Tuesday, October 8, 2024

October 7 Reminds of Islamic Hatred

Muslims Brainwashed to Hate Jews Did So In Force

By John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© October 8, 2024


October 7 is the anniversary of the days Hamas Islamic terrorists (and I have since learned Arabs calling themselves private citizens) crept into Israel from Gaza to massacre, to rape and to kidnap Jews (men, women & children) in acts of brutality that mirrored Medieval acts of brutality of past history.


You would think Israeli Intelligence – Mossad – would be alert to such maneuvers. The Mossad early days appear to have been absorbed in ruthless Intel gathering to preserve the Jewish State and secondarily hunt for Nazi war criminals. Since most of Israel’s early Parliamentary governments were dominated by Socialist-minded officials, it is unsurprising that Mossad evolved like many other Western Intel Agencies into a moving to a Globalist mindset. As far as Israel is concerned, a Globalist goal is a Jewish-State destruction agenda. Globalism despises National Sovereignty. Could Globalism in Israeli Intel be the basis for the Intelligence failure of October 7, 2023? If so, such a failure might be the wake-up call for Covenant-Keeping Jews to demand a resurgence of the Jewish National Sovereignty of the State of Israel.


I am not surprised by Leftist and Muslim Jew-Haters spinning deceitful information on the “HOW” this occurred. For the “WHY,” one need only read the HATE toward Jews and Christians specifically encoded in Islamic revered writings (Quran, Sira and Hadith-Sunna).


What I find disappointing are the Conservatives (many of whom I follow), who accuse the Israeli government involvement in allowing this October 7 Muslim brutality to occur and who also condemn the Israeli reprisal as a genocide against a NOT-SO-INNOCENT (faux) Palestinian people.


It is my opinion the worst that the Israeli government can be accused of is an Intelligence Community failure to not be alert to the intentions of a people who are taught from the cradle to the grave to hate Jews. And with that hatred, take every opportunity to kill a Jew as a perceived ticket to an Islamic heaven (but really a ticket to the Lake of Fire).


My guess is part of the problem that legitimate Conservatives with Israel and not wanting to support Israel are Left-Wing Jews (in heritage) who support near to outright Marxist principles which contradict their Covenant recorded in the first five Books of the Bible. Those Books are the Pentateuch to the Christians. To the Jews those Books are the Torah. Also part of the problem is the Jewish revered Talmud has a collection of wisdom that dilutes the immutability of the Torah. Hence the existence of religious Left-Wing Jews that will quote the Talmud to justify same-sex marriage, abortion and other matters of diluted morality.


Although the Talmud is revered by all Jews to varying degrees, it is considered the works of wise Jewish men and NOT the Word of God (I’m not Jewish, thus I am constrained to write the ALMIGHTY’s name as “G-d”.) Being a non-Jew I am hardly an expert on the usage of Torah vs Talmud in Judaism among the Orthodox, Conservative or Reformed Jewish practitioners.


NEVERTHELESS, I consider Jews who adhere more to Leftist ideology more than their Torah Covenant as Covenant-Breakers and those Jews who align as much as possible to their Torah Covenant as Covenant-Keepers.


I’d Just like to point out there are Left-Wing professing Christians and there are Bible-oriented professing Christians. The Left-Wing professing Christians have diluted Biblical Morality with moral relativity based on bad interpretations of Scriptures and human reasoning. Moral relativity has turned many Christians into Covenant-Breakers on the same scale as Left-Wing Jews.


Ultimately the only redeeming factor Left-Wing Jews and Left-Wing Christians will be the Blood of the Messiah Jesus, the Son of God. For Jews of any persuasion finding Jesus might be a difficult pill to swallow due experiencing centuries of persecution at the hands of brainwashed Christians who were told Jews were Christ-killers.


The problem with the accusation is the Lord Jesus had to die to Redeem all humanity, Also it was greedy sold-out to Roman authority to maintain a semblance of governance by Jewish leaders (Sanhedrin) who delivered Jesus to then Polytheistic-practicing Romans who crucified Jesus to death.


It was the Hand of Father-God that Raised the Son-God to a restored Glorified body that enables Salvation for those who Believe. Even for the demonized brainwashed Muslims.


The Israeli government is as corrupted by Globalist-Marxists as the American government is. God help the Covenant-Keeping Jews in Israel because Globalists are interested in a ONE-World authority devoid of any religious moral authority. Now I’m Jesus-Bible kind-of-guy, but Globalists would eradicate any knowledge of religious morality turning all religions into a historical curiosity. That would include Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and so on. As a Christian, I’m NOT on board with complying to relegating my faith into a vilified course of history.


