Friday, May 31, 2019

US Attorney Huber NEVER EVEN STARTED His [FISA] Investigation

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions tasked Federal U.S. Attorney John Huber (Office in Utah) to investigate FISA abuse allegations in spying on the Trump campaign. The problem with Huber’s investigation: HE DIDN’T DO SQUAT! Huber is either incompetent or a Deep Stater.

Thankfully President Trump now has a competent Attorney General in William Barr. Barr removed Huber whose tasks were assigned to U.S. Attorney John Durham. Story at The Gateway Pundit.

JRH 5/31/19
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BREAKING: Attorney General Barr Discloses US Attorney Huber NEVER EVEN STARTED His Investigation — US Attorney John Durham Took Over His Work

By Joe Hoft
May 31, 2019
The Gateway Pundit

Today on CBS Attorney General William Barr disclosed that the Huber investigation is over.

Huber was assigned to look at FISA applications and the electronic surveillance during the 2016 election and actions by Hillary Clinton.

Huber did not even start his investigation.

He didn’t do a damn thing!

AG Barr said this morning on CBS News that Huber did nothing and his work was taken over by the team he set up under US Attorney John Durham:

JAN CRAWFORD: Um, what’s the status of Huber’s investigation in Utah? I think the former Attorney General Sessions had asked him to look at this.

WILLIAM BARR: Right, so Huber had originally been asked to take a look at the FISA applications and the electronic surveillance but then he stood back and put that on hold while the Office of Inspector General was conducting its review, which would’ve been normal for the department. And he was essentially on standby in case Mr. Horowitz referred a matter to him to be handled criminally. So he has not been active on this front in recent months and so Durham is taking over that role. The other issues he’s been working on relate to Hillary Clinton. Those are winding down and hopefully we’ll be in a position to bring those to fruition.

JAN CRAWFORD: So he won’t be involved in this really at all then?


JAN CRAWFORD: This is his role, it’s done?


JAN CRAWFORD: And now Durham is going to pick up–

WILLIAM BARR: Yes, right.

We reported this three days ago from an interview of Joe diGenova and now AG Barr has confirmed it.

John Huber was the special prosecutor tapped by former AG Jeff Sessions to investigate FISA abuses by Obama’s DOJ/FBI.  Sessions nominated Huber to perform this investigation after numerous calls for a special investigation into the Clinton Foundation and the Deep State.

But months ago we reported that nothing was getting done.

Mark Meadows (R-NC), Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Doug Collins (R-GA) sent a letter to special prosecutor John Huber on January 8th demanding answers by a January 21st deadline.

“Your investigation has been ongoing for over nine months. During the course of our extensive investigation we have interviewed more than a dozen current and former DOJ and FBI personnel, and were surprised to hear none of these potentially informative witnesses testified to speaking with you,” the GOP lawmakers wrote.

The Republican Congressmen then blasted Huber for being a no-show at the December hearing where Clinton Foundation whistleblowers Lawrence Doyle of DM Income Advisors and John Moynihan of JFM Associates testified.

The Clinton Foundation whistleblowers, Mr. Moynihan and Mr. Doyle told the committee they had to send their evidence to the Huber investigation THREE TIMES because they kept losing it.

In October, Congressman Meadows and Jim Jordan said they wanted to haul John Huber in before Congress to testify because they had not received any updates on Huber’s investigation.

Now we know that it was all a farce.  Huber did NOTHING!

Huber and the former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, should be brought before a grand jury and investigated for their actions in obstructing justice.

The American people are very angry about all that is going on in DC.  We want OUR country back!  We DEMAND justice!
© 2019 The Gateway Pundit – All Rights Reserved.

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Thursday, May 30, 2019

Mueller/Dem Horse-Pucky

John R. Houk
© May 30, 2019

I was not surprised Dems – especially in the House – reacted to Robert Mueller’s news conference with “impeach Trump”. The Dems and their propaganda MSM wing have twisted, misrepresented facts and downright lied about President Trump before, after and right up to the very present.

Mueller was forced to admit there was no crime of Donald Trump working with the Russians to insure a 2016 election victory. Mueller did inform what everyone has known for a long time – the Russians made an evil effort to influence the 2016 election cycle. MUELLER’S EPIC FAILURE of what is probably closer to the truth: The Russians gave aid to the Clinton campaign to influence the election and aid to the Dems to make the effort to impeach President Trump after the election.

Trump committed NO election crime but because the President wouldn’t fall for the perjury trap set for others involved in the 2016 campaign with a personal interview, Mueller implied Trump made an effort to obstruct an investigation where no crime existed.

