Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Medical/COVID Tyranny Facts Dismissed by Controllers


John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© December 21, 2021


Americans (and the free world for that matter) are chronically being lied to being fed in part misinformation and in a large part blatant false/untrue information. This post is more facts for Jack that the political Marxist/Fascists lie about, and character assassinate constantly.


Cross posts in order of importance to my opinion (the facts documented are NOT opinion) and not necessarily by date.


JRH 12/21/21

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The COVID Scam: The Progressive Path to Power, and Tyranny


By J. Deane Waldman, M.D.

December 18, 2021

American Thinker


Physicians who still practice medicine cannot afford to write or say the following for fear of being canceled.  As a retired physician, I cannot be coerced to keep silent with threats to my medical license or hospital privileges.


COVID-19 is probably the greatest and most successful swindle in history. By comparison, Carlo Ponzi and Bernie Madoff were pikers. The COVID scam has affected most of earth’s 7.8 billion inhabitants, consumed trillions of dollars, and achieved a level of government control unprecedented in modern democracies.


The COVID “pandemic of fear” is a con, perpetrated by those in power to extend and expand their power. Their scheme is simple. Take a new flu-like respiratory virus created in China, COVID-19; tout it as a threat to all human life; suspend (temporarily, of course!) personal liberty and freedom; then justify their tyranny by asserting a need to protect all Americans from death by virus. When the threat recedes, redefine the terms, demand vaccine passports, and booster shots to maintain public fear. As new viral variants evolve such as Delta or Omicron, resume draconian measures including masks and lockdowns, more boosters, and loss of employment if unvaccinated.


Make sure any evidence exposing the scam is labeled “misinformation.” Censor any reports that call into question the accuracy of official narratives. Punish those who question the government or refuse the mandates.


Is COVID a scam, or is it a real danger? Are masks safe? What are the effects of Washington’s anti-COVID policies: medical, political, financial, and social? Does natural immunity protect us? Do medications work?  What does the data show us?


Medical risk. Based on CDC data, the risk of death for children is less than 0.1 percent and for healthy adults less than 0.17 percent. COVID is dangerous only to a small segment of the population: the elderly, diabetics, and the infirm with serious pre-existing medical conditions such as immunocompromise, chronic lung disease, kidney or heart failure, often several of these illnesses in a single patient.


Since the true health risk could never justify the imposition of pseudo-martial law and taking away constitutionally guaranteed freedoms, Washington said COVID was an existential threat to all, like bubonic plague or Ebola.


To provoke public panic, Washington reported “COVID deaths” on a daily (sometimes hourly) basis, claiming a total COVID death toll of more than 790,000. This mortality data is distorted. Only 12 to 23 percent of the deaths were actually due to the virus, based on autopsy data and medical demographics respectively. The majority died primarily because of their pre-existing conditions.  Anyone who died with a positive COVID test was classified by the CDC as a COVID death regardless of the real reason they died, viz., a fatal motorcycle crash.


Mask mandates. The Washington swamp mandated lockdowns, social distancing, and wearing face masks, as a demonstration of their power.


It may seem reasonable that masks are protective, but medical data from Sweden, Israel, and U.S. schools suggest otherwise. They don’t protect. Worse, masks may actually be dangerous. A group of concerned Florida parents performed a study, which revealed that kids’ face masks contained dangerous pathogens that can cause pneumonia, Lyme disease, tuberculosis, and meningitis, among others. Mask efficacy and safety research was not done by Washington as it would have revealed their scam.


Effects of Washington policies. The touted benefit of Washington’s COVID mandates is saving lives. The cost of their mandates – lockdowns, PPE, social distancing, and coerced injections – is both staggering and ignored by the feds. Deaths due to social isolation are up, in the elderly as well as teenage suicides. So too are both crime and drug usage. Mental health has declined as have opportunities to learn for school-age children. Economic losses, particularly in small businesses, are massive.


Would Americans have accepted such self-destruction if Washington had been truthful about COVID being merely a new flu, dangerous only to a small fraction of the population?


