Tuesday, October 1, 2024

I’ve Decided Where I Stand! Make Your Decision!

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© October 1, 2024


If you are a loyal voting Democratic Party acolyte, SHAME ON YOU! Do you not realize the agenda of the Dems (actually now more Marxist than ever) is to transform America away from its Founding principles of Liberty and a government infused with Christian Morality as the basis for Just governance?


In this current stage of U.S. Representative Government, a vote for a Dem-Marxist is a vote to establish government intrusion in every aspect of an American’s life.


THAT MEANS if you are fully supportive of this transformation, the Dem-Marxists will label you a hero of the State. If you are critical of the fundamental Dem-Marxist transformation and desire to retain the FOUNDERS’ American Heritage, YOU will be labelled an enemy of the State.


Marxists are NOT nice to the designated enemies of the State. Marxists demand citizen re-education (prison, psych-wards, concentration camps, etc.), judicial enslavement (the Soviets sent dissidents to work camps in Siberia) OR death.


If this 2024 Election is stolen in the same brazen manner as 2020 and 2022, I suspect my Senior Citizen future will land me in some kind of J6 detention or worse. WHY? Simply because I’ve made up my mind to not comply with any State diktats that violate my Christian conscience.


That’s where I stand. Decide what you are willing to stand for as I share three cross posts that will turn my relatively short amount of thoughts into a lengthy post.


JRH 10/1/24


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Trump Assassination Attempts Are The Logical Result Of The Left’s Marxist ‘Oppression’ Narrative

Mad Max(ine) – [The Federalist Photo]

Gage Skidmore/Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0


By J.T. Young

September 27, 2024

The Federalist


Despite a second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump in two months, Democrats refuse to relinquish their extremist rhetoric. This inciting rhetoric persists because a fixation on violence pervades the left. More than a political strategy, Democrats’ extremist rhetoric is the product of the leftist ideologies that now rule them.


President Joe Biden kicked off 2024 with a Pennsylvania speech saying “Trump’s assault on democracy isn’t just part of his past. It’s what he’s promising for the future.” In the ensuing months, Biden did not let up.


Even after the first assassination attempt on July 13 in Butler Country, Pennsylvania, Democrats’ rhetoric against Donald Trump did not abate. Just two days after the shooting, Biden again called Trump “a threat to democracy.”


Following a second assassination attempt on Trump in Florida, Democrats continue to press the “threat to democracy” line: Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., said “I think we should be clear that he is a threat to democracy.” She is hardly alone.


Needless to say, had circumstances been reversed, Trump would be enduring unmitigated outrage from Democrats. Yet hypocrisy should not obscure the fact that the left who now dominate the Democrat Party have a storied past of political violence.


Marxist View of Violence


Marxism, the classic ideology of the left, sees all human history as a sequence of conflicts between classes. According to Karl Marx, the sequence does not end until the proletariat overthrow capitalism.


The classic leftist view not only makes violence endemic to society; it makes violence acceptable when wielded in pursuit of what the left sees as the inevitable revolution. Marxist rhetoric reflects this acceptance.


As Mao Zedong said, “political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”  The godfather of the American left’s professional provocateurs, Saul Alinsky, in his 1971 book Rules for Radicals, summarizes Lenin’s approach to violence when the Bolsheviks still lacked the means to carry it out: “They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns then it will be through the bullet.”


Today’s woke ideology is a bastardization of classical Marxism. In her White Album’s essays of the 1970s, Joan Didion aptly described what the woke movement would adopt: “the notion that, in the absence of a cooperative proletariat, a revolutionary class might simply be invented, made up, ‘named’ and so brought into existence.”


The woke movement substitutes amorphous “identity groups” for Marx’s rigid “classes,” while retaining Marxism’s belief in universal conflict. And the woke movement’s rationale for violence is also the same as its Marxist forebears: the oppressed are justified in every form of their resistance.


As their violence has been thus justified, so it has been unleashed nationwide and on every conceivable issue.


Violence is endemic to the left’s prevailing ideologies, both classic and contemporary. Once the mind is set so, it becomes a mindset. It is only natural that it becomes embedded in their rhetoric. Thinking that way, they speak that way.


Trump As Oppressor


Six years ago, Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., railed against members of the Trump administration: “Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet … you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”


The left will not eschew violence because they see it as the legitimate response to the oppression they imagine all around them. When they see Americans rightly condemn it, they refuse to acknowledge it for what it is. When they can no longer ignore it, they refuse to condemn it. When it occurs in conjunction with a cause their mindset sees as the oppressed confronting their oppressor, it overrides the obviousness of its atrocity.


A blind eye exists to the left’s overheated rhetoric against Trump. Having cast Trump in the role of oppressor, they cannot describe him otherwise — even as a second assassination attempt underscores once again their rhetoric’s inherent danger.


For the left — and therefore for the Democrat Party they now control — Trump remains “a threat to democracy,” even in the face of democracy’s literal threat: twice nearly depriving half of Americans of their right to vote for the candidate of their choice.


