Wednesday, November 6, 2019

These Divided States of America

Many people on the Left and Right pooh-pooh the concept of another Civil War. THOSE PEOPLE are blind to the frustrations of American Conservatives to the two-sided justice system of Dem/Leftist exonerations and GOP/Conservative convictions over the last decade or so. As well as the increase Leftist civil violence perpetrated by Left-Wing anarchists and race baiters. The seeds have been increasingly sown. EVENTUALLY those seeds will sprout into the fruit of consequence. Justin Smith nails the sentiment!  

JRH 11/6/19
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ndoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.
These Divided States of America
Democrats Push Towards Civil War

By Justin O. Smith
Sent 11/3/2019 11:21 PM

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God ..... " ~ 2 Timothy 3:1-4

In a deranged world turned upside down, in these divided states of America, it is America's sane patriots who are labeled insane, while Her people suffer under the final stages of cultural Marxism. Society is being turned upside down through the Democratic Party's attempts at enforcing their twisted morality on us all, and as they externalize conservatives, Christians and Trump supporters as their enemies they use anything they can to smite these people down in their bid for power, discovering satisfaction in destruction, as an end in itself, making their lives seem to have greater meaning by way of their bedlam and chaos. And thus, the stage is set for an epic war for the heart and soul of America, waged between the would be tyrants and liberty minded Americans, between evil and good, dark and light.  

[Thoughts on Cultural Marxism dated 2007, 2013 and 2019:

§  Cultural Marxism; Conservapedia; last modified on 11/4/19 13:32

The key Communist in all these posts is the long deceased Italian Eurocommunist Antonio Gramsci which appears more influential in the 21st century than the violent revolution advocates such as Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong (aka Mao Tse-Tung) and Bill Ayers to name ONLY a few.]

Every Trump supporter has most certainly dealt with their dastardly opponents of late, with many of these leftists seeming to justify any act they choose in their "resistance" against the Trump administration and his supporters. Void of reason and persuasion, today's Democratic Party members are essentially communists of the Antifa mentality, seeking to destroy our Republic by any means necessary through physical violence, while the Party's more timid members still resort to sneering, slander, intimidation and threats.  

Asking a Democrat to try to work within the existing capitalist system and respect and honor our American heritage today is nearly the same as asking the protagonist Evgeny Vasilich [or Vasilyevich] Bazarov of 'Father's and Children' to work to make a better world and hearing the words "That's not for us to do ... First the ground must be cleared." [Blog Editor: I found Justin’s English translated version on a post under the heading excerpted from a Foreign Affairs article (FA subscription needed) – the heading to scroll to “nIHILISM IS PURE rEASON”] The author, Ivan Turgenov, disavowed political and social institutions, in much the same way as today's Democrats disavow the federal institutions and the Founding of America Herself.  

These nihilists and communists are always ready with their brass knuckles, clubs, pepper spray and knives, sometimes firearms, to create mayhem in a crowd, just as they have done this year alone, in Portland, Oregon, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Austin, Texas and Tacoma, Washington. They see emerging neo-Nazis under every rock and behind every tree, and in any city one sees Antifa, one witnesses them smashing reporters' cameras, sometimes their heads, and beating down opposition protesters and the occasional unfortunate lone passerby as their criminal and vicious groups storm the streets, too often with the police simply stepping out of the way, wherever the Leftists control the city government.  

Recently, on October 25th, a so-called "street artist" named Winston Tseng went around New York City pasting posters over city garbage bins, that depicted his own hatred of white Christians and conservatives. One image shows a white woman wearing a Make America Great Again hat and holding the Bible with a big red line drawn through them, with another showing a man with a MAGA hat, a tattoo of a Confederate flag and a Chick-fil-A cup in his hand, while below both posters read the words "Keep NYC Trash Free". Tseng noted that he was justified because Trump's presidency reflects "a lot of hate from white Christians".   

And, although NYC has removed most of these posters, as of October 31st, this is the prevalent mindset one finds, in and around the city. It is the exact same mindset that drives most of Leftist America today, from Oakland to Portland and back again to Connecticut and all four corners of the nation, even in cities like Nashville and Memphis.  

On October 10th, after President Trump's presidential campaign rally, the chaos in the streets of Minneapolis was nearly as bad as it was after the election of President Trump in 2016. Just wait for their reaction in 2020 and the certain violence to follow.   

For decades now, leftist professors, such as Stanislav Vysotsky at the University of Wisconsin,  have planted the seeds of this discord and violence by advocating the use of force and violence to give rise to communism in America. Four months ago, Vysotsky wrote: "On America's streets, Antifa's militant anti-fascism isn't terrorism. It's self-defense."  

