Friday, May 31, 2013

Is Obama Hiding Complicated Geopolitics from Americans?

Bashar al-Assad - Hassan Nasrallah
John R. Houk
May 31, 2013

Here is something to wrap your mind around. And it is a bit complicated as far as Conservatives are concerned about U.S. National Security. Obama has been supportive of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) which is dominated by Islamists now. Benghazigate probably even has something to do with Obama clandestinely arming the SFA. So the potential mind warping thing to tackle is Hamas has been training the SFA in Lebanon.

Obama has to be aware of this! The information about Hamas training FSA has become public knowledge because … CHECK THIS OUT – Hezbollah has told Hamas to clear out of Lebanon because they are training the FSA. You see, the FSA is fighting Assad who is a major client state of Iran. AND Hezbollah is a major terrorist client of Iran. AND Hezbollah basically controls Lebanon. AND Hezbollah, Hamas, the FSA, Assad’s Syrian government and Iran ALL hate Israel!

Hmm … A fellow writer friend of mine – Danny Jeffrey – believes the arms deal Chris Stevens was trying to hammer out was sending Qaddafi-Libyan arms to Hamas rather to directly to the FSA via Turkey as seems to have been the usual practice.

Now in Danny’s essay I linked to, believes the Libyan arms were diverted to Hamas to use against Israel. Was Obama possibly arming Hamas with the intention of training the FSA? If that is the case, I wonder what Israel felt about Obama sending clandestine arms through Hamas with the intention of benefiting the FSA? Did Israel protest? Was Israel in cahoots with the plan also clandestinely? Perhaps Obama and Israel were exploiting the Sunni-Shia mutual hatred for each other as a way to wedge separation between the Muslims who all basically desire Israel’s destruction regardless if they are the majority Sunni or the minority Shia? Things are getting geopolitically complicated enough that some on the Left and the Right with both agree and disagree on any path to aiding the FSA rebels against Bashar Assad’s Syrian rogue government allied to Twelver-Shia dominated Iran.

So you have to wonder what does Obama not want Americans to know about Benghazigate, don't you think?

JRH 5/31/13

What's really behind the Benghazi cover-up?

Demand Benghazi Truth
Intro: What's really behind the Benghazi cover-up?
John R. Houk
© May 31, 2013

I received an email from Liberty Counsel Action authored by Mat Staver asking that his readers demand greater scrutiny pertaining to the details of Benghazigate and who knew what about the before, during and after of the four deaths that occurred at the diplomatic mission in Benghazi Libya.

Staver points to the questions being asked by Frank Gaffney, Jr. of the Center for Security Policy (CSP). The questions are pointed and are simple to answer for a government that has nothing to hide.

There is more to this email than Staver providing the relevant questions that deserve an answer. Staver provides a link in which you can place your name to a Liberty Counsel Action fax which will cost you some bucks to send. Personally I don’t have the cash to do that but I would if I did so think about it.

If you are like me there is a petition you can participate in that is free at Without placing my name on there more than once like a Leftist would do I cannot remember if there is first a money option then a free option relating to the petition calling Congress to take action on Benghazigate. I do remember there is a free option though. To sign that petition can go this petition link or you can click the banner I have at SlantRight 2.0.

Benghazigate Summary

In the mean time please take the time to read the Mat Staver email which I have below.

JRH 5/31/13
What's really behind the Benghazi cover-up?

By Mathew Staver
Sent: May 30, 2013 at 8:53 AM
Sent from Liberty Counsel Action

From the Desk of:
Mat Staver

While Congress is in a “constituency work period” away from Washington, there is an uprising of organizations calling for our congressional leaders to start asking the right questions on Benghazi. 

Congress must create a Select Committee to FULLY investigate the Benghazi attacks – moving beyond the already obtained evidence that the Obama administration lied to the American people and sought to cover up the truth about the attack that killed four Americans and injured many more.

The truth about the events leading up to, during, and following the attacks must also be exposed. Please see my very important message below – Mat.


What were President Obama and his administration hiding while attempting to deceive the American people about the attacks on Benghazi?

