Friday, September 29, 2023

Taking a Look at Agenda for World Domination

 UN Agenda 21/2030, WEF & WHO

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© September 29, 2023


TODAY is only a drop in the bucket in the amount of info of the Globalist-Elitist few to dominate the many by any means necessary even if it means depopulating to a more controllable amount of people.


The drop in the bucket of available information on UN Agenda 21/2030, WEF and the WHO. I’m posting 2-videos I uploaded to my Bitchute Channel and a Telegram Natural News post. The titles:


o   Agenda 21 (2030) Globalist Plan


o   No Farmers No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs? EPOCH TV


o   Dr. Meryl Nass warns: WHO pandemic treaty is about global dominion by the few and total control of the masses


Then if that whets your thirst for knowledge I’m adding a couple of older videos aimed at exposing the World Economic Forum (WEF). The titles:


o   WEF Scientist Testifies 'Man-Made Climate Change Is a Depopulation Scam' – The People’s Voice (Rumble)


o   I WENT TO THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM AS A SPY —THIS IS WHAT SCARED ME THE MOST (EDITED) – Picked up by Bitchute Channel Some Guy of Glenn Beck going clandestinely to WEF meetings as well as conducting interviews pertaining to his discoveries.


JRH 9/29/23


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Bitchute VIDEO: Agenda 21 (2030) Globalist Plan

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published September 28th, 2023 18:44 UTC 


I found this just little over 2-minute video on the Telegram Channel Sound of Freedom ( posted on 9/27/23 (


Here’s the Sound of Freedom description:


‘"The goal of Agenda 21 is one world government, and total control from a central unit."


Author of 'Behind the Green Mask', the late Rosa Koire, breaks down the totalitarian United Nations control plan known as 'Agenda 21' (which later became Agenda 2030).’ [Amazon link to purchase book added by Blog Editor]


[Blog Editor: This info not on my Bitchute Channel but added as a reference for the Blog:



o   Rosa Koire - Behind The Green Mask; (bio & expose Agenda 21/2030 videos by Rosa Koire – link is http Not Secure); No Date


o   Youtube VIDEO: Rosa Koire - UN Agenda 21 and The Great Reset: Dropping The Mask [The Greater Reset, 1/25/2021]


o   PDF - BEHIND THE GREEN MASK: U.N. Agenda 21; By ROSA KOIRE; Posted by The Avalon Library with reference to Post Sustainability Institute which not exist any longer because link “Error - Page Not Found” as of today’s post; 169-pgs.]



Bitchute VIDEO: No Farmers No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs? EPOCH TV

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published September 28th, 2023 16:19 UTC 


This is a Documentary from EPOCH TV originally posted on 9/25/23. The original post link:


As the title indicates, the documentary focuses on Agenda 21/2030 & WEF designs to limit food production they perceive or deceive to affect Climate Change. My perception is the agenda is to decrease the world population for easier Globalist-Elitist control of humanity.


Here’s the EPOCH TV description:


‘“No Farmers No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs?” is an Epoch Original documentary exposing the hidden agenda behind global “Green Policies,” the untold stories of farmers forced out of business, the disruption this will have on our food supply, and why edible bugs are suddenly being pushed to the fore as a "Global Green Solution."


EpochTV program “Facts Matter” host Roman Balmakov investigates the rapidly changing landscape of our global food source—the farming industry—through interviews with farmers in The Netherlands, Sri Lanka, and the United States. This is the next global crisis that is being ignored by the world’s media.


Official Website:

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Special Thanks to the Farmers Defence Force



Dr. Meryl Nass warns: WHO pandemic treaty is about global dominion by the few and total control of the masses


Posted at Telegram Channel Natural News

Post Link

September 27, 2023 5:25:00 PM


Meryl Nass, a biowarfare and epidemics expert, has warned about the globalist agenda to impose a "global dominion by the few and total control of the masses" disguised as an international pandemic treaty under the World Health Organization (WHO).


According to Nass, whose medical license was suspended in January 2022 by the Maine medical board for allegedly spreading "COVID misinformation" and prescribing ivermectin, the current draft of the treaty and the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) would require the public to have mRNA-based vaccination. [Bold Text Emphasis Blog Editor’s] However, these vaccines are only produced in 100 days by skipping human trials and reducing safety and efficacy testing to the bare minimum.


The treaty gives the director-general of the WHO additional power to determine which medications can be used in medical emergencies. This means that the WHO will gain authority over the healthcare of the public in different states, obliging local healthcare practitioners to adhere to their directives.


The WHO is also set to implement nationwide biosurveillance programs to identify potential pandemic-causing pathogens by testing humans, domesticated and farm animals and wildlife, as well as inspecting farms, factories, wastewater, and more. Additionally, the WHO director-general can declare a pandemic or even a potential one, but with no predefined criteria to declare one.


Furthermore, the director-general can act based on little more than hearsay. Concrete evidence of an impending or ongoing pandemic is not a prerequisite. Nations are also obliged to monitor and censor social media to push the WHO's narrative.


This globalist agenda, disguised as a treaty, implies a loss of medical freedom and bodily autonomy for the masses.


WHO pandemic treaty encourages gain-of-function research


In an article published by Nass entitled "The WHO’s Proposed Treaty Will Increase Manmade Pandemics," [Brownstone Institute link added by Blog Editor and dated 8/17/23] she pointed out that the treaty encourages "gain-of-function" research, a euphemism for biological warfare research, to predict future pandemic threats or potential bioweapons.


Meaning, the WHO obliges its members to actively search for potentially pandemic-causing pathogens and, once found, share them and any associated research globally. With this strategy, it would be harder to blame a country or organization as all nations are working with the same pathogens.


Moreover, the treaty proposes that governments share all viruses and bacteria with "pandemic potential" with the WHO and other governments, even putting their genomic sequences online. However, this plan risks exposing dangerous pathogens to hackers and other malicious actors, undermining global security.


In short, gain-of-function research is explicitly incentivized by the treaty.


Ultimately, the WHO treaty pushes people in the opposite direction of what is required to prevent future pandemics. To effectively prevent pandemics, it is necessary to stop gain-of-function research, as it represents the most significant pandemic threat.