[Blog Editor: I can tell by the Search Engines Google, Duck Duck Go &; that Vysotsky’s academic credentials override his violent rhetoric justifying Antifa violence. Fortunately I did find some Vysotsky criticism from an ex-Antifa individual too often labelled a defector rather than a hero for truth - Gabriel Nadales, who wrote:

Examples can be found from coast-to-coast: Mark Bray, a visiting scholar at Dartmouth College, is a staunch defendant of Antifa’s use of violence and even wrote “Anti-Fa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook,” in which he claims that ‘violence is a “legitimate response” to groups with incendiary views.’

Then there is Assistant Professor Stanislav Vysotsky at University of Wisconsin – Whitewater who writes in an op-ed that: “On America’s Streets, Antifa’s Militant Anti-fascism Isn’t Terrorism – It’s Self-defense.”  Professors at Purdue and Stanford Universities, have worked to create a “Campus Antifascist Network” (CAN) to bring together “anyone committed to fighting fascism.” (Former Antifa Member Calls for Radical Group to Be Stopped! Posted by Paul Goldberg & (by Gabriel Nadales | Fox News); News Thud; 7/5/19)

Jim Goad writes of  Stanislav Vysotsky:

And in the wake of Ngo’s beating, Haaretz published a piece by a certain Stanislav Vysotsky called “Antifa in America: Militant Anti-fascism Isn’t Terrorism, It’s Self-defense” that was so audaciously blind to reality and the fact that “two wrongs make a right” is a fundamental logical fallacy, it likely made George Orwell’s corpse throw up a bit in his mouth:

Many militant anti-fascists become involved in this form of activism because aspects of their identity are directly targeted by fascist violence; they are queer, transgender, gender non-conforming, people of color, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, and certainly identified in ways that intersected across these categories….For them, anti-fascism was a means of ensuring their safety from a movement that threatens their very existence and venerates violence as the highest form of action. Even the Antifa activists who identify as cis heterosexual white males are the targets of fascist violence as ‘race’ and ‘gender’ traitors. (Cracking Skulls for a Good Cause; By Jim Goad; TAKI’S MAGAZINE; 7/8/19)]

Too many Americans have fallen into the trap of allowing the Marxists of America to equate one's love for America and a strong nationalist support of America to being a fascist or worse, a white supremacist fascist. There is absolutely nothing wrong at all with being white and a nationalist who loves America, or black and a nationalist, or any person of any color who simply loves America and all Her traditional virtues and principles. Being a nationalist is not anything remotely close to being a "white supremacist" or a "fascist". The American patriot of today is a person of any color who wishes to preserve America's national sovereignty, their individual sovereignty and those original founding principles that birthed Her. [Bold text Blog Editor’s]  

The real fascists are Antifa, because they do not believe in the self-determination of nations and individuals. They oppose the mechanisms of freedom and liberty, giving preference to strong men and those "anointed" to "lead", or as it was in the past, to dictate and rule, as they seemingly follow the "leadership principle" out of Nazi Germany and the notion of leaders who stand above the law. [Blog Editor: Justin exposes the irony that Antifa (or Anti-Fascists) use Nazi/Fascist/Communist storm trooper methodology to achieve their Marxist ends.] 

True fascism -- Antifa style fascism -- has deeper roots in American history than anyone cares to acknowledge. During the 1920s and 1930s, we experienced a massive surge towards fascism in our nation. And fascism really took off when William Dudley Pelley, a radical journalist from Massachusetts, founded the paramilitary Silver Shirts in 1933.  

Apathetic and complacent, too many Americans are missing warning signs of the rise of the most critical moments in American history, as the unhinged Democratic Party are drafting articles of impeachment at this very moment based on their own fevered flight of fantasy, and they will most certainly vote to impeach President Trump by the end of this year. Their irresponsible actions are setting the stage for events that will burn beyond anyone's control, and although still a remote likelihood, if the Senate RINOs should join with America's traitors and actually remove Trump from office, all hell will break loose in America. Too much of the population would instantly lose faith in our political system -- those who still have any left -- and there will be widespread civil strife in our streets. [Bold text emphasis Blog Editor’s]
If President Trump is re-elected expect massive levels of street violence from America's ordinary socialist and communist types, but especially from Antifa. And if he doesn't get re-elected, expect violence from an emboldened mass of socialists who continue to use violence as a tool to push their sympathizers in the White House staff to implement their agenda.  

And Lord, Lord ... just think of the reaction from conservatives and the GOP if Trump is actually illegitimately and illegally impeached and removed from office, before the next election.  

America has entered uncharted territory, unlike and yet similar to the days in the lead up to the first civil war. It is a situation that doesn't appear to lend itself to any good ending.  

On October 23rd, the Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service took a survey of a thousand registered voters that rated the division in America, using a scale of zero to 100, with 100 being classified as the "edge of civil war". The average response tallied at 67.23.  

Even if President Trump wasn't in office, the seething hatred between the conservatives and the Marxists would still be heavy across the country. And although most Americans wouldn't off-handed seek to engage in civil war and we don't wish it on the nation, most of us see it as very nearly inevitable, given the current political environment in America.  