It is unrealistic to believe that the edited talking points were contrived solely to protect the political careers of the President, Hillary Clinton, General Petraeus, or State Department bureaucrats. 

Now, over 8 months later, there are still far more questions than answers. This is an epic foreign policy and national security failure – masked with an obvious cover-up and unbridled deception.

Yet even more disturbing is the fact that those lies may have been created to conceal something much larger and far more sinister. 

++One highly respected policy expert’s view on Benghazi.

Frank J. Gaffney Jr., former Assistant Secretary of Defense under President Reagan and now President of the Center for Security Policy, is one of the foremost experts on foreign policy in the Middle East.

Frank Gaffney and his organization have been good friends of Liberty Counsel Action and have collaborated with us on several important issues over the last several years.  But we have never before been faced with anything in the troubling presidency of Barack Obama as massively significant as the Benghazi scandal.

Gaffney poses very disturbing questions about Benghazi-gate.  These questions could seem tainted by “conspiracy theory” thinking, but coming from a seasoned, credentialed defense expert of Frank Gaffney’s caliber, they add great credence to the probability that this is one of the most insidious cover-ups in American history.

Here are just a few of his questions and assessments…

o   “What role did the Obama administration’s assiduous cultivation of relations with Islamists play in the creation of the State Department’s so-called special mission facility in Benghazi?

o   What was the true purpose of that facility, and who was assigned to staff it, with what roles?

o   Why did it take so long for Benghazi survivors to be made available to congressional investigators of the Benghazi-gate affair?

o   What caused U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens to consider it necessary to be at that facility, which he had formally complained was dangerously insecure, especially on September 11, a day that al Qaeda has long sought to make open-season on Americans?

o   Specifically, what was the urgency of Stevens’ last official act, an evening meeting with the Turkish consul general?

o   Were the special mission facility and the nearby CIA annex involved in a covert operation to collect small arms, surface-to-air missiles, or other weapons?

o   Were any of those weapons being secretly made available — directly or indirectly — to the Syrian opposition, a group known to include al Qaeda elements?

o   If weapons secured in Libya for this purpose were transferred to the so-called Syrian rebels, was there a presidential finding authorizing such activities? In that case, had any congressional leaders been duly notified?

o   The public record suggests that Mr. Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton were inexplicably disengaged from the time they learned of the attack until their joint appearance the next morning in the Rose Garden. Where were they during that period and what were they doing?

The Center for Security Policy, like liberty Counsel Action, is calling for a Select Committee to be established by Congress – as are 153 House Republicans, Members of the Senate, the families of the Americans murdered, the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, Special OPS OPSEC, an association of retired Special Operations officials, along with a number of other patriotic organizations.  

We are demanding action from congressional leadership! A Select Committee must be empowered to ask all of the right questions – the events leading up to the attack – the actions taken during – and the post-event deception of the American people.

Please join with me today in putting additional pressure on Congress to FULLY investigate the Libya massacre!

We are faxing our Senators, Representatives, and other key officials today demanding that Members of Congress empower a Select Committee – as proposed by Representative Frank Wolf (R-VA) in H. Res 36 – and now endorsed by over 150 Members of the House.

I urge you to take a minute right now to further participate in this important campaign. Click here to send your immediate faxes to Congress:

++This investigation must be consolidated, empowered, and formalized!

There are at least four House committees investigating the attacks – all operating within the scope of their limited authority. We are demanding a Select Committee with the needed authority!

I believe Benghazi-gate will blow wide open in spite of the Obama/Clinton wish that it would just go away – if Congress investigates it with the full empowerment of a Select Committee. 

Liberty Counsel Action's Fax Barrage strategy has been extremely effective in “holding our elected leaders’ feet to the fire” and forcing Congress to see that the American people will not stand for an arrogant dismissal of public opinion!

Please, click here now to fax Congress and call for a complete bipartisan investigation into the Libya massacre and the cover-up crafted by the Obama administration:

Even if you have already sent a round of faxes, we must relentlessly barrage our senators, representatives, and other key members of Congress demanding that they do the right thing – and ask the right questions.

