Wednesday, November 4, 2015

3 Questions

Muslim Political Cartoon: Caricature posted by the Palestinian Shehab agency and also drawn by Yaseen, shows a smiling cartoon knife next to the text, “Good morning, Palestine” in Arabic. The blade of the knife forms the Palestinian flag, with the red portion made by blood. Behind the cheerful weapon is an Israeli flag covered in blood. Both of the cartoons were eventually removed from Twitter and Facebook. –Jerusalem Post 1/21/15

I became interested in this Facebook comment because it paints a picture of the horror of Jew-hatred in Israel. The context of the thoughts in this post is in the links provided by Jonathan Ginsberg. Continue your education on the barbarians that have embraced the Islamic theopolitical ideology.

JRH 11/4/15
3 Questions

November 3, 2015 4:51 PM

1. Why are Palestinians trying to kill Jews?

2. Why are the UN, Obama, Kerry blaming Israel and/or unwilling to state clearly that Palestinians should stop stabbing Jews?

3. Why does the media always take the sides of barbarian Muslims?

1. Why are Palestinians trying to kill Jews?

Answer: that is what many Muslims do. As one Arab journalist asks: ‘WHAT GOD allows for CHILDREN to go out and MURDER innocent people?!?’ – Arab journalist CONDEMNS violence in Israel; Right Scoop; 10/17/15 3:50 PM

When is the last time you went to church/synagogue and the preacher was giving lessons on how to properly stab a Muslim? Here is an imam urging them on to stab Jews in the streets: Watch: Knife In Hand, Gaza Imam Calls on Muslims to Stab Jews; INN; 10/11/15 1:42 PM

This is a barbaric, maniacal religion. It has been from day 1 when Mohammed slaughtered all his Jewish neighbors who had sheltered him. 590 million killed by Muslims over the centuries. That is why Egypt’s leader urged his Imam’s for a reformation within Islam. Obama’s biggest lie? 99% of Muslims want what we want. By poll, 30% USA Muslims support violent jihad: Islam: Cannibalism, pedophilia, bestiality, slavery, rape, violent jihadism, designs of genocide. corruption; Strong and Resolute; 10/4/15

They only stop temporarily when they don’t think they’ll succeed. Palestinians were established by Muslims for the sole purpose of weakening Israel. They have 0 history: Israel belongs to the Jews. Genocidal, barbaric Palestinians have no claim. they want to kill Jews and steal the land; Strong and Resolute; 9/15/15

They have no interest in living peacefully next to Israel. They are committed to killing Jews and destroying Israel. Period. That is what they teach their kindergarteners. –Ibid.

There is no “OCCUPATION”. The land belongs to the Jews legally. Overwhelmingly the Arabs living there have 0 ties to the area. Why is islam uniquely violent? Why, more than the other 2 Abrahamic faiths, is Islam uniquely violent in history? Strong and Resolute; 10/12/15

2. Why are the UN, Obama, Kerry blaming Israel and/or unwilling to state clearly that Palestinians should stop stabbing Jews? Because #Jewishlivesdontmatter to the world. Never have. The world’s left, including USA’s Democrats, couldn’t care less about dead Jews: WHY THE GLOBAL LEFT DOESN’T CARE ABOUT DEAD JEWS; Breitbart; 10/12/15

In his answer on the Palestinian organized campaign to murder Jews in Israel, fueled by both Hamas and Abbas, Obama once again can't bring himself to just condemn killing of Jews and Islamic terror, but WHY? Only one plausible answer. Obama is a pro-Islamic jihadist. Islamic jihadist advocacy 200+ examples of Obama support for radical Islamic jihad: Obama is a jihadist. Hundreds of examples. Democrats support him; Strong and Resolute; 10/30/15

3. The leftist MEDIA (most) will blame Israel first no matter what she does to defend Jewish lives, Arabs are stabbing Jews each day and Israel is at fault? The left/media/ constantly shows how they detest Israel, the only Democracy in the Middle East: Obama Admin Accuses Israel of Terrorism As More Jews Murdered; Pamela Geller; 10/14/15

The left will always find excuses or whitewash barbarian monsters in Islam or the left: Here are examples of just how deranged and delusional Democrats are; Strong and Resolute; 10/15/15

Commentary: “The aftermath of Obama’s presidency and Hillary’s run as Secretary of State will be one in which American power and prestige fall to its lowest point since Jimmy Carter. U.S. allies are isolated and weakened while its foes such as Iran and Russia are embarked on the sort of adventurism not seen since the 1970s. But the president is right about one thing. He has changed the world. Just not in the way he or his adoring fans ever dreamed it would happen.

[Blog Editor: Hundreds as in ONE-HUNDRED-TWENTYTHREE]

Published by The Israel Project 
Published on Oct 14, 2015 

Furious at the incitement by local Muslim and Arab leaders, she speaks the truth: “You are inciting thousands of young people to go the streets. You are destroying their future with your own hands.” 

Will you make sure Lucy's powerful words reach the most people? Please share this video and help fight the incitement that's fueling so much terror.

Edited by John R. Houk

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