Immune protection. In those with intact immune systems, viral infection first induces protective antibodies and later T-cells and B-cells. Antibodies gradually fade months after the infection, but the T- and B- killer cells retain the memory of the viral signature and provide long-term protection. This is called natural immunity. When enough people have acquired such post-infection (natural) protection, herd immunity stops viral spread.


A natural immune response occurs when the killer cells’ memory sees any one of the numerous viral protein “spikes.” Vaccination with mRNA gene therapy teaches the immune system to identify and respond to only one protein spike. Natural immunity is stronger and more protective than mRNA injection, even with boosters.


The precise number of Americans with natural immunity is grossly underestimated because the true number of COVID infections is not known. For the first year of COVID, only symptomatic patients were tested. How many asymptomatic COVID “cases” were never identified? Almost certainly, tens of millions.


The federal government minimizes the number of asymptomatic COVID infections because of natural immunity. Washington even denies natural immunity’s protective nature. Admitting this would reduce the fear factor.


Treatment. To maintain the COVID scam, Washington has to ignore, disparage, and even suppress information about treatments for COVID such as HydroxychloroquineIvermectin, and monoclonal antibodies. Otherwise, there is no justification for imposing mandates.


Call to Action


Americans have a bone-deep commitment to individual liberty and freedom. This is apparent from the grassroots activities pushing back against recent authoritarian over-reach, from parents suing school boards over CRT and vaccine mandates for kids to sinking poll numbers for the Biden administration.


With the COVID scam exposed, the following is our call to action.


Recognize what is happening and why. Washington has created a false threat from COVID. The scam is designed to circumvent the Constitution and restore tyranny, this time by the professional political class rather than an aristocracy.


Resist Washington’s power-grab. Wear a face mask or don’t: you choose. Spend your money at businesses that reject Washington mandates. Use the courts to push back against federal overreach and illegal orders.


Reject self-styled medical authorities with megalomaniacal statements like “I represent science,” as though other physicians’ studies or experience aren’t real science. When bureaucrat-MDs like Anthony Fauci tell Americans what reports and data they cannot see, reject such censorship. When President Biden orders you to inject yourself with experimental gene therapy (mRNA), reject his instructions. Decide for yourself.


Also reject news outlets and social media that support Washington’s scam, viz., New York Times, Washington Post, CNN; and YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.


Republish studies labeled “misinformation,” denigrated, downplayed, or outright censored. A Google search for the Great Barrington Declaration produced: “This site can’t be reached.”  

Replace government officials who support and encourage the federal scam. Use the ballot box at all levels, from president, congress, governors, and state representatives to your local school board and city council.


Progressive Democrats, temporarily in control of both Congress and the White House, are engaged in realpolitik, German for practical politics. Realpolitik is a system of decision-making focused solely on increasing one’s power with no regard for ethics, morality, or effect on others. The COVID scam may be their greatest ploy as they move forward on their Path to Power and the resumption of tyranny.


Deane Waldman, M.D., MBA is Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics, Pathology, and Decision Science; former director of the Center for Healthcare Policy at Texas Public Policy Foundation; former Director, New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange; and author of the multi-award-winning book Curing the Cancer in U.S. HealthcareStatesCare and Market-Based Medicine


© American Thinker 2021



Judging Fauci


Anthony Fauci 2020 - White House / public domain, enhanced with FotoSketcher


By Frank Hawkins

December 20, 2021

American Thinker


Does responsibility for the deaths of over 1 million Americans make Tony Fauci a mass murderer? It’s actually worse than that. Consider the basic evidence: 


§  An estimated 800,000 American deaths have been attributed to COVID.


§  An estimated 388,000 Americans have been killed by “safe and effective” COVID vaccines.  This doesn’t include those merely injured with strokes or heart problems. (I personally have an acquaintance who suffered a stroke after getting the jab.) It includes many kinds of deaths.


§  Safe, inexpensive, and effective life-saving therapeutics for COVID are readily available. Their use could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives.


