Tuesday, November 12, 2019

EXPLOSIVE! Hillary, The Movie: The Politics of Personal Destruction

I found a video exposing Crooked Hillary. It’s a bit of a documentary being 1:35:23 long. It was posted by James Red Pills America on November 10, but footage shows noted people much younger than they are now. Nevertheless, with rumors the wicked woman is thinking of entering the Dem Party fray, it is good to go over the reasons the States dominating the Electoral College rejected her Presidency in 2016. A 2016 election she tried to cheat her to victory then blaming the very Russians/Ukrainians she employed to cheat for losing.

JRH 11/12/19
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Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.

85.1K subscribers - Nov 10, 2019

EXPLOSIVE DOCUMENTARY! Hillary: The Movie is a political documentary about past United States Senator and failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. It was produced by the conservative non-profit organization Citizens United. The producers went to U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to get a declaration that they could show this movie. This case was titled Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission and its final decision at the U.S. Supreme Court resulted in a major change in campaign finance law.

The documentary interviewed various conservative figures such as Dick Morris and Ann Coulter and reviewed various scandals in which Hillary Clinton participated, such as the White House travel office controversy, White House FBI files controversy, Whitewater controversy, and cattle futures controversy.

The factual finding of the three-judge district court was that there was "no reasonable interpretation [of the movie] other than as an appeal to vote against Clinton", thus making it "electioneering communication".

The Supreme Court did not change that decision, but applied the strict scrutiny test for the First Amendment of the Constitution and said corporations could not be banned from making electioneering communications.

Join me, #PastorJames of James Red Pills America, as we #RedPill the entire world with this one!

Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.

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