Thursday, August 15, 2019

Red Flag Laws and Tyranny

Justin Smith again tackle the potential tyranny that will evolve under Dem Party gun-grabbing Red Flag Laws. Some good background to this post is Justin’s article from 8/12/19 entitled, “The Rush Towards Tyranny”.

I completely agree with Justin in today's political Left vs. Right climate. The Right stands for the traditional interpretation of the U.S. Constitution and the implications behind the Declaration of Independence coupled with Christian concepts of Natural Law. The Left – regardless of any FAKE Constitution support – desires to toss the Constitution in favor of a Multiculturalist Socialist (really Marxist) society controlled by an elitist government that tells YOU what to believe and how to act.

The Dems are using the epidemic of mass shootings to realize their essentially totalitarian dream government tentacles in everything.

Conservatives had better find a Liberty protecting solution to mass shootings OR end up living in the Dem dream.

JRH 8/15/19
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Red Flag Laws and Tyranny
Americans Must Draw a Blood-Red Line in the Sand

By Justin O. Smith
Sent 8/14/2019 5:31 PM

Outrage and fear are being used by representatives and Senators to attempt to strip away God-Given Rights and rights supposedly safeguarded by the Bill of Rights, specifically the 2nd, 4th and 5th Amendments, and the 14th Amendment and due process, through Red Flag "laws", and they are exploiting recent mass shootings and the shock of Americans to browbeat and coax them into relinquishing some of their liberty to achieve greater safety, liberty that will be lost forever. And if they succeed, firearm restriction tentacles will spread across this once free nation, choking it, and eventually enslaving America's children on the land of their ancestors.  

Once any government gains a certain power or suppresses a right, it is an uphill battle to ever reverse that situation, since today the government's interest, with the House in Democrat hands, and Senate Republicans complicit, lies more in growing its power more so than in protecting American's rights. They are certainly making good use out of this current "crisis" and the notion of "Ordo ab chao" -- "order out of chaos".  

One should recall that the Constitution was written by our Founders to preserve individual God Given Rights and Liberty and to limit the government oversight of those rights and liberty. Enumerating our God Given Rights in the Bill of Rights makes it clear that our Founding Fathers were determined to keep the government from interfering with these rights that belong to each and every American today.  

The mass shootings in Gilroy, El Paso and Dayton were horrific and as terrible a thing as one never wishes to see happen again in America, but one is more likely to die accidentally falling from one's front porch with a cup of coffee in their hand, than they are likely to be killed in a mass shooting. 

In their rush for power and greater control over 'We the People', our so-called leaders simply ignore facts. Legal gun ownership had nothing to do with these murders. Our society's descent into moral depravity and indifference to human life led to these horrific murders. None of the numerous laws across America that regulate firearms, in one manner or another, prevented these murders, but this is a point that Congress seems unwilling to acknowledge.   

For anyone needing to place blame, there is blame enough to go around on many fronts. The most obvious is in the homes that failed to properly nurture, educate and guide these young men properly. Look no further than leftist policies that eroded the core of families in America, through nonsense like "it takes a village to raise a child" in their attempt to make children look to government as their most important benefactor and protector. Look at the efforts to erase God from the public square and the lives of everyday ordinary Americans, through federal government overreach and tyranny across most recent decades.  

In the wake of the mass shootings, Ivanka Trump went to Instagram and posted a note, that called on Congress to "enact Red Flag Laws/Extreme Risk Protection Orders [ERPO] in every state, increase resources dedicated to mental health support nationwide and close background check loopholes." She couldn't have been more wrong than when she also referred to this action as "common sense reform". [Blog Editor: The embedded links in the quote are added by the Editor.] 

Regardless of the horror of what we see unfolding today, Ivanka Trump and people of similar intent are dead wrong, when they seek to impede and infringe on our Second Amendment, and rather than "common sense reform", these proposals represent sheer ignorance and idiocy and an assault on our Second Amendment Rights. Rather than impede the God Given Right of every U.S. citizen to defend themselves with a firearm, Ivanka and her ilk should be working day and night to ensure that the Second Amendment, an inalienable right, remains inviolate and free from federal government overreach and tyrannical suppression.  

Similarly, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is exhibiting the same exact ignorance and idiocy, and in a fervor of rare bipartisanship, McConnell and all the Democrats and many traitorous Republicans-In-Name-Only are all wound up and ready to be set loose, like puppets or mechanical dolls. McConnell recently stated, "But what we can't do is fail to pass something. By just locking up, and failing to pass, that's unacceptable", marking a significant departure from his past position on firearm controls and legislation in the wake of the mass shootings.  

