Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Intro to Mike Adams ‘GHOST WORLD – 2022 – 2032 Chap. 1’

Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

GHOST WORLD by Mike Adams

Intro © June 4, 2024 

‘GHOST WORLD’ PDF screengrab


I was reading a Natural News post and a pop-up jumped on my page to listen to 8-audio chapters including a 60-page PDF of Mike Adams sharing a dystopic outcome impending upon those who by choice or Mandate force, received an mRNA Jab.


Upfront: I agree with many if not most of the opinions & info provided by Mike Adams. BUT I heavily do not support his anti-Israel opinions of a genocide perpetrated against Arabs calling themselves Palestinians (MY TAKE ON PALESTINE: HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE). Israel has had to contend as a safe haven for Jewish People (the idiot Leftist abandoning Covenant and Covenant-Keeping Jews alike) as an independent State since it fought for its existence in 1948. And what kind of people are responsible for trying to terminate Israel’s existence? Jew-Hating (as encoded in their revered writings – SEE HERE & HERE) Muslims. On a personal basis, I regard Islam as an Antichrist religion that specifically denies Jesus is the Son of God, was Crucified on the Cross and arose bodily from death in a Glorified body (ALL in their revered writings). That makes Islam a demonic Antichrist belief system.


Apart from my disagreement with Mike Adams on his view of a genocide perpetrated in Gaza, I tend to concur with Adams on all things Medical Tyranny especially in regard to the mRNA Jab.


Roughly in the year 2022 Mike Adams did a series of audio podcasts and a PDF Summary of those podcasts entitled, “GHOST WORLD 2022 – 2032”. The PDF has eight corresponding chapters to the podcasts. I have not personally gotten past Chapter One. The Mike Adams view is very dystopic on how society will appear. INDEED, the first chapter is a bit horrific entitled, “The Die-Off”.


I can imagine in 2022 the Mike Adams view was regarded with a great chagrin of Conspiracy Theory. BUT in 2024, the documented facts on mRNA unsafe and ineffective dangers still denied by the official NARATIVE, is making “GHOST WORLD 2022 – 2032” looking more and more plausible and relevant. (RELATED SEE [can you see the coverup?]: HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE.)  


I am not sure how long the download link will last, BUT HERE IS THE LINK to audio-podcasts and PDF:


Here are a list of titles to the above “GHOST WORLD” link that begins with the PDF:


o   Reference Guide (60-pg PDF)


o   Chapter 1: Death projections, WHO will be dying and WHERE the deaths will occur.


o   Chapter 2: What will happen to upcoming elections after the Democrat-heavy die-off from vaccines?


o   Chapter 3: Analysis of what happens to the stock market, gold and silver, real estate, supply chains, food supplies and more.


o   Chapter 4: How to maintain the ability to provide value in a collapsed society.


o   Chapter 5: What will happen to the culture as the die-off accelerates?


o   Chapter 6: A detailed look at what items will be in excess supply as the die-off accelerates.


o   Chapter 7: Where this all leads as the global population collapse takes its course.


o   Extra: Exodus from Cities


The top of that list is “Reference Guide”. That guide is actually a mini-book style PDF with the title “GHOST WORLD 2022 – 2032”. At this point I am unsure if I’m going to share the instalment of each chapter of the PDF. That will depend on the reader response to “Chapter 1: The Die-Off”. I encourage you to read ahead of any decision I make. Here is a link (again, unsure of how long the link will function) to the PDF:


Chapter One by Mike Adams I think can be described as a worst case scenario. Which means the entire “GHOST WORLD” presentation is a worst case scenario.


I found a Brighteon video presentation of Chapter One that I’m sharing ahead text that I’m cross posting.


Brighteon VIDEO (audio): Ghost World 2022-2032 - Chapter 1 - The Die-Off

Posted by Health Ranger Report

Posted on 01/25/2022




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GHOST WORLD 2022 – 2032

Mike Adams

Edited by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

[PDF to Word Converter, Spellcheck and a little eyeballing utilized. Any text errors more than likely belong to the Editor.]


