Friday, April 3, 2015

Our Unfunded War with Islam

Crusades 2.0 - Liberating from Islam

Robert Smith makes a good case for Americans to understand that ‘We the People’ are at war with the theopolitical religion known as Islam or at best with nations that perpetuate that Islam or at best with nations that perpetuate that Islam will dominate the world ending Western Liberty (especially in the USA) with Jew-hating and antichrist Islam aka the religion of violence.
The only thing I am not sure that I agree with Robert is the concept of returning a mandatory Draft program for Americans to serve the maintenance of our Constitution. The all voluntary military service in all branches was quite successful prior to the decimation and the inculcation of bad morale in all the Branches.
America must find the special funding to maintain the voluntary military in a state of preparation for our National Security. If a full scale ware breaks out, only then would I be in favor of the return of the Mandatory Draft. If that full scale war includes nuclear WMD the reasons for a Draft will be rendered irrelevant. The only purpose for a military will be in the mop-up if there is a survival after a nuclear exchange.
Off the subject a bit: If Obama’s appeasement strategy of a bad Iran nuke deal leads to a nuclear armed Iran, because of the nature of the theopolitical Islamic Shia-Twelver messianic-Mahdi beliefs of the return of a 12th hidden Iman – a nuclear war will be forthcoming. To understand my point consider HERE, HERE and HERE.
JRH 4/3/15
Our Unfunded War with Islam
By Robert G. Smith
Sent: 4/1/2015 11:26 PM
We are quite probably in the latter days. Read your Bible. There will be war and rumors of war, (Matthew 24:06).
We are now at war with Islam, although no one wants to admit it. The well-meaning people are saying give moderate Islam a chance to find peace. Because there are no such things as "moderate". And "radical" Islamists are one and the same [as “moderates” – See HERE] with but one goal, to dominate all the world and make it all Muslim [HERE and HERE].
I know a great many of you do agree with this, but the truth is no farther than your nearest library. Research Islam and the manner in which it has decreed all Muslims must treat Christians and Jews and all other religions [HERE, HERE and HERE], if this does not awaken you nothing will.
I am beyond the age and physical ability to engage the enemy in the manner that must be prescribed and implemented, but after serving in three wars, I do know it must be done.
The atrocities that are being committed in the names of allah and Mohamed cannot be allowed to continue.
Our armed forces are at their lowest since WW1, having been decimated by Obama and the Democrats.
In my wildest dreams I never thought I would agree with Rep. Charles Rangel [D-NY]. However I find some of his recent statements, regarding a tax for the sole use of our military and reinstating the draft, are things I wholeheartedly support.
We cannot afford any more unfunded wars, our national debt will not allow it. As for the draft, every able-bodied male over the age of 18 needs to realize he owes a debt to our country for the freedom he enjoys.
The lack of patriotism that has occurred over the last three decades resulted from the knowledge they were not going to be called to serve our country and the fact our schools teach little or nothing about what it has taken to keep our country free, and no longer does the pledge of allegiance start the school day.
Someone must accept the challenge to protect our liberty and the principles upon which this great country of ours was built.
This challenge will fall upon my children, your children, our children's children etc., but [the challenge must] be met if we are to retain our freedom.
PSG [ret] R.G. Smith
Edited by John R. Houk
All links and any text enclosed by brackets are by the Editor.
© Robert G. Smith

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