Monday, December 1, 2014

WHAT! Legal Jihad against Ezra Levant Successful, BUT …

Ezra Levant
Ezra Levant

John R. Houk
© December 1, 2014

If you are not already cognizant about the terms Legal Jihad and Lawfare you should study up.

Lawfare: The Use of the Law as a Weapon of War

Lawfare denotes "the use of the law as a weapon of war"** or, more specifically, the abuse of Western laws and judicial systems to achieve strategic military or political ends.

It consists of the negative manipulation of international and national human rights laws to accomplish purposes other than, or contrary to, those for which they were originally enacted.

Lawfare is also evident in the manipulation of domestic legal systems (by state and non-state parties) to implement laws inconsistent with general principles of liberal democracy.

The principles underlying lawfare are also present in glaring failures to apply human rights law and in the disproportionate and biased application of the law.

Modern-day lawfare has five goals:
1. To silence and punish free speech about issues of national security and public concern;
2. To delegitimize the sovereignty of democratic states;
3. To frustrate and hinder the ability of democracies to fight against and defeat terrorism;
4. To confuse laws of armed conflict with human rights law; and
5. To prevent the application of human rights law in situations where it is needed the most.

READ ENTIRETY (Lawfare: The Use of the Law as a Weapon of War; The Lawfare Project)

If this Lawfare Project explanation piques your interest you should check out the PDF ‘“LEGAL JIHAD”: HOW ISLAMIST LAWFARE TACTICS ARE TARGETING FREE SPEECH’ Brooke Goldstein and Aaron Eitan Meyer published in 2009.

Now I encouraged you to read up on Legal Jihad due to an update email from Elsa Schieder in relation to the World Truth Summit which brings in Counterjihad speakers and writers addressing the threat of Muslim jihadi terrorists to the Western World.

Elsa is identifying a Canadian victim of Legal Jihad in Ezra Levant. Mr. Levant was sued by the Radical Muslim Khurrum Awan for publicly calling him an Antisemite. AND the Canadian Courts actually agreed with Awan that Mr. Levant made a defamatory accusation against him. It didn’t matter to the Canadian Judge that Awan was the youth president of the Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC – See Also HERE). The CIC is a virulently Antisemitic organization that at the very least offers support for Islamic terrorists who demand the destruction of Israel and the death of Jews.

So this how this cross post is going to work. First I’m posting Elsa’s email then I’m following that with Ezra Levant plea for funds to appeal the Canadian dhimmi Judge that failed to connect Antisemitism with Khurrum Awan who has been in the upper levels of leadership in the Radical Islamic Jew-hating CIC.

JRH 12/1/14
The Judgement against Ezra Levant, and Politically Correct Nuttiness

By Elsa Schieder
Sent: 11/29/2014 11:50 AM
Sent as World Truth Summit Update

Do I have any news or thoughts I'd especially like to share?  Today, with the sun glinting on the snow, the temperature outside at minus 10, the existence of a force like Islam seems impossible. But I know it's around, with an ideology against the freedoms I value.

This week, on November 27, I got an email from Ezra Levant of Sun News, letting me know that he had just "lost a defamation lawsuit ... brought by Khurrum Awan, the former youth president of the Canadian Islamic Congress." Ezra called Awan an anti-Semite. On what basis? "Awan was, at one time, the youth president of the Canadian Islamic Congress, an anti-Semitic organization. At the time Awan was its youth president, the CIC was led by a notorious anti-Semite, Mohamed Elmasry. Elmasry famously went on national TV** to state that any adult in Israel is a legitimate target for terrorism. The CIC has publicly called for the legalization of anti-Semitic terrorist groups."

However, all that wasn't evidence enough. Ezra has been called upon to pay 80,000 plus court costs.

On what basis? "The judge ruled that it is defamatory to call the former youth president of an anti-Semitic organization, anti-Semitic." Why? Because Awan denied it in court, and said "he never knew about his organization's infamous misconduct."

Ezra is appealing. Good. As for the ruling, I find it utterly appalling. Here's where you can contribute to Ezra's legal costs:

I'd say we urgently need a Freedom Community!

Another thought. Sometimes it feels urgent to DO SOMETHING about Islam. After all, 125,000 Christian deaths at the hands of Muslims over the past year. Women used as sex slaves.

And sometimes it feels: time to slow down, time to pace yourself. After all, they've had 1400 years. Most of us are just starting to understand what we are dealing with.

First, it takes most of us (me, anyway) years to come to anything like a full understanding of political Islam with its plan to conquer the world - to dominate or slaughter those it labels kafirs, to slaughter those it labels atheists, polytheists, apostates. It takes most of us years to understand how far the tentacles of political Islam reach - into text books, government, the media.

And then there are the politically correct. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. WHAT FOLLOWS IS UTTER NUTTINESS. They hold: all opinions are equal; morality is relative. Yet they denounce Israel as an apartheid state. But if all opinions are equal, then they should equally accept that Israel is not an apartheid state - but they don't. Instead they tend to foam at the mouth at the suggestion. Likewise, they shrug off that Saudi Arabia is an apartheid state - going against their own position, that all opinions are equal, and morality is relative, and we must not judge. Instead, they're harshly judgemental of Israel - going against their own supposed stance on "all cultures are equal."

