Sunday, October 22, 2023

‘Everyone Lies’ – But Not My Wife

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© October 22, 2023


I was an avid watcher of the TV series “House” (aired 2004-12). The character Dr. Greg House’s mantra was something like, “Everyone lies.” The mantra was aimed primarily at his patients we was trying to find to discover a difficult diagnosis. NEVERTHELESS, from 2020 through the present experiencing an Election Coup, Government Tyranny, Medical Tyranny, and a lying MSM – the House Mantra applies to people in authority who at one time might have had a position of trust. The irony that former trust includes doctors.


Youtube VIDEO: house - everybody lies - s01e21.mp4

Posted by juvedinos13

Posted on Mar 18, 2011




I begin this way because my wife of 33-plus years has been in the hospital with a cardiac issue. And for the curious, she has NOT participated in the mRNA death-jab. The cardiac doctors are telling us they suspect an artery blockage somewhere. The doctors (of whom today, I regard all with suspicion due to the mRNA push), are doing a Heart Cath Procedure Monday morning to determine if or where a blockage exists. Hopefully the worst is a stint placement. But other choices might be shared by the doctors if beyond a stint procedure.


So, I ask for prayers for the love of my life.


I have not been posting to the blogs because I have been spending time with my Honey and the Hospital Wi-Fi is not accessible to my laptop. AND I’ve been using my phone hotspot which is slower than near frozen molasses.


Due to slow Internet (especially sharing and/or downloading videos), I’m sharing a Vigilant Fox Substack and The Gateway Pundit along the lines that “EVERYONE LIES!”.


JRH 10/22/23


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Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week (10/22/23) 

MSM Hiding Headlines - Vigilant Fox Photo



October 22, 2023

The Vigilant Fox


#10 - Pfizer stock takes big loss because nobody wants their COVID “vaccines” and drugs.


#9 - Elon Musk makes strong statement in defense of the Second Amendment.


#8 - Donald Trump unleashes on ‘corrupt’ World Health Organization in viral truth social video.


#7 - Murderous doctors destine unvaccinated patient to suffocate to death.


#6 - Tyson Foods makes big bet that you will ‘eat ze bugs.’


#5 - MP Andrew Bridgen brings forth compelling evidence to the UK parliament that the COVID-19 shots are responsible for excess deaths.


#4 - Researchers find Pfizer excluded clinical trial deaths from FDA COVID-19 “vaccine” EUA request.


#3 - Black Lives Matter leader stands behind January 6 prisoners and endorses Trump.


#2 - Hospitals murdered COVID patients. The more they killed, the more money they made.


#1 - It’s no accident that two-thirds of the world’s population fell for the greatest psychological fear campaign in human history. Perverse brainwashing techniques were thoroughly studied to get you jabbed.


[Vigilant Fox adds the BONUS]


BONUS #1 - Detox heavy metals in less than 30 seconds a day: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny explains how.


BONUS #2 - 10 signs you have a vaccine injury and what you can do about it: insights from top doctors.


BONUS #3 - Gold prices surged to $1,981.42 at the end of the last week, nearing an all-time high.


Thanks for making it all the way to the end! For more stories the media chose to ignore, make sure you’re subscribed to Vigilant News.


© 2023 The Vigilant Fox

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Tucker Carlson Challenges Prevailing Narratives on George Floyd’s Cause of Death Based on New Court Documents in a Bombshell Episode: Derek Chauvin “Didn’t Murder George Floyd” (VIDEO)

Tucker Carlson w-George Floyd in square (TGP Photo)


By Jim Hft 

October 21, 2023 1:40 pm

The Gateway Pundit


In a recent episode of his show, Tucker Carlson addressed an issue that has been the subject of intense scrutiny and debate for more than three years: the circumstances surrounding the death of George Floyd. Carlson broke through the obfuscating cloud of mainstream media and challenged the narrative that George Floyd was murdered by a ‘racist’ white cop, Derek Chauvin.


He questioned the slogans, mantras, and beliefs that have been embedded into the collective American consciousness by a media obsessed with sensationalism, rather than fact.

Medical records from the trial of Derek Chauvin (TGP Photo)


On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, a Black man, died while in police custody. Video footage showed Officer Derek Chauvin kneeling on Floyd’s neck for over nine minutes. This led to widespread protests across the United States under the “Black Lives Matter” banner, advocating against police brutality.


As a result, Chauvin was convicted of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter. He was sentenced to 21 years in prison.


In his show, Tucker Carlson revealed new court case information coming from Hennepin County, Minnesota. Although not directly related to Floyd or Chauvin, the case involves a deposition from Amy Sweasy, a prosecutor in the area.


Amy Sweasy, a top prosecutor in Hennepin County, filed a lawsuit against her former boss, Mike Freeman, alleging sex discrimination and retaliation. As a part of this legal endeavor, a treasure trove of documents and testimonies has come to light, providing an unfiltered view into the internal workings and pressures that shaped the high-profile case against Chauvin and his fellow officers. The state settled the sex discrimination claim, agreeing to pay $190,000 to Sweasy, who resigned in April 2021.


Patrick Lofton, Senior Assistant County Attorney who worked on police use-of-force cases with Sweasy, explicitly detailed the pressure prosecutors were under to file charges. “The city was burning down,” he stated, underlining the urgency of the moment, Alpha News reported.


Although Lofton expressed that he believed there was “probable cause to charge Mr. Chauvin with third-degree murder,” he felt that the external pressure was “insane.” Lofton, along with Sweasy, withdrew from the officers’ cases in June 2020, capturing his reservations in a letter to Freeman: “I wanted it in writing, and I wanted to make sure it was documented that I wasn’t going to let that situation, what was going on in the world, affect my judgment because I have to sleep at night no matter what.”


Among the documents and testimonies, Sweasy discussed a crucial conversation she had with Hennepin County Medical Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker the day after Floyd’s death.


Dr. Baker reportedly said that there were “no medical findings that showed any injury to the vital structures of Mr. Floyd’s neck. There were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation.”

Court document obtained by Alpha News (TGP Photo)


This point is critical because it directly challenges the mainstream narrative that George Floyd was “murdered” due to asphyxiation from the knee-to-neck restraint. Instead, Carlson argues that the evidence suggests that George Floyd died of what could be classified as “natural causes,” exacerbated by his drug use and a fatal concentration of fentanyl in his system.


“In other words, George Floyd, according to the official autopsy, was not murdered. He died instead of what we used to call natural causes, which in his case would include decades of drug use, as well as the fatal concentration of fentanyl that was in his system on his final day. So this was not a killing, it was yet another narcotics OD in a country that records more than 100,000 of them every year. The medical examiner clearly understood that and, in fact, articulated it,” Tucker Carlson said.


Jim Hft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.


© 2023 The Gateway Pundit

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