Chapter 1 – The Die-Off

PDF screengrab


Welcome to this special report entitled “Ghost World 2022-2032.” In this special report, we’re going to look at the next 10 years and the ramifications of the mass die-off caused by vaccines. We [k]now based on autopsies, various reports, nurse whistleblowers and may other sources that the vaccines are in fact depopulation weapons designed to achieve a global die-off.


We also know that more than half the world’s population has been injected with at least one vaccine, and that we’re approaching perhaps 60-plus percent of the American population being injected. Many of those people have taken two shots, and some have taken three. And a smaller percentage will continue to take boosters fourth, or fifth, or sixth and so on until they’re dead. We know from published science that the vaccines destroy the immune system, making people vulnerable to subsequent infections, even common infections, such as common colds or flu strains.


Those strains never kill a healthy person, but they will kill people who have immunosuppressed status because of the vaccines themselves. We also know that these vaccines, because of the mRNA instructions, are causing the body’s cells in major organs like heart, lungs, liver and so on to grow spike proteins themselves. This is causing the immune system to react to these foreign nanoparticles, which are toxic bioweapons that are being produced emerging on the outer edge of the cells that line the heart, the lungs, the spleen or other organs.


The immune system responds with killer lymphocytes. The lymphocytes attack these cells and thereby attack these organs. It is their own immune system that ends up killing people by destroying their heart. This is why so many seemingly young healthy people are having heart attacks and dying after receiving the vaccine. Blood clots, of course, are one of the causes – those are the short-term effects and those are killing a great number of people. But the medium- and long-term effects, which include cancer, acceleration of cancer tumors and acceleration of autoimmune disorders, are the things that will kill people over the next decade.


So even if the vaccine rollouts were stopped right now, which is unlikely, in my estimation we would see anywhere between one to two billion people dead across the globe in the next 10 years. If the vaccines continue to be injected into people, we are looking at as many as a quarter to a third of the world population being killed by these vaccines. The population of the world right now stands just under eight billion, so over 2.5 billion people could be killed by this vaccine.


And that is the plan. In fact, the globalist plan to kill off much more than that. They hope to kill up to 90 percent of the human population. The good news is they will likely not succeed in that. The bad news is they will still kill probably billions. Given those mass deaths, this special report focuses on the following: What does our world look like? What are the repercussions that affect us in the real world locally? What happens with housing, used vehicles and the economy? How do we acquire goods when so many of the world’s producers have been killed by vaccines because they were required by large corporate employers? What does the world really look like? How do we survive? How do we get by day to day in this world? What happens to the property price bubble that we are living in right now and the stock market bubble? What are the financial, economic and also political implications of this new world that we are facing over the next 10 years?


The Ghost World, as I call it. That is what this report focuses on. And those are some of the areas that this is divided into. We are going to look at politics. We are going to look at economics. We are going to look at supply chain issues, survival, rule of law, chaos, domestic violence, anarchy, world war, all of these issues.


We will cover all that in this special report. I’m Mike Adams, known as the Health Ranger. I’m the founder of, the publisher of and the author of several free books, audio books that you can download with printable transcripts. You can find those at Go to the very top. Click on audio books and you will be able to see the three books that are available currently.


One is called “Survival Nutrition.” You can also find that at It is extremely valuable lifesaving information completely free. Download the MP3 files right now, give it a listen. It’s something like seven or eight hours of just a lifesaving book with amazing knowledge and information. I have also got the “Global Reset Survival Guide” and “The Contagious Mind.” Those are the three books available now. There’s one more coming called “Resilient Prepping.” And that is in addition to this special report here: “Ghost World 2022-2032.” So let’s get started.


Chapter One - Who will die from the vaccines? Who will be left behind? So the very first question we need to ask in all of this is: “Who is going to die from the vaccines?” Obviously, you can only die from the vaccine if you’ve taken the vaccine. It really becomes a question of who are taking the vaccines. Now, we’re going to use a rough number for the entirety of this special report. We’re going to say that about 1/3 of those who have taken at least two shots will be dead within 10 years. And it’s a rough estimate. Maybe high, maybe low. But we know that not everybody is going to die. However, we know that there are short-term, medium-term and long-term fatalities caused by these vaccines.