Enemies of America’s best interests in these events must be exposed.  U.S. government officials, irrespective of the seniority of their positions, must be held accountable!

Please click here now to send your faxes to Congress:  

Again, thank you for taking action with us on this critical issue!   

God bless you,
Mathew Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. I believe we are just beginning to see the extent to which our President and senior government officials have united in a massive cover-up of the events in Benghazi.  PLEASE fax Congress right away, even if you have already done so. Together, let’s hold anyone responsible fully accountable!
Intro: What's really behind the Benghazi cover-up?
John R. Houk
© May 31, 2013
What's really behind the Benghazi cover-up?

+ + Comments? Questions?
Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)4 organization. Gifts are not tax deductible. For full notice including notices for individual states, go here.

Iris Scans – Student Security or Future Govt. Tracking

Iris Scan

John R. Houk
© May 31, 2013

If you watch Fox News you might be aware that a Florida School District got caught scanning the iris of the eyes of the students without parent permission or notification. I don’t watch Left Stream Media news shows so I am uncertain if they reported the incident. I would not be surprised if there was no report from the Left Stream Media.

The reason given for the iris scans was to institute a security program for the students using the school bus. BUT could there be another reason, perhaps a reason that parents would not approve of that is more expansive than school bus security?

Michelle Malkin wonders this as well because when the parents’ desired proof the iris scans were destroyed Malkin claims the School District was not forthcoming with the proof.

JRH 5/31/13
Malkin: Who's Tracking Your Children?

By Michelle Malkin
May 31, 2013 6:55 am

The school year may be over for most American students, but parents must remain as vigilant as ever when it comes to protecting their children's privacy. Look no further than the shocking, invasive conduct of the Polk County, Fla., educational district last week. It's a surveillance-state sign of the times.

Two days before their Memorial Day weekend break, kids from at least three different public schools -- Bethune Academy (K-5), Davenport School of the Arts (K-5, middle and high school), and Daniel Jenkins Academy (6-12) -- were subjected to iris scans without their parents' knowledge or consent. The scans are essentially optical fingerprints, which the school intended to collect to create a database of biometric information for school bus security.

One mother took to Facebook to decry the outrageous breach after her son informed her of the unauthorized imaging. She posted a face-saving letter from Polk County Senior Director of Support Services Rob Davis notifying families only after the high-definition eye scans had been conducted.

The mom, April Serrano of Kissimmee, Fla., recounted: "I have been in touch with the principal at my son's school this morning regarding the iris scans. She verified everything my son told me. ... She said that she was following instructions from the Polk County School Board (PCSB), and that she knew very little, if anything, about this before it occurred. She just did as she was told."

The principal "did as she was told," no questions asked, just like a compliant servant of Big Brother is expected to do. Thank goodness for whistle-blowing parents unafraid to speak truth to mind-numbed power.

I phoned Davis, the school bureaucrat who oversaw the intrusive iris scan initiative, on Wednesday after education reform activists spread the word about Serrano's protest across social media. He confirmed to me that the Orwellian incident indeed took place. Davis sheepishly admitted that it was "a mistake on our part" that a notification letter to parents did not go out earlier in the month. He then blamed a secretary who had a "medical emergency" for the administrative mishap.

But this was far more than an innocent clerical error. Instead of verifying that parents received the letter and ensuring that any families who wanted to opt out had a chance to so, the schools allowed officials from Stanley Convergent Security Solutions into the schools to take iris scans of an unknown number of students as part of a "pilot" security tracking program for students who ride the bus. Stanley operates "identity management" systems using "Eyelock biometric readers" that "ensure maximum convenience with unprecedented accuracy."

The participating Polk County schools were all notified, but somehow the parents of students who ride on a total of 17 school buses to the three schools were all left in the dark. In addition, the district had planned to conduct a pilot scan program with another security company, Blinkspot.