"It is the public who pays the cost of the research, and then pays again for the accidents and deliberate leaks. Wouldn't it be better to end gain-of-function research entirely, by restricting funding or closing the laboratories, rather than encouraging the distribution of biological weapons?  If we want a decent future, it is crucial that we control these weapons instead of proliferating them," Nass wrote.


[Blog Editor: Natural News places a Brighteon video link at the end of the post - Brighteon is difficult to embed so I’ll be using Bitchute. The video is Mike Adams interviewing Dr. Francis Boyle on bioweapons & biowarfare dated “10 months ago”. The Brighteon title is a bit different than the Bitchute version but it’s the same: “Dr. Francis Boyle issues URGENT WARNING about WHO pandemic treaty designed to enslave & exterminate humanity: “Dr. Francis Boyle issues URGENT WARNING about WHO pandemic treaty designed to enslave & exterminate humanity”.]



[Posted by NaturalNews

First Published November 22nd, 2022 16:27 UTC





Rumble VIDEO: WEF Scientist Testifies 'Man-Made Climate Change Is a Depopulation Scam'

Posted by The People's Voice

Published July 24, 2023


- Protect yourself from data breaches with up to $1 million of coverage:


A top climate change scientist has become the latest expert to blow the whistle on the globalist elite and admit the so-called climate crisis is a hoax to depopulate the world, humiliate the masses, and bolster the coffers of the elite at the expense of ordinary, working people.


That’s the problem with perpetuating a massive, ongoing hoax that affects literally every single person on the planet. A hoax of such enormous scale requires a lot of people to be in on the secret, and eventually some of them are going to blow the whistle and tell the truth.


Mainstream media is still trying to keep up appearances and pretend the hoax isn’t falling apart. That’s what they are paid to do by the global elite, after all. But the media is fighting a losing battle.


At this point the media is like the proverbial Dutch boy with his finger in the dam wall, plugging the leaks that are threatening to burst the dam wall.


Unfortunately for the mainstream media, the leaks are growing by the day, and the wall is about to come crashing in.




Posted by Some Guy!

First Published August 10th, 2023 22:37 UTC


SHOCKING SUPER SMART CITY PLAN - The reason Dutch farmers are being targeted (depopulation adjacent)

Globalist plans to make a super (smart) city taking over the whole of the Netherlands, parts of Germany & Belgium too, all under the pretence of alleged damage to the environment from Nitrogen!

Trudeau (Canada) has identical plans. + There is zero news coverage of any of the farmers protests etc. on CBS in Canada.

Source (clip from July 14th - The Reason WHY Canadian News Is Blocking Us From This Massive Worldwide News")" - libertytalkcanada


In this episode of Ideas Have Consequences, Larry engages in an enlightening conversation with Jim Ferguson, a passionate advocate standing shoulder-to-shoulder against the World Economic Forum and its intricate global strategies. Jim, a devoted patriot from Scotland with a fervent belief in individual liberties, delves into the meticulous research he has undertaken, unraveling the intricate web woven by the WEF. Unveiling their intentions to exercise control over the worldwide food chain by unsettlingly seizing farms, Jim’s insights bring to light the gravity of the situation.


Furthermore, the video sheds light on the disconcerting connection between prominent WEF benefactors and their zealous promotion of Covid-19 and other vaccines. Astonishingly, these very individuals ardently advocate for a drastic reduction in the global populace by several billion souls. The discourse takes an alarming turn as we explore openly discussed aspirations of globalist powers. The urgency for ordinary citizens to be prepared and resolute in opposing the affluent utilitarian puppeteers orchestrating the World Economic Forum becomes undeniably apparent. Join us to delve into these crucial issues that demand the vigilance and determination of all those who champion the cause of freedom.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

With a Medical Tyranny Horizon, Here’s a Medical Tyranny Refresher

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© September 27, 2023


TODAY is Medical Tyranny refresher day.


I’m posting a series of Telegram videos I found on various Channels to which I belong. All the videos were posted on these Channel on 9/25/23; however, although new to me, I can tell some of the videos may have been around for some time. I sense another round of Medical Tyranny might be on the horizon. So be aware there are actually responsible doctors and scientists out there willing to counter the lying narrative of money-grubbing Globalist-Tyrants who only care about their control-agenda and/or their lined pocketbooks.


BTW: I Telegram. Help my Channel to grow by subscribing to SlantRight 2.0 -


JRH 9/27/23


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Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!


Bitchute VIDEO: Swiss cardiologist calls for the abolishment of the WHO

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published September 26th, 2023 19:59 UTC


I found this on the Telegram Channel Telegram FBI SECRET Files which I believe might be only accessed with permission to join. The video has been around a while but was posted at FBI SECRET Files on 9/25/23 (


The Swiss Cardiologist is Dr. Thomas Binder. The Globalists in power in Europe tried to discredit his actual science by tossing him into a psychiatric ward for questioning bad science. SEE AND for 2023 interviews on political persecution.



Bitchute VIDEO: Last American Vagabond Video - Dr. David Martin Exposes the WHO's Global Genocide

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published September 26th, 2023 20:16 UTC


I found this video on the Telegram Channel Sound of Freedom ( posted on 9/25/23. Original post:


Dr. Martin testifies on Medical Tyranny genocide laying much of the blame on the World Health Organization (WHO). Dr. Martin calls the WHO a criminal cartel and goes on to explain how.


Dr. Martin as is typical of those bucking the science narrative is not without controversy. If you check the Leftist Fact Checkers, they all vilify him. YET before the China-Wuhan Virus, he was quite respected.


Here’s an excerpt of a bio from Totality of Evidence dated 3/24/22:


Dr David Martin is the founder and owner of the company M-CAM International which has provided research and corporate advisory services to over 160 countries and he has personally served as an advisor to the World Bank and many governments. Dr Martin first came to the attention of the world when he featured in the August 2020 documentary by Mikki Willis called Planandemic Indoctornation [sic]. More about Dr Martin HERE -


Dave wrote his first classified briefing about bio-weapons corruption in 2001, and has been presenting lectures at bio-weapons conferences since then. He has been tracking Dr Anthony Fauci’s spending and notes that Fauci has authorised $191 billion in funds for the bio-weaponisation of viruses against humanity.”



