Monday, March 30, 2015

Obama's Bitter Fruit

Iran Nuke Missile toon

Most sane people understand a nuclear deal with Iran without verification that nuclear weapons are not being developed is insane. It is apparent President Barack Hussein Obama does not comprehend a valid and open verification process is needed pertaining to Iran keeping a promise to develop uranium enrichment for only peaceful nuclear energy rather than the stealth production of nuclear weapons.
Justin Smith shines a light on the untrustworthiness of Iran’s promises pertaining to nuclear weaponry. The key to this mistrust is Iran’s nuclear facility at Parchin. For context here is some of the exposed nefariousness one can glean about Iran’s Parchin nuclear facility:
On October 9, 2014, we posted on the mysterious explosions that occurred at the Parchin Military testing site.  The Islamic Republic attributed the blast to an unnamed “foreign intelligence power”.   We noted the findings of nuclear watchdog, the Washington, DC –based Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) headed by former UN inspector David Albright:
Earlier today, it has been reported that the imagery shows that the damage is consistent with an attack against bunkers and that the locality is adjacent to another installation where work was being conducted that involves controlled detonation of fuses intended to serve as triggers for nuclear devices.
However, it is important to note that there is no evidence of either an attack or nuclear weapon-related activities at this specific site. There may be confusion over alleged high explosive nuclear weapon-related activities at another site at Parchin that occurred prior to 2004.
Fast forward to satellite imagery taken on January 31, 2015 that raised more questions about what is going on at Parchin, a site barred by Iran from IAEA inspections. Further, it is excluded from the final P5+1 agreement with a target date of March 24th looming.  ISIS recently published its assessment of new activity at Parchin, noting that the asphalting was consistent with hiding prior activities, perhaps the explosions that occurred there last October.  The ISIS report concluded:
Over the last three years, Iran has substantially modified the Parchin site. Like its actions at the Lavisan site, Iran’s more recent modifications at Parchin are probably aimed at concealing past nuclear weapons-related activities from the IAEA and the P5+1, who are in charge of negotiating a long term agreement with Iran. Tehran has a long history of hiding its nuclear facilities and conducting secret, illicit nuclear procurement activities to outfit its nuclear programs. The removal of key economic and financial sanctions will depend on a variety of factors in a long term agreement, including significant cuts in Iran’s centrifuge program. But the lifting of these sanctions also depends on Iran stopping its nuclear-related concealment activities and its illicit nuclear procurements and addressing the IAEA’s concerns about past and possibly on-going work on nuclear weapons.
ISIS further commented on the wisdom of the pending final agreement:
Prospects for a comprehensive agreement dim if Iran remains intransigent on Parchin. A deal that does not include Iran addressing … READ THE REST (Satellite Imagery Analysis of Iran’s Parchin Military site Question Nuclear Deal; By Jerry Gordon; New English Review - The Iconoclast; 2/13/15)
Iran Nuke Sites Map 
JRH 3/30/15
Obama's Bitter Fruit
By Justin O. Smith
Sent: 3/28/2015 9:15 PM
America will point to this juncture in history one day, and it will note that this was the critical moment when the Grand Fool, Barack Obama, and his Court Jester, John Kerry, failed to recognize the greatest threat to America and the world in the 21st century. Ignoring all sound reason and stark warnings from numerous U.S. and world leaders, such as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's March 4th speech before Congress, they are proceeding with a bad agreement that does not prevent the growth and perfection of a broad Iranian nuclear weapons delivery system, and they are paving a path to nuclear weapons for the Revolutionary Guard and a rogue regime and state-sponsor of terrorism.
Iran's nuclear weapons program has long been evident. Its heavy water nuclear facility at Arak is one proof, since this type of facility is only good for making weapons grade plutonium. Iran's high explosive components for implosion-type nuclear weapons are made at Parchin.
Parchin has been mentioned numerous times by the U.K., France and Germany in these ongoing negotiations, from which Iran hopes to gain relief from all economic sanctions. However, Iran has refused to allow any further inspection of Parchin, since 2005, and it now says further inspections are out of the question.
Any arms deals most usually demands verification of one's compliance. And due to Iran's resistance to allow for proper verification measures, most of America is asking, "Why are we negotiating with Iran at all at this point?"
While Iran cannot be trusted, there is a liar leading the U.S., who wants to side-step the Senate's advise and consent role, even though in 2013 Obama stated that "the people's representatives must be invested in what America does abroad." Look where the U.S. stands now and compare it to Obama's March 6, 2012 statement: "... My policy is to prevent [Iran] from getting a nuclear weapon, because if they get a nuclear weapon that could trigger an arms race in the region ... it could potentially fall into the hands of terrorists."

