Monday, May 13, 2024

An Intro to Ed Decker May E-Newsletter & Hamas & Decker Thoughts

Ed Decker Photo from Wikipedia

By John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© May 13, 2024


Ed Decker (born 1935) is an ex-Mormon with an evangelistic agenda to expose the errors inherent in the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints (Mormonism). His website is Saints Alive In Jesus ( which may take awhile to load because I think it is undergoing renovations or upgrades (there is a PayPal donation page labeled “FINISH WEBSITE).


I subscribe to Ed’s monthly newsletter. Although I regard Mormons as very moral people (except for their spin-off cults that still practice polygamy, near-child marriages meaning pedophilia); HOWEVER, Mormon doctrine is closer to ancient Gnosticism than it is the mainstream doctrines of Christianity. Until the Saints Alive website finishes its upgrades, it might be difficult to access Ed Decker’s exposés on Mormonism. Just to be upfront, Ed Decker is a bit controversial, undoubtedly among the Mormon faithful, but even other critics of Mormonism evidently claim Ed Decker might be overboard in his criticism. I have not noticed that myself, but I’m not an expert either. The Wikipedia entry for Ed Decker (as of this writing last updated 2/18/24) provides a rare decent profile with some pluses and minuses (which is where I acquired the Ed Decker photo). From Ed Decker’s Facebook page I discovered a 2014 Blogger post entitled, “Why I left the Mormon Church” by Ed Decker. AND SINCE the Ed Decker website might be difficult to access for a while, here’s a couple of posts that align with my thoughts on Mormonism:


o   MORMONISM, GNOSTICISM AND A RESPONSE INFORMED BY THE CHURCH FATHERS; by DININ360 (link redirects to homepage. I’m guessing the author is Thomas Knighten);; posted 2012.


o   Christianity Vs Mormonism Differences; by Fritz Chery; Bible Reasons (HOMEPAGE & ABOUT PAGE);  4/17/24




Because of what Ed Decker typically teaches on, I felt the need to run a mini-intro on what he does. What I’m about to share are the opening words of Ed Decker’s May E-Newsletter that I finally read but received 5/2/24. The E-Newsletter title is simply “Saints Alive May Newsletter”. BUT THE CONTENT centers around Antisemitism, the Hamas atrocities committed on October 7, 2023, and Ed Deckers observations on the horrors of war that occur between victors and losers roughly from WWII to this present day from the perspective that Ed Decker has a Jewish Heritage. I discover for the first time Ed Decker’s Mother apparently was Jewish. I surmise this from a quote in the last paragraph of the E-Newsletter:


Finally, you need to know that my mother’s Jewish family fled Europe at the end of the 1890s, during the first holocaust. The majority of the rest of her family died in the holocaust of WWII. This battle to destroy the Jews is not a remote issue to me. It’s part of my broken heart. The heart that Jesus healed.


The only I lean to disagreeing with Ed is what he says about the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians:


And during all this time, the Palestinian people have suffered tremendously.”


NUMBER ONE: Acceding that a nationality of the existence of a Palestinian people is a lying deception. READ THIS:


o   The Deception of Palestinian Nationalism; by Christopher Fish; The Stanford Review; 2/27/08


NUMBER TWO: The Arabs that call themselves Palestinians have been offered a Statehood in which Israel has nothing to do with financially supporting an independent government infrastructure for those Arabs desiring an independent State, but have rejected such independence on Land Promised by God to Jews. WHY? Because Arabs calling themselves Palestinians are dedicated to the eradication of all Jews in the Land Promised by the Almighty according to the Covenant made with Abraham through his descendants flowing through Isacc and Jacob. That Arab HATE is so prevalent, those people are fully supportive every act of terrorist atrocities committed against Jews in Israel to the point of acting as HUMAN SHIELDS placing their own children in harms way as the Israeli military finally weary of Jew-Hating Arabs seeks to root out the terrorists by all means necessary. I have zero sympathy for such Arab thinking:


o   Hamas; Discover The Networks


o   Hamas Charter: Please Note - MidEastWeb provides the Hamas Charter  and introduction for your information. MidEastWeb does not support Hamas!! [of HATE]; [Great Info but website still uses http insecure protocol]


o   Defining “Palestine” and “Palestinians”; Discover The Networks


o   Palestinian Media Watch Topic: Education, Culture and Sports


o   Palestinian Authority (PA); Discover The Networks


AND NOW, Ed Decker’s May E-Newsletter below.