AND THAT MY FRIENDS is why Mueller, Mueller’s 13 angry Dem/Hillary donating Prosecutors AND the Dems are full of horse-pucky.

Since it is doubtful most news sources – spoken or written – will let you know about Mueller/Dem horse-pucky, here are a series of commentaries on the Mueller news conference.

JRH 5/30/19
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Special Counsel Mueller Gives Final Back Stabbing To Trump In Press Briefing To Help Democrats

By Jim Kouri
May 30th, 2019

Special Counsel Robert Mueller held a special news conference on Wednesday saying he couldn’t reach a conclusion on whether Donald Trump obstructed justice, as he stopped short of delivering a full exoneration of the president. Mueller, using the craftiness of a career lawyer and political operative chose his words to allow Democrats in Congress to continue their deranged pursuit of destroying the President using the criminal justice system and the impeachment process.

“If we had had confidence the president clearly did not commit a crime we would have said so,” Mueller said. His briefing — which denied questions from reporters — on the investigation showed he was disappointed in not proving anything against Trump.
“That’s why Mueller left open the obstruction question, something the Democrats are using to harass a President they despise,” said political strategist Mike Barker. “The only good news I heard was Mueller announcing that he was closing his office and resigning from public service,” he added.

Mueller sent a clear signal to House Democrats who have demanded his testimony that he won’t provide any information that hasn’t already been made public. “Any testimony from this office would not go beyond this report,” he said.

The special counsel also said he found “insufficient evidence to charge a broader conspiracy” on election interference.

President Donald Trump’s newly appointed Attorney General, while keeping a relatively low profile in his first days on the job, now appears to have hit the ground running in his investigation of what many are now calling The Trump-Russia Hoax.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Trump-hating Democrats and news media were taken-aback when they discovered Barr had already begun his probe of the now-famous Hillary Clinton bought and paid for “dirty dossier.”

Barr selected U.S. Attorney for Connecticut John Durham to investigate the origins of the Justice Department’s and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s probe of — and spying on —
the Trump presidential campaign in 2016. The questionable investigation continued into the Trump transition and his early weeks as Commander-in-Chief.

John Durham, who is the U.S. Attorney in Connecticut, was appointed by Attorney General Bill Barr. He will examine the FBI’s decision to open a counterintelligence investigation into the actions and motives for interfering in the election and “chasing” members of President Donald Trump’s campaign team using arguably misleading or false evidence to obtain warrants. The now famous “dirty dossier” is based on lies and innuendo provided by a foreign agent, a former British MI6 officer Christopher Steele.

Deep State Suspects in Conspiracy to Overthrow an Elected President

Robert Mueller is the leader of the Trump ouster who are now trying to defend the Deep State’s control over American politics from Donald Trump’s assault on its tyrannical vision. In the process Mueller also hopes to atone for the firing of his friend and fellow conspirator, James Comey.  Unfortunately many Americans cannot see that this man is not a “pillar of impartiality” as the corrupt media paint him. He is deeply committed to Deep State corruption while impersonating a Republican.

Rod Rosenstein is the Deputy Attorney General appointed by Obama. This is one reason for his insistence on appointing Robert Mueller as a Special Counsel to investigate Trump for alleged collusion with the Russians. His agenda is preservation of the Deep State as is Mueller’s. He would have been much happier if Hillary had won. In fact he was surely expecting it, as were FBI personnel such as Andrew McCabe.

Andrew Weissmann is the primary “witch hunter” on the Mueller team assembled to investigate Russian collusion. He is a notorious pit bull prosecutor with a record of suppressing exculpatory evidence in overreaching prosecutions that have been overturned by judges. He was a “Gung-Ho” Obama supporter. He is known to use questionable tactics in bullying a target’s underlings to force their testimony.

Peter Strzok was another Obama-loving FBI agent employed by Mueller because of his experience in counterintelligence. He is known as a devout Hillary Clinton supporter and one of the agents who interviewed Hillary about the email scandal, which turned out to be a phony powder-puff interview. He also edited Comey’s Clinton investigation resolution by replacing the words “grossly negligent” with “extremely careless” because the former action can be prosecuted in the handling of classified information while the latter cannot. His investigation gave almost all of Clinton’s subordinates blanket immunity even though none of them testified against Clinton.

Is this, as the media claims, a professional and objective team of crimefighters committed to solving an alleged crime? or was this is a coup d’etat to destroy the election of Donald Trump and and move to impeach him, which Mueller and his cronies had hoped would discredit the “people’s revolution” against the Deep State that Trump has fashioned.

