Saturday, November 30, 2019

THE SERPENT AND THE RED THREAD: The Definitive Biography of Evil

Diane Weber Bederman (from her blog)

Israpundit begins a book review with a link to a Church of England PDF report on Antisemitism perpetrated by Christians against Jews then goes on to examine “THE SERPENT AND THE RED THREAD: The Definitive Biography of Evil” by Diane Weber Bederman (Convivium bio, Bederman Blog and her post about book) advertised as a readable history of Antisemitism.

JRH 11/30/19
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Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.
THE SERPENT AND THE RED THREAD: The Definitive Biography of Evil

November 30, 2019

The 121-page report said attitudes towards Judaism over centuries had provided a “fertile seed-bed for murderous anti-Semitism,” and that Anglicans and other Christians must repent for the “sins of the past,” as well as actively challenge anti-Semitic attitudes or stereotypes.

The Serpent and the Red Thread is a book, a documentary, about the oldest, most irrational evil: Jew hatred; told through the voices of Biblical and historical figures. Ms. Weber Bederman takes you on a journey through time, sharing the presence of history and our collective memories, beginning where all time begins: The Garden of Eden, where we meet the serpent who has in his mouth the red thread which he takes with him as it connects evil through time. Ms Weber Bederman has chosen to incorporate the Chinese literary device, the red thread, to connect the most evil of humankind, the Amaleks of history. The ones who spread irrational hate.

All of the events  are historical, factual, and sometimes shared through the stories of the characters: Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jesus, Paul and hitler. One need not be a student of the bible or history to follow the travels of the red thread woven by the serpent from the Garden to the present.

The Red Thread of Evil has found yet another home in the hands of another group, the followers of the religion of Allah, who are intent on accomplishing what no other regime or culture had been able to do: to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth. Alarmingly, they have found many in the West who make themselves willing accomplices in the campaign of lies and distortions against Israel and the Jewish people elsewhere.

This latter-day incarnation of Evil frequently finds accomplices among young people, uneducated and uninformed and easily taken in by extremist diatribes.

That is why it is so important that this small volume with its treasure of information presented in a readable, even gripping narrative is placed into the hands of a wider public, but most especially impressionable youths in universities and high schools. A timely document that will enlighten those who are receptive to thought and the truth.


Diane Weber Bederman is very passionate in understanding the evil mindset behind hatred against Jews. Her book ‘The Serpent and The Red Thread’ is a sort of short history of historic incidences related to this evil mindset. This book may provide a reference to our present day world leadership in terms of curbing this hatred. Dealing with controversial and messy religious and political history is not an easy task. Holocaust denial and growing antisemitism can never be addressed precisely without addressing the root causes of these hateful attitudes. — Tahir Aslam Gora TV producer

Poetic, mystical, and prophetic, ‘The Serpent and the Red Thread’ is a unique, unflinching look at the history of Jew-hatred from Biblical era persecution through the Holocaust to today’s Muslim Brotherhood. It is an essential reminder that the Jewish people have always been stalked by evil, and yet always prevail. — Mark Tapson, Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and author of Chivalry and the War on Men

 It is quite an achievement. It’s the kind of project–terrifying, daunting–that most writers wouldn’t even contemplate, let alone carry through–and you did it with style and power. It is riveting. — Janice Fiamengo, Professor of English at the University of Ottawa

Drawing upon history and characters like Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jesus, Paul and ‘hitler’, Bederman lays bare the human dichotomy between good and evil, and love and hate. Exposing the tug-of-war within the human soul and influenced by cultural impact, this book provides a creative, enlightening and much needed crash course in human responsibility. The Serpent renders an inescapable call to confront one’s deeper consciousness and the question to one’s self: can one remain neutral and in denial in the face of egregious evil without bearing a degree of culpability? as witnessed in the Holocaust. — Christine Douglass-Williams, International award-winning Journalist and best-selling Author of The Challenge of Modernizing Islam