We also know that those fatalities will not be blamed on the vaccines. So as people die from cancer, they will be said to have died from cancer – even if their deaths are caused by the vaccine. And people who die from neurological disorders, their deaths won’t be blamed on the vaccine, and so on. But let’s get back to the core question here. Who took the vaccines?


Now we know that there are political disparities in who is taking the vaccine. We know that Democrats took this vaccine at a ratio of about 2:1 compared to Republicans. We know that the vaccine resistance, so to speak, is very strong among conservatives and independent minded individuals. Christians and people who are pro-America, pro-Trump in most cases, or at least had been before Trump started pushing the vaccines. But at the same time, those who took the vaccines tend to be Democrats, they tend to be leftist or liberals. They tend to be people who now hate America. And they tend to be people who don’t believe in God. Many of them are atheists, and quite a few are satanists. Those who took the vaccines also tend to embrace abortion. So they’re in favor of infanticide. And they’re also obedience worshipers. They took the vaccine because many of them said, “well, I believe in the science,” even though it wasn’t science – it was a PSYOP.


But most Democrats and leftists are very vulnerable to PSYOPs because they’re not independent-minded people. They kind of believe whatever false authority tells them.


So if you look demographically across the country, you look at the distribution of where do Democrats live? They tend to gather in cities. They tend to live in blue states like California, New York, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico and so on.


So these are the areas where close to 1/3 of the entire population will die off ultimately from vaccines. Why is that? Because more than 90 percent of the total population in these areas has been vaccinated, so they’ve been injected with the spike protein. They took the bioweapons. If 1/3 of the vaccinated people die in the next decade, and you have a state where, let’s say 90-plus percent of the people took the vaccine, then you’re going to have 30- plus percent of the total population dying. Now, compare that to states like Texas, Florida or other conservative states where you might have, let’s say, at most 50 percent of the population took the vaccine. If you have 1/3 of those people dying off, then you could lose somewhere close to 17 percent of the total population in conservative states – with almost double that in the blue states.


So as you can see, the impact of these die-offs is going to be disproportionately felt in areas dominated by Democrats. The cities are going to be hit the hardest. And this is going to be a recurring theme that we will revisit throughout this special report. The cities are going to be ghost towns, in many cases, in many ways. Doesn’t mean there won’t be a single soul walking around. It’s just that they won’t have the livelihood, energy and the population density, the hustle and bustle that they did in 2019. They’re going to feel like ghost towns. So once you realize that it is Democrats that are going to die off, for the most part, ask yourself this question. “What professions took the vaccine?”


We’ve started to answer the political question. What about the professional question? Which professions took the vaccine? We know that in health care, most doctors and nurses took the vaccine, because it was a condition of their continued employment. While we had many brave nurses saying “no, thank you” and they even sacrificed their jobs in order to save their own lives from this toxic injection, most doctors, and frankly, most nurses, went ahead and took the vaccine. We can immediately know that over the next 10 years, we’re going to have a really catastrophic die-off of healthcare workers.


We know this is also going to be happening at the same time that many other people are being hospitalized or dying. Thus, the strain on the healthcare system will lead to collapse of the system – at least collapse of the system we know today. It will be practically unrecognizable within the next few years. We also know that government workers got vaccinated at near 100 percent vaccine rates. So think about this. In many blue cities – look at San Francisco, Los Angeles, and even Chicago, New York City and so on – vaccines were required for all city workers. It includes sanitation workers, administrators, finance workers, and so on.


And in many areas, the vaccine mandates included first responders, police, firefighters, EMTs, paramedics, law enforcement, sheriff’s deputies and so on. I think about this, these are the people that keep cities running. These are the people that respond to emergencies. These are the people that arrange for the repair of bridges and roads, among other things. These are the people who administer the pension payouts, the retirement benefits to previous government workers.


As these people die off in large numbers, it’s going to thrust these cities into chaos. There will be, of course, economic consequences because of the die off, we’ll get to that. But I just want you to understand that the administrative layer of our society that keeps cities and counties and governments running will be decimated. As a result, we will be thrust into civic anarchy. If you thought the rule of law was on the verge of collapse in 2020 or 2021, you haven’t seen anything yet.