J.T. Young was a professional staffer in the House and Senate from 1987-2000, served in the Department of Treasury and Office of Management and Budget from 2001-2004, and was director of government relations for a Fortune 20 company from 2004-2023.


© 2024 The Federalist, A wholly independent division of FDRLST Media. All rights reserved.



Disinformation vs. the First Amendment

Man-Megaphone (American Thinker Photo)

Image: Pexels/Dany Kurniawan


By Marcus Ebenhack

September 30, 2024

American Thinker Blog



I came across this John Kerry diatribe lamenting the perils of free speech in my news feed this morning.


To hear an “elder statesman” (I use this term very loosely) of one of America’s two major political parties whine about how the First Amendment to our Constitution hinders political operatives, whether they’re inside government, as Kerry has been for the better part of the last half century, or their state media (DNC) cheerleaders, from spawning and peddling their preferred “narrative” is comical, but it’s even more troubling:


If people only go to one source, and the source they go to is sick, and, you know, has an agenda and they're putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence.


I think it’s safe to say that Kerry’s idea of a “sick” source likely begins with Fox News and includes every other outlet that isn’t part of the DNC propaganda machine. And given his druthers, would love to “hammer it (and the rest of them) out of existence.”


This should scare the hell out of every free-thinking American. Not that Kerry has any political power, but the leadership of his party does and feels the same as he does on this subject. Kill the filibuster, stack the Supreme Court, decree a Presidential nominee without a single primary vote. The party that sees threats to democracy behind every tree desperately needs a mirror!


It’s hard to read this without laughing out loud. “Has an agenda and they're putting out disinformation.” Has Kerry not been reading the New York Times and Washington Post the past ten years? Does he not watch CNN and MSNBC? These outlets are the poster children for “having an agenda and putting out disinformation.’


To be completely fair, the largest purveyor of disinformation these days is our government. We see it everywhere, from jobs numbers (overreported for Dems and generally revised downward a month or two later) crime statistics (grossly underreported for the Biden/Harris administration). How many government economists told us the Biden/Harris inflation was “transitory?” And how many deep-state spooks assured us the “Hunter laptop” story was the work of a Russian information operation?


The answer to that last one is 51 if you’re scoring at home.


The political hacks at the NYT and WaPo are nowhere near clever enough to create these stories on their own. They rely on their deep-state handlers to feed them these stories, which they gleefully, and mindlessly, run to press with. As Matt Taibbi said: when David Ignatius’s (WaPo) lips are moving, the CIA’s words are coming out.


So much for the history. The bottom line here is that authoritarian Democrat politicians, be they John Kerry, Joe Biden, or Kamala Harris, would love nothing more than to hammer out of existence our First Amendment freedoms, to quell any dissenting viewpoints from the public square. They just can’t abide these inconvenient truths making them look bad.


We’re constantly told what a threat to democracy Donald Trump is. This is merely more Democrat projection. By now it’s well established that whatever Democrat politicians and media flacks accuse Republicans of, the Democrats are guilty of tenfold. Didn’t I see Hillary (the conjuror of the Russian Collusion smear,) calling to prosecute purveyors of propaganda this week? Oh, my goodness, pot meet kettle! Only in America could this level of brazen hypocrisy and complete lack of self-awareness pass for serious discourse. Hillary is many things, but stupid isn’t one of them. She knows exactly what she’s doing and knows she can get away with it only because of the DNC media’s servility to her party.


I would love to see Trump take up this mantle and prosecute all of them. God knows he has ten years’ worth of incontrovertible evidence on his side. It’s funny to listen to these shameless propagandists like Rachel Maddow feign fear that Trump would jail her and her ilk. If only. It’s far better than they deserve.


I’ll take what the Dems call disinformation over censorship every day of the week and every week of the year. When they rot in Hell maybe I’ll see them there, but until then, seeing them rot in prison would be good enough for me.


Benjamin Franklin said it best: “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither.”


© American Thinker 2024

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More Than 200 Retired Admirals And Generals Endorse Trump

Trump Speech (The Federalist Screenshot)

PBS Newshour /Youtube 


By M.D. Kittle

September 30, 2024

The Federalist


Flag Officers 4 America endorsement letter warns of the real threat a Harris-Walz administration would bring to the security of the republic.


With the United States facing arguably the “most important election since our Nation was founded,” more than 200 retired generals and admirals are endorsing former President Donald Trump for president.


In a letter published Monday morning, Flag Officers 4 America issues a stinging indictment of the failed policies of President Joe Biden and his cackling vice president, Kamala Harris, the Democrats replacement standard bearer following the party’s silent coup in July. The endorsement is also a counter shot at the recent letter from Trump-hating former national security officials endorsing Harris.


Signed by highly respected former high-ranking members of the military who understand as well as anyone the critical necessity of strong leadership, the Flag Officers 4 America letter is sure to draw the fire of the Democratic Party and the accomplice media, as an epistle from the group excoriating the leftists in power did three years ago.