Bitchute VIDEO: FDA Rebuked for Smearing Ivermectin

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published September 26th, 2023 21:00 UTC


This is actually a Daily Dose video put out by America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) which I found on their Telegram Channel ( The AFLDS Daily Dose videos collectively can be found HERE: Most of the videos feature Dr. Peterson Pierre whose actual medical expertise is cosmetic dermatology. MEET DR. PETERSON PIERRE webpage:


This original Daily Dose video was uploaded on 9/18/23 under the title “'Doctors Can Prescribe Ivermectin' with Dr. Peterson Pierre” - I changed the title.


The Telegram Channel posted the video on 9/25/23: Here’s the AFLDS Telegram description:


Remember when the FDA ran a smear campaign on ivermectin calling it horse paste? Three doctors brought a suit against the FDA for the professional harm this caused them.


The FDA has changed its tune and now states - “The FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID.”


The doctors who advocated for ivermectin to treat COVID have finally been vindicated and now the FDA is trying to backpedal. They need to be held accountable.”



Bitchute VIDEO: Truth Science vs Gates Science - Which is the Enemy of Humanity

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published September 26th, 2023  22:02 UTC


I found this video on the Telegram Channel AMG-NEWS ( which was posted 9/25/23 (


In the post description, AMG-NEWS poised a question followed by two quotes from Elon Musk and Bill Gates:


Which one is the enemy of humanity?


"Having children is saving the world." - Elon Musk


"Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower the population by 10 or 15 percent." - Bill Gates


AMG-NEWS does not answer the question. AND SO, if you are Pro-Life (like me) and anti-Globalist Depopulation (like me), the answer would be Elon Musk is the friend and Gates is the enemy. And of course, if you are a brainwashed Leftist, you’d probably reverse the order of friend-enemy.


But my view on Musk – and yes he has promoted a bunch of pro-Liberty stances – is ultimately Musk promotes an integrated AI-Transhumanist agenda which in my view is ungodly. ERGO, Gates is definitely an enemy of humanity and Musk at the very least is someone humanity should not trust.


AND THEN THERE IS THE VIDEO! The video actually does not touch on Musk at all (unless I missed it). The video allows Gates to express he is the enemy of humanity in his own words versus those taking a stand against Medical Tyranny in their own words – AND THAT MAKES THIS A GREAT VIDEO.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

KNOWING There are Govt/Science Lies, Test YOUR Credulity Meter

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© September 24, 2023


TODAY I’m embarking on a share path.


I’m sharing two Greg Reese videos I originally found on his Substack that many will find in the realm of incredulity. Those relatively short videos tackle subjects often relegated to Conspiracy Theory: Remote Viewing and 5G activated mRNA future viruses. Hence the incredulity.


In these days of MASSIVE government lying to control citizens through fearmongering, you should at least test your incredulity meter with an open mind and some independent thinking rather than just blindly accept the notions of Leftist lying fact checkers.


Then I’m a sharing a video I uploaded from The Vigilant Fox Substack page which is a repost of a Steve Bannon/Dr. Naomi Wolf interview discussing the Biden Dem-Marxist White House conspired with Medical Tyrants to keep Jab harms from the public as they promoted the lie “Safe & Effective”. Again, due to the existence of MASSIVE government-lies and Big Pharma dominated science-lies, this video SHOULD NOT test your credulity unless you been totally brainwashed by the LIARS.


LAST OF ALL I’m sharing two posts that should pique the interest of Christians who believe as I do that we quite probably are on the beginning cusps of Last Days events:


o   Communist Goals for America … They’re Making Grim Progress …; By Jerry Newcombe; Daily Surge; 9/24/23


o   In One Short Tweet, James O'Keefe Delivers the Warning We All Need to Hear Right Now: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood...; By JD RUCKER; America First Report (Substack); 9/23/23


JRH 9/24/23


Thank you to those who have stepped up! I need Readers willing to chip in $5 - $10 - $25 - $50 - $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is appreciated. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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Multiple Remote Viewers Warn of World Changing Event at Year’s End

If the powers that be can no longer trick us, then they will try and hurt us.



September 20, 2023

The Reese Report



[Posted by Greg Reese

First Published September 20th, 2023 18:42 UTC




The counterculture is now aware of False Flags. Operations that are executed by the powers that be and blamed on someone else are now being called out in real-time on social media platforms despite the censorship. It’s becoming popular. And if the powers that be can no longer trick us, then they will try and hurt us.


According to the scientific data, nearly all humans have a certain degree of psychic awareness. And some of us become acutely aware of it. The term, Remote Viewing, was coined by the US Department of Defense when they began training people in this field. It is the art of viewing an unknown target at any distance within the mind’s eye and retrieving accurate data. To refine this data, Remote Viewers work together as a team and look for redundant data.


Remote Viewing teams such as, the Future Forecasting Group, work with a double-blind protocol. This means that they do not know where or what the target is. The information they are given is an arbitrarily designated number such as; A9I5-Q7K4. As they blindly view the target in a meditative state of focus, imagery is flashed in the mind and immediately sketched out and collected. The Future Forecasting Group has been successful at predicting the Panama Canal incident, the Destruction of the Kakhovka Dam in Ukraine, the Halloween stampede in South Korea, police violence at the Canadian Trucker protest, and many others. Which can all be found at Future Forecasting


The Future Forecasting Group was recently assigned the target of the next financial crisis. Because of their double-blind protocol, the only information they were given was an arbitrary number. But the Viewers were all distracted by overpowering images of a catastrophic event. They all saw the same thing. Massive explosions with multiple points of impact, small particles, and debris falling from the sky, people sick with Cesium, which is the most dangerous of all radioactive isotopes. Used in Dirty Bomb scenarios. They saw police checkpoints, people seeking shelter underground, and an exodus of sad-looking people.