Davis says all of the data have been destroyed. So has the trust parents had in these negligent educrats violating family privacy in the name of "safety." Parents have asked the school board for proof that the records have been wiped. Unsurprisingly, school officials have clammed up now that they are under public scrutiny.

"I am outraged and sickened by this blatant disregard for my son's constitutional right to privacy and my parental rights over my son," Serrano told me this week. Another affected mom, Connie Turlington, also publicly challenged the school district on local TV station WFLA: "This is a fingerprint of my child. Where does this information live? Who has a hold of it? ... My question is: How is it deleted, and how can we be assured as parents that it's gone?"

These parents are not alone. School districts across the country are contracting with private tracking firms to monitor students. Some are using radio frequency tracking technology (RFID) to log movements. Khaliah Barnes, the open government counsel with the Washington, D.C.-based Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), spelled out the chilling implications for freedom of speech, religion and association in a recent CBN interview: "Imagine for example a student being dissuaded from attending a political interest group because she fears that the tracking technology will alert the principal or other administrators where her political affiliations lie."

Now, add the threat that the nationalized Common Core student databases pose to students and families. As I've reported previously, the feds are constructing an unprecedented nationwide student tracking system to aggregate massive amounts of personal data -- including health-care histories, income information, religious affiliations, voting status and even blood types and homework completion.

The data will be available to a wide variety of public agencies. And despite federal student-privacy protections guaranteed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the Obama administration is paving the way for private entities to buy their way into the data boondoggle.

EPIC is now suing the federal Department of Education over its regulatory sabotage of privacy protections.

Those who scoff at us "paranoid" parents for pushing back at Big Brother in the classroom suffer from an abject failure of imagination about government tyranny. Control freaks in public education understand all too well: The hand that tracks our children rules the world.

Michelle Malkin is the author of "Culture of Corruption: Obama and his Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks and Cronies" (Regnery 2010). Her e-mail address is
Iris Scans – Student Security or Future Govt. Tracking
John R. Houk
© May 31, 2013
Malkin: Who's Tracking Your Children?


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Thursday, May 30, 2013

The lesson from London

Lee Rigby - UK soldier decapitated London
An ACT for America email writes about the foolishness of President Barack Hussein Obama declaring the war on terror is now over.

Before I get to that email here is Liz Trotta of Fox News editorializing on BHO’s timing on declaring the war on terror over:

Now below is the ACT for America email which includes an editorial from the Wall Street Journal by Douglas Murray.

JRH 5/30/13
The lesson from London

Sent by ACT for America
Sent: 5/28/2013 1:35 PM

“How many ignored warnings does it take?”

Douglas Murray of the London-based Henry Jackson society wrote an excellent column last week for The Wall Street Journal (see below).

The subtitle states, “Britain has been in denial about the Islamist threat.”

So true. It’s very disturbing that this same denial permeates the thinking of far too many of America’s political, academic, media, counterterrorism and law enforcement leadership.

An Associated Press story over the weekend, referring to President Obama’s national security speech late last week, began this way:

“Some call it wishful thinking, but President Barack Obama has all but declared an end to the global war on terror.”

The reason Obama has done so is because he sees only al Qaida and its affiliates as a threat. Doing so misses the point.

The point is the “war on terror” is not confined to one organization and is not limited by geography, but is defined by those who subscribe to jihadist ideology. Denial won’t change this fact.

Our federal government continues to lead us down the very same path that has failed so miserably in Great Britain and much of Europe.
The London Terror Attack Was More Than 'Unforgivable'
Britain has been in denial about the Islamist threat. Time to face it down.

How many ignored warnings does it take? That is one question that should hang over Britain after the horror of the daytime murder of a British soldier on the streets of south London. On Wednesday afternoon, Drummer Lee Rigby was killed in Woolwich by two men wielding large knives and shouting "Allahu akbar"—God is great.

Islamists have been saying for years they would do this. They have planned to do it. And now they have done it.
Related Video

WSJ Europe editorial writer Ray Zhong on the alleged terror attack in London Wednesday, and what it says about the wider war on terrorism. Photo: Getty Images

The attack itself is not surprising. What is surprising is that British society remains so utterly unwilling not just to deal with this threat, but even to admit its existence. Politicians have called the Woolwich killing "unforgivable" and "barbarous." But expressions of anger should not really be enough.