“This horrendous nightmare is taking place because of the collectivist corruption of the DOJ and the FBI under Obama, Clinton and the two Bushes. Corruption in practice takes place in men’s institutions only after corruption of ethics and ideology takes place in their minds. Moral relativism (along with political collectivism) took over the minds of our professors, politicians and prosecutors in the aftermath of World War II and exploded throughout our culture from the 1960s to today. The chickens are now coming home to roost and usher in an authoritarian society,” said Jeffrey Longeran, a former criminal/civil investigations manager.

Conservatives in Congress should show they have spines and they should counterattack Hillary Clinton a[t] the Deep State with an investigation of the egregious “Uranium One” money grab in which she authorized the sale of 20% of America’s uranium to Russia, which brought tens of millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation from Russian sources.

The fingerprints of Mueller, Weissmann and Rosenstein are also on the Uranium One deal, for they worked assiduously to facilitate and protect its completion, knowing full well but not caring that it compromised American security. Because their stalwart political horse, Hillary Clinton, was benefiting. Thus the Deep State’s aggrandizement was benefiting.

“This scenario is unbelievable. The Mueller Probe corruption is something we would expect to find in an African or Latin American country, or one of the Nazi Show Trials under judges who took an oath to serve Adolph Hitler in the 1930’s. It is the result of obsessively partisan FBI leaders that have let their ideology and hatred influence their role as policemen.
Mueller: ‘I couldn’t find a Trump-Crime…so it’s Time to Impeach him!’

May 30, 2019

I have never before witnessed such a sham of a legal system or—even worse—experienced the horror that the real criminals were the ones running it.  The additional horror is that other gangsters have and/or are replacing those who have been fired (some likely awaiting the day when they will be arrested) or have run for the proverbial hills upon realizing what may soon be revealed.  Having personally experienced this lifetime for not quite—but getting closer each day—a century, I do have some small perspective with regards to history.  Mueller—with all of the Trump-haters on his staff—could find that President Trump committed no crime.  So, in his own rather sleazy way, he turned it over to Congress to impeach him.  This is the caliber of human being we currently have in upper management within the bowels of the US government.

I, and certainly others, have written about Robert Swan Mueller III and his apparent crimes committed over the years under the color of law.  One of these was sending 4 innocent people to prison, in order to protect the murderer Whitey Bulger who had been designated “an informer” to and for Mueller’s FBI.  Mueller had also interviewed with President Trump to get his old job as FBI Director back.  But, President Trump didn’t choose him.  Uh-oh!  However, Mueller was chosen by Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein as “Special Counsel” to head up the investigation of President Trump; whom he at the very least intensely disliked.

To briefly recap, this investigation was built upon a foundation of sand which included the following:

·       A self-proclaimed Trump-hater and (former?) British MI-6 agent who worked with some Russians to create (out of whole cloth) the now-infamous “Trump Dossier”:

·       The Clinton Campaign and DNC funded the “dossier”:  “The DNC and Clinton campaign-funded research continued through the end of October 2016, according to the Post’s report.

·       The “dossier” was requested and paid for by the Clinton Campaign.  Excerpt:  “According to the report, lawyer Marc E. Elias, who represented both Clinton’s campaign and the DNC, and his law firm Perkins Coie retained the firm Fusion GPS in April 2016 to investigate any connections, according to the Post. Before then, a still-unknown Republican client funded Fusion GPS’ research during the Republican primaries. Fusion had hired former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele to conduct the research.”

·       The Mueller investigation began as a counter-intelligence investigation which metastasized into a full-blown criminal investigation…with NO CRIME mentioned!  As a stated crime is required by law before this type of investigation may begin, Mueller’s investigation…was illegal from its inception.  As a very large side-note “collusion” is still not a crime.

·       If there is no underlying crime…there can be no “obstruction of justice!”

The crimes which were committed by members within our own governmental agencies (DOJ/FBI, CIA, NSA etc.) are the greatest uncovered in the history of our country and are vast to the point that the uncovering of the worldwide Deep State conspiracy against POTUS Trump continues.  Note:  Within the UK, it appears to reach the very highest levels of government.

IMO, Mueller has been a dirty cop for decades (also remember his “Uranium One” activities indicating alleged treason) and he doesn’t appear to have any intention of changing.  Our country was close to demise before Donald J. Trump was resoundingly elected to the presidency of the USA.  Considering all of the blocks placed in his way by the DNC, RINOs and US government “intelligence” agencies Trump’s accomplishments are nothing less than remarkable…and legendary.  Think what he will accomplish in his second term of office…

“There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers”—Proverbs 6:16-19

Judicial Watch President Calls for Investigation Into Mueller

By TTN Staff

[Posted by TheDC Shorts
Uploaded on May 29, 2019] 

The president of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton, who investigates government corruption, is calling for an investigation into Robert Mueller.

