Friday, July 5, 2024

RESIST Tyranny in Whatever Form it Appears (VIDEOS)

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

July 5, 2024


Well loyal blog READERS, today is another video share day. I run into videos on various Social Media platforms and video subscriptions that I download or save. THEN I share them. Some are old yet still relevant and some are relatively new and my sense is very relevant. YOU can decide if that is the case. The order as usual is in my interest rather than chronological. Enjoy, be dismayed, or disagree. Either way use some critical thinking rather than any Narrative Brainwashing.


JRH 7/5/24


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X/Twitter VIDEO: Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi- Depending on where the vaccine damage occurs

Posted by Camus

Posted on Jun 13, 2024 3:41pm


Bitchute VIDEO: Trump Highlights Biden’s Speaking Gaffes in New Campaign Video

Posted by SlantRight2

Published July 5, 2024


I found this Trump 2024 Campaign video at Eric Thompson’s website ( under the title, “TRUMP HIGHLIGHTS BIDEN’S SPEAKING GAFFES IN NEW CAMPAIGN VIDEO”. Posted there on 6/15/24 (


Here is an Eric Thompson excerpt describing the video:


The video opens with a montage of Biden’s more memorable verbal slips, including a mix of recent and past public speaking engagements. In a highly charged political climate, such portrayals are intended to resonate with voters concerned about the President’s mental acuity. “President Trump is not pulling any punches,” commented a political analyst. “This video is a direct assault on Biden’s perceived weaknesses.”


It juxtaposes clips of Biden’s blunders with Trump’s commentary, creating a narrative that suggests a stark contrast in leadership capabilities. “We need strong, decisive leadership, not confusion and uncertainty,” Trump is heard saying in the video.”



Bitchute VIDEO: Jim Rickards on Blackrock

Posted by SlantRight2

Published July 5, 2024


I found this clip on MeWe Group powertothepiepol (yup annoying spelling- posted there on 6/16/24 by Tommy Boy (


Jim Rickards discusses Blackrock in relation to the Globalist Elitist agenda controlling the masses via the monetary system.




Posted by SlantRight2

Published July 5, 2024


I found this 1:37-Minute video on Xephula posted by Elgato Weebee ( posted on 6/21/24 ( The title speaks for itself. The critical thinking on your part: Become aware of WHO is doing the destroying. THEN RESIST & DO NOT COMPLY!



X/Twitter VIDEO: REDACTED - Large-Scale Detention Facilities Across All 50 States

Posted by Redacted

Posted on June 17, 2024 6:14 AM


Youtube VIDEO: Lying Liars | 5-Minute Videos

Posted by PragerU

Premiered Mar 13, 2023


[Blog Editor: I actually became aware of this video via my PragerU email subscription was sent 6/22/24. However, I discover the video was a little over a year old on PragerU so I then looked for the Youtube version featuring Tim Pool  explaining how the Mockingbird Media (I believe spreading Leftist government propaganda) LIES to WE-THE-PEOPLE.]


How many times can someone lie to you before you stop believing him? Popular podcaster Tim Pool applies this question to a source you might be trusting a little too much.


The Rest of Description is Video Transcript



Youtube VIDEO: TRUMP VP CHOICE!? Mark Robinson Goes Scorched Earth On Democrats

Posted by Devin Gibson

Posted on Jun 25, 2024


[Blog Editor: The only description is marketing and donation info for the Channel owner. So here’s my take: Lt. Gov Mark Robinson (R-NC) delivers a fiery Christian message for the Election 2024 reasons to VOTE TRUMP in November.]





Bitchute VIDEO: Illuminati Agenda EXPOSED


Posted by SlantRight2

Published July 5, 2024


I found this video on the Face Book Group The Patriots Group ( - Listed as a Private Group) posted on 6/27/24 ( posted by Glenn Stavely.


On the FB post the title is “Know Ye Not” and the download title is “2 Corinthians 4:4”. But I used the only text in the description as the title: “Illuminati Agenda EXPOSED!”



Rumble VIDEO: Dr. Rima Laibow - UN to Launch 'Pact for the Future': ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT NIGHTMARE!


Posted by mariazeee

Published June 15, 2024


Dr. Rima Laibow joins Maria Zeee to describe the one-world government nightmare the UN is planning this September through their 'Pact for the Future,' and what must be done to stop it!


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Youtube VIDEO: Emily Austin: Gen Z Is Being Brainwashed to Hate America

Posted by PragerU

Jun 25, 2024


Sports journalist, media personality, and former Miss Universe judge Emily Austin uses her platform to boldly stand for truth. From speaking out about transgender athletes and pageant contestants to exposing how left-wing narratives on social media and college campuses are brainwashing Gen Z to hate America, Emily refuses to conform. As a proud Jewish American, she encourages everyone to use their voice before we reach the point of no return.




Bitchute VIDEO: SGT (May 30, 2024) - many people are still asleep


Posted by SlantRight2

Published July 5, 2024


I found this 47:18-Minute interview on Substack MakisMD ( posted on 6/15/24 ( under the longer title, “EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW - SGT (May 30, 2024) - many people are still asleep” with no description.


The topic begins with Dr. Makis censorship/banning experienced for sharing COVID and mRNA facts not in line with Medical Tyranny Narrative, especially in Canada.



Bitchute VIDEO: Obama Election Fraud Exposed. Help Make This Go VIRAL!


Posted by Rogue Nation Eternal Militia

Published July 4, 2024


In Indiana, Barack Obama qualified for the primary with 534 signatures. The prosecutor discovered 100 to 200 signatures were forged. Barack Obama was never qualified for the primary in Indiana. [Blog Editor: I’m using a shortened url for the original Josh Dunlap X/Twitter video link.]

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