From humanity’s first encounter with evil up until our present time, author Diane Weber Bederman lays out the unparalleled, irrational hate of the Jewish people. With often chilling prose, she takes us down the historical paths of nations, religions and ideologies to uncover the webs that trapped and devoured the people who gifted the world with compassion and ethics. Citing often unfamiliar sources, the author unravels the thread of hate that ran through primitive times yet also through the likes of the Enlightenment. It was the progression birthed in the Enlightenment that promised to better society, It was the same progression that set the stage for the unparalleled and unprecedented pinnacle of enmity – the Holocaust. Passionate, personal, and presenting the facts, this is much more than a book. It is an indictment on a world that has forgotten that the mass industrial murder of 6 million Jews on Europe’s soil was done in the name of culture and progression. It is a cry from the heart, a warning. The serpent of antisemitism has never been apprehended. It is on the loose again and it’s ravenous for Jews. Today it leashes it’s venom at the Jewish homeland. The author burdens us with the freedom of choice. Whoever we are, we have a moral duty to combat this hate that in living memory saw to the annihilation of millions of human beings in the name of progression. — Kay Wilson, author of The Rage Less Traveled

‘The Serpent and the Red Thread’ chronicles the miasmal hatred, pogroms, and ruthless antisemitism that continues to persecute the Jewish people today. Bederman manages to bring beauty to this horror, which makes her book an engrossing read for students and scholars alike. Diane Weber Bederman offers the reader a fascinating documentary of antisemitism and its inspiration from ancient times until today. Bederman deftly follows the red thread of antisemitism that begins in the Garden of Eden, threads its way through the descendants of Amalek, Adolph Hitler, and finally into the 21st century where Islamic Jew hatred is Hitlerian in intensity. Antisemitism has managed to wend its way through time and civilizations in its inexhaustible efforts to destroy the Jewish people. The torch of antisemitism passes from generation to generation by leaders who look to history to rationalize their savagery. — Linda Goudsmit, author of Dear America: Who’s Driving the Bus? and children’s series Mimi’s STRATEGY

It has been called the oldest and the longest hatred. It has persisted through the millennia making its way through human history from Antiquity to Modernity. As such, it has been directed at a small group of people within a sea of vast multitude of people and singled it out for deprecation, persecution, and attempts at annihilation. Much ink has been spilled to account for, to explain and even justify and legitimize this phenomenon. Why the Jews? Is the puzzling question to which there is no plausible answer except for those who carry this evil in their hearts. Evil is the answer to be found in the small volume by Diane Weber Bederman which she titled ‘The Serpent and the Red Thread.’ Evil, she explains, has beset the world since the beginning of time – which in this version is associated with the Creation as described in the Hebrew Bible and the Garden of Eden. The beautiful parable of the serpent planting the seed of evil in the heart of the first humans highlights the eternal battle against the good. More often than not, it is the force of evil that seems to win out over a more benevolent inclination. The ultimate form of Evil finds its expression in the form of hatred of the Jews, or antisemitism in a modern-day coinage. The author takes the reader on the winding trail this Evil take in its variant forms – religious intolerance to cultural calumny formulated in Christian Church doctrine and the race theories that sprouted from the secularized modern era on and reached its culmination, its ultimate explosion under the Nazi regime. As the author weaves and spins out this thread—the Red Thread of Evil, she calls it in a felicitous metaphor—she gathers together an enormous amount of material that documents the poison spread by even some of greatest and most admired thinkers to the venom spewed by the evil incarnate in the person of Adolf Hitler. She takes the reader on a journey, a trail of tears and suffering experienced by few other groups. Yet, even after the most catastrophic event of the Nazi murder of millions, the evil of antisemitism that has hounded and pursuit the Jewish people is not extinguish. In fact, in recent years it has gathered strength and its poison has been spreading like an epidemic in the Middle East, where the Jews regained their ancient homeland, Europe, and even America. As the author states, the Red Thread of Evil has found yet another home in the hands of another group, the followers of the religion of Allah, who are intent on accomplishing what no other regime or culture had been able to do: to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth. Alarmingly, they have found many in the West who make themselves willing accomplices in the campaign of lies and distortions against Israel and the Jewish people elsewhere. This latter-day incarnation of Evil frequently finds accomplices among young people, uneducated and uninformed and easily taken in by extremist diatribes. That is why it is so important that this small volume with its treasure of information presented in a readable, even gripping narrative is placed into the hands of a wider public, but most especially impressionable youths in universities and high schools. A timely document that will enlighten those receptive to thought and the truth. — Brigitte M Goldstein, Ph.D., Historical Novelist