According to The Daily Caller:

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton called for an investigation into Robert Mueller for suggesting “wrongdoing by an innocent person without any foundation.”


“Well, I don’t know what reputation he had that deserved any credence until now, but it’s no longer there,” Fitton told Dobbs. “He’s really destroyed whatever reputation he’s had with this political attack on the president, turning the rule of law on its head, suggesting the president is guilty and, because he can’t prove otherwise, we should conclude that he should be impeached.”

Calling it “an abuse of power,” Fitton said that Attorney General Barr has been “too deferential” to Mueller and should have “shut down” the “report before it was even written.”

“[I]t’s been abuse piled on top of abuse targeting President Trump,” Fitton said. “And this Mr. Mueller, he needs to be investigated as well. The office of professional responsibility should be asking, ‘Why did this Justice Department prosecutor come out and suggest wrongdoing by an innocent person without any foundation?’ Because there is no foundation. If there was a foundation, there would have been indictments or requests for an indictment while highlighting that. Outrageous.”

Fitton claims that there is a strong possibility that Mueller and Comey could have colluded in order to direct the investigation in a negative way against the president.

Statement 'worse' than Comey's regarding Hillary scandal

May 29, 2019

Then-FBI Director Robert Mueller, left, acknowledges applause during then-President Barack Obama’s remarks on June 21, 2013. Obama had announced James Comey, right, as his nominee to succeed Mueller as FBI director (Official White House photo)

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s statement Wednesday that “if we had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime we would have said that” is worse than then FBI Director James Comey’s statement about the FBI’s probe of Hillary Clinton, said Alan Dershowitz, emeritus professor at Harvard Law School.

“Comey was universally criticized for going beyond his responsibility to state whether there was sufficient evidence to indict Clinton,” he wrote Wednesday in The Hill. “Mueller, however, did even more.”

Comey declared in a July 2016 press conference that “although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive highly classified information.”

Dershowitz said Mueller, at his news conference at the Justice Department announcing his resignation as special counsel, “went beyond the conclusion of his report and gave a political gift to Democrats in Congress who are seeking to institute impeachment proceedings against President Trump.”

“By implying that President Trump might have committed obstruction of justice, Mueller effectively invited Democrats to institute impeachment proceedings,” he said.

Dershowitz noted that obstruction of justice is a “high crime and misdemeanor” which, under the Constitution, authorizes impeachment and removal of the president.

WND reported earlier Wednesday Mueller’s claim that the Office of Legal Counsel guidance specifying that a sitting president cannot be indicted was the reason for not coming to a conclusion about obstruction conflicts with Attorney General William Barr’s testimony.

Barr told Congress on May 1 that at a March 5 meeting with Mueller, the special counsel told him “that he emphatically was not saying that, but for the OLC opinion, he would have found obstruction.”

No longer defending Mueller

Dershowitz said he no longer is defending Mueller against the accusations that he is a partisan.

“I did not believe that he personally favored either the Democrats or the Republicans, or had a point of view on whether President Trump should be impeached. But I have now changed my mind.”

The law professor said Mueller revealed his bias by putting his “elbow” on the scale of justice.

Mueller also has distorted the role of a prosecutor who “should never go beyond publicly disclosing that there is insufficient evidence to indict.”

“No responsible prosecutor should ever suggest that the subject of his investigation might indeed be guilty even if there was insufficient evidence or other reasons not to indict,” Dershowitz said.

He pointed out that federal investigations by prosecutors, including special counsels, are by nature one sided, hearing only evidence of guilt.

“They are not in a position to decide whether the subject of the investigation is guilty or is innocent of any crimes.”

Dershowitz said he “cannot imagine a plausible reason why Mueller went beyond his report and gratuitously suggested that President Trump might be guilty, except to help Democrats in Congress and to encourage impeachment talk and action.”

“Shame on Mueller for abusing his position of trust and for allowing himself to be used for such partisan advantage,” he wrote.
Mueller Just Proved His Entire Operation Was A Political Hit Job That Trampled The Rule Of Law

At a hastily arranged Wednesday press conference, Special Counsel Robert Mueller proved that he was never interested in justice or the rule of law.

