Tuesday, November 8, 2011

More Cain v. Bialek

Gloria & Herman Cain 5-21-11

John R. Houk
November 8, 2011

I have written that I am taking a wait-&-see path on the myriad allegations of sexual harassment against Herman Cain particularly this most recent one in which Sharon Bialek has mysteriously emerged fourteen years later going public about unwanted advances in an intimate interview for a job. I say intimate because the interview was not to take place in an office. Rather the job interview was to be a part of a business meal in the evening.

Now certainly there are all sorts of questions as to why Cain would set-up a one-on-one with an attractive blond (14 years ago) when he has been and still is married to his wife Gloria now going on for 40 plus years.

On the other hand what is it that a man runs for High Office and 4 women (3 anonymously) from 14 to 17 years ago decide to point a finger at Herman now rather than following through for justice when the alleged crime occurred? The first three gals decided compensation was better than justice. The fourth gal is not bound by an agreed upon gag order of confidentiality for money; however will money be forthcoming to the fourth gal Sharon Bialek? Obviously not from Cain; however money will come for her story or Bialek would not have hired high profile lawyer Gloria Allred. I am guessing Allred is not representing Bialek out of the goodness of her heart – which means money.

Unfortunately for Cain a he-said-she-said back and forth places the matter of proof upon Cain in relation to public opinion that the accusations are false and are politically motivated. I am guessing without the smoking gun truth Cain is done. The only alternative Cain has is a civil suit of defamation of character; however Bialek has hooked up with a saber rattling lawyer in Allred that signifies a civil suit battle is ready. Even if Cain wins the suit the information that will go public in my estimation will cause political harm for Cain’s campaign for the GOP nomination.

Judson Phillips has written a piece that is slanted in favor of Herman Cain. I am guessing the pro-Cain slant is due to Bialek’s lawyer Gloria Allred. Gloria Allred takes on the high profile cases typically on the basis that she is a Liberal feminist protecting women’s rights. It is not that Conservatives are against women’s rights, but it is that Conservatives are against the Left Wing agenda of women’s rights (e.g. a woman has a right to kill her unborn baby). There is an air that Allred might be a Left Wing political assassin more than a lawyer standing up for a woman that needs to be defending from a sexual predator like Bill Clinton – er I mean – a person that is an accused sexual predator like Herman Cain.

[You can read the Judson Phillips piece at Tea Party Nation or at the bottom of my thoughts at]

JRH 11/8/11

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