Goodall (recipient of the American Medal of Freedom in 2025, presented by Deep State president Joe Biden), who admitted that the goal of the new world order is a population not exceeding 500 million people (sic!). Today, the depopulation agenda is almost obvious in light of the unambiguous tendencies to shorten human life in the name of "the general good of humanity."


It's not difficult to notice that the depopulation plan is truly satanic and relies on a consistent method of "small steps" which, when accumulated, can constitute a great leap toward the intended goal. Their list seems endless and is constantly growing. Wars, artificially induced cataclysms, health-damaging geoengineering experiments, exposure of populations to increasingly strong radiation and harmful substances, pandemics and mass vaccinations supposedly meant to protect against disease but in reality causing side effects, sudden deaths and the puzzling phenomenon of their excessive numbers—this is just the tip of the iceberg hidden beneath manipulative propaganda. The propaganda promoting healthy food actually conceals a food production industry containing a whole litany of harmful substances, preservatives, and additives that create dependency on health-damaging products.


However, the harmful nature of the food industry is surpassed by the activities of pharmaceutical companies producing medications and supplements containing substances and agents with effects difficult to comprehend. Big Pharma collaborates with healthcare services, forcing doctors to use specific drugs and even manipulating medical school curricula. The "depopulation" list must include transgender and LGBT ideologies which, under the guise of affirming gender identity, limit reproductive capabilities and contribute to the erosion of tradition and cultural identity. The list goes on: typically, whatever is harmful gains legal approval and enters common use. Mainstream media avoids these forbidden topics, so to avoid falling into propaganda traps, one must independently analyze these intensifying pathological phenomena.


Medicine Without Hippocrates


The retreat from the civilization of life is evidenced by the abandonment of fundamental principles in approaching patient treatment and care. The former cornerstone of medical ethics, the Hippocratic Oath, has become an archival document of the beauty of providing unconditional care. The key differences between the new Medical Ethics Code and the Hippocratic Oath should raise concern and opposition:


The new MEC has removed the provision stating that a doctor must "serve human life and health from the moment of conception." This change can be seen as a negation of the Hippocratic Oath's fundamental principle, in which the protection of life was a basic value.


The new MEC doesn't contain provisions prohibiting doctors from taking actions solely at the patient's request, which contradicts medical ethics that should be based on medical art indicators.


No obligation to resuscitate: The MEC states that doctors have no obligation to perform resuscitation on terminally ill patients. The decision to cease resuscitation belongs to the doctor or team of doctors and is based on arbitrary assessment of treatment chances.


Futile therapy: The Code prohibits the use of therapy deemed futile. The decision about whether therapy is futile should be made by the treating team, taking into account the patient's will [but is a patient in severe condition capable of expressing their will?]


Patient assessment: Doctors have the right to decide to discontinue treatment in cases where further treatment provides no health benefits and shows no prospect of improving the patient's condition.


Euthanasia - The Path to Legalizing Killing


Most dramatic is the grim evolution in the moral and ethical assessment of euthanasia. The historical approach to euthanasia was unequivocally negative—it was treated as a form of murder. However, in recent decades we've observed a radical change in this position:


The Netherlands became its precursor, where initially euthanasia was permitted only for terminally ill persons in the final phase of life. Gradually, the criteria were expanded to include psychological suffering, dementia, "life fatigue" in elderly people, and since 2023, consideration is being given to allowing euthanasia for children under 12 years of age.


Not far "behind" is Belgium, which in 2014 removed age restrictions, permits euthanasia in cases of depression, and expanded criteria to include "unbearable psychological suffering.


Canada (since 2016) started modestly, allowing it only for the terminally ill, but is considering expanding the practice to people with mental health problems, discussing the possibility of euthanasia for economic reasons, and often suggests it through government agencies in difficult psychological and life situations.


Switzerland, in turn, has created a specific model of "euthanasia tourism" and through organizations such as "Dignitas" offers services to foreigners as well, with an increasing number of people traveling there to end their lives.