As I said, this is all utter nuttiness. But it takes most of us a long time to figure out just how nutty it is - and longer to figure out how to get through to people who hold: All positions are equal, as long as they're whatever I believe.

All the best to all of us who care and dare - to think and to speak.


PS. There are also bits of sunshine here and there, not only right outside my window. In Montreal, there have recently been 2 excellent speakers - Nitsana Darshan-Leitner (Bankrupting Islam, One Lawsuit at a Time) and Bill Warner (Why We Are Afraid and A Voice for the Voiceless).

Then, at 7:30 pm, Monday, Dec 1, there will be a third speaker,
Jamie Glazov of FrontPageMag (Ruby Foos Hotel, 7655 Decarie Blvd).

For more info, you can email:

PPS. By the way, why isn't the site for The Freedom Community already up and running? It will include a membership site, where members can contact each other, and interact. That takes a lot of technical work. There are also loads of other questions, quite everyday, but they still take time - like, what will be the image on top? You can see the current image here:

PPPS. Here's another question we've been dealing with: in how many languages will the site be available? That's not decided. There will be at least 3: English, French and German. If you speak another language, and want to get involved, please let us know.

** Elmasry famously went on national TV:

Published by AlohaSnackbar01
Published: Mar 11, 2014

Now that the testimony phase of the Khurrum Awan/Ezra Levant libel suit is over, I thought I'd re-up this little clip of Mohamed Elmasry of the Canadian Islamic Congress from the old Michael Coren Show many years ago - Sun News Network has been using a copy from one of my old suspended Youtube accounts - here's a new copy for ya boys!
The following shamelessly stolen from
As a reminder, Awan was the Youth President of the CIC while its founder, Elmasry, was its head. The CIC is hardly a gigantic organization. it has and had only a handful of permanent staffers, and any reasonable person could draw obvious inferences about whether or not the Youth President of that small organization would have substantial dealings with the President. Though Awan has claimed he was unaware of the antisemitic stances of the CIC, he was its Youth President shortly after Elmasry, as its head, had become nationally infamous for declaring, on television in 2004, that he believed any Israeli civilian over the age of 18 was a valid target for murder while excusing terrorist suicide bombings as "a means to an end."

There was more testimony today that was as plausible as Awan's denial that he was unaware of the antisemitic support for terrorist groups by the CIC, for which he served as a political advocacy organizer. In court today, Awan denied that he was close to Elmasry despite agreeing to introduce his former alleged mentor at a fundraising event for the latter's news magazine website, The Canadian Charger. The fundraiser occurred after Awan

I’ve lost my lawsuit. But I’m going to appeal. Here’s why.

By Ezra Levant
November 28, 2014

Today I lost the lawsuit against me brought by Khurrum Awan, the former youth president of the Canadian Islamic Congress.

You can read the full ruling here. The judge awarded Awan a whopping $80,000 plus legal costs.

I am reviewing the technical aspects of the ruling with my lawyer. But there is something terrifying, buried in this ruling, that I already know I simply must appeal — all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.

On paragraph 166 of the decision, the judge ruled that calling Awan an anti-Semite is defamatory, and that’s one of the reasons I lost, and have to pay him so much money.

Decision Against Ezra Levant Paragraph-166 

But Awan was, at one time, the youth president of the Canadian Islamic Congress, an anti-Semitic organization. At the time Awan was its youth president, the CIC was led by a notorious anti-Semite, Mohamed Elmasry. Elmasry famously went on national TV to state that any adult in Israel is a legitimate target for terrorism. The CIC has publicly called for the legalization of anti-Semitic terrorist groups.

And yet the judge ruled that it is defamatory to call the former youth president of an anti-Semitic organization, anti-Semitic. Because he denied it in court, and said he never knew about his organization’s infamous misconduct.

This should concern anyone who is worried about radical Islam, the right to criticize it, and the right to call out anti-Semitism in the public square.

If this judgment stands, anyone who dares to challenge members of Muslim extremist groups on the basis of their affiliation with such groups is at risk of costly lawsuits — and all the member of the anti-Semitic group needs to do is to deny that they share the beliefs of their organizations that they work hard to promote, or say they had no clue their anti-Semitic group was anti-Semitic.

If this ruling is allowed to stand, it will hinder anyone who campaigns against anti-Semitism — any Jewish group, any pro-Israel group, even anyone who criticizes radical Islam.

This ruling doesn’t just affect my rights. It’s a setback for freedom for everyone.

The comments in question were written on my personal blog six years ago, and so I’m footing the legal bills for this fight myself. The cost of the appeal will surely be at least $30,000 — and I’ve got to come up with that right now. If you share my belief that we cannot let this ruling stand please help me appeal this case now, by clicking here to contribute to my legal costs.

Yours gratefully,

Ezra Levant
WHAT! Legal Jihad against Ezra Levant Successful, BUT …
John R. Houk
© December 1, 2014
The Judgement against Ezra Levant, and Politically Correct Nuttiness

World Truth Summit - ELSA, TRUTH SLEUTH
I’ve lost my lawsuit. But I’m going to appeal. Here’s why.

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