Remote Viewing goes back in the written record for millennia. And has been repeated in the current scientific record for decades. According to this body of work, most people are able to do this. And this is why Clif High’s Predictive Linguistics program works.


By reading the entirety of human language across the World Wide Web, the program will list repeated words and phrases in all languages creating a macroscopic view of what everyone is talking about. So if all humans are psychic, whether they know it or not, then you would see it in the collective chatter. Especially for traumatic events. The bigger the trauma, the more people would be emoting their anxiety online. And key words can be found. Such as the word “ejecta”, which has been showing up in Clif High’s work. Which shows the same event.


Predictive Linguistics reveals a time frame of when a big event happens at the point in time when the tension language ends, and the release language begins. The tension language is the psychic awareness before an event. And the release language is the event itself as everyone is made aware. Based on this, Clif High sees this event happening near the end of this year.


Both the Predictive Linguistics and the Future Forecasting Group saw that this was a decision that was made by some faction of government. Several saw a button being pressed. And they propose that if enough eyes are on the powers that be, maybe it will never happen.




© 2023 Greg Reese

The Reese Report HOMEPAGE




5G Activated Zombie Apocalypse

Military attorney says lipid nanoparticles contain pathogens that can be released by pulsed 5G signal



September 22, 2023

The Reese Report



[Posted by Greg Reese

First Published September 22nd, 2023 21:34 UTC




© 2023 Greg Reese

The Reese Report HOMEPAGE




Bitchute VIDEO: BOMBSHELL - New-Found Emails Prove Biden White House Hid COVID Vaccine Harms from the Public

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published September 24th, 2023


It’s obvious this is a Bannon War Room video, but I acquired this Steve Bannon/Dr. Naomi Wolf interview from a Substack Vigilant Fox post dated 9/22/23 (


You should read the Substack post because the text highlights the “BOMBSHELL” delivered in the interview. In essence the BOMBSHELL is the Biden Dem-Marxist White House conspired with Medical Tyrants to keep Jab harms from the public as they promoted the lie “Safe & Effective”.



Communist Goals for America … They’re Making Grim Progress …

USA-Communist Puzzle Pieces - Image:; Image by Henrikas Mackevicius from Pixabay


By Jerry Newcombe 

September 24, 2023

Daily Surge


Surge Summary:  Decades-old stated objectives of Communists in America have been incrementally coming to pass for a couple generations. These ideas are the antithesis of those founding truths that shaped the nation to become the land that attracts people from around the world. 


By Jerry Newcombe, D.Min., Providence Forum


Communists are burning flags in Chicago. If you will, they were “trying that in a large town” in their protests at a Jason Aldean concert in the Windy City. Aldean is best known for his hit, “Try That in a Small Town.” reports, “The protesters were raising awareness of RevCom (Revolutionary Communist Party), which believes in creating a Marxist revolution in America, calling the USA ‘the belly of the beast.’”


The idea of a communist revolution in America, “the belly of the beast,” might well seem far-fetched. But consider the incredible “progress” that the Marxists have made in this country in the last several decades.


Dr. Carol M. Swain used to teach at Princeton and also at Vanderbilt Law School. In an interview with D. James Kennedy Ministries, she mentioned some of the communist objectives for the United States.


Dr. Swain told our viewers: “I’m sure you’re familiar with the book that Cleon Skousen wrote in 1958 called The Naked Communist. That book had near its appendix 45 current communist goals. Those goals were read into the Congressional record in 1963. If you read through those goals, many of them have been accomplished, and one was to take over a political party. To discredit the FBI, to use race as a wedge issue, to take over the public schools, and you go down the list and they’ve accomplished almost every goal that they’ve set out to accomplish.”


Swain added, “And I think we see the implementation of those communist goals and yes, it’s cultural Marxism and it’s all about destroying our society.”


Anyone who doubts her should actually read the goals. Here are just a few.

Goal 27
: “Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with ‘social’ religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a ‘religious crutch.’”


Many of the churches in America have gone woke, which effectively means they have replaced the Gospel, where Jesus saves individuals and then they impact society, with a message of social salvation that teaches it is systemic societal ills that need redemption.


Goal 28: “Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of ‘separation of church and state.’”


The First Amendment declares “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” But beginning in 1947 and then especially in the 1960s and 1970s, the Supreme Court changed the understanding of “no establishment” (meaning no established church at the federal level) to meaning essentially a separation of God and government—something the founding fathers would not have agreed with.


Now, the public schools have become, for the most part, secular wastelands because of the effective banishment of God and school prayer. Our history books have been rewritten, and God has been erased. School prayer is out. The metal detectors are in.

Goal 29
: “Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a world-wide basis.”


The Constitution is even being called “trash” by some modern thinkers. But would-be immigrants who risk their lives to come into the United States illegally argue with their feet that it is anything but trash.


Goal 30: “Discredit the American founding fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the ‘common man.””


Who would have thought that a nation that celebrated the bicentennial in 1976 so profusely would have developed so much contempt for the founding fathers in just a few decades since?


In a few years, we’ll come to the 250th anniversary of America. Will that be an occasion of celebration or an occasion of gnashing of teeth and more statue-toppling?


The sacrifices of the founding fathers are well documented. They said in the Declaration of Independence that they were trusting in God as they made a full-scale commitment to this cause: “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”


Some of them died in support of our liberty. Many of them had their property destroyed. They became specific targets of the British torch during the war.


What was the point of their cause? Self-rule under God. Those two phrases summarize the American experiment.


But communism cannot countenance the idea of God. Nor can communism allow for self-rule.


It’s scary to see how successful the communists have been so far in achieving their goals. But as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said in a different context: America is in decline, but it is not inevitable.


Our prayer is that God would revive the work of His hands in this great nation.


Dr. Jerry Newcombe is the executive director of Providence Forum, a division of D. James Kennedy Ministries, where Jerry also serves as senior producer and an on-air contributor. He has written/co-written 33 books, including (with D. James Kennedy), What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? and (with Dr. Peter Lillback), George Washington’s Sacred Fire.


The views here are those of the author and not necessarily Daily Surge.

Originally posted here.