Diane Weber Bederman

Author of
Back to the Ethic : Reclaiming Western Values
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Friday, November 29, 2019

Second Schiff staffer tied to Burisma-backed think tank: Report

HMM… I wonder why Shifty Schiff blocked Republican subpoenas to Quid Pro Joe and Hunter Biden? Trish Reagan shows Shifty’s reasoning.

JRH 11/29/19
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Posted by Fox Business
768K subscribers - Nov 27, 2019

Former Bush 43 senior adviser Brad Blakeman reacts to the news that a second Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) staffer has been linked to a think tank backed by Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company involved in the Hunter Biden controversy.
Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Our Republic Is In Crisis

If you have ever read any of my blog posts you are fully aware that members of the Political Party known as the Dems are ardent liars. With that in mind you can only imagine the inner fury that arises when I hear a Dem proclaim “we must protect the Constitution” or “No President is above the law” and so on. I particularly find it galling when I’ve heard Nancy Pelosi – Speaker by the incredulous virtue of being the leader of the Majority Party in the House – quote Benjamin Franklin as he departed the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia:

The deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held in strict secrecy. Consequently, anxious citizens gathered outside Independence Hall when the proceedings ended in order to learn what had been produced behind closed doors. The answer was provided immediately. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, "A republic, if you can keep it."

This exchange was recorded by Constitution signer James McHenry in a diary entry that was later reproduced in the 1906 American Historical Review. Yet in more recent years, Franklin has occasionally [sic] been misquoted as having said, "A democracy, if you can keep it." -- A Republic, if You Can Keep It; By John F. McManus;; 11/6/2000

I’ve heard Pelosi quote Franklin on preserving our Republic by impeaching President Trump. The gall coming from a leader from what is now one of the most corrupt Political Parties in American history whose leadership has spent decades diluting, arbitrarily rewriting through unelected Courts and in many cases just criminally ignore the United States Constitution.

There are rumors that IG Michael Horowitz’s report on “DOJ and FBI’s conduct during the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant process as it relates to the 2016 presidential election” is going to scapegoat the unimportant and ignore the big fish Dem criminals – AS USUAL. If that is so, America has lost her Republic to the tyranny of the Deep State unelected bureaucracy. Justin Smith takes a look at the rumors!

JRH 11/27/19
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Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.
Our Republic Is In Crisis
America's Traitors Must Not Go Unpunished

By Justin O. Smith
Sent 11/25/2019 9:29 PM

The United States Republic has been under a sustained assault since 2016, by a Democratic Party, that has used every mechanism and maneuver possible to undermine President Trump's Administration; and it now self-describes itself as "the Resistance", an incendiary title most usually ascribed to insurgents fighting an occupying military power and not a "Loyal Opposition". Their worldview is so far removed from America's Founding, so antithetical, that they now stand as the Enemy from Within, as they engage in a war to cripple a duly elected government by any means necessary, and this cannot be allowed, if this nation is to continue as a true Republic.  

Time and time again, the Democratic Party has exhibited it is willing to use any means necessary to gain a momentary advantage to achieve their agenda and goals, no matter the systemic implications and the unintended or intended collateral consequences. They do not care if their actions can be justified as a general rule of conduct, equally applicable to all of America, since they believe they are the most brilliant animals in the room and seek to impose their will, despite any protestations.  

Our governing system is in crisis, and our Republic is indeed in crisis. Both are in crisis due to the Democratic Party's belief that their actions to ignore, subvert and replace norms, institutions and laws are somehow authorized simply by their will, edict and proclamation, and their follower's acceptance of this abrogation of the Constitution compounds and exacerbates the situation, creating dangerous times for all America.