May 29, 2019

If there were any doubts about Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s political intentions, his unprecedented press conference on Wednesday should put them all to rest. As he made abundantly clear during his doddering reading of a prepared statement that repeatedly contradicted itself, Mueller had no interest in the equal application of the rule of law. He gave the game, and his nakedly political intentions, away repeatedly throughout his statement.

“It is important that the office’s written work speak for itself,” Mueller said, referring to his office’s 448-page report. Mueller’s report was released to the public by Attorney General William Barr nearly six weeks ago. The entire report, minus limited redactions required by law, has been publicly available, pored through, and dissected. Its contents have been discussed ad nauseum in print and on television. The report has been speaking for itself since April 18, when it was released.

If it’s important for the work to speak for itself, then why did Mueller schedule a press conference in which he would speak for it weeks after it was released? The statement, given the venue in which it was provided, is self-refuting.

Let’s start with the Mueller team’s unique take on the nature of a prosecutor’s job. The standard American view of justice, affirmed and enforced by the U.S. Constitution, is that all are presumed innocent absent conviction by a jury of a specific charge of criminal wrongdoing. That is, the natural legal state of an individual in this country is innocence. It is not a state or a nature bestowed by cops or attorneys. Innocence is not granted by unelected bureaucrats or federal prosecutors.

At one point in his remarks, Mueller seemed to agree. Referring to indictments against various Russian individuals and institutions for allegedly hacking American servers during the 2016 election, Mueller said that the indictments “contain allegations and we are not commenting on the guilt or innocence of any specific defendant.”

“Every defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.”

Had he stopped there, he would have been correct. But then he crafted a brand new standard.

“The order appointing the special counsel authorized us to investigate actions that could obstruct the investigation. We conducted that investigation and kept the office of the acting attorney general apprised of our work,” Mueller said. “After that investigation, if we had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”

According to Mueller and his team, charged Russians are presumed innocent. An American president, however, is presumed guilty unless and until Mueller’s team determines he is innocent. Such a standard is an obscene abomination against the rule of law, one that would never be committed by independent attorneys who place a fidelity to their oaths and impartial enforcement of the law ahead of their political motivations.

The contradictions and double standards didn’t stop there, though.

“It would be unfair to potentially accuse somebody of a crime when there can be no court resolution of the actual charge,” Mueller said, after all but stating that Trump committed a crime for which Mueller never charged him. Just as Mueller’s own words and actions at the Wednesday press conference prove that he didn’t want his team’s report to speak for itself, the report itself proves that Mueller and his team don’t believe it’s unfair to accuse somebody of something a court cannot resolve.

If they actually believed that, then the 240-page volume II of their report on their obstruction investigation of the president would never have been authored. After all, according to Mueller’s own statement, such an operation would be patently unfair. And if it’s unfair to air dirty laundry against a target who was never charged, surely it’s doubly unfair to do so in writing and on camera during a press conference whose mere existence refutes the very claims of its host.

Mueller revealed himself as little more than a clone of James Comey—the smarmy, scheming politician who replaced Mueller as the head of the FBI. Recall that it was Comey who assumed for himself powers that did not belong to him by law when he declared at a 2016 press conference no “reasonable prosecutor” would charge Hillary Clinton with criminal wrongdoing in her mishandling of classified information and unsanctioned use of a secret, private email server to evade public records laws. Just as Mueller did in his report and Wednesday press conference, Comey followed up his declaration that Hillary would not be charged with statement after statement after statement of all the awful things Hillary Clinton did.

“There is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information,” Comey said of Clinton. He excoriated her for repeatedly sending and receiving top secret information on her unsecured server which had never been authorized to process classified information. He even said it was possible, due to her “extreme” carelessness, that hostile foreign actors had penetrated her system and obtained highly classified information about U.S. national security programs.

Regardless of how you feel about Clinton, Comey’s display at that press conference was an embarrassment. He did an extreme disservice to the nation and the rule of law by unilaterally declaring himself the primary arbiter of prosecutorial decisions in the federal government when that authority belongs solely to the Department of Justice. And he did an extreme disservice to Clinton herself by dragging her through the mud in such a manner that clearing her name would be impossible.

In fact, DOJ guidelines expressly prohibit the actions of both Comey and Mueller in naming and shaming individuals who were never formally charged with any wrongdoing.

“As a series of cases makes clear, there is ordinarily ‘no legitimate governmental interest served’ by the government’s public allegation of wrongdoing by an uncharged party, and this is true ‘regardless of what criminal charges may . . . b[e] contemplated by the Assistant United States Attorney against the [third-party] for the future,'” states DOJ’s formal policy manual on the duties of federal prosecutors and principles of federal prosecutions.