NO! What is "unacceptable" is any more DAMNED infringement on Americans' RIGHTS in a thinly veiled move to tighten the noose of federal control around the necks of law abiding Americans, while criminals go largely unchecked. Rather than pass one more law aimed at good and decent Americans that suppress their Second Amendment Right, leaders should be urging all the states to rescind any state law that illegitimately and unconstitutionally suppresses this right and ensure that any citizen can walk the streets of America with a firearm at their side, if they so wish to do so.  

Americans don't need more "Gun Free Zones". They need to be left alone and allowed to "keep and bear arms" just as the Founders intended -- in and outside their home and in public -- and they need to be able to defend themselves and shoot back, if and when such a situation may arise. And then, not only would we see the Good Guys win more often, we would see many sad, tragic murders prevented.  

Spouting BULLS**T that sounds exactly like some sort of strategic totalitarian philosophy, these politicians on both sides of the political aisle are poised to remove the only obstacle between United States citizens and globalism and the New World Order, since they and their predecessors have already greatly diminished the United States Constitution over the past seventy years or so.   

McConnell, Schumer, Blumenthal, Pelosi and every God D**ned anti-American godless Commie self-made Son-of-a-Bitch running for the Democratic Party presidential nomination are now using the same bullshit and strategic totalitarianism that has been used for decades to create a generation or two of ill-informed, ignorant masses of people within the American culture, expand the federal and state government welfare programs and keep Americans in a perpetual psychotic state of discontent through Hollywood "elites" and the so-called "mainstream media" mental midgets. Americans have been persuaded to abandon their vigilance to the principles that made America exceptional from its inception.

The affirmation of rights derived from natural law, honesty, morality, self-reliance and equality of opportunity; in stark contrast and opposition to modern America's identity politics, politically correct censorship and thought control, equality of outcomes, fiscal irresponsibility and unlimited government.  

Is it any wonder that one would certainly look at these "leaders" new proposals with great suspicion? Now they once again demand the consent of the governed, the people's consent, to willingly restrict our God Given and Constitutional Rights, on whose behalf. Doing so certainly doesn't benefit me in any way, and it certainly will not make "The Children" any safer.  

Take note that Benjamin Franklin stated: "Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."  

Unfortunately, President Trump seems to be on board and supporting Red Flag Laws, even if he has walked back his support for federally legislated Red Flag Laws and suggested these were laws the states needed to address. Whichever the case that is closest to Trump's true intent, Red Flag laws would allow just one neighbor to lodge an unsubstantiated complaint, that someone "might do something", or to "see something" and "say something" that would enable law enforcement to confiscate all of one's firearms, without any legal hearing whatsoever. Not only does this violate the Second and Fourth Amendments, it cancels any presumption of innocence and negates due process of the law.  

Judge Andrew Napolitano is an expert on the U.S. Constitution, who has written nine books on the Constitution, and he phrased it succinctly and cogently:

" ... Red Flag laws are unconstitutional. The presumption of innocence and the due process requirement of demonstrable fault as a precondition to any punishment or sanction together prohibit the loss of liberty on the basis of what might happen in the future.

In America, we do not punish a person or deprive anyone of liberty on the basis of a fear of what the person might do. 

The government can no more interfere with the Second Amendment rights than it can infringe upon any other rights. If this were not so, then no liberty -- speech, press, religion, association, self-defense, privacy, travel, property ownership -- would be safe from the reach of a fearful majority.

That's why we have a Constitution."

Criminals don't obey laws. Citizens don't require further restrictions. Emotions don't trump Constitutional Rights. Gun Free Zones aren't safe. Federal and state Red Flag Laws don't save lives. And the federal government doesn't grant us our rights.

The astounding proposed and existing Red Flag Laws are merely one more warning sign, a gurgling gasp, in America's desperate fight to ward off tyranny, representing the "final straw". Any defeat along these lines means no Constitution, no United States, since they essentially break the social contract and the implied consent of the governed will have been torn asunder, by its own leadership and their inability to facilitate and promote the necessary elements for liberty, such as self-reliance, responsibility and morality. So long as such laws remain on the books and suppress our rights, politicians and all Americans will be less safe, and ultimately, historians and many Americans may look back on this moment and rightly view it as a time that Americans should have drawn a blood-red line in the sand.

At the core of these laws one finds only tyranny.

By Justin O. Smith
Edited by John R. Houk
Text enclosed by brackets and all source links are by the Editor.

© Justin O. Smith

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