It’s going to get so much worse in the years ahead. Because of the die-off of those who are first responders and coordinators of all of this. At some point, you’ll dial 911 if you even dare, and it’ll just be a recording. “Sorry. Thank you for calling 911. We’re not available. Good luck.” That’s what it’s going to be like. Now, who else took the vaccine? We know that vaccine rates were very high in the food service industry, in food production, food manufacturing. For example, Tyson Foods required total vaccinations among all of its workers. Tyson Foods provides a significant portion of the meat, pork, beef, chicken in America, and even exports food to other countries.


But it’s not just that. In California, which is sort of the vegetable production hub, the Central Valley of California – vaccinations were pushed rather aggressively there. A lot of people got vaccinated and vaccines are being required by Canada for truckers who are crossing the border from the US to Canada. While many truckers are rejecting that, saying “no thank you,” they’re actually retiring and just giving up driving trucks. Many truckers are taking the vaccines. And of course, some portion of those, perhaps 1/3 will die in the next decade. And if you start losing truck drivers in the middle of this crisis, you’re going to have a supply chain catastrophe that is far worse than anything we’ve seen so far.


And yes, that is coming. That’s absolutely coming. Also, large corporations that manufacture everything. The big corporations went in early with mass vaccinations. And this included Google, by the way. Facebook, Twitter, Big Tech went in with the total slaughter of their own employees. And you might wonder, “Well, why, why, why did they do that?” “Why did they knowingly kill their own workers?” The answer is because they’re replacing them with automated systems. Right now they have things like machine learning fairness algorithms, where the employees are teaching the algorithms, how to censor, how to moderate posts, how to do tasks, and what the human employees are doing is making themselves obsolete. In another couple of years, these tech companies won’t need the tens of thousands of human workers to do these jobs. They will have trained the AI systems to do them.


Doesn’t matter if those people die-off from vaccines. In fact, a lot of these tech companies and other corporations would prefer the mass die-off because then they don’t have to pay benefits and retirement funds and things like that. So, Big Tech is killing off its own people. Hospitals are killing off their own workers, and large corporations. Remember, Boeing required vaccine mandates at first. They recently backed off of those mandates, because they were losing such a large percentage of their employees. They realized they could not function unless they halted the mandates. But that’s an exception.


Most corporations continue to push the mandates, precisely because Biden signed the executive order and pushed OSHA to issue its ruling that any corporation over 100 employees had to mandate vaccines. And as of this recording, that is not yet decided by the US Supreme Court whether that’s constitutional or not.


Nevertheless, most large corporations have gone along with it. You’re looking at a situation where people who do not work in America, were not forced to take vaccines. Those are the people collecting welfare, food stamps, and so on. While many people who do work for a living, were coerced into taking the vaccines and thus, about a third of them will be dead. This is a way to kill off the working class. And then to create a subclass of impoverished welfare recipients. This also includes, in many cases, new illegal immigrants who are coming in.


Because of that, America is being dramatically shifted into a model more like Mexico’s socialist model, where you have a small number of elitists at the top who control everything. They rule over the masses of impoverished ignorant, non-working individuals who are probably going to be put on a universal basic income – a UBI arrangement. Understand this is what’s coming for America. This is all being done deliberately. The vaccines actually weed out the productive members of society, because they were forced to take the vaccine or they were coerced to take it at their jobs. Now, much the same is also true with Wall Street. So the finance sector of the US economy was heavily vaccinated. The big financial companies required it and most of those workers went in and agreed to do it.


So when we look at the die-off that’s accelerating now and is going to continue over the next decade: It covers multiple sectors. It’s food, food processing, manufacturing, logistics and delivery; it’s healthcare and medicine; it’s finance and its government; it’s large corporations that do everything: manufacture, weapons systems, heating and cooling systems, automobiles, you name it. This is what we’re looking at in our society now. A mass die-off of all these sectors of society. What is our society to look like in the aftermath of that situation? Stay tuned here. We’re going to get into all that and more.

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