§  Big Pharma is making billions of dollars from the production of the COVID vaccines and booster shots. “Pfizer expects to bring in $36 billion from worldwide sales of its COVID-19 vaccine. . . .Moderna will deliver fewer doses but is still expecting up to $18 billion in sales for the year for its COVID-19 vaccine. . . .


§  Therefore, it is no surprise that with the active help of a compliant, frightened Big Pharma-supported media, Fauci and his allies have ignored, banned, smeared, covered up, or censored word about these life-saving treatments that include monoclonal antibodies, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and the Zalenko COVID-19 Protocol among others.


§  With the active support and encouragement of the Fauci-led health establishment, doctors have been fired or suspended from their hospitals for prescribing ivermectin to save their patients.


§  The Fauci-supported lockdowns and mask mandates have done immense damage to the American economy as well as the lives and businesses of millions of Americans, not to mention our precious and increasingly fragile civil rights spelled out in the Constitution.


§  Most damning of all, Fauci himself “funded gain of function research at U.S. University labs and later in China. The CIA and the Pentagon through DARPA were all apparently working in tandem with Fauci to teach the Chinese how to weaponize bat virus. Dangerous pathogens were studied and made far more deadly to humans through all this research. Most people can see that this is all very sinister, and this man is not someone who should be running U.S. public health, but it’s even worse.  . . .  (Fauci’s) sordid past goes back to the AIDS crisis and his diabolical experiments on children which killed at least 85 children at least. The experiments were barbaric and illegal, but he did it anyway. He gained control of foster homes in 7 states and then turned the pharmaceutical industry loose on these children. The children were powerless with no legal representation and no guardian. They were tortured literally to death. Many of them did not even have HIV but were simply human guinea pigs. Those children who refused the drugs or were noncompliant were taken to Columbia hospital and had feeding tubes installed to administer the drugs. At least 85 died during the experiments. This atrocity wasn’t enough for him though, so he took the experiments to Africa where he killed many pregnant mothers.” 


This is all laid out in Democrat Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s remarkable book, “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.”  [Blog Editor: Remarkably the RFK Jr. book can be purchased on Amazon]


Haven’t heard much about the book, you say? Haven’t seen Kennedy being interviewed on the network news shows or the late-night talk shows?  No book tours? It’s no wonder. There is a wall of silence and fear throughout the media. This silence makes a mockery of Brett Baier’s “fair, balanced and unafraid.” The suits at Fox News, heavily dependent on Big Pharma revenue, would never let him touch the subject. At least the other networks, all part of the conspiracy of silence, don’t make those kinds of hypocritical claims about their style of journalism. Simply put, there is certainly no way the Big Pharma-supported media is going to challenge a primary source of revenue. Think about all the ads you see daily for products that will supposedly cure, control or prevent a multitude of illnesses such as COPD, HIV, Afib or some diseases you never even knew existed.  They represent hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue for the networks.


To Amazon’s credit, Kennedy’s book is available online and currently shows 3,000 ratings with 94% of them earning five stars. So the word on Fauci and his multiple misdeeds has not been totally contained.


The book is intense, crammed with 450 pages of data, and difficult to read notes and references. There is no index. So it’s not easy to find specific references. But as one reviewer has noted, open any page and start reading. You’ll be shocked at what you learn, particularly if you are one of those who have been nodding respectfully with every Fauci proclamation.


The book is a stunning indictment of Fauci. After reading the book, another reviewer summed Fauci up as “the face of treason and war against humanity. . . .(who is guilty of) a clear conflict of interest and a record of Institutional failure . . . . Fauci in his role as head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) no longer looks out for public health but instead is in the business of pharmaceutical promotion. Just a few of the facts exposed in this book would be enough, but there are more than just a few. In 1984 when Fauci took over NIAID, 11.8% of Americans had a chronic disease, and now it is 54%. It was his job to research and discover why autism, allergies and many other diseases were increasing and eliminate the toxins causing it. Instead of acting as a true public health agency he used it to develop and sell pharmaceutical products.”