Immediately upon Trump's election, Rosa Brooks, Defense Department official under Obama, outlined ways to remove Trump from office, before the 2020 elections, in an article for Foreign Policy. In seditious and treasonous style, she brazenly advocated for a military coup.  

In recently discovered tweets, Mark Zaid, attorney for the traitorous Ukraine Gossip Leaker, boasts of the coup in January 2017, typing the words: "#coup has started. First of many steps. #rebellion. #impeachment will follow. ... As one falls, two more will take their place."  

And, in a recent New York Times op-ed, retired Admiral William McRaven essentially called for President Trump's ouster, as he suggested "the sooner, the better."  

Traitors within the Obama administration's CIA, FBI, DOJ and State Department, along with federal bureaucratic holdovers, had to be acting at the direction of Obama himself, when all is said and done, in this coup to overthrow President Trump, and the mainstream media was culpable all along the way, doubling, tripling and quadrupling down on the dishonest narrative. They are all now desperate to evade their responsibility for this, as they still advance the false premise that Russia hacked the 2016 election to help Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton. And as all the traitors are being exposed, one by one, they are willing to bring down the country rather than face the consequences of their sedition and treason.

[Blog Editor: A minuscule list of articles pointing to Obama Administration traitors you WILL NOT see from the MSM:

Reported by Fox News, John McLaughlin, former acting CIA Director, recently publicly exclaimed, "Thank God for the Deep State." He was soon joined by John Brennan, former CIA Director, who added his agreement in praise for the "Deep State people" and their opposition to President Trump.  

How are the American people supposed to maintain this nation, when nearly half of them support the anti-American, anti-Constitution and rule of law actions and policies of the Democratic Party? How does this not end badly for America?  

The Democratic Party communists are hellbent on impeachment and the absence of wrongdoing and any real case doesn't enter their illogical thought process. They do not care that they are further seeding the destruction of America and will reap the whirlwind to follow.  

After President Obama's hot microphone moment with Russian President Medvedev was excused and the media was essentially silent on it, the Democrats really are throwing bricks in a glass house, especially in light of former Vice-President Biden's actual quid pro quo, regarding withholding aid to Ukraine until an honest Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden was fired. Can anyone really honestly state that President Trump has committed one single misdemeanor or high crime, in this entire miserable mess?

And now all America is being forced to endure the nauseating spectacle of the bug-eyed mentally ill Representative Adam Schiff chairing the "impeachment inquiry", and acting bizarrely and near deranged, in the House Intelligence Committee, where Schiff has regularly abused his power and shredded the constitutional norms. Schiff has continuously, consistently and maliciously blocked every attempted defense of the nakedly absurd charges against President Trump, through chicane and deceitful means that are void of any concept of due process, concocted by Schiff and his communist lawfare confidence men and grifters -- no right to argue against those set of Stalinist rules and this ensuing "show trial", no right to call witnesses and no right to cross-examine "witnesses", those purveyors of hearsay. 

[Blog Editor: Examples of Shifty Schiff chicanery:

Speaker Pelosi has refused to initiate a formal impeachment trial, since that would trigger a legal process that would remove the Democrat's current tyrannical hold over the process. Instead, she has opted to acquiesce to the current melodramatic fishing expedition, one more quixotic chapter in the ignominious crusade to reverse the 2016 election.  

In the meantime, the gas-lighting of America by the media also continues, in stories like the November NYT's 'Russia Inquiry Review Is Said to Criticize F.B.I. but Rebuff Claims of Biased Acts'. This is simply an attempt to convince America that the entire FBI abuse of the FISA warrant process and multiple lies presented to the FISA Court all rests on the shoulders of one lone, lowly miserable chump of a lawyer, Kevin Clinesmith, who manipulated and doctored one email, and its truthless assertions are meant to exonerate both the CIA and the FBI for opening the "Crossfire Hurricane" investigation on false evidence they furnished to the FISA judges. 