Attempts to attack military targets in Britain go back to before the millennium and even before, it is important to note, the war on terror. In 1998 Amer Mirza, a member of the now-banned extremist group al Muhajiroun, attempted to petrol-bomb British army barracks. In 2007, a cell of Muslim men was found guilty of plotting to kidnap and behead a British soldier in Birmingham. The plan had been to take the soldier to a lock-up garage and cut off his head "like a pig." They wanted to film this act on camera and send it around the world to cause maximum terror.

In 2009, al Muhajiroun protested at a homecoming parade in Luton for British troops returning from Afghanistan. Carrying banners saying "go to hell," "butchers" and "terrorists," the group was protected by British police officers from an increasingly irate crowd of locals. The resulting outrage toward the police gave rise to the deeply troubling English Defence League, a street protest movement that often turns violent.

National News/Zuma Press

Police in Woolwich, south London, after Wednesday's attack.

Now comes the attack in Woolwich, which the perpetrators—as with the earlier cell—wished to be observed and even filmed. Reports suggest that they invited people to capture their actions on video. The perpetrators gave interviews, machetes in hand, to bystanders with cameras. This horrific scene is something that will stick in the memory.

But it should also have been foreseen. Instead we entered the stage of denial. For there is already, in the reaction to events, more than a hint of what I have previously termed "Toulouse syndrome." The term is named after the attacks last year carried out by a jihadist called Mohammed Merah, who killed three French soldiers in a rampage that concluded with the murders of four French Jews at a school in Toulouse.

In the early stages of the attacks, when little was known, there was significant speculation that the culprit was a far-right extremist. At that stage everybody knew what they were going to say. But once the culprit turned out to be an Islamist, the gaze nearly fell away completely. "Nothing to see here, please move on" was the order of the day.

"Toulouse syndrome" also touched Boston last month. After the bombing at the marathon, media and politicians waited, hoping—some even said as much—that the attackers would be tea-party types. Then everybody would know what to say. But when it turned out to be Islamists?

So it is with the Woolwich killing, which British officials have lined up to denounce. Yes it is sickening. Of course it is barbaric. But what of it? Even all these years after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2011, our societies remain unfit for purpose in facing up to—and facing down—Islamic extremism.

Too many still seek refuge in ignorance and denial that was so memorably displayed by U.S. officials after the Fort Hood shooting in 2009. A man who was a member of the American armed forces, Maj. Nidal Hasan, gunned down his colleagues while shouting "Allahu akbar." On that occasion the American government, like the French government before it and the British government this week, decided to focus on everything about the attack other than what really mattered: the motive. Fort Hood was put down to a case of workplace violence.

There will be many angles to the events in London that must be addressed in the coming days, and we can hope many will receive the appropriate level of public attention. Among them will be one particularly unpleasant irony.

Most of the extremists who have repeatedly expressed their hatred of British soldiers are themselves supported by the British state. A prominent hate-preacher—Anjem Choudary, a leader of the disbanded al Muhajiroun—was even caught on video earlier this year extolling Britain's "jihad-seekers' allowance." As he explained to his followers, "The normal situation, really, is to take money from the kafir"—a slur for non-Muslims. "Allahu akbar. We take the money."

After the video showed up online, a BBC reporter asked Mr. Choudary to clarify how much he's taking—the press has long reported a sum of £25,000 ($37,770) per year. "It's irrelevant," Mr. Choudary replied.

This would not be the first time a country has paid both sides in a conflict. But if the reported figure is anywhere near accurate, it would surely be the first time in human history that a society has paid its opponents better than it pays its own. A British soldier can expect to start in the army on a salary of around £16,000 ($24,172).