Nationwide bar rules governing all practicing attorneys in the United States also explicitly prohibit Mueller’s display during Wednesday’s press conference.

“The prosecutor in a criminal case shall … refrain from making extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused,” states Rule 3.8(f) of the American Bar Association’s rules of professional conduct.

Multiple federal agents and prosecutors reached out to The Federalist after Mueller’s press conference to express dismay at the former FBI director’s behavior.

“I’d have been crucified under this rule for a ‘not innocent’ comment about an uncharged party,” a former federal prosecutor told The Federalist. “I literally cannot fathom holding a press conference to say that an uncharged person was not innocent.”

“I wish these former FBI directors would learn their lessons: keep your mouths shut unless you’re referring a case for prosecution,” Jeff Danik, a retired FBI supervisor, said during a phone interview with The Federalist on Wednesday.

Mueller’s performance made it clear for all to see that what he ran for the last two years wasn’t an independent investigation pursuant to the rule of law so much as an inquisition motivated by political animus. Mueller and his team refused to charge prominent Democrats for crimes he charged against Republicans. Paul Manafort was charged with unregistered lobbying for foreign governments, while Mueller left alone long-time Democrat donor Tony Podesta and former Obama White House Counsel Greg Craig.

George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn were charged with making false statements to federal investigators, while Clinton campaign cronies Glenn Simpson and Christopher Steele’s false statements to Congress and the FBI were ignored. Trump’s nonexistent Russian connections were plumbed while a dubious Clinton campaign-funded dossier sourced directly to Russian officials was used as a prosecutorial roadmap rather than rock-solid evidence of actual campaign collusion with the Kremlin.

Mueller claimed his report spoke for itself, then put together a completely unnecessary press conference more than a month after his report’s public release, in which he not just spoke for the report, but expounded on the new legal standards he created to govern its conclusions.

These are the actions not of an impartial and independent investigator, but of a scheming political operative. None of this is any surprise to anyone who has followed Mueller’s tenure in government. As FBI director, Mueller repeatedly misused and abused the authority granted to him by Congress.

Mueller and Comey utterly bungled the federal investigation into the 2001 Anthrax attacks, resulting in a $5.8 million judgment against the government after the two men falsely accused an innocent man of being behind the attacks.

Even after the court judgment against him, Mueller was defiant.

“I do not apologize for any aspect of the investigation,” Mueller said afterward. He then doubled down and said it would be wrong to say there were any mistakes in how he handled the investigation.

Then there was Mueller’s handling as FBI director of a case in which FBI agents framed innocent men of murders the FBI knew had been committed by their own informants. One of the innocent men died in prison awaiting justice for a crime he never committed.

Then, as special counsel to investigate Russian collusion during the 2016 campaign, Mueller promptly hired partisan Democrats to run his investigation. He tapped as investigators FBI personnel who openly discussed their hatred of Trump and his voters, as well as their plans to keep him out of office.

There’s no longer any doubt about who Robert Mueller is or why he conducted himself the way he did. As abominable as his press conference was, we should in many ways be thankful that Mueller so willingly displayed for all to see his disdain for basic rules of prosecutorial conduct, his total lack of self-awareness, and his naked desire to stick it to Trump.

Sean Davis is the co-founder of The Federalist.
Other voices noting the horse-pucky:

Mueller/Dem Horse-Pucky
John R. Houk
© May 30, 2019
Special Counsel Mueller Gives Final Back Stabbing To Trump In Press Briefing To Help Democrats

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved
Mueller: ‘I couldn’t find a Trump-Crime…so it’s Time to Impeach him!’

Content is Copyright 1997-2019 the individual authors. Site Copyright 1997-2019 Canada Free Press.Com 
Judicial Watch President Calls for Investigation Into Mueller


© Copyright 1997-2019. All Rights Reserved.
Mueller Just Proved His Entire Operation Was A Political Hit Job That Trampled The Rule Of Law

Copyright © 2019 The Federalist, a wholly independent division of FDRLST Media, All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Nancy Pelosi Admits Democrats are Smearing President Trump

Now that Mueller has publicly affirmed there was a zero crime relation between President Trump and the Russian government (meaning Putin) to conspire together for an election victory in 2016. YET mystically implied President Trump obstructed in the investigation of the zero crime. THEN WATCH THE VIDEO and read the Western Free Press article on how the Dems are smearing President Trump for their political objectives.

JRH 5/29/19
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[Posted by Trump Fan Network
Published on May 27, 2019] 

Nancy Pelosi Admits Democrats are Smearing President Trump
Nancy Pelosi confesses that the Democrats are on a “smear campaign” because they still can’t accept that their candidate didn’t win in 2016.