These thoughts were first triggered by reading The Washington Free Beacon post of “Oct. 7, A Year Later” published 10/7/24. When I read the Free Beacon, I wondered if any other Online publications were brave enough to condemn Hamas and support Israel’s cause to destroy the continuous threat to its existence. Well, the cursory use of so-called independent Search Engines was a disappointment. I’m on the email list of The Patriot Post. From those folks I received an email as I was about to wrap up my disappointing search that had the title, “Remembering October 7: Israel must win this conflict decisively, not by capitulating to Western left-wingers demanding a ceasefire” by Nate Jackson. Jackson’s post is short and fantastically to the point. I’m sharing it below.


But one last interjection to counter the Leftist Liars, the Muslim pro-(faux)-Palestinian Lying Propaganda and the misguided Conservatives criticizing Israel for removing the constant threat to Israel’s existence – TAKE A LOOK at the website (if you can stomach it. It’s graphic and comes with a warning) that shows actual footage of what Hamas and (faux) Palestinians in fact perpetrated on innocent Jewish men, women and children on October 7, 2023 in the name of the demon-deity called Allah: HAMAS MASSACRE: Documentation of Crimes Against Humanity.


JRH 10/8/24


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Remembering October 7

Israel must win this conflict decisively, not by capitulating to Western left-wingers demanding a ceasefire.



Biden-Harris- What Alliance to Israel (TPP Photo)


By Nate Jackson

October 7, 2024

The Patriot Post


One year ago today, the Iran-backed jihadis of Hamas launched an unprovoked attack on Israel, killing nearly 1,200 innocent people, taking more than 250 hostages, raping many women, and burning homes, all while livestreaming their atrocities. Some of the dead or captured were and are American citizens. Almost 100 hostages remain in captivity, including four Americans, though at least 34 hostages are believed to be dead.


On October 8, Iranian proxies with Hezbollah began firing rockets into northern Israel, an almost daily occurrence ever since. Iran itself has launched direct ballistic missile attacks on Israel twice.


The initial Hamas attack happened primarily because the Palestinian people are raised to hate Jews and work toward a “from the river to the sea” Arab/Muslim replacement of the Jewish state. “Nobody should blame us for the things we do,” said one Hamas terrorist recently. “On October 7, on October 10, on October one-millionth, everything we do is justified.” They were funded and trained by Iran, which aims for regional hegemony amidst growing alliances with Russia and China. Iran and its jihadi proxies were also emboldened by the weakness of the administration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.


Ever since Israel launched a retaliatory war on Hamas, the Western Leftmedia has treated Hamas’s lies as facts. It reports almost without question the absurdly inflated death toll, and it acts as if the truly morally offensive party here is the Israel Defense Forces.


As Israelis mourn the dead and captured today, Hamas marked the occasion by firing a barrage of rockets at Tel Aviv. America ought to stand united with our best Middle Eastern ally. We surely have differences with Israel, and alliances always necessitate some uncomfortable compromise. But there is a clear right side in this war.


Unfortunately for the entire Middle East, Biden and Harris are beholden to a Democrat Party that has a sizable pro-Hamas, anti-Semitic wing, including many loudmouths who hold seats in Congress. When the Leftmedia parrots Hamas propaganda as fact, it only emboldens these haters to do things like take over American college campuses and perpetrate a vastly increased number of anti-Semitic incidents.


That, in turn, causes more dangerous equivocation from Team Biden-Harris. For example, when asked if she considers Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “real, close ally,” Harris dodged the question. “I think, with all due respect, the better question is, do we have an important alliance between the American people and the Israeli people? And the answer to that question is yes,” she said while reiterating her regular call for a ceasefire.


The question of alliance is critical. After all, Harris publicly rebuked Netanyahu when he visited the States in July, telling him, “We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering — and I will not be silent.”


Biden has been no better, telling the United Nations last month that “innocent civilians in Gaza are going through hell.” Maybe that — along with a burgeoning Muslim population — is why French President Emmanuel Macron chose this weekend to call for an arms embargo on Israel. Biden previously delayed weapons for Israel to placate his pro-Hamas supporters.


Contrary to the goal of these left-wing invertebrates, Israel must win — and be aided in winning — this conflict. Peace in the Middle East depends on a decisive victory over the jihadis who want to exterminate Jews and wipe Israel off the map. Demanding a ceasefire every time Israel sees some success isn’t going to cut it. In fact, it only makes peace that much harder to reach.


Follow Nate Jackson on X/Twitter.


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