The events in south London must cause a re-evaluation by British society of the insanity we have been permitting. The question is not how sad we feel. The only question should be what we do about it.
Mr. Murray is associate director of the Henry Jackson Society, a London-based think tank.
The lesson from London

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America’s national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.
The London Terror Attack Was More Than 'Unforgivable'

A version of this article appeared May 24, 2013, on page A13 in the U.S. edition of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: The London Terror Attack Was More Than 'Unforgivable'.

Copyright ©2013 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

PA Glorifies Terrorism - Obama Still wants Palestinian State

Evyatar Borovsky actor - murdered by Salam al-Zaghal
John R. Houk
© May 29, 2013

Palestine Media Watch exposes the Palestinian Authority of glorifying terrorism against Jews in Israel. A former advisor to PA President Mahmoud Abbas praised murderer Salam As'ad Al-Zaghal for stabbing to death Evyatar Borovsky at an Israeli military check point. That former PA advisor is Sultan Abu Al-Einein. Upon finding out 5 Congressmen wrote Abbas an official letter demanding he repudiate and condemn such glorification of terrorism as hate-mongering.

This glorification of terrorism by the PA is representative of the kind of leadership instilling Jew-Hatred and Israel-Hatred into the Arabs that call themselves Palestinians. What is the Obama-led U.S. government thinking in supporting these animals in creating a sovereign nation that will have two National Interests – the killing of Jews and the destruction of Israel?

I can see the reason for the EU nations, Russia and the United Nations (See Also HERE) supporting a Palestinian sovereign state because Anti-Semitism has re-inflamed the National/International Interests of those governments. In the USA on a national basis Anti-Semitism is still unacceptable. Unfortunately Obama’s Foreign Policy toward Israel (See Also HERE) and the Arabs that call themselves Palestinians is stamping our nation as fellow Anti-Semitics along with the EU, Russia and the UN. Even though a majority of Americans are very supportive of Israel, Obama’s support of Palestinian State and forcing Israel to give up half of their National Capital City Jerusalem will brand us as Anti-Semitic in the eyes of history. The creation of a Palestinian State quite possibly could lead to a second modern Holocaust of Jewish people as Jew-Hating Arabs surrounding the sliver of land that is Israel destroy the National Homeland of Jews all in the name of Allah and its pseudo-prophet Mohammed.

Courtesy of PMW below is the official letter from Congress to Mahmoud Abbas signed by Representatives Eliot Engel, Ed Royce, Nita Lowery, Ted Deutch and Brad Sherman:

His Excellency Mahmoud Abbas
Palestinian National Authority
Al Muqata’a, Ramallah West Bank

May 15, 2013

Dear Mr. President:

During our recent meeting in Ramallah, you stressed your absolute commitment to non-violence in resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. We were encouraged by your remarks, and appreciate the time you shared with our delegation.

However, upon our return to the United States we were troubled to learn that a senior Palestinian Authority official, Sultan Abu Al-Einein, who previously served as your advisor holding the rank of minister, had recently expressed
his open support for the murderer who killed Evyatar Borovsky, an Israeli who was stabbed to death by Palestinian terrorist Salam Al-Zaghal while he was waiting for a ride.

Mr. Al-Einein stated, "We salute the heroic fighter, the self-sacrificing Salam Al-Zaghal." And he went on to note that "He [Al-Zaghal] insisted on defending his honor, so he went against the settler and killed him. Blessings to the breast that nursed Salam Al-Zaghal."

We have also become aware that only hours after the murder, the administrator of Fatah's official Facebook page glorified Al-Zaghal as a "hero."

President Abbas, allowing this type of incitement and hatemongering to take place within your ranks is intolerable if you are truly dedicated to non-violence. We ask that you publically and officially denounce and condemn Mr. Al-Einein’s remarks at once and remove him from his position in your government. We also request that Fatah immediately remove its Facebook page glorifying this murder.

We look forward to seeing you take action on this matter and working with you to create a peaceful and prosperous future for the Palestinian people.


Reps. Eliot Engel, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs

Ed Royce, Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs,
Nita Lowey, Ranking Member of the Appropriations Committee,
Ted Deutch, Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on the Middle East,
Brad Sherman, Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Non-proliferation, and Trade.

JRH 5/29/13