May 27, 2019

We have seen this on many different occasions. The Democrats are on a “smear campaign” because they still can’t accept that their candidate didn’t win in 2016.

In a video published last week, Nancy Pelosi admits that the Democrats are using “smear tactics” to attack President Trump. In the video, she makes bold confessions that should have all Americans on red alert. (RELATED: President Trump Gives AG Barr Power to Declassify Russia Material)

“We call it the wrap-up smear–if you want to talk politics,” Pelosi said. “You smear someone with falsehoods and all the rest, and then you merchandise it” Pelosi added.

“Then you write it, and they see it reported in the press. So now it is validated that the press reported the smear, that is called wrap-up smear,” Pelosi continued. “Then you merchandise the report on the smear,” Pelosi concluded.

Of course, President Donald Trump has said many times while discussing continued aggravation, that nothing will satisfy the Democrats, even after the Mueller investigation found nothing to justify the two-year probe of allegations that he colluded with the Russians during the 2016 presidential campaign.

When the Mueller report was released, they were in shock for an entire day. Then they started doubling down. They claimed that they wanted the whole (un-redacted) Mueller report before they would believe the results. (RELATED: LEAKED: Kellyanne Conway Shuts Pelosi Down in Oval Office Meeting)

AG William Barr made the un-redacted version of the report available to key Democrats. However, the only two that have read the documents are Republicans.

And on Wednesday, according to the Associated Press, when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi answered a question as to what would satisfy the Dems, she pretty much confirmed what the entire Russia probe — which has deeply divided Americans along partisan lines — was all about: “I’ll be satisfied when we have a new president of the United States who that is a Democrat.”

It is worthy of highlighting that in the last presidential debate of 2016, candidate Dems asked Trump if he would accept the election results if he were to lose. When Trump said he would have to see, based on whether the authorities managed the election appropriately, the Democrats in and out of the media rebuked him. Now that he won, they refuse to accept the results. (RELATED: Hamas Supporter Arrested for Threatening to Blow Up Trump Tower)
James Ledbetter is a journalist who joined Western Free Press in 2018. Since then, he has written extensively for Western Free Press on the Trump administration as well as on other political issues. If you have a NEWS TIP, send an email to

© 2019 - Western Free Press. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Nixon Crime vs Trump Fake Crime

I read a post yesterday on the Facebook Group Our Country Our Law by Ivan Vivian (not sure if name is actual or pseudonym). The post essentially voices the anger and frustration felt do to decades of Dem Party corruption that has NEVER been held accountable.

The original post doesn’t have a title so I arbitrarily made one. I pray Ivan approves. I use embedded links throughout the post which represents my thinking as commentary. Ivan’s thoughts are his, the links are mine.

I hope you are moved to get your backs up against the Dem agenda to smear President Trump and by extension the real America. The Dem America is a transformed morally corrupt America.

JRH 5/28/19
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Nixon Crime vs Trump Fake Crime

By Ivan Vivian (Facebook)
5/27/19 11:06 AM
Facebook Group "OUR COUNTRY OUR LAW"

Dare I say we had indictments in Watergate only because Nixon was a Republican and The Mob Party Democrats determine to use every means possible in the Bolshevik Leninist style of destroying their opposition? Establishment Republicans tend always give Democrats a deep pass. They certainly knew Obama and Clinton were engaged sin corruption and did nothing.

That which Obama and Clinton were engaged in with FBI and CIA cooperation would make all that Nixon did look like juvenile tiddlywinks.

Between 1972-74 [Blog Editor: FBI Watergate Documents] Nixon had five men break into the DNC headquarters and then Nixon’s administration attempted a major coverup. Something The Mob Party Democrats are accusing President Trump of doing, but we all know (except the self-determined blind Establishment Republicans) that Obama and Clinton were engaged in a far worse espionage effort against [Spygate: The True Story of Collusion; The Democrats Get a Taste of Their Own Medicine; & Federal Rats Are Fleeing the Sinking Collusion Ship] President Trump and yet, The Mob Party Democrats are still free.

The Nixon burglars we’re discovered by journalists engaged in their own espionage against Nixon, much as they are against Trump. While they had a little justification going against Nixon because he did have his black list, our modern day Main Stream Media we’re creating pseudo-events to frame President Trump. Utilizing fabricating misinformation and disinformation with The Mob Party Democrats Fake News Against Trump was reported as real live events.

Will we have indictments against insidious Mob Party Democrats and the Main Stream Media who make all Nixon did look quite pale and insipid in comparison? Knowing the Establishment Republicans, I think not.