On a page dealing with effective alternatives to the Big Pharma vaccines, one doctor is quoted as saying, “No one wanted Americans to know that you didn’t have to die from Covid-19. It’s 100 percent treatable. We proved it. No one had to die.” But even worse, “We’ve seen lots of really bad vaccine side effects in our patients. We’ve had seven strokes — some ending in severe paralysis. We had three cases of pulmonary embolism, two blood clots, two cases of Graves’ disease and one death.” In other words, the vaccines are actually quite dangerous. This might explain why large numbers of health care providers have been among those refusing to take the jab.


A very few congressional leaders have recognized this Fauci-promoted national disaster. Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert says, “Fauci needs to be held responsible for the deaths that are being created by the things he’s foisting on the American people.”


He’s right. While Fauci, who whines that attacks on him are attacks on science, is the greatest killer of this new century, the story is out there for all willing to see it. He helped create the disease. He has blocked safe, low-cost, effective treatments that would have saved tens of thousands of lives while making the drug companies insanely rich with dangerous vaccines. In the meantime, he has created the unnecessary climate of fear and hysteria that has ruined the lives and livelihoods of millions of Americans.


It’s time for him to be held to account.


Frank Hawkins is a former U.S. Army intelligence officer, Associated Press foreign correspondent, international businessman, senior newspaper company executive, founder and owner of several marketing companies, and published novelist.


© American Thinker 2021



Unnerving: Dr. Peter McCullough Warns Americans Of Biggest Public Health Crisis

It's 'led to large numbers of deaths, hospitalizations and permanent disability'



Dr. Peter McCullough speaks to Joe Rogan podcast screen capture


By Art Moore

Added by Greg Albaugh 

December 20, 2021

Originally WND

Citizens Journal


In a podcast interview that would not have been allowed on YouTube, medical scientist Dr. Peter McCullough charged that media and government censorship related to COVID-19 treatments have caused untold harm, contributing to many deaths.


Joe Rogan, the nation’s No. 1 podcaster, told McCullough that on nearly every other online platform, including YouTube, their conversation would be censored.


“Censorship that has suppressed for two years information on safe and effective early treatment and censorship on vaccine safety has led to large numbers of deaths, hospitalizations and permanent disability,” McCullough said.


“There is no bigger public health crisis than the impact of censorship in COVID-19.”


McCullough has testified before the U.S. Senate on the suppression of early treatments that have been shown to be effective for COVID-19, including hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. His concern about the COVID-19 vaccines centers on the unusually high number of reports of deaths and severe adverse events, such as myocarditis, compared to previous vaccines.


‘Why won’t they let the vaccine injured tell their stories?’

Social-media networks such as YouTube, Twitter and Facebook have been among the chief censors of the opinions of qualified physicians and medical scientists such as McCullough.


YouTube suspended the account of Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., in early November after he posted video of a roundtable event with a panel of medical experts and vaccine-injured people discussing vaccine mandates.


“Once again Big Tech is censoring the truth,” Johnson said in a statement. “Why won’t they let the vaccine injured tell their stories and medical experts give a second opinion? Why can’t we discuss the harmful effects of mandates? Apparently, the Biden administration and federal health agencies must not be questioned. How many more lives will be needlessly destroyed?”


When the renowned British Medical Journal published a report on a whistleblower’s claim, supported by documents, of poor practices in the clinical trial of the Pfizer vaccine that could impact data integrity and safety, Facebook slapped a “false information” label on posts of the article.


Readers were directed to a “fact check” by Facebook contractor Lead Stories. The editors fired back with an open letter to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg charging the “fact check” was “inaccurate, incompetent and irresponsible.”


Among other things, they wrote, it failed “to provide any assertions of fact that The BMJ article got wrong.”


In early 2021, Facebook censored WND articles providing evidence to support the theory that the pandemic originated with a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Now, with evidence continuing to mount, Facebook acknowledges it’s a plausible theory, if not the best explanation.


