Sunday, July 2, 2023

Logical Education Moment with Hitler as Launching Pad:

 Some TIKhistory Critical Thinking That Will Annoy Some & Hopefully Bring Comprehension to Many


TIKhistory ScreenGrab on Hitler Socialism Lecture


John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© July 2, 2023


On 6/29/23 the Vlad Tepes Blog posted, “On Hitler and the Nazis’ leftist socialist beliefs”. Essentially the promotes a three-year-old lecture video from TIKhistory on Youtube. To be honest, I have no idea who the lecture is. YOU might have a clue, but I do not.


NEVERTHELESS, the information contained in the video is some of the most accurate (or at least is on the same plain of understanding I have) I have ever listened to. The topics/subjects include Hitler, Fascism, Socialism, Communism, Nazism and the idiocy of Jew-Hatred. The monologue lays out each topic with impeccable logic.


The drawback to this video is its nearly 5-hour length.


Allow me to share how I listened in one-sitting. I ran into the Vlad Tepes post on a day my lovely wife was out of town with her niece. Which meant I had an unusually significant amount of time on my hands. I used that time to share and read on various social media platforms. That turned out to be the 5-hour time frame I was able to listen to the 5-hour video.


I realize such a bonus of time is not available to most. AND I’m also painfully aware that there is a low attention span among younger generations than I. NEEDLESS TO SAY I highly recommend bookmarking Vlad Tepes, the TIKhistory Youtube video, or my Blog and select periods of time to listen to the video which is entitled, “Hitler's Socialism | Destroying the Denialist Counter Arguments”.


In case anyone is interested, I discovered from the profile page that “TIK” is an acronym for “TheImperatorKnight”. I guess I could do some search engine exploration, but at this time I will remain clueless and not embark on that task.


I’ll proceed with this cross post through Vlad Tepes as the intro to the video.


JRH 7/2/23


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On Hitler and the Nazis’ leftist socialist beliefs


Vlad Tepes Photo - cropped-small-Fireworks-1-July


By Eeyore 

June 29, 2023

Vlad Tepes Blog


This video is 5 hours long. The probable reason is that the left after WW2 did everything they could to distance the horrors of the Nazis from their reputations as representatives of the left. The same thing happened after people learned about the gulags, arbitrary detentions and imprisonment and of course, more deaths than any statistician would be comfortable accurately tabulating lest he become one of them. The left also tried to distance itself from Soviet and North Korean horrors but that wasn’t quite as easy as it was to convince people that the shots are safe and effective Islam is the religion of peace aliens are attacking US military bases, the ozone hole will kill us all, Y2K bug will kill us all, killer bees will kill us all, bee colony collapse will kill us all, global warming has already killed us all the Nazis are somehow “far right wing”.


I have not seen it all yet, but based on his past videos I take it as an act of faith to post this as I do plan to watch it all over the week as his other videos have been very good. He has even found very important errors in James Lindsay’s material but still does recommend Prof. Lindsay’s videos.


I look forward to any and all comments on this video. It actually does matter if the Nazis are left or right wing because frankly, it appears that the Nazis have rebranded and are at it again.


Youtube VIDEO: Hitler's Socialism | Destroying the Denialist Counter Arguments


[Posted by TIKhistory

Posted on Feb 24, 2020


"I am a socialist.” - Hitler, from his "Zweites Buch" (Second Book) Page 50.


Some continue to believe that Hitler and National Socialism wasn't REAL (National) Socialism. Some believe that the totalitarian State of the Third Reich had no power at all, and that the market was 'free'. They want to believe that Hitler and his State had NO control over the economy, and that the ideology of National Socialism didn't call for the creation of a 'People's State' after the conquest of Lebensraum. Yes, 80 years after the events in question, many are still pushing a contradictory narrative that directly goes against the colossal amount of evidence pointing towards the opposite conclusion, and then refuse to even consider the possibility that they might be wrong in their interpretation. Well today, we will walk through numerous primary and secondary sources, show the substantial amount of flaws in the denialist argument, and present a solid interpretation of the evidence that makes much more sense than the denialist argument ever has.


I am NOT a Fascist, NOT a National Socialist, and NOT a Marxist Socialist. And I am NOT promoting said ideologies. This video is discussing events or concepts that are academic, educational and historical in nature. This video is for informational purposes and was created so we may better understand the past and learn from the mistakes others have made.


This video was edited by Terri Young


The script for this video was 40,916 words. Feel free to download the PDF:




The 107 sources used in this video -


Full list of all my sources:




About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic.


Copyright © 2023 Vlad Tepes All Rights Reserved.


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