Shortly after Netanyahu's speech in the halls of Congress, Saudi Prince Turki al-Faisal Saud warned, in a BBC interview, that any terms granting Iran nuclear power would result in a massive wide-open arms race across the Middle East. Similar concerns are currently being voiced by Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and many other nations.
Iran is already in flagrant violation of past U.N. Security Council resolutions, and yet they are proceeding in their efforts to develop nuclear weapons and inter-continental ballistic missiles. And contrary to the purpose of dissuading Iran from this course, the U.S. and other nations now seem unwilling to stop Iran from going nuclear, as they concede Iran's right to retain its current capabilities.
The price-tag on Obama's dismal legacy is a high one, since Ayatollah Khamenei demands immediate relief from all sanctions. That means more money in Iranian coffers and an increased ability to assist the likes of Hezbollah, the Houthi rebels in Yemen and murderous Shia militia in Iraq. Enabling this terrorist regime to reshape the Middle East through force of arms, slaughtering innocents and nuclear blackmail certainly promises peace will elude the world throughout this century.
Well within their rights, duty and authority to serve and protect the United States, Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, ranking committee member Eliot Engel (D-NY) and 365 House members sent a bipartisan letter to Obama, dated March 20th, that specified in part: "... Congress must be convinced that [the agreement's] terms foreclose any pathway to a [nuclear] bomb, and only then will Congress be able to consider permanent sanctions relief ... Finally ... it is critical that we also consider Iran's destabilizing role in the region."
Similarly, just days previous, Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark) and 46 other Republican senators published an "open letter" to Iran and its leaders. It essentially stated that any agreement with President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry could be rescinded by any successor and was basically not worth the paper it is written on, without Senate approval.
Nothing has changed in the thirty-five years after Iran took U.S. diplomats hostage for 444 days or after the Marine barracks bombing in Beirut in 1983. As noted by Holocaust survivor and Nobel Peace Laureate Elie Wiesel on February 14, 2015: "The Ayatollah Khamenei has been as clear as his predecessor in declaring his goal __ 'the annihilation and destruction' of Israel. He is bent on acquiring the weapons needed to make good on his deadly promise: And, just weeks ago, as Khamenei rallied his country to endorse the nuclear negotiations, he joined the crowd in their chants of "Death to America."
During his 39 minute speech before the U.S. Congress, Benjamin Netanyahu told lawmakers and visitors, "This deal won't be a farewell to arms, it will be a farewell to arms control ... a countdown to a potential nuclear nightmare." At one point, Bibi turned to the 86 year old Holocaust survivor, Elie Wiesel, who sat with Sara Netanyahu in the Congressional gallery, and poignantly continued, "I wish I could promise You, Elie, that the lessons of history have been learned. I can only urge the leaders of the world not to repeat the mistakes of the past."
Much in the manner that Czechoslovakia was betrayed at the 1938 Munich Conference, Israel is being betrayed by Obama's executive agreement with Iran, and Israel is now left alone to mount a military operation that can destroy Iran's nuclear facilities. Israel can accomplish this, just as it did at Osirak in 1981, but a much more thorough job would result from U.S. and European assistance. A pre-emptive strike is the only answer to a nuclear armed Iran that most certainly will bring the world to the brink of destruction.
America is nearing a terrible milestone in its history. It must not refuse to stand against Iran's naked aggression, just as it initially refused to stand against the Nazis, or history will weigh our nation in the balance and find it wanting. America must recover its moral character and rebuke Obama's bitter fruit of appeasement. Considerably less danger exists in a preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities than going forward with a bitter fruit that only promises a dark future filled with exponentially larger conflagrations, massive wars and chaos.
By Justin O. Smith
Edited by John R. Houk
© Justin O. Smith

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