Nixon resisted the probes into his administration. The Mob Party Democrats have not only resisted a probe into their treasonous attacks against President Trump but have, in true Alinskyism, have waged a full war against the President accusing him of all that they were doing themselves. The horror of this Russian Collusion-gate is that The Mob Party Democrats secures a forty million [dollar] investigation, not against guilty Obama-Clinton but against innocent President Trump. Still worse, we allow it!

It was all a $40 million cover up for the Obama-Clinton corruption machine. A coverup of their treasonous behavior and there ought to be indictments and prosecution coming forth.
Edited by John R. Houk
Text between brackets are by the Editor.

© Ivan Vivian

Monday, May 27, 2019

Creeping Sharia-Steve Amundson-Muslim Intimidation

John R. Houk
© May 27, 2019

A week or so ago I discovered WordPress censored Creeping Sharia by removing the blog from their platform. Today I discovered via a Counter Jihad Coalition (CJC) email alert that  Creeping Sharia found a new home on Tumblr.

I pray those operating Creeping Sharia are still looking for a permanent home because my experience with Tumblr is they are more censorship oriented than WordPress. Time will tell.

The post at Creeping Sharia expounds that Steve Amundson (the founder of CJC) had set up an expose-Islam-info-booth at a mall. The booth was accosted by a couple of Muslim gals and a Muslim man left a backpack under the booth. I’ll let the cross post that will appear below give the details of what occurred, but the point of the post was the incident motivated the mall to rescind its approval for Amundson to have a booth citing security reasons. Amundson got the Thomas Moore Law Center (TMLC) involved in the mall censorship issue.

JRH 5/27/19
Your generosity is always appreciated:

California: Law Center Thwarts Muslim Attempt To Silence Disturbing Truth About Islam

May 27, 2019 10:44 AM

“I am very confident in saying that if TMLC had not stepped in on behalf of us we would still be fighting to gain back our First Amendment right of free speech.”
– Steve Amundson, founder of the Counter Jihad Coalition (CJC).

Chances are, if you speak boldly about the truth of Islam and Sharia Law you’re bound to run into resistance and conflict. Steve Amundson, the courageous and dedicated founder of the Counter Jihad Coalition (CJC) knows this all too well. He experienced a particularly disturbing incident recently that temporarily prevented him from setting up his booths and getting his message out.

The CJC exists to educate people on the truth about Islam. They do this by setting up tables at different venues, such as the shopping mall shown in the photo above, and pass out factual, truthful brochures. On a given day, they can give out as many as 1,000 brochures.

Although most people are grateful for the information on Islam, Amundson is always on high alert for potential backlash. This past July was no exception.

Amundson and his team, including a pastor, set up their booth at the Los Cerritos Center in Cerritos, California, on July 7th. At one point, two men began snapping pictures of the booth, then getting on their phone.

Soon after, two Muslim women approached the booth and began cursing and causing a scene. Mall security was nearby and began speaking with the women. In the meantime, a white haired Muslim man walked over to the CJC booth and slid a backpack he was carrying under the CJC table. He then began speaking with the pastor from CJC.

After a short conversation, the Muslim man walked away from the pastor.

When Amundson found out that the man was an irate Muslim complaining about CJC’s activities, he became concerned for their safety and called security.

According to Amundson:

“I told security he left a backpack underneath our booth. The Muslim refused to take the backpack. We started to take cover behind cement pillars and told security to either call the bomb squad or have the guy pick up the backpack. He finally agreed to very carefully pick it up and security escorted him away. Security will not say at least right now if he was arrested, if the bomb squad was called or what. Was this a dry run or the real thing?”

Amundson’s subsequent application to place his table at the Mall was denied, citing security reasons.

That’s when Amundson reached out to the Thomas More Law Center (TMLC).

Thomas More Law Center attorneys wrote a letter to the Mall concerning its denial of CJC’s constitutional rights to free speech.   A few weeks after the Mall acknowledged receipt of the letter, CJC was approved.

Amundson was so grateful to have his First Amendment rights restored, that he recently sent an email out to his large group of supporters and thanked TMLC directly, and kindly encouraged his friends to donate to us.

Your ongoing support of TMLC ensures we have the resources to provide immediate legal assistance, to individuals like Steve Amundson and the CJC team.  Thank you for your continued support of the Thomas More Law Center.

Creeping Sharia-Steve Amundson-Muslim Intimidation
John R. Houk
© May 27, 2019
California: Law Center Thwarts Muslim Attempt To Silence Disturbing Truth About Islam