There is a hard, cold, silent rage building among those of us who love America so well. It cannot be readily quantified specifically, since it is a thing most of us don't openly discuss in open company, even private company, and instead it has been pent up and held inside, as we have quietly absorbed each betrayal of our trust that further erodes the Republic and our Liberty.  

America has witnessed its police officers and regular citizens attacked by thugs during recent riots and the rise of lawlessness and sanctuaries for the lawless. We've been preyed upon by paid operatives of the organized DNC machine. We know the game, despite the media's denial, and we have paid close attention, absorbing it all.  

Americans see the betrayals clearly. We see the borders intentionally left opened. We have witnessed the Islamic terrorists commit one attack after another within our country, while oily, smooth talking disingenuous politicians seem befuddled as to the motivation behind the attacks. Our American Flag is abused by the anti-American left, and activist judges still attempt to push prayer from our schools and our communities. And most recently, the nation has witnessed the most egregious, heinous act of treason play out in the media, as our nation's intelligence apparatus was weaponized, to mount a soft coup, by former president Obama and his Deep State bureaucratic holdovers, while more traitors sanctimoniously declare there was no crime committed, in their cowardly attempt to avoid accountability and prosecution.   

The door has closed for the moment on restoring any higher level of civility to our politics, any further compromise by Republicans means the end of the Republic, and the Democrats are beyond any compromise, as the demand total submission and an end to the Republic, in exchange for an authoritarian socialist state, in which the Bill of Rights no longer exists.   

Democrat or Republican, not one of the current presidential candidates care to maintain the facade of representing all Americans or ironing out the country's divisions after the elections. The new real politics of the day is about winning either a conservative liberty leaning America or a Marxist authoritarian America, not both, and the candidates are already being far more open about this dynamic, as they seek to win at all costs. The consensus seems to be that fifty-one percent of the electorate will do, and the rest can suffer for choosing the losing side.  

Politics is a peaceable means of war, and the red, radical Democratic Party Communist rat bastards have been waging war against our Constitution and America, since the Wilson presidency, and against President Trump since November 9th 2016. They [Left-Wing Dems] may have been firing duds for the past three years, but they keep reloading and shooting, and it's taking us to a point where they will necessarily need to be answered decisively and definitively and not just with strong words and rebukes. [Bold text emphasis Blog Editor’s] 

Wrap your head around the idea, because whether it is a two day fight or one of years long [fighting] duration and a hard journey, that day of reckoning is going to arrive. And the people you will be forced to fight, as a matter of survival, down and dirty, will all probably live within five to fifty miles of your home. It won't be Beto or the federal government and Homeland Security knocking in your door to confiscate your firearms or haul you to the boxcars, those people who will try are already living and working nearby, whether anyone knows it or not.   

And on that day of reckoning, each of us in the fight will be tasked to locate and destroy the enemy, whether in hand-to-hand combat or maneuvering and firing from a long range distance, just like any other good infantryman has done for centuries, in their wars for resources and land and freedom and liberty.  

The Democratic Party has thrown out the rules and they are going for victory by any means necessary, and historically, this always leads to real war every single time. Left unchecked and without more rational and logically thinking people taking the lead in Congress, if any still currently exist, the current trajectory will result in a full blown, red hot and bloody civil war, this year, next year, ten years from now, but it is on the way, sooner rather than later.  

The anti-American, anti-Christian and anti-freedom Democrats and those aligned with them want the war that's looming just over the horizon, because they can't argue their cause by way of facts and they couldn't win the vote and the electoral college -- God Bless James Wilson, James Madison [SEE ALSO  Madison’s Federalist Paper No. X]and the other Founders. And the Dem hubris is such that they believe themselves entitled to rule, even if their only deity is their bellies and whatever collective consciousness passes for their minds.  

Those who would be King have already destroyed the normal that used to exist, and as such, those of us who would preserve freedom and liberty for America's Children and Their Children's Children are left only with the prospect of absolute and total, red hot bloody civil war, because the red, radical Democrat Commies actually believe they can win what they couldn't win by way of elections. This makes it incumbent upon us to fight no holds barred, measure for measure, and on to victory -- ridding the nation of Her enemies from within -- to ensure that the forces of Liberty prevail and win the day, and in doing so we pray that something better indeed will arise out of the ashes and the chaos of war.  

Americans have beaten fanatics, like Antifa and much of the Democratic Party, in my lifetime, but generally it took some hard and decisive actions to get their attention. Nothing has changed in that regard, and those of us who love this America so well are going to have to make them clearly understand that we're not buying their new worldview, and if they insist on imposing it upon us, we'll gladly send them to their Maker.  

By Justin O. Smith
Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.
Edited by John R. Houk
All source links and text enclosed by brackets are by the Editor.

© Justin O. Smith

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