Copyright © 2023 All Rights Reserved.



In One Short Tweet, James O'Keefe Delivers the Warning We All Need to Hear Right Now

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood...



September 23, 2023

America First Report


O'Keefe Media Group (OMG) founder James O'Keefe has built a reputation over the years for being the gold standard among investigative journalists. His time with Project Veritas and now with OMG has delivered some of the most profound revelations and exposés in modern history.


This is why it took me aback when I read a message he posted on social media over the weekend. It wasn't a bombshell secret he discovered or a rant about any of the various evil entities he has exposed. It was a warning intended for all of us. And as I noted in reply, it's the most important message he's ever delivered.


Evil is coming for all of us. Nobody is immune and nobody will come out unscathed.


In the fight against powers and principalities, the weak ones will bend a knee and lie in order to ‘survive.’


The strong ones with morals who adhere to truth and trust God will persevere.


The Powers and Principalities that many of us often discuss were brought to light in Ephesians 6:12:


For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


The forces of the adversary are all around us, but they are most prevalent in the various halls of power across this planet. From high-ranking government officials to corporate CEOs to the mega-rich activists funding the globalist elite cabal, the minions of Satan are driving this world toward its fiery conclusion. This is both terrifying and wonderful to understand. It's terrifying for those who are aware of our trajectory as a society, but it can be wonderful (and still sometimes terrifying) to Bible-believing Christians who appreciate the implications.


The end may be near, but we must never stop fighting the good fight.


My one extended conversation with O'Keefe was both infuriating and insightful. His reputation of being a bit prickly is well-deserved, but his mind is sharp and his devotion to the truth is unmatched. I'm more impressed now as he delivers this important message. Hopefully he and others will continue sharing the realities of this world because we need as many people as possible to wake up and realize the adversary is coming after us all.


There is only One who deserves our bent knee. The adversary and his minions deserve nothing from us but the sword.


© 2023 JD Rucker

America First Report HOMEPAGE

SUBSCRIBE/SUPPORT America First Report

Friday, September 22, 2023

Don’t Wait for Christ’s Return, RESIST Antichrist Spirit NOW!

I Believe in a Rapture – I Believe in the Return, But Those Times are Indeterminate – To Abide in Christ Means Do Something About Emerging Tyranny


By John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© September 22, 2023


If you are a Believing Christian, you probably have at least an inkling there are dark forces infecting governing authorities not only in the USA but also World-Wide. If you are in the “inkling” category, you might or should elevate your awareness to a cognitive RED ALERT.


You can either sit on your hands and experience an antichrist spirit tyranny hoping in a soon Return of Jesus the Son of God OR you can WAKE UP now and realize we know not the date or the hour of the Redeemer/Savior’s Return.


NOT KNOWING means we Believers are to actively abide in this present time in Christ and RESIST the tyranny of the antichrist spirit infecting our governing leaders as well as way too many Church leaders. RESIST any worldly transformation that detracts from the Will of God – HIS WILL is known by HIS HOLY WORD in the Bible.


ERGO, know there is an antichrist spirit that sets our to deceive the Believing Elect - 1 John 2: 18, 22-23; 2 John 1: 7-11 (NKJV):


1 John 2:


18 Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the[a] Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.



a. 1 John 2:18 NU omits the


22 Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. 23 Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also. (Read full chapter)


2 John 1:


For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. Look to yourselves, that [a]we do not lose those things we worked for, but that we may receive a full reward.


Whoever [b]transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him; 11 for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds. (Read full chapter)



a. 2 John 1:8 NU you

b. 2 John 1:9 NU goes ahead


Unless you’ve been dwelling under a rock, you’ve probably heard of the Globalist agenda known as The Great Reset. Especially if you are an American, YOU should understand The Great Reset is all about fundamentally transforming the belief systems of ALL humanity to serve the belief systems of a wealthy Elitist few. Here’s a good summary that you may have seen in the past – consider it a refresher if you viewed before:


Bitchute VIDEO: Great Reset in 5-Minutes

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published September 22nd, 2023 13:34 UTC 




Friends, anything to do with the agenda of The Great Reset is an antichrist spirit deception to infect governments and society with an anti-Christian culture which leads to a loss of individual Liberty and to the Elitist tyranny of the few.


THE EXPOSÉ sifts through an 8-minute video put on by the Left-oriented The Economist which is a discussion between WEF false prophet (a homosexual Israeli who has abandoned his Jewish Covenant – SEE HERE & HERE) Yuval Noah Harari and (Google DeepMind and now Inflection AI) Mustafa Suleyman who talk about their beliefs of a society dominated by Artificial Intelligence (AI).  YUP, this is antichrist spirit transformation stuff being brought to light by THE EXPOSÉ.


Then American Media Group News takes a look a Project Flicker which was a DEFENSE CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE (DCIS) look at pedophilia crimes connected to the Pentagon which as the title scintillates includes other Federal Agencies that do Pentagon work: “BOOM! THE PENTAGON PEDOPHILES: Over 5,000 Pentagon Department of Defense, U.S. Military, DARPA, NSA and NASA Employees Involved in Child Pornography”.


The AMG News post culminates with a X/Twitter embed of a video from Truth Justice ™ which when I prepared my own embed discovered the AMG News post itself largely excerpted the lengthy Truth Justice (lengthy means they paid for a verified X Account) post. The video is roughly 15-minutes of splicing from competing news services reporting on how the investigative DCIS dropped the ball on pursuing massive pedophilia connected to the Pentagon circa 2008. Guess who became POTUS in 2008 and participated in homosexual sex prior to election…HMM. MORE antichrist spirit transformation stuff … YOU should realize godless LGBTQ is trying to normalize pedophilia on the same scale of acceptance now pushed for the LGBTQ lifestyle:


o   LGBT is swiftly being normalized. Pedophilia is next; By Matthew
; LifeSiteNews; 7/15/19


o   How pedophiles are being normalized: Pedophilia as a recognized sexual orientation has gained relevance with a rising number of organizations and academics within the last decade alone; By Erin Holmes; The Post Millennial; 9/26/21


o   The Left’s Appalling Efforts to ‘Normalize’ Pedophilia; By Nicole Russell; The Daily Signal; 11/18/21 


AND NOW, the cross posts.


