Friday, August 1, 2014

Americans Support Israel then Foment Modern Crusade

Churchill -  Islam dangerous like rabid dog

John R. Houk
© August 1, 2014

Yesterday a 72 hour “humanitarian” ceasefire was agreed upon between Hamas and Israel. Within hours of the ceasefire Hamas kidnapped an Israeli soldier. This is yet another portrait of the deceit used by Muslim to honor Allah yet lie about treaties and truces. Israel cannot trust ANY words of peace – whether temporary or permanent – spoken by a Muslim entity.

The negotiated truce began at 8:00 AM. Israel says the soldier was kidnapped at 9:30 AM. Astoundingly Hamas justified the kidnapping by claiming the soldier was kidnapped before 8:00 AM.

Even if Hamas is telling the truth, which I absolutely doubt due to the Muslim penchant to lie and deceive, the Islamic terrorist organization allegedly entered into a good faith negotiations while at the same time perpetrating a kidnapping. Freaking kidnapping by Hamas was the fuse that ignited this altercation in the first place!

It is my prayer that Israel continues to dismantle Hamas even if casualties occur among the Islamic terrorist’s supporter who make zero effort to expose how Hamas hides weapons cache and missiles in Mosques, schools, Day Care Centers and whatever place civilians congregate to make Israel look bad as Hamas is dismantled.

Hamas built an intricate tunnel system in Gaza stretch from Egypt into Israeli sovereign territory. Why do you think the religion of peace built these tunnels? Perhaps Hamas wanted to protect Gaza Arabs who call themselves Palestinians by placing them in the tunnel system from the lying accusation unwarranted Israel butchery and slaughter of civilian. NOT!

Hamas launched missiles into Israel because the Jewish State took umbrage that three teenage Jews were kidnapped, executed and unceremoniously buried in shallow graves. Evidently the cough justice-minded Hamas terrorists did not appreciate the IDF going from house to house looking for murderous terrorists and the bull dozing of homes of family members that supported the heinous murders of Jews. Who would-a-thunk the Israeli government would leave no crazy Muslim stone unturned until actual justice could be accomplished?

It appears Hamas thunk-it. They began their firestorm of missiles into Israeli cities.

America and European nations had the gall to tell Israel not to overreact to hundreds of missiles fired at Israeli civilian centers. After all in America’s case President Barack Hussein Obama refuses to close the U.S.-Mexican as illegal aliens flow – some looking for a better life, but a remarkably large amount representing Latino gang members and Drug Cartel members. The Drug Cartels protect their conduits into the USA as fiefdoms even crossing the border to murder recalcitrant Americans and law enforcement. Shoot the Mexican army under Drug Cartel payroll have fired upon American Border Patrol Agents. Obama doesn’t care! So why in the world would Obama be concerned that our ally Israel is fending off Hamas on the Gaza-Israeli border? A Hamas I might add that is being armed by America’s enemies Iran, Qatar, Turkey and North Korea.

Rather than joining Israel in taking an effective effort to hunt down the arms dealers supplying weapons and missiles to Islamic terrorists like Hamas, the Obama Administration does nothing and joins the unenlightened European governments, as well as the United Nations, in denouncing Israel for a disproportional response because Israel’s Iron Dome Defense is more effective than Hamas’ Human Shield defensive system.

There is no such thing as a disproportionate response to constant attacks followed by truces and ceasefires that allow Hamas to regroup and rearm to simply attack all over again. Hamas needs to be destroyed in the same way Nazi Germany was eradicated in WWII to make sure the superior race of German ideology did not enslave other Europeans.

I know modern historians, Muslim apologists, Jews (with very good reason) and one-sighted Leftists have demonized the Crusades that began to liberate the Holy Land from Muslim control. NOW IS THE TIME for the Western World to eschew political correctness and unite all sides of the political spectrum. This is to say the Left, Right, Christian, Jew and other non-Muslim religions to understand that Radical Islam is gaining a toe-hold of political control in the Middle East. This toe-hold has emboldened transnational terrorist organizations to actually acquire a Caliphate Islamic State as a base to do to the world that which Hamas currently does to Israel. What is that “to do”? It is to maim, kill or convert non-Muslims to Islam or if a non-Muslim group is lucky under a Radical Islamic victory – to live as intentionally humiliated people forced to pay a poll-tax that Islam calls jizya. The humiliated people are called the dhimmi class and must live under the legal code of Sharia Law even their own faith or ideology disagrees with that kind of oppression.

Currently the global concept of political correctness and multicultural diversity brings horror to Western governments and Western Leftists. Frankly when the day comes that jihad ideology provokes holes in the National Security and National Interests in Russia and the People’s Republic of China (i.e. Communist China), those two nations will have no problem in eviscerating Islam at least within their borders. Between Russia and China in the still recent 20th century their genocidal predilections were quite evident to maintain despotic political control. The current irony is both Russia and China are exploiting Muslim hatred of the West (particularly America and Israel) to destabilize the geopolitical status to swing the pendulum to favor Russian and Chinese National Interests.

There will be a day that purist or radical Muslims will stab their Russian and Chinese benefactors in the back. Some Imam or Cleric will decide that Russia and China are unholy infidel that need to convert or die. The USA received such a stab in the back from the Taliban when American arms and covert U.S. insurgents aided the Afghans to repel Russian occupation. Soon after the Afghan victory Muslim anti-Soviet jihadis became displeased with American support for Israel and the fatwas were delivered to punish the USA for its infidel ways.

Muslims ONLY unite with non-Muslims when there is a benefit to an Islamic agenda. Once the goals are met, the Muslims will always turn on their non-Muslim former allies.

DO NOT TRUST HAMAS! Allow Israel to obliterate the Islamic terrorists. Then the USA should study the Israeli strategy and prepare to obliterate Muslim hate-mongers whether they be transnational terrorists or Islamic States in the only Crusade that will bring at least a respite of global peace until circumstance deteriorate that brings the return of our Lord Jesus Christ to complete the Redemption began on the Cross nearly 2000 years ago.

JRH 8/1/14 (Hat tip for initiating these thoughts – Scott Torino)

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