“The undersigned retired Generals and Admirals are endorsing Donald J. Trump for president in 2024 because he is a proven leader who will secure our border, repulse our adversaries, revitalize our economy and keep America safe and strong,” the document opens.


The retired admirals and generals argue America is at a stark crossroads, with the nearly 250-year-old republic facing an existential choice between standing with the constitution and “ its underlying traditional values which have made America great” or continuing down the path to “the deadly abyss of socialism and authoritarian cultural marxism.”


“Today our Nation has never been more divided as the cultural war, supported by the Democratic party, divides our citizens into conflicting groups,” states the letter, signed by highly decorated commanders such as Maj. General Patrick H. Brady, Maj. General James E. Livingston, and Vice Admiral Howard B. Thorsen. “Recent evidence is the widespread riots on university campuses with students and faculty supporting terrorist organizations, Hamas and Hezbollah, blatantly flying their flags on American soil and burning our U.S. national flag.”


Recipe for Disaster


The Trump endorsement notes the bipartisan congressional Commission on the National Defense Strategy report, which states that the U.S. is confronting “the most serious and the most challenging threats since the end of World War II.”


“The United States could in short order be drawn into a war across multiple theaters with peer and near-peer adversaries, and it could lose,” the commission warned. Meanwhile, the Heritage Foundation’s “Index of U.S. Military Strength” rated the overall U.S. military position as “weak.” 


In short, as America’s military strength diminishes, its adversaries are growing stronger — a recipe for disaster. None of which is surprising, the retired admirals and generals assert, under a Biden-Harris administration that has imposed “divisive social engineering programs embodied in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the expense of warfighting readiness…”


“China, Iran, Russia, North Korea, and global terrorists are rapidly expanding their capabilities and aggressiveness. This did not happen during Donald Trump’s presidency,” the letter argues.


Flag Officers 4 America cite myriad examples of America’s deterioration in recent years, failures that rank among top voter concerns. A wide open border has allowed millions of “unvetted illegals from 160 countries,” including 100,000 Chinese, most of military age, “plus thousands of criminals and terrorists” to pour into the country and “place America at great risk.”


“Future terrorist attacks of some size and U.S. soil are a near certainty,” the letter states.


Soaring inflation has compromised funding for the military, the retired military members assert, with the annual interest rate on the $35 trillion U.S. debt now exceeding the U.S. defense budget.


“For the government itself, this means interest on the debt slicing more and more into the funds available for national spending priorities,” the Council on Foreign Relations wrote in May.


The Critical Question


Harris and her running mate, far-left Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz —  who has been widely criticized for lying about his military rank and abandoning his unit just before it was deployed to Iraq — like to boast about the 700-plus Trump-hating current and former national security officials who recently penned a letter endorsing the Democrat candidates. The letter was published in leftist mouthpiece, the New York Times.


It was celebrated by the accomplice media as a true act of patriotism by a group of swamp creatures who bill Trump as a “danger to our national security and our democracy.” The former president, of course, has proved to be a threat to the Deep State, populated by many who signed the letter. Signatories include former Central Intelligence Agency director and partisan propagandist John Brennan, one of the infamous 50-plus intelligence officials who falsely claimed the New York’s post’s bombshell Hunter Biden laptop story published not long before the 2020 election was a “Russian information campaign.” Big Tech and Corporate media, led by the New York Times and the Washington Post worked with these Deep State creeps to shut down the story and silence related information in one of the most sinister election interference campaigns in U.S. history.


The same corporate media players eviscerated Flag Officers 4 America’s public letter in 2021 criticizing how the 2020 presidential election was rigged, particularly in critical swing states. As we have learned since, they were right to be concerned. In the letter, the retired admirals and generals warned about the Biden-Harris administration’s open border policies, its censoring of speech, its reengagement with Iran in the “flawed Iran Nuclear Deal”, and Biden’s immediate order killing the Keystone Pipeline. Each of those policies has led to disasters domestically and abroad.


Flag Officers 4 America also warned about the “mental and physical condition of the Commander in Chief.”


“He must be able to quickly make accurate national security decisions involving life and limb anywhere, day or night,” the former military leaders wrote at the time. How right they were to be worried, as the world clearly witnessed during Biden’s cognitive meltdown while debating Trump in late June.


Ultimately, the retired admirals and generals ask Americans the simple but critical question Republican presidential candidate Ronald Reagan asked in late October 1980: Are you better off than you were four years ago?


“We must ask: ‘Is our national security stronger or weaker today than four years ago?’ The answer is clear,” the letter argues. “We urge our fellow Americans to join us in supporting the election of Donald J. Trump for president. Our future is at stake.”


Matt Kittle is a senior elections correspondent for The Federalist. An award-winning investigative reporter and 30-year veteran of print, broadcast, and online journalism, Kittle previously served as the executive director of Empower Wisconsin.


© 2024 The Federalist, A wholly independent division of FDRLST Media. All rights reserved.

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