JRH 9/22/23


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In five years AI could be so advanced it would mean the “end of human-dominated history”, Yuval Noah Harari says

Yuval Noah Harari & Mustafa Suleyman discuss AI (The Exposé Photo)



September 22, 2023



Mustafa Suleyman, co-founder of Google DeepMind, and Yuval Noah Harari discussed how advanced AI will be in five years.  After hearing Suleyman’s predictions, Harari said: “This is the end of human history.  Not the end of history – the end of human-dominated history.”  In other words, humans will no longer be the dominant life force on Earth as we have been since time began.


Yuval Noah Harari is an Israeli author, public intellectual, historian, and professor in the Department of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  Harari gave keynote speeches on the future of humanity in Davos 2020 and 2018, on the World Economic Forum’s (“WEF’s”) main Congress Hall stage. He regularly discusses global issues with heads of state.


Harari is the author of ‘Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind’, ‘Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow’, and ‘21 Lessons for the 21st Century’. Harari is the co-founder of Sapienship, a “social-impact company advocating for global responsibility.”


Mustafa Suleyman is a British artificial intelligence researcher and entrepreneur who is the co-founder and former head of applied AI at Google DeepMind. He is currently the co-founder and CEO of Inflection AI, an AI studio and the developer of Pi. The Inflection team includes some of the industry’s top AI experts who previously worked at DeepMind, Google, Meta, Microsoft and OpenAI.


Suleyman is also a member of the Board at The Economist and a member of the Steering Committee of WEF’s AI Governance Alliance which was launched in June.  Other members of WEF’s Steering Committee include:


·       Nick Clegg – President of Global Affairs, Meta Platforms Inc.


·       Gary Cohn – Vice-Chairman, IBM


·       Brad Smith – Vice-Chairman and President, Microsoft


·       Kent Walker – President of Global Affairs, Google


Suleyman’s book ‘The Coming Wave: Technology, Power, and the Twenty-first Century’s Greatest Dilemma’ was published in September 2023. Bill Gates described it as: “An excellent guide for navigating unprecedented times.”


The Economist hosted a discussion between Harari and Suleyman about the impact of artificial intelligence (“AI”) on our immediate futures, how the technology can be controlled and whether it could ever have agency.


The choice to use the word “agency” is not ours.  It is the choice of The Economist and its guests.  We have to critically question why they chose to use this word and discuss a computer program in these terms.


Agency is a term used to describe the sense of control people feel they have in their lives. It is our capacity to influence our own thoughts and behaviour and have faith in our ability to handle a wide range of tasks and situations.  Why The Economist and its guests would even suggest an inanimate computer program can have agency is beyond rational understanding.  It is also deeply concerning as it is people such as these who are attempting to drive the world into their imagined technocratic dystopia.


When asked what life will be like for humans in five years, Suleyman said: “Those of us who are at the very cutting edge, who are training the very largest AI models are going to train models that are over a thousand times larger than what you currently see today … we’ll see in the next five years capable AIs.  AIs that can’t just say things they can also do things.” [Bold Italics Blog Editor’s]


He described a dystopian world where, for example, AI will make phone calls to “other humans” to negotiate and call other AIs to establish the right sequence in a supply chain.  AI will be able to use application programming interfaces (“APIs”), a software that processes data transfers between systems, so it will be able to communicate with websites, knowledge bases and information stores.


Harari, who seldom uses a smartphone, said: “When I hear [what Suleyman says] … for me, what we just heard, this is the end of human history.  Not the end of history  – the end of human-dominated history.  History will continue with somebody else in control.” [Bold Italics Blog Editor’s]


“Somebody else in control” – was the use of “somebody” rather than “something” intentional to advance the ideology of the merging of man and machine, perhaps? Similarly, Suleyman’s earlier reference to “capable AI” making phone calls to “other humans.”


In 2014, WEF’s leader Klaus Schwab described the Fourth Industrial Revolution and “globalisation 4.0” as “at the end … [it] will lead to [ ] a fusion of our physical, our digital and our biological identities.”  Possibly Harari and Suleyman misspoke but be aware of the language and psychology used to indoctrinate people into accepting their ideology.  What Harari said next is another case in point.


(Related: Understand Conversational Hypnosis And Conversational Hypnosis Techniques, Primed Mind and Turn off the TV – Neuro-linguistic programming has been used against populations in many countries and the UK could be in the driver’s seat, The Exposé)


When asked if AI can be contained as Suleyman had suggested.  Harari responded: “If the humans are divided among themselves and are in an arms race then it becomes almost impossible to contain this alien intelligence … I’m tending to think of it more in terms of really an alien invasion.”


“Like somebody coming and telling us that there is a fleet, an alien fleet of spaceships coming from planet Zircon, or whatever, with super, with highly intelligent beings. They’ll be here in five years and take over the planet. Maybe they’ll be nice, maybe they’ll solve cancer and climate change, but we are not sure.  This is what we are facing except that the aliens are not coming in spaceships from planet Zircon; they are coming from the laboratory.


“We know that they are going to be highly intelligent and at least potentially have agency and this is a very very frightening mix.”


Youtube VIDEO: AI and our future with Yuval Noah Harari and Mustafa Suleyman

[Posted by The Economist

Posted on Sep 14, 2023








BOOM! THE PENTAGON PEDOPHILES: Over 5,000 Pentagon Department of Defense, U.S. Military, DARPA, NSA and NASA Employees Involved in Child Pornography (VIDEO)




By Medeea Greere

September 22, 2023 Updated: September 22, 2023

American Media Group


THE PENTAGON PEDOPHILES: U.S. Immigration and Customs Investigations identified over 5,000 Pentagon Department of Defense, U.S. Military, DARPA, NSA and NASA employees involved in Child Pornography, some had the highest Top Secret security clearances which may involve blackmail.