Analyzing these terrifying trends in assisted suicide, one can notice dangerous patterns: the transition from "right to die" to "duty to die" for persons considered a "burden," the economization of end-of-life decisions, social pressure on elderly and sick people, blurring the line between assisted suicide and euthanasia, and expanding criteria to increasingly younger people and milder conditions.


This transition from exceptional last resort to "normal medical option" reflects a deep degradation in the perception of human life's value.


Wars Without Peace


A separate issue is the aforementioned wars. Data concerning the number of deaths resulting from wars are generally hidden and difficult to estimate accurately. The number of fallen soldiers is much higher than officially reported. Some estimate that in Ukraine over a million, or even two million soldiers have died, but even inflated statistics cannot move public opinion, or most importantly, politicians, media, and institutions unconditionally supporting the war, sending weapons, ammunition, and inexhaustible financial resources to the front. No one bends over the tragedy of the fallen and the despair of families who have lost their loved ones on the front. Peace movements don't exist, there are no mass demonstrations, and politicians taking peace initiatives can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Additionally, they are exposed to ostracism, assassination attempts, and slanderous campaigns by media kangaroo courts.

Is it not puzzling why so much energy is devoted to unleashing and conducting wars, lately even downplaying the threat of nuclear weapons and provoking their use? This is an alarm signal that should bring all people of good will and strong character to their feet before the civilization of death takes us under its black wings.


How to Save Life?


We are accompanied by a sense of hopelessness and conviction about the futility of any action. Everywhere we hear: I can't do anything, I won't change anything. Are we really helpless?


Success in fighting the "civilization of death" depends on grassroots actions and building conscious communities. Systemic solutions are currently impossible to implement due to the dominance of destructive forces and ideology in mainstream institutions.


Changes cannot be made through democracy either, because the forces of evil—the black character with tail and horns controls legislative institutions, governments, and former free and democratic elections.


We can create a positivist plan to counter these totalitarian tendencies


However, we can create a positivist plan to counter these totalitarian tendencies through:


§  Building alternative education systems (home schools, independent educational institutions)


§  Creating independent media and communication platforms


§  Supporting local communities and grassroots initiatives


§  Promoting traditional values in families and small social groups


§  Building support networks for marginalized and independently thinking people


§  Documenting and publicizing cases of abuse, manipulation, and persecution for beliefs and loud expression of politically incorrect opinions


§  Supporting independent scientists and doctors


§  Creating alternative healthcare systems


§  Educating others about mechanisms of manipulation and propaganda


§  Encouraging critical thinking and independent information seeking


§  Supporting art and creativity that opposes the constraints of political correctness


To save life, we cannot remain inactive and fear action. Only we, increasingly enslaved and deprived of rights, can oppose and fight for the future of coming generations.



Alek Rybczynski, CFP's Poland Reporter——

I am a Polish Canadian poet, writer, journalist, editor and videographer. I have published many poetry books, and received prestigious awards, including best poetry book debut in Poland. In Canada, I  published the literary and arts magazine “Oceanic Letter” for almost ten years. Now I am publisher and editor-in-chief of the online magazine Polska Canada. I interviewed Nobel Prize winner Joseph Brodsky, Canadian composer Marjan Mozetich and many others. My journalism is devoted to subjects silenced in the mainstream media. I have written articles on Freedom Convoy for readers in Poland, and I am publishing summaries of uncovered news which matters to our freedoms and fight against a liberal, globalist agenda and political correctness narrative. In 2018 together with Canadians Captains Barry and Matt Sheehy and Paul Sheehy I went to Poland, invited by Polish Government officials, to honour Polish and Canadian soldiers, who fought in WWII. I have made a video, documenting the trip.

Right now I am in Poland for personal reasons, but also to cover the dangerous pro-war propaganda and Poland’s involvement in the conflict in Ukraine. I would love to contribute to Canadian independent media coverage of the complex situation in Europe, and share my experiences with my fellow Canadians. I am thinking of short video presentations and brief articles, written from the point of view of a Polish Canadian, who has roots in European culture.


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