[Blog Editor: Indeed there is the appearance Clinesmith may be the scapegoat offering instead of including Dem-supporting criminals in the FBI and CIA:

More eerie blue gas-light dances throughout CBS and its 60 Minutes reality optional story on the supposed Russian hacking of our election, in a blatant attempt to deflect from the fact that Crowdstrike, owned by Ukrainian oligarch Dmitri Alperovitch, [Blog Editor: Actually Alperovitch was born in Russia BUT he is heavily connected to Ukrainian oligarch/billionaire  Victor Pinchuk who funds the Atlantic Council of which Alperovitch and infamous Chalupa sisters (Alexandra & Andrea) connected to Steele Dossier conspiracy are also members – TALK ABOUT SOLICITING FOREIGN MEDDLING IN A U.S. ELECTION!] created the story initially, and Crowdstrike had been hired by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton to interfere in the 2016 election. After the fact, Crowdstrike also became the sole entity allowed to perform a forensic examination on the DNC's servers, while persuading the FBI to turn a blind-eye; in other words, the DNC's contractor investigated its own criminal behavior. Doesn't any patriotic American want that investigated?

[Blog Editor: The Mueller Report (or whoever the true author is?) claims the Russians hacked DNC servers solely based on Crowdstrike assertions rather than FBI/CIA forensic examinations:

FBI never examined hacked DNC servers itself: report; By Katie Bo Williams; The Hill; 1/4/17 7:29 PM EST

The FBI never examined the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) computer servers during its investigation into Russian attempts to interfere in the presidential election, BuzzFeed reports.

“The DNC had several meetings with representatives of the FBI’s Cyber Division and its Washington (D.C.) Field Office, the Department of Justice’s National Security Division, and U.S. Attorney’s Offices, and it responded to a variety of requests for cooperation, but the FBI never requested access to the DNC’s computer servers,” DNC deputy communications director Eric Walker told BuzzFeed in an email.

According to one intelligence official who spoke to the publication, no U.S. intelligence agency has performed its own forensics analysis on the hacked servers.

Instead, the official said, the bureau and other agencies have relied on analysis done by the third-party security firm CrowdStrike, which investigated the breach for the DNC. … MORE TO READ

At a May press conference capping his tenure as special counsel, Robert Mueller emphasized what he called "the central allegation" of the two-year Russia probe. The Russian government, Mueller sternly declared, engaged in "multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election, and that allegation deserves the attention of every American." Mueller's comments echoed a January 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) asserting with "high confidence" that Russia conducted a sweeping 2016 election influence campaign. …

… The report claims that the interference operation occurred "principally" on two fronts: Russian military intelligence officers hacked and leaked embarrassing Democratic Party documents, and a government-linked troll farm orchestrated a sophisticated and far-reaching social media campaign that denigrated Hillary Clinton and promoted Trump.

But a close examination of the report shows that none of those headline assertions are supported by the report’s evidence or other publicly available sources. They are further undercut by investigative shortcomings and the conflicts of interest of key players involved: 

§  The report uses qualified and vague language to describe key events, indicating that Mueller and his investigators do not actually know for certain whether Russian intelligence officers stole Democratic Party emails, or how those emails were transferred to WikiLeaks.

§  The report's timeline of events appears to defy logic. According to its narrative, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange announced the publication of Democratic Party emails not only before he received the documents but before he even communicated with the source that provided them.

§  There is strong reason to doubt Mueller’s suggestion that an alleged Russian cutout called Guccifer 2.0 supplied the stolen emails to Assange.

§  Mueller’s decision not to interview Assange – a central figure who claims Russia was not behind the hack – suggests an unwillingness to explore avenues of evidence on fundamental questions.

§  U.S. intelligence officials cannot make definitive conclusions about the hacking of the Democratic National Committee computer servers because they did not analyze those servers themselves. Instead, they relied on the forensics of CrowdStrike, a private contractor for the DNC that was not a neutral party, much as “Russian dossier” compiler Christopher Steele, also a DNC contractor, was not a neutral party. This puts two Democrat-hired contractors squarely behind underlying allegations in the affair – a key circumstance that Mueller ignores.