The mockery and censorship of the theory that the world-changing, novel coronavirus was engineered in a Chinese lab was fueled largely by a letter published in the prestigious British medical journal The Lancet by a scientist with a clear conflict of interest, Peter Daszak. The British zoologist received funding from Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes for Allergy and Infectious Diseases to help the “bat lady” researcher, Shi Zhengli at the Wuhan lab manipulate coronaviruses in animals and make them transmissible to humans.


Daszak’s February 2020 stated: “We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin.”


Two months after Daszak published his letter in The Lancet, he emailed Fauci to thank him for “publicly standing up and stating that the scientific evidence supports a natural origin for COVID-19 from a bat-to-human spillover, not a lab release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”


“From my perspective, your comments are brave, and coming from your trusted voice, will help dispel the myths being spun around the virus’s origins,” Daszak told Fauci in the April 18, 2020, email.


This week, the editor of The Lancet admitted he knew about Daszak’s links to the Chinese lab for a year before acknowledging the conflict of interests.


‘There is no science without disagreement’

Censorship of medical scientists such as McCullough prompted Hillsdale College to launch a new branch in the nation’s capital called the Academy for Science and Freedom. The aim is to combat “widespread abuses of individual and academic freedom made in the name of science.”


Scholars at the new academy include Drs. Scott W. Atlas of Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, Jay Bhattacharya of the Stanford School of Medicine and Martin Kulldorff of the Harvard Medical School.


Atlas, who briefly served as a member of the coronavirus task force during the Trump administration, said in a recent interview with Tucker Carlson that he was astonished at the “lack of knowledge about the data” displayed by Fauci and other members of the team.


“They never cited a scientific study. They never knew a critical assessment. They never gave a refutation of any study, nor a refutation or disagreement of each other. Never. Not once. I mean, that’s unheard of in science,” Atlas said.


“There is no science without disagreement.”


In June, amid growing evidence that the novel coronavirus was leaked from a lab funded by his agency, Fauci declared in an MSNBC interview that criticism of him amounts to attacks on science itself.


In October 2020, Fauci was asked by his boss, Francis Collins,  to carry out a “quick and devastating published takedown” of the Great Barrington Declaration, according to an email revealed Friday. The declaration — signed by 15,316 medical and public health scientists, and 45,154 medical practitioners — criticized universal lockdowns, calling for focused protection of the vulnerable older population based on data showing they are more than a thousand times more likely to die from COVID infection than the young.


Collins, who is stepping down as director of the National Institutes of Health, said the proposal came from “three fringe epidemiologists,” meaning Dr. Martin Kulldorf of Harvard, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford and Dr. Sunetra Gupta of Oxford.


Collins: We need to figure out how to influence human behavior

In a recent interview with NPR reflecting on his 12 years with NIH, Collins lamented “the 60 million people still holding off of taking advantage of lifesaving vaccines,” which he said “is pretty unexpected.”


“It does make me, at least, realize, ‘Boy, there are things about human behavior that I don’t think we had invested enough into understanding.'”


Collins said the nation “basically have seen the accurate medical information overtaken, all too often, by the inaccurate conspiracies and false information on social media.”


“It’s a whole other world out there. We used to think that if knowledge was made available from credible sources, it would win the day. That’s not happening now,” he said.


NPR’s Selena Simmons-Duffin asked Collins if more money should be invested “in the behavioral research side of things.”


“We’re having serious conversations right now about whether this ought to be a special initiative at NIH to put more research into health communications and how best to frame those [messages] so that they reach people who may otherwise be influenced by information that’s simply not based on evidence,” Collins replied. “Because I don’t think you could look at the current circumstance now and say it’s gone very well.”


Remember nine months ago when they promised everyone that if they got vaccinated, they wouldn’t get COVID, they could remove their masks, and they could travel freely?


Not a single one of these things was true.


HOMEPAGE Citizens Journal



Thomas Renz: Everything about the plandemic is based on fear and manipulation


Covid-19-Coronavirus-Glass-Bubble-Concept-Protection-Virus [Original photo: Natural News]


By Ethan Huff

December 20, 2021

NWO Report

Originally Natural News


(Natural News) Nothing about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is based on facts and reason, it turns out. Attorney Thomas Renz said the whole thing is an exercise in fear and manipulation.


