Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Videos Looking at Tyranny – Part ONE

Medical, Globalist & Government 

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© June 11, 2024


The time has come again to share informative videos of various lengths which I have amassed typically a perspective on aspects of Tyranny: Medical, Globalist and Government. There are quite a few thus the share will be in two parts.


I do agree with most of the information in these videos yet some of the information I have to think about before I come to a position of agreement or disagreement. My advice to you is to watch with some critical thinkings to filter your own agreement or disagreement.


The will mention the first video because it is less about the typical tyranny info I usually share and more on government coverup or government secrets. To be honest the first video piqued my interest because of avid Science Fiction reading years of my youth (currently I’m age 67).


The first video was acquired via my Epoch Times paid subscription and is entitled, “UFO Government Files Declassified – EPOCHTV Documentary”.


Here’s a thought related former Sci-Fi days filtered through my more elder Christian and Conservative outlook. The existence of UFO-Aliens might be viewed thus:


o   The Universe is huge and planet Earth is a mere speck in that Universe. Especially in my early days, I viewed the thought that human beings were the only intelligent life in the vastness of the Universe is shorted-sighted human hubris.


o   God created other intelligent beings other than just humans. The Bible specifically talks about levels of Angelic beings. Could the intelligent life in the vastness of the cosmos be some of these Angelic beings?


o   OR UFOlogists and/or Ancient Astronaut Theorists might be correct and what the ancient human beings of Earth viewed as deities were none other than Intelligent Alien species visiting Earth. Nahhhh.


o   OR Conspiracy Sci-Fi Theorists on Greys vs Reptilians battling for the hearts and minds of humanity. The younger me fell for this. The elder me: Nahhhh.


o   OR the existence of Intelligent Beings from other planets in the Universe is just a bunch of unproven balderdash that ONE-World Globalists are cooking up to control the masses with fearmongering. I don’t know – could be.


At any rate, the videos shared will be combination of my Bitchute Channel, my UGETube Channel, other Bitchute videos and Rumble videos. In no particular chronological order but of my interest.

JRH 6/11/24


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UGETube VIDEO: UFO Government Files Declassified – EPOCHTV Documentary

Posted by John Houk

Published 10 Jun 2024


I actually discovered a link to the Documentary via Telegram The Epoch Times ( In my younger days I was a Sci-Fi aficionado. Thus I’m sharing the Documentary originally posted at ECPOCHTV ( on 11/29/23 (


EPOCHTV Description:


Epoch Cinema []


Governments keep secrets. But what happens when these secrets can’t be covered up any longer? This documentary explores declassified government files that can finally point to the existence of UFOs.”



Rumble VIDEO (H/T: Substack Clay Clark): Yuval Noah Harari | "Harari Sees 21st Century As Having Two Major Agendas. 1st, Solve the Technical Problem of Physical Death So People May Live Forever. Second, Is to Massively Enhance Human Happiness." - John Lennox

Posted by Thrivetime Show: The ReAwakening versus The Great Reset

Published May 24, 2024


Yuval Noah Harari | "Harari Sees 21st Century As Having Two Major Agendas. 1st, Solve the Technical Problem of Physical Death So People May Live Forever. Second, Is to Massively Enhance Human Happiness." - John Lennox


Discover the FACTS Related to The Great Reset Today At:





Bitchute VIDEO: Neuralink, AI & The Battle for the Mind

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published June 11th, 2024 13:33 UTC


I stumbled upon this awesome video that utilizes a Christian perspective on all things that will go wrong with a Neuralink-AI plugin to the human brain. The concept promotes all the positives which indeed sounds great for medical breakthroughs for all kinds maladies ranging from paralysis to diseases, BUT when one realizes the nefarious designs of Elitist control over society and human masses in general – THE NEGATIVES OUTWEIGH THE POSITIVES!


I discovered the video on Brighteon’s Last Day Deceptions Channel ( - to which I subscribed). Brighteon’s dating can be annoying. As I type this (not knowing when I will actually post it), Brighteon’s date shows “2 months ago” and my typing date is 5/29/24 (


Last Day Deceptions Description:


“Robots programmed to kill…is this just science fiction or are we closer to this reality than we think? The creators of AI claim that it will only improve the world…but, what is the truth?”



Posted by SlantRight2

First Published June 11th, 2024 13:46 UTC


Elgato Weebee ( posted this video on the Xephula Group Vaccine Awareness ( on 5/31/24 (


Elgato’s Description:





Bitchute VIDEO: New Problem Awaits Dr. Anthony Fauci

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published June 11th, 2024 13:57 UTC


I found this Elijah Schaffer VNN clip on Telegram The Vigilant Fox ( posted on 6/4/24 ( Recently Fauci was before Congress spreading his hubris and lies. The GOP skewered Fauci and of course the Dem-Marxists attempted to smooth over the Fauci lies.


The Vigilant Fox Description:


New Problem Awaits Dr. Anthony Fauci


Fauci could end up in PRISON if Donald Trump gets re-elected.


This was revealed by Rep. James Comer, who said there’s a “strong possibility” the Trump Justice Department would arrest Fauci for perjury.


Perjury would be an easy crime to pin on Fauci because the man seems to lie every other sentence.


In fact, it appears Jim Jordan caught Fauci lying under oath yesterday.


Listen to what Fauci said compared to what his prior email communications reveal.”



UGETube VIDEO: It's Not Over- The WHO's Relentless Power Grab (Good Morning CHD)

Posted by John Houk

Published 11 Jun 2024


Dr. Meryl Nass & James Corbett discuss WHO Pandemic Treaty in terms of taking National Sovereignty of the nation’s that sign and/or comply to WHO tyranny. It was posted on CHD TV’s ( Good Morning CHD ( on 5/25/24 ( 1:01:28-Hour).


CHD TV Summary:


“The world watches and waits, as delegates from represented nations gather at the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland to decide the fate of the universe through global health governance. But a growing number of the human population refuse to simply sit idly and concede to disagreeable protocols — in Japan, Germany, Slovakia, the United States and beyond. ‘Good Morning CHD’ co-hosts, Meryl Nass and James Corbett, return to CHD.TV for a pertinent presentation — a final warning — of the important points related to this May 2024 meeting and its implications for people, everywhere.”



[I originally found this Greg Reese video at Telegram The 'Great Reset' Exposed ( posted there on 6/3/24 ( Knowing that the Reese Report is posted on many video platforms as well as re-posted by interested video-bloggers, I decided to search rather than do my own download. I discovered versions posted at least as far back as 6/2021 ( Below is a Rumble Greg Reese Archive version posted on 11/28/23 combined with the Description text from Telegram The 'Great Reset' Exposed.]



Posted by Greg Reese Archive

Published November 28, 2023


Telegram Description:


“— The Trial for the Crimes Against Humanity has begun. The experimental spike protein jab rollout is in violation of all 10 Sections of the Nuremberg Code. — DEATH PENALTY FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY —"

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