Thursday, June 29, 2023


Support if Able BUT Definitely Know Truth from Lies


John R. Houk, Blog Editor

Posted June 29, 2023


I subscribe to America's Frontline Doctors (AFLDS - Who We Are) email list. Which I appreciate for its anti-Medical Tyranny info and actual science refuting the lying science propagandized by U.S. Government agencies and Globalist despots in general.


Saying that, I’m sharing what is essentially a fund raising email because of the brief summarized science truths in the email. I’ll also include the fund raising links BUT ONLY because the AFLDS is worthy of support. In my case as a retired individual, I’m not really in a position to be a constant donator to a worthy cause – perhaps you might be.


JRH 6/29/23


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5 Pandemic Lies & What We Must Do


Email sent by Simone Gold, MD, JD - Founder & President AFLDS

Sent via America’s Frontline Doctors

Sent 6/29/2023 5:18 AM


Dear John [Yup, that’s me the Blog Editor],


As we saw from the Covid origination hearings in March, glimpses of truth are beginning to come out about the pandemic. But don’t expect any paradigm shifts in the narrative from the government or State-run media, or sudden interest in holding anyone accountable for their lies, like Anthony Fauci.


That’s why we must continue to fight for justice! It is up to people like you and me to persevere in our battle against an increasingly totalitarian government.


In a recent interview with the New York Times, Fauci seemed bewildered over why the pandemic response failed. If only more people would have complied with government mandates, he theorized, there would have been fewer cases and fewer deaths.


This coming from the same guy who told us the virus likely originated from a wet market in Wuhan despite illegally leading gain-of-function research that led to the outbreak.


We knew better. No, the pandemic response failed because it was built on a tower of lies with nefarious intentions. In our most recent issue brief, we document the 5 most egregious pandemic lies:


Ø Lie #1: The Virus was Not Engineered
Early in the “pandemic,” scientists were aware—as almost any molecular biologist would know—that this virus could not have “jumped” naturally from bats to humans. However, the government and media ignored the published science in favor of the narrative that a “spontaneous mutation” made a virus leap from bats to humans in one fell swoop.


Ø Lie #2: Masks are Safe and Effective
The government pushed masking and claimed it prevented viral transmission. Viruses are too small to be stopped by masks. If anything, mask-wearing increases the viral load in people because the mask causes people to constantly rebreathe the virus once they are exposed to it. Thus, mask-wearing in public would be expected to make things worse, not better.


Ø Lie #3: The “Vaccine” Prevents Transmission
The pharmaceutical companies and government public health officials knew from the very beginning that COVID-19 “vaccines” were never designed to prevent transmission of this virus. In fact, the vaccinated were found to have a higher viral load in their nose and throat than the unvaccinated. This is, of course, criminal because they mandated these pharma products for people to retain their jobs.


Ø Lie #4: The Covid-19 Injection is Safe and Effective
These “vaccines” are not effective. They are dangerous. The increasing rates of stroke, embolism and heart attacks from vaccine-induced clots are alarming. In fact, the number of adverse events, including death, has been higher for COVID-19 “vaccines” than for all other vaccines combined over the totality of their collective history.


Ø Lie #5: Children Need to be Vaccinated Against Covid-19
It was always a complete lie that kids needed to be “vaccinated.” Even though the COVID death rate in children is essentially zero, some places are mandating it for school. It appears the goal was to get children on the CDC’s Childhood Vaccination Schedule so Big Pharma could maintain immunity from liability.


In many ways, the damage has already been done. But we can prevent such abuses from occurring in the future if we Drain the Science Swamp. We must protect our medical freedom by opposing tyrannical forces in government that seek control, power and ill-gotten gains.


Our liberty depends on it!


John, can we count on your continued support in our work to preserve medical freedom? 


·       I am donating $30 to America's Frontline Doctors


·       I am donating $50 to America's Frontline Doctors


·       I am donating $100 to America's Frontline Doctors


·       I am donating $1000 to America's Frontline Doctors


America's Frontline Doctors and I will continue to tell the truth about the pandemic lies. Take a stand with us today!

For Liberty,

Simone Gold, MD, JD
Founder & President
America’s Frontline Doctors
The Trusted Name for Independent Information

P.S. – If you haven’t yet signed our petition to arrest Anthony Fauci, I encourage you to do so today. A 100,000-signature petition is an undeniable call for action in response to the pandemic lies!

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