John R. Houk
© February 1, 2013
Justin Smith has sent an important essay for all to read. Smith places the mind’s eye on the extra-constitutional transformative path President Barack Hussein Obama has taken the United States of America since his 2008 election. BHO has been deceptive along the whole way. He began by using the society changing legislation of enacting Obamacare. Obama propagandized his medical transformation for Americans would make medical needs available to the hereto for uninsured. Not only did this pull a heartstring on America’s lower working class citizens but healthcare reform actually did (and still does due to Obamacare) need reform in the USA.
I don’t care what any Democrat or BHO apologist will tell you, Obamacare at the very least is the beginning of socialized medicine in America. Healthcare reform should have been pushed toward a more compliant market solution with the government acting as a watchdog to prevent the dark side of Capitalism such as insurance companies not insuring pre-existing medical conditions as one example.
When the Dem Party controlled Congress passed Obama’s Affordable Care Act it was an acceleration of what Leftists have been doing in America since the 1960s. When prayer was removed from Public School and abortion on demand became available the moral dominance of Christianity began to be removed by force from American culture. A Leftist-Liberal Judiciary became the vehicle to begin the eradication of Christianity as the moral foundation for culture and law in the USA. It is now an okay thing to condemn Christian morals as evil as evidenced by the acceptance of homosexuality as normal in our culture. Obamacare enables the government to legally tell the people what is right and what is wrong AND the people must accept the government ruling or face some sort of penalty in fines, civil Judicial rulings and criminal legal action for practicing a Christian principle now made illegal.
This is Communism. It is not the kind of Communism America was taught would end American Civil Liberty and Civil Rights enshrined in our Constitution. That kind of Communism was the societal change ideology by violent revolution espoused by the Leninist/Stalinist interpretation of Communist founder Karl Marx. President Ronald Reagan repudiated the value of Lenin/Stalin Communism by burying the old USSR with our Free Market strength to innovate weaponry that the Soviet economy could not keep up with. Hence the fall of Soviet Communism and that agenda to force the people of the world to abandon godly morals and free thought by force of arms.
The kind of Communism that is succeeding in America is not the Marxist working class rising up to change society and culture. Rather it is kind of Communism taught by Antonio Gramsci. Gramsci Communism does not depend on the preferred instant results of violent revolution, rather Gramsci’s Communism was to find Left Wing allies and form a socio-political bloc to win people over to transformation by convincing them there is a better way economic “equality.” Unknown to the people is that better way is to persuade working class citizens to accept the government as the arbiter of right and wrong. This deceptive persuasion means infiltrating bastions of morality and changing minds from inside the local community. As aspects of the local community are brainwashed that equality is better than Liberty.
This brainwashing makes Secular Humanism superior to Biblical Morality. It influences Christians to abandon the Divine for diluted human philosophy. It makes personal responsibility subservient to collective responsibility. It forces the acceptance of any religion or ideology over Christianity to dilute America’s moral foundation into obscurity.
I think you get the idea.
Here is the thing about the deception of Gramsci Communism. No one knows what is happening until they are molded to acceptance or find it too late to regain Liberties terminated by Equality.
In November 2008 and November 2012 a majority of American voters elected the Gramsci deception of President Barack Hussein Obama unknowingly falling for the hidden Gramsci Communism of Obama’s promise of Change-Transformation in America.
Is it too late to regain the Liberty that Barack Hussein Obama is currently eroding before our very eyes? Many Conservatives are preparing for the worst assuming a coming economic collapse will transform America irreparably from the Founding Father axiom of ‘We the People.’
I have read a lot of predicted doom and gloom from cultural collapse from the demise of the American economy to a Clash of Civilizations war between the West (primarily America) and a resurging purist Islam. I am one of those that see the West vs. Islam as inevitable harbinger of global chaos. Seriously though, economic collapse and the Clash of Civilizations war will probably gel into one global problem that Biblical Christians know will end in one way. Nonetheless, it would not be the first time that the signs of an imminent Last Days scenario were off the mark. Last Days scenarios have occurred from generation to generation since the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. I am in the ‘Last Days are imminent’ crowd; however it could be another test for humanity to turn around from evil to good giving more people the opportunity to turn to the risen Savior Jesus Christ and find Salvation and Oneness with God Almighty.
The future of ‘We the People’ may be that human test or the beginning of the times bringing Christ’s return to claim His Saints. Either way I am convinced dark days are ahead. The disappointment that draws within me is that my fellow Conservatives are correct in a future of gloom and doom. There is a failure of finding common ground with other Conservatives to win the hearts of Obama-Clinton Change duped people. The duped believe the lie that changing America’s Founding Principles into a Secular Humanist Socialist State will preserve a better future America. Conservatives need to learn an effective way to confront Leftist lies with proven truths of the success of our Founding Principles.
We must do more than just be satisfied that we are correct that catastrophe is imminent. We must provide alternative plans for the short term and long term scenarios. The short term involves using the Constitution while it is still functioning to reverse Obamunism. The Tea Party Movement has been a good example of rallying people to embrace the Constitution. The problem I see with the Tea Party Movement is a failure to expand from the grassroots level to a national unified front. A unified front on a national scale enables Americans to embrace Counter-Obamunism at the very least in the voting booth. Long term scenarios should be developed if America’s Left succeeds in terminating the U.S. Constitution by God knows what kind of legal trick or coup d’état. It is the long term scenarios that Americans must preserve the intent of the Second Amendment as long as possible:
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. (Bold Type Mine)
As insane as it might sound for ‘We the People’ to have assault weapons, the people deserve the right to own security level weaponry because it is necessary for a “free state”. Pea shooters will not protect Americans from criminals and government oppressors with their own sophisticated weaponry.
Does a long term scenario plan sound revolutionary? I am certain once upon a time long ago an oppressive government without representation caused disparate American colonials to unite willing to spill blood to begin a new experiment in Liberty. Perhaps disparate Americans will have to unite to retain Liberty until Christ returns.
The inspiration for these thoughts is Justin O. Smith. Smith asks, “How Far?”
JRH 2/1/13
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