§  Further, the government allowed CrowdStrike and the Democratic Party's legal counsel to submit redacted records, meaning CrowdStrike and not the government decided what could be revealed or not regarding evidence of hacking.

§  Mueller’s report conspicuously does not allege that the Russian government carried out the social media campaign. Instead it blames, as Mueller said in his closing remarks, "a private Russian entity" known as the Internet Research Agency (IRA).

§  Mueller also falls far short of proving that the Russian social campaign was sophisticated, or even more than minimally related to the 2016 election. As with the collusion and Russian hacking allegations, Democratic officials had a central and overlooked hand in generating the alarm about Russian social media activity.


The Democrats are waging a heated attack ahead of the post-Thanksgiving deluge of bad news they anticipate to be forthcoming in Horowitz's report. Many criminal cronies whose turpitude and crimes have been richly and publicly fully documented for many months may soon be called to an accounting on detailed charges, and at the very least, those facing criminal indictments should and must eventually include the following, if any true justice still exists in America; charge, arrest, prosecute and imprison: Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Strzok, Page, McCabe, Rosenstein. And if real justice is to be had, any sweep must capture Bill Priestap, Sally Yates, Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, John Carlin, Michael Gaeta, and most certainly even Barack Obama, the Democratic Party Prince of Darkness, just in time for Christmas, too. And a bit of added reward would see Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann included for their mendacious, malicious prosecution, when they knew for two full years they had no case. [Bold text Blog Editor’s]

Dem Party Prince of Darkness (acquired without permission from Bosch Fawstin)

Let all freedom loving patriotic Americans pray and work to ensure that any action countering this coup finally includes a nationwide drag-net that sweeps up all involved in the latest UkraineGate subterfuge, such as the faux "whistleblower" Eric Ciaramella, those complicit agents from Rep. Adam Schiff's office, and accomplice Michael Atkinson -- the current Intelligence Community Inspector General who has a major conflict of interest as the former legal counsel to Assistant Attorney John Carlin, who headed the National Security Division of the Justice Department at the start of the FBI's "Crossfire Hurricane" stratagem; of equal note, Atkinson was also previously Robert Mueller's chief of staff at the FBI. And let's not forget that Ciaramella was a CIA spy serving in the White House, who then promptly engaged in the height of sedition and lawlessness by actually spying on the President of the United States and his staff.

[Blog Editor: Noteworthy info on Deep State IG Michael Atkinson:

But if a shocking story reported by Sean Davis yesterday is true, then not only were we wrong but the implications are that the Intelligence Community, itself, and in particular the Intelligence Community IG decided to assist in the effort create a narrative that would justify the impeachment of a lawfully elected president who was acting lawfully.

… the IC changed the rules for classifying disgruntled personnel as whistleblowers in a very significant way:

The brand new version of the whistleblower complaint form, which was not made public until after the transcript of Trump’s July 25 phone call with the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and the complaint addressed to Congress were made public, eliminates the first-hand knowledge requirement and allows employees to file whistleblower complaints even if they have zero direct knowledge of underlying evidence and only “heard about [wrongdoing] from others.”

To review the bidding. Someone in the Intelligence Committee leadership changed the definition of whistleblower so this whistleblower was elevated from a rumor monger to a protected individual. They did this about the same time as the complaint was filed. Because the IC IG is intimately involved in the whistleblower regulations (I’d be willing to guess that office is the proponent of the regulation but I don’t know that for a fact) Atkinson knew about the change. … READ ENTIRTY

Last week the Intelligence Community Inspector General, Michael Atkinson, testified behind closed doors to congress. Atkinson testified about his role in bringing the ‘whistle-blower’ complaint forward.  The details of that testimony are now starting to surface and thankfully congress is taking a closer look at the sketchy background of Michael Atkinson.

On Sunday, October 6th, Ranking Member Devin Nunes also discussed his concerns with the testimony of Michael Atkinson.  Nunes noted the testimony “was a joke”.