At a recent Reawaken America tour event, Renz presented a slideshow explaining how the entire system, including government agencies, the mainstream media and Big Pharma, have been lying to the public to push more tyranny and sell more drugs.


The below clip from contains a portion of the speech from Renz – be sure to watch:


[Blog Editor: NWO Report is a Wordpress Blog and Brighteon will not embed on that platform. That is the reason fir the “embed” link. My SlantRight 2.0 blog handles the embed while my NCCR Wordpress blog is stuck with NWO Report problem:


Brighteon VIDEO: Attorney Tom Renz Releases More Damning Whistleblower Data at The ReAwaken America Tour / Dallas TX

Posted by Health Ranger Report

Posted 12/12/21]


As an attorney, Renz knows that tackling these crimes against humanity requires a whole lot more than just a single court case.


“When you have crimes on such a grand scale that it affects an entire population, you need to start looking at something bigger than a singular court,” he stated.


“That’s why we need to look at something on an international scale and we need to put a lot of people in jail.”


Renz is calling this endeavor Nuremberg 2.0 after the first Nuremberg Trials that occurred after World War II.


“This whole thing is a fraud,” Renz says about the plandemic. “Fear, manipulation, and ultimately fraud and death are driving it. We have to have independent investigations by people with the authority to prosecute criminally.”


Omicron is a result of these vaccines: it’s the vaxx variant


The latest segment of the scamdemic is the so-called “omicron,” or moronic, variant. Like the previous variant “delta,” moronic is being used to scare even more people into giving up their rights.


And all of this was mapped out long ago by the likes of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which uses much the same tactics to sell influenza vaccines.


By constantly spreading fear about serious injury or death, the CDC and its partners at Big Pharma and Big Media are able to convince millions to take seasonal injections that provide no benefits – only harm.


That little racket has been going on for decades, and now the system is upping the ante with Tony Fauci Flu shots, which are rapidly becoming just like flu shots with an endless array of “booster” injections.


The CDC actively colludes with Big Pharma to drive this fear campaign for both flu shots and COVID shots. Renz provided evidence of this in his slideshow depicting the CDC’s tactics in the agency’s own words.


(Related: America’s Frontline Doctors attorney files lawsuit against U.S. government for 45,000 covid vaccine deaths.)


“You can switch flu for COVID anytime,” Renz said about how the tactics are the same for both flu shots and COVID shots.


The media also plays its part by creating a “high level of concern and anxiety” about the flu, COVID or whatever the disease of the day might be.


As we now know, everything has become a COVID death. This is how they have been able to spike the numbers and scare millions of people into masking, distancing, vaccinating and now boosting – all without question.


Renz presented other noteworthy information on his website, including:


• Department of Defense (DoD) documents showing that the government tracks vaccination status based on race

• Whistleblower data showing that COVID jabs are far deadlier than the government is admitting

• Figures showing that COVID jab deaths are off the charts


“Attorney Thomas Renz is calling for a special independent prosecutor to investigate criminal and civil violations by Dr. Anthony Fauci, FDA, CDC, DHHS, and others like the mainstream media who may be culpable in the marketing & authorization of this deadly injection,” the website stated.





Dr. Judy Mikovits: Fear is the virus, love is the cure – Brighteon.TV



Judy Mikovits science warning


By Ramon Tomey 


News Target


Former researcher Dr. Judy Mikovits told host Clay Clark during the Dec. 16 episode of his Brighteon.TV program “Thrive Time Show” that SARS-CoV-2, the pathogen behind the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) disease, has been in existence way before the pandemic.


“There [is] no novel coronavirus. We knew at that time that this was created in the lab. I don’t listen to their deltas, their omicrons and [so] on – because what we know all the way back to HIV and AIDS is how many variants they came up with. They’re just going to keep the fear game going from zika, to corona, [up] to Ebola in 2014,” Mikovits said.


