Wednesday, May 8, 2024

DO NOT Allow Medical Tyranny to Continue – Refresher Videos Pt. TWO

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© May 8, 2024


Here is PART ONE.


In PART ONE I looked at the lens of Medical Tyranny via a Trump reelection. I shared my reasoning even with the idiocy of Trump supporting mRNA Jabs (you should read my reasoning) yet Trump demands the END of COVID Mandates.


In this post I begin with Tom Klingenstein’s Trump Virtues II and follow that with seven refresher videos on Medical Tyranny imposed or hidden from the general public that Dem-Marxists would rather you be oblivious in comprehension come November 2024.


The Video Line-Up:


o   Rumble VIDEO: Tom Klingenstein's MOST POWERFUL, ON FIRE VIDEO! "Trump's Virtues, Part II"


o   Rumble VIDEO: The Slow Death of Cana da Villa


o   Bitchute VIDEO: mRNA Brainwashing


o   Bitchute VIDEO: Pharmakeia - Pfizer


o   Bitchute VIDEO: Senator Rand Paul Drops Explosive COVID-19 Origins Report


o   Bitchute VIDEO: A Final Warning to Humanity – Dr. Michael Yeadon


o   Bitchute VIDEO: How was Western Medicine Founded - Torben Lorentzen


o   Bitchute VIDEO: Encapsulated – A Look at World-Wide Medical Tyranny


JRH 5/8/24


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[Blog Editor: Here is Tom Klingenstein's HOMEPAGE. As Chairman of Claremont Institute, here’s his bio there (exactly the same as his HOMEPAGE About Page). HERE’S the Youtube version of Trump's Virtues (Part 1) - Tom Klingenstein 7/6/22.]


Rumble VIDEO: Tom Klingenstein's MOST POWERFUL, ON FIRE VIDEO! "Trump's Virtues, Part II"

Posted by Truths Unlimited

Published April 25, 2024


THOMAS D LINGENSTEIN - Writer-Playwright Investor who was just seen on Steve Bannon's War Room!


Tom Klingenstein is the chairman of the Claremont Institute, he is also a public speaker, a writer, and a playwright.




Tom Klingenstein is the Chairman of the Claremont Institute, he is also a philanthropist, public speaker, writer, and a playwright. He believes that we are in a cold civil war and that our enemy—what he calls the “Woke regime”—are winning, in large measure because Republican leaders have yet to engage.


His essays, speeches and plays all encourage Republicans to do just that— to think, talk, and act as if we are at war. Among his essays are: “Preserving the American Way of Life”, Fighting the Mob”, “Winning the Cold Civil War”, “Men and the Future of America”, and many others. His work has been published at the Claremont Review of Books, Newsweek, American Mind, American Greatness, and Real Clear Politics.


His speeches such as, “A Man vs. A Movement”, “Trump’s Virtues”, and “Racism in America Today” have been viewed by millions of his fellow Americans. His most recent play, “If Only” explores a fictional interracial love story with Abraham Lincoln playing the role of matchmaker.


Contact Tom:



Rumble VIDEO: The Slow Death of Cana da Villa

Posted by Next Level

Published April 16, 2024


[Blog Editor: The satire is aimed at Canadian tyranny, but the application is to everywhere in the once-upon-a-time Free World that has and is and probably will impose Medical Tyranny on Liberty-minded free citizens. BTW, Cana da Villa = Canada. The Dark Prince = Trudeau. Sir Meedia = Mockingbird MSM (THEN [I had to use a little used Gmail account for free access to the “THEN” Medium link. It’s a very readable and informative article, but in case you have access difficulties, GO HERE] & NOW).]


In this satirical fable, the village of Cana da Villa fell victim to the destructive hands of the Dark Prince and his accomplices, led by Sir Meedia and his clan.

This tale serves as a warning of the dangers of unchecked power and the consequences of blindly following those who abuse it.



Bitchute VIDEO: mRNA Brainwashing

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published May 8th, 2024 15:53 UTC


I found this clip on a MeWe Group that I shared to my Profile ( posted by Anonymous Independent Anons *D-A-CH* ( which was evidently acquired from System Failure ( on 12/6/23. Here’s the very brief description:






It documents the media brainwash technology from the people who have been accomplices  in crimes against humanity and their behaviour has caused harm to millions...’



Bitchute VIDEO: Pharmakeia - Pfizer

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published May 8th, 2024 16:03 UTC


I found this short clip of Mel Gibson explaining the corrupt Shell corporation that is the Pfizer from Telegram QAnon General ( posted on 5/2/24 ( How does Pfizer stay in business after criminal & civil convictions? By using a Shell corporation as the fall guy.


QAnon General Description:


 “Pharmakeia Phonetic Spelling: (far-mak-i'-ah) Definition: the use of medicine, drugs or spells Usage: magic, sorcery, enchantment.”



Bitchute VIDEO: Senator Rand Paul Drops Explosive COVID-19 Origins Report

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published May 8th, 2024 16:20 UTC


This a clip from the Vigilant News Net (VNN) which evidently from watching may have an association with the Gateway Pundit. The very interesting clip runs over how Senator Paul confronted (Liar-Traitor) Anthony Fauci about the origins of the CCP Virus (aka COVID) and that the USA funded Wuhan Virology Institute on the Gain of Function research. Fauci called Senator Paul a liar when documented history shows Fauci as the LIAR.


I found the clip at Telegram Sound of Freedom - Redpilling ( posted on 4/14/24 (


Sound of Freedom – Redpilling Description:


‘He says 15 federal agencies KNEW in 2018 that the Wuhan lab was trying to create the COVID-19 virus, but not a single one came forward and told the American public the truth.


Senator Paul revealed to The Daily Mail that his ongoing investigation seeks to thoroughly explore Dr. Fauci’s dealings with the CIA, highlighting the intelligence agency’s ambiguous position on the origins of the pandemic.


Dr. Fauci, who recently retired from his role as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), is currently facing scrutiny over allegations of numerous undisclosed visits to the CIA.


When Laura Ingraham recently asked, “What should the consequences be for Anthony Fauci?” Rand Paul replied, “Jail.”’



Bitchute VIDEO: A Final Warning to Humanity – Dr. Michael Yeadon

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published May 8th, 2024 16:29 UTC


I found this nearly an hour clip of Dr. Michael Yeadon (former Pfizer Exec) on Telegram Clown Planet ( posted on 4/8/24 ( which was sourced from Telegram Real World News (Ryu).


Dr. Yeadon’s Warning to humanity begins with the COVID Fearmongering was/is all about controlling the masses. THEN Dr. Yeadon informs there were and are more effective therapeutic remedies to combat COVID than any (so-called) vaccine. WITHDRAW consent from (mRNA) experimental Jab.


Clown Planet Description:


“A Final Warning to Humanity from Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Michael Yeadon”



Bitchute VIDEO: How was Western Medicine Founded - Torben Lorentzen

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published May 8th, 2024 16:42 UTC 


This video was shared on the Smart Peeps Facebook Messenger Group on 4/16/24. This Lorentzen gal, apparently originally on Instagram (which I do not do) briefly talks about how a Rockefeller screwed up modern medicine which became the slave of Big Pharma.



Bitchute VIDEO: Encapsulated – A Look at World-Wide Medical Tyranny

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published May 8th, 2024 17:03 UTC


I found the clip on Telegram Truth Seekers (an Ask-to-Join Channel) posted on 4/14/24 (


Truth Seekers Description:


“Just like with the Covid "vaccines", when they assure you that digital ID will be voluntary, what they really mean is that they have every intention of making it mandatory.”

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