“So he’s either incompetent or in on it, and he’s going to have more to answer for, I can promise you, because we are not going to let him go; he is going to tell the truth about what happened,” Nunes added.  (read more)

Given the nature of Atkinson’s background, it appears his prior work in 2016, during his tenure as the lead legal counsel for the DOJ-NSD, likely played a role in his decision.

Here’s Nunes Sunday Interview (audio):

The center of the 2016 Lawfare Alliance election influence was/is the Department of Justice National Security Division, DOJ-NSD. It was the DOJ-NSD running the Main Justice side of the 2016 operations to support Operation Crossfire Hurricane and FBI agent Peter Strzok. It was also the DOJ-NSD where the sketchy legal theories around FARA violations (Sec. 901) originated.

Michael K Atkinson was previously the Senior Counsel to the Assistant Attorney General of the National Security Division of the Department of Justice (DOJ-NSD) in 2016. That makes Atkinson senior legal counsel to John Carlin and Mary McCord who were the former heads of the DOJ-NSD in 2016 when the stop Trump operation was underway.

Michael Atkinson was the lawyer for the same DOJ-NSD players who: (1) lied to the FISA court (Judge Rosemary Collyer) about the 80% non compliant NSA database abuse using FBI contractors; (2) filed the FISA application against Carter Page; and (3) used FARA violations as tools for political surveillance and political targeting.

Yes, that means Michael Atkinson was Senior Counsel for the DOJ-NSD, at the very epicenter of the political weaponization and FISA abuse.

If the DOJ-NSD exploitation of the NSA database, and/or DOJ-NSD FISA abuse, and/or DOJ-NSD FARA corruption were ever to reach sunlight, current ICIG Atkinson -as the lawyer for the process- would be under a lot of scrutiny for his involvement.

Yes, that gives current ICIG Michael Atkinson a strong and corrupt motive to participate with the Pelosi-Schiff/Lawfare impeachment objective.  Sketchy!

These traitors must not go unpunished, and if there is any truth to the report that Inspector General Horowitz has essentially given cover to several of the coup plotters, including James Comey, this portends of more dark days ahead and more evil machinations yet to come.  

Over half of America has been awaiting the moment authorities, acting in accordance with the actual rule of law, put an end to this convoluted, terrible campaign of seditious fog that is driving our country close to the brink of a second civil war. The half of our countrymen who have digested and analyzed the evidence of this treason and sedition, underwritten by Hillary Clinton and her allies, on the back-channels of the information highway understand that millions of other credulous Americans who accepted the CIA narrative are in for a massive surprise once they discover how deeply all America has been betrayed.

I know without any doubt that much of the Republic's future rests on the final determination of the Inspector General's Report and any successful action towards rounding up and prosecuting all the anti-American TRAITORS involved in this entire sorry mess. When and if America witnesses this egregious part of Her history made right by the prosecution and imprisonment of these traitors, only then will myself and millions of other fine Americans look more hopefully on what the future may hold for America. If these traitors escape true justice, whether one wishes to acknowledge the fact, the republic is essentially done and over, and anything goes moving forward, since that will, in fact, be the attitude taken from any such point on by both parties.

In an age of traitors justifying their sedition and treason as a normal path of resistance to a President, whose only crime is being hated by the communist Democrats, it is not any exaggeration to state that many of those involved in this ongoing assault against the President and the Republic should have to answer charges up to and including treason. Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham must find the strength to force the ignoble cast of characters to feast at the table of the consequences of their own actions, and other loyal Americans in pertinent departments must anticipate and stand ready to preempt any attempt by these desperate traitors and their respective agencies to enlist the military brass in an outright overthrow of the executive, since intimations of this are already circulating. In these upside-down times, when the misguided, the ignorant and the Evil redefine patriotism as removing the President before a constitutionally mandated election, any such move will result in civil violence unseen since the mid-Nineteenth century: The Deep State and the Democratic party have worn out their welcome and their legitimacy.

By Justin O. Smith
Sources I considered using but did not but YOU might find useful (unless you are a Dem Traitor to the Founders’ U.S. Republic):

Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.
Edited by John R. Houk
Text enclosed by brackets and all source links are by the Editor.

© Justin O. Smith