Thousands of sexually exploited children were as young as 3 years old. (DCIS) The Department of Defense Investigation Service dropped the case after 8 months due to lack of resources. Over 1,700 employees were never investigated. This is a National Security risk to America that has been buried and ignored to this day.



200701199X-29-MAY-2007-60DC-Wl/F PROJECT: OPERATION FLICKER January 24, 2008




1. On July 11, 2007, the reporting agent received a lead referral from Special Agent IDCIS Mid-Atlantic Field Office regarding the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) initiated Operation Flicker. Operation Flicker is a nationwide investigation that has identified over 5,000 individuals that have subscribed to predicated child pornography websites. A list of individuals in New York State that are employed by the Department of Defense/U.S. Military, that have subscribed to websites that contain child pornographic images or other material that exploit children via the internet.


2. In April 2006, the ICE/Cyber Crimes Center/Child Exploitation Section (ICE/C3/CES) initiated an investigation into a criminal organization operating a commercial child pornography website known as “Home Collection.” The investigation has revealed that the same organization is operating numerous commercial child pornography websites. In addition, the organization utilizes various Pay Pal accounts to process the payments for access to the member restricted areas of these websites. The investigation is being worked jointly with ICE/C3/CES, ICE/RAC/Birmingham, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, the U.S. Department of Justice/Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, and the USAO for the Northern District of Alabama. ICE has designated this operation as PROJECT FLICKER.


3. ICE/C3/CES has conducted over 60 undercover transactions at the advertising websites associated with this investigation. The investigation has identified that a specific criminal organization is operating approximately 18 different commercial child pornography advertising websites which provide access to approximately 18 child pornography member restricted websites.


4. Among the 5,000 names ICE identified under Project Flicker, several individuals used their .mil e-mail address, Fleet Post Office (FPO), or Army Post Office (APO) military zip codes. Special Agent advised the U.S. Attorney’s Office and ICE that the DCIS will assist in identifying any additional Department of Defense (DoD) affiliated individuals and provide any investigative assistance.


5. As a result of the database queries, 264 individuals affiliated with DoD were identified, including 39 individuals within the Eastern District of Virginia. Of those identified, 9 individuals possessed a Top Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information security clearance, 13 possessed a Top Secret security clearance, 8 possessed a NATO Secret security clearance, 42 possessed a Secret security clearance, and 4 possessed an interim Secret security clearance.


6. The subject information containing DoD query results were divided by location and forwarded to the appropriate ICE and DCIS office for action.


17. This investigation is closed based upon the lack of participation by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement to present the forensic evidence obtained during the course of the investigation to the U.S. Attorney’s Office. This case may be re-opened if ICE presents this case for prosecution, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office accepts this case for prosecution.


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YAHOO NEWS: News Report by John Cook September 3, 2010


Pentagon declined to investigate hundreds of purchases of child pornography.


A 2006 Immigration and Customs Enforcement investigation into the purchase of child pornography online turned up more than 250 civilian and military employees of the Defense Department — including some with the highest available security clearance — who used credit cards or PayPal to purchase images of children in sexual situations. But the Pentagon investigated only a handful of the cases, Defense Department records show.


The cases turned up during a 2006 ICE inquiry, called Project Flicker, which targeted overseas processing of child-porn payments. As part of the probe, ICE investigators gained access to the names and credit card information of more than 5,000 Americans who had subscribed to websites offering images of child pornography. Many of those individuals provided military email addresses or physical addresses with Army or fleet ZIP codes when they purchased the subscriptions.

In a related inquiry, the Pentagon’s Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS) cross-checked the ICE list against military databases to come up with a list of Defense employees and contractors who appeared to be guilty of purchasing child pornography. The names included staffers for the secretary of defense, contractors for the ultra-secretive National Security Agency, and a program manager at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. But the DCIS opened investigations into only 20 percent of the individuals identified, and succeeded in prosecuting just a handful.



The Boston Globe first reported the Pentagon’s role in Project Flicker in July, citing DCIS investigative reports showing that at least 30 Defense Department employees were investigated.


But new Project Flicker investigative reports obtained by The Upshot through the Freedom of Information Act, which you can read here, show that DCIS investigators identified 264 Defense employees or contractors who had purchased child pornography online. Astonishingly, nine of those had “Top Secret Sensitive Compartmentalized Information” security clearances, meaning they had access to the nation’s most sensitive secrets.


All told, 76 of the individuals had Secret or higher clearances. But DCIS investigated only 52 of the suspects, and just 10 were ever charged with viewing or purchasing child pornography. Without greater public disclosure of how these cases wound down, it’s impossible to know how or whether any of the names listed in the Project Flicker papers came in for additional scrutiny. It’s conceivable that some of them were picked up by local law enforcement, but it seems likely that most of the people flagged by the investigation did not have their military careers disrupted in the context of the DCIS inquiry.


Among those charged were Gary Douglass Grant, a captain in the Army Reserves and a judge advocate general, or military prosecutor. After investigators executing a search warrant found child pornography on his computer, he pleaded guilty last year to state charges of possession of obscene matter of a minor in a sexual act in California. Others included contractors for the NSA with Top Secret clearances; one of them a former contractor fled the country after being indicted and is believed to be in Libya.


But the vast majority of those investigated, including an active-duty lieutenant colonel in the Army and an official in the office of the secretary of defense, were never charged. On top of that, 212 people on ICE’s list were never investigated at all.


According to the records, DCIS prioritized the investigations by focusing on people who had security clearances since those who have a taste for child pornography can be vulnerable to blackmail and espionage. The documents show that the probe then concentrated on people who had been previously suspected of or convicted of sex crimes, or had access to children as part of their Defense Department duties. But at least some of the people on the Project Flicker list with security clearances were never pursued and could possibly remain on the job: DCIS only investigated 52 people, and 76 of those on the Project Flicker list had clearances.


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A DCIS spokesman didn’t return phone calls. But the agency’s own documents obtained via The Upshot’s FOIA request indicate that the decision to press investigations forward hinged largely on questions of the resources available to the investigators. “Due to DCIS headquarters’ direction and other DCIS investigative priorities, this investigation is cancelled” is a common summation in the files.