JRH 5/13/24


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Saints Alive May Newsletter


Western Wall of Temple Mount Ruins [Saints Alive E-Newsletter Photo]


Sent by Ed Decker (

Sent via Saints Alive in Jesus (

Sent May 2, 2024 at 09:02:46 AM CDT


Dear Friends of Saints Alive,


During one of my trips to Israel decades ago, I toured Gaza before Israel turned it over to the Palestinians in 2005. It was a flourishing, healthy land then. I was impressed by the orchards and the farmland, as well as the overall prosperity I saw and experienced firsthand there.


Not long after, Gaza was subsequently put in the hands of Hamas, a terrorist regime elected by the people there, it began to look like a ravaged land. I saw pictures of the same places I visited, but now it had become a woeful skeleton of what it once was. The Palestinian people are clearly suffering and really have no escape other than peace with Israel as other Islamic states and countries such as Egypt will not offer any help or way of escape.


The billions of dollars of aid did not trickle down to the people and the land. Instead, the major amounts were spent on destruction. They built massive tunnels and stockpiled massive amounts of rockets and missiles that began to rain down on Israel almost on a daily basis. Tens of thousands of them, while all the world, and particularly America kept cautioning Israel to not respond in kind. And during all this time, the Palestinian people have suffered tremendously.


The attack on October 7th changed everything. The scope, brutality and horror of that day changed Israel forever. They said no more. They said Hamas must be fully routed out and they went to war.


Let me say that there are no winners in any war. I was a youngster during WWII but remember more than I should of the destruction and deaths. I saw the films of American and Allied bombers dropping so many thousands of bombs into German cities, indiscriminately killing German citizens along with the factories.


I remember when the United States dropped the Atomic bomb Japan, killing 90,000 to 146,000 people in Hiroshima and 60,000 to 80,000 people in Nagasaki. I was there for the Korean War and the Viet Nam War and few more. Each of them brought atrocities, destruction and horror.


We brought the Japanese to their knees, but at what cost to both sides.

American deaths in WWII were about 141,000American ground troops were killed in Europe — more than twice the number of those killed in the Pacific. An additional 42,500 were killed in the skies and at sea


Almost a quarter of a million families with dead sons, daughters, mothers, and fathers. War is brutal and barbaric. It is horror personified.


Today, we can only pray for peace. In fact, the Bible clearly tells us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.


Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you be secure.

Psalm 122:6


We can only hope that those weapons of war, the missiles, and the rockets from Gaza and from the Hezbollah from the north and the hundreds of missiles from Iran and Lebanon and those from Israel responding to its lethal enemies will all soon fall quiet, and peace will reign across the entire Mideast. That is my earnest prayer today.


My Heart is filled with a grim dread at what happened October 7th in Israel and what is happening right now in Gaza, will happen right here in America. I see the hatred spewing towards our Jewish citizens and especially those in colleges, universities and even in high schools. America is fast becoming the Germany of the late 1930s. Unfortunately, History repeats itself and that is due in part that the history books are written by the victors, thus neglecting both sides of the conflict, we end up with a perpetual cycle of revenge generations later.


I picked up my book, Crescent Moon Rising and skimmed through it today. I was amazed to see that the things that I said would be coming with the uncontrolled masses of Muslims pouring into the United States are already happening. The outrage and all the screaming, incoherent curses against America and its Universities isn’t going to change a light bulb in Israel or Gaza. While as Americans we are barely able to protect our Freedom of Religion.  


Sharia Law is NOT compatible with the US Constitution, nor is Sharia Law compatible with the Bill of Rights. We must respect this fundamental truth and act accordingly by sharing the Gospel personally with LOVE for Muslims, and civically with our votes.


As Christians, we must keep a Godly perspective about all of this. Jesus died for every Muslim in Gaza, and in America as did He for every Jew in Israel and America. We need to look at this turmoil through His eyes and pray for peace with the knowledge that such prayers are our certain responsibility.


Finally, you need to know that my mother’s Jewish family fled Europe at the end of the 1890s, during the first holocaust. The majority of the rest of her family died in the holocaust of WWII. This battle to destroy the Jews is not a remote issue to me. It’s part of my broken heart. The heart that Jesus healed.


Your Brother in Christ,


Ed Decker


PS> You can send me your comments at  

PPS> Please let us know how you like our new email newsletters and website?


[Blog Editor: The rest of the E-Newsletter are links to Saints Alive articles which I am choosing not to display.]


Saints Alive | P.O. Box 1347,,
Issaquah, WA 98027

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