“They targeted the most vulnerable, so the people that actually were dying and being called COVID [patients] were [actually] dying of influenza. [Also,] we knew the PCR test as 97 percent false positive.”


The former research scientist denounced hospitals for following a so-called death protocol. “They use the wrong treatments, they torture the people in these hospitals, they starve them [and] they don’t give them the medications for what they need.”


Mikovits also had strong words for infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci. “What was happening is that Tony Fauci was targeting the most vulnerable, calling it COVID and murdering them by intubating them or giving them remdesivir.”


“Tony Fauci has played this hand for 40 years. They’ve done this now for almost 50 years to scare us into fearing a virus, [when] all you really need to do is to take care of your immune system and appreciate how to develop and fortify [it.] It really doesn’t matter what Tony Fauci unleashes. We have robust, and in many cases lifelong, immunity – no matter what variant,” she added.


Despite the grim reality, Mikovits shared the story of her husband and how the power of love helped him recover from sickness and the death protocol. “They tried to call it COVID… [but] we showed [that] if you simply loved him, he would start breathing again. Fear is the virus and love really is the cure.”


(Related: Nurse whistleblower says true outbreak gripping the nation is not the coronavirus, but the “pandemic of fear” – Brighteon.TV.)


Hockey superstar owes his awakening to Mikovits


Hockey player Brendan Witt, a friend of Mikovits, also joined the show. Witt played for three National Hockey League teams from 1995 to 2010.


He told the Brighteon.TV host that the COVID-19 lockdowns started to not make sense after the first three weeks passed. “Connecting the dots, it just didn’t make sense to lock down, be scared and stay [indoors]. We’re humans. We like to have conversations, talk and interact with each other,” Witt said.


The hockey player also touched on his close friendship with Mikovits, saying the former researcher was “cool as a cucumber.” The two first met when Witt’s wife was seeking treatment for kidney cancer. Witt mentioned that he shares the same opinion with her regarding death protocols in hospitals.


“The same playbook is being used once again on the American people [and] the whole world. It’s a shame that [people] aren’t able to say goodbye to their loved ones in the hospitals because of these protocols. Think about how many went on to the next part of their lives without saying goodbye to their loved ones. That’s the huge travesty here. It’s so wrong on so many different levels and it’s evil,” Witt said.


(Related: Dr. Ardis reveals hospitals’ COVID “death protocol” to Jeff and Shady – Brighteon.TV.)


“I’m very thankful that I’ve gotten to have a personal relationship with Judy and see what she’s standing up to, because we all need to take a stand. We all need to stand up to this because this is wrong on so many levels.”


Witt also shared his experience as a speaker during the ReAwaken America Tour. He told Clark: “It’s amazing to feel the love at these events. I’ve talked to a lot of people and shook a lot of hands, and they love America. They want to stand up for what America stands for. People want to stand together and there’s unity at these events.”


Months earlier, both Witt and Mikovits shared the stage during the California leg of Clark’s event series. The California leg was held last July 18 and 19 at the city of Anaheim, with the two speaking on the first day.


“I feel like our children need to be taught better. They need to be told to take off the mask and told not to take this poison. This shot is poison. And these athletes that don’t want to stand up, I’m ashamed to call them athletes,” the hockey player said.


Meanwhile, Mikovits said during the conference: “It’s not about the virus, it’s about control. We listen to these scumbags, these criminals, this Fauci who I don’t want to see in prison. I want to see him in an electric chair.”


Watch the full Dec. 16 episode of “Thrive Time Show” with Dr. Judy Mikovits and Brendan Witt below. “Thrive Time Show” airs from Monday to Friday at 3:30-4 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.


Brighteon VIDEO: 12/16/2021 Thrive Time Show: Clay Clark ft. Dr. Mikovits

[Posted by BrighteonTV

Posted on 12/16/21


Dr. Mikovits fireside chat - The power of your God-given immune system.
Watch "Thrive Time Show" on every weekday from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST

Request Tickets to the ReAwaken America Tour At:

Thrive Time Show:] has more articles about Americans yielding to fear amid the COVID-19 pandemic.


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