A source familiar with the Project Flicker investigations who requested anonymity because public disclosure could jeopardize this person’s job confirmed that departmental resources, and priorities, were decisive factors in letting inquiries lapse.


DCIS is primarily tasked with rooting out contractor fraud and investigating security breaches; its 400 staffers were already plenty busy before Project Flicker dropped 264 more names onto their caseloads. And child pornography investigations are difficult to prosecute. Many judges wouldn’t issue search warrants based on years-old evidence saying the targets subscribed to a kiddie porn website once.


“We were stuck in a situation where we had some great information, but didn’t have the resources to run with it,” the source told The Upshot. Many of the investigative reports obtained by The Upshot end with a similar citation of scarce resources:


Of course, other federal agencies, including ICE and the FBI, may have prosecuted some of the Project Flicker names the DCIS ignored. But that’s unlikely, given that some of the DCIS investigations were closed due to lack of cooperation from ICE.


In one case, involving an Army Reserve corporal in the Pittsburgh area, a DCIS agent expressed exasperation after repeatedly trying to get ICE to collaborate with him on the investigation: “Based upon the complete non-responsiveness of ICE … it is recommended that the matter be closed.”


As for the 212 Project Flicker names that DCIS didn’t investigate, the source familiar with the investigation said there was no systematic effort to inform their superiors or commanding officers of their suspected purchases of child pornography.




EXCLUSIVE: NASA employees caught buying child porn from site which showed three year olds being abused, but they escape prosecution and now their names are being kept secret.


1. Staff were found to have purchased illegal images while at the agency.


2. Were bought from Belarus and Ukraine using credit cards and PayPal.


3. FBI uncovered the illicit transactions in 2010 as part of a government probe.


4. They were identified by authorities, but their names have been redacted.


NASA employees were caught buying child pornography from a criminal ring in Eastern Europe that distributed images of minors as young as three, it can be revealed.



An investigation by Daily Mail Online found staff members from the space agency paid for pictures and videos of children in sexual situations, but were never prosecuted.


Their names have never been released because of government guidelines which protect their privacy.


The probe found that in 2010, the employees paid for the pornography using personal credit cards or PayPal while working for the government.


Their actions were uncovered during Project Flicker – an investigation by the FBI and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) into American citizens buying child pornography from Belarus and Ukraine.


The investigation began in 2007 when more than 33,000 images of minors being abused flooded into the country.


Investigators identified more than 5,200 citizens across the country who had paid for a subscription to illicit websites in order to access the content.


In 2010 it was revealed that 264 of these worked for the Pentagon as either employees or contractors. Some of them worked for the NSA and had top security clearance.


But the Daily Mail Online can reveal for the first time that NASA employees were also identified in the sickening scheme in the same year.


However their names have been redacted in documents obtained by Daily Mail Online via a Freedom of Information Act request from NASA’s Office of Inspector General.


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Some had highest available security clearance.


After the probe was completed just 10 were ever charged with viewing or purchasing child pornography – prompting fears some of those caught could still be working for the military.


It is not known whether any of the NASA employers were questioned, but it is clear they were not prosecuted – as their names have not been revealed.


If they had been found guilty of a crime, their names would not have been redacted in the disclosed files.


A spokesman for NASA told Daily Mail Online they would not be commenting beyond what was stated in the FOIA documents.


The investigation, called Project Flicker, was conducted in collaboration with other U.S. and international law enforcement partners around the world, and identified 30,000 customers in 132 countries – resulting in hundreds of convictions in the U.S. and 16 arrests in Belarus and the Ukraine.


‘The criminal rings involved used a variety of online and traditional payment methods, elaborate defense measures and a franchise business model that provided access to images and videos of sexually exploited boys and girls, some as young as 3 years old.


HSI’s Cyber Crimes Center distributed more than 5,000 domestic leads to field offices around the country and shared more than 4,000 foreign leads with its law enforcement partners via HSI’s attaché offices.


HSI is a leading federal law enforcement agency combating the sexual exploitation of children. HSI conducts investigations under Operation Predator, a nationwide initiative to protect children from sexual predators, including those who possess, trade and produce child pornography; who travel overseas for sex with minors; and who engage in the sex trafficking of children.


The FBI said they would not be adding to the ICE’s statement.


The latest disclosure comes after Daily Mail Online investigations unearthed shocking breaches of computer guidelines inside the Department of Education the Department of Labor and the Department of Health and Human Services.


FORMER CIA OPERATIONS OFFICER: There is a great cause for alarm. The Elite appear to be seeking to infect local and provincial law enforcement officers with a taste for Pedophilia. There appears to be a very deliberate attempt to push this interest in Pedophile movies including movies that include beastiality. We are seeing movies where military men are raping children including toddlers. Evidence shows these movies may have come from Afghanistan from U.S. soldiers.



The center of gravity for taking down the Deep State is Pedophilia. Pedophilia is the induction glue of the Deep State. Pedophilia is how the Deep State recruits and controls its people, it is also the achilles heel of the Deep State. Once the public realizes that the government is not protecting their children, then everything else about the government will be called into question.


For change to happen in our world the American public needs to get angry over the injustice. If the American public gets angry we will stop supporting dictators overseas and we will close all our military bases. There are one thousand U.S. military bases around the world and they are not there for national defense, they are there to smuggle guns, cash, gold, drugs and small children.


UNITED NATIONS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: The Oligarch’s, all of them are related to the System of Pedophilia. Millions of children every year disappear.


These millions of innocent children need you to fight for them. They are being raped, tortured, murdered and sacrificed every year. Pedophilia has infiltrated every part of our society at the highest level by the Deep State and Oligarch’s who use this for control and blackmail. Justice will not come through the current corrupt Pedophile System of things. Justice will only come through the people.


[AMG News] Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article may not represent the official views of Medeea Greere or the American Media Group. Stories filed under Opinion contain information from various sources that may be both, verified and unverified. Medeea Greere and the American Media Group do not make any claims as to the validity of the information expressed in the opinion section, however we do encourage the reader to do further research on their own and we hope that you will share your findings with us. The mission for the truth requires a collective effort. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.


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