Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Christians Receiving the Same Hatred as Jews

Muslims Torch Christian Homes

John R. Houk
© October 12, 2012

One has read for years about those poor Arabs calling themselves Palestinians about a victimhood blamed by most people on Israel. I have always contended the existence of these populations of Muslim-Arabs in Gaza, Judea and Samaria was the result of the 1948 invasions of Arab armies of the free sovereign Jewish State of Israel. These invading Arab armies are the primary reason Muslim Arabs fled their homes with the understanding they would return after the butchery of Jews. Guess what happened though? The fledgling Israel with the union of Jewish militant underground groups that existed to protect Jews from Jew-hating Muslims and a leaving British military that had swung to an affinity to Arabs over the Jews, miraculously came together to hold off and defeat the far numerical forces of the invading Arab armies.

The result of the Arab loss was the creation of Arabs that were homeless for supporting the invading Arab armies. The irony of the newly created 1948 Arab refugees was that the repulsed Arab nations refused to absorb the refugees they created. Indeed there was by design a plan to keep these Arab refugees in flux as an excuse for future invasions of Israel to champion the return of Jew-hating Arab refugees to homes they previously lived in (but not necessarily owned).

The truth is the invading Arab armies had the intention of creating a sovereign Arab Palestine on the backs of the slaughter of Jews. The Arab nations behind the invading armies had the intention of establishing sovereign Palestine out of the former British Mandate for Palestine; however there was mistrust of each other among Arab nations that participated in the invasion: primarily Egypt, Jordan and Syria (with perhaps some small spoils going to Lebanon and Iraq).

True, Arab armies in 1948 were badly led, badly trained, and uncoordinated. Arab regimes distrusted and disliked the Palestinian leadership and bickered among themselves, striving for individual advantage. This pattern, too, was often repeated in later years. Abdallah secretly negotiated with the Zionists but they distrusted him, knew he couldn't control the other leaders, and he offered too little.

Still, the consensus was, in the words of a U.S. intelligence report, "The loosely organized, ill-equipped armies of the Arab nations do not have any capabilities against a modern opponent but they do have the strength to overrun Jewish resistance in Palestine...."

It didn't work out that way. The nascent Israeli forces gained ground against the Husseini and Qawukji forces before the Arab states' invasion then largely won the ensuing international war. (SELF-MADE NAKBA by Barry Ruben; Think-Israel; May-June 2008 Featured Stories – Emphasis Mine)

Now that most Evangelical Christians are supportive of the existence of Israel, Christians residing in Muslim dominated nations are beginning to experience rising persecution by Muslim rioters oft time instigated by radical Islamic religious elements within Muslim nations.

Does anyone in the West stand up for Christians that are experiencing ethnic cleansing in Muslim nations? As far as I know the closest group of people exposing Islamic persecution of Christians are anti-Islamist educators and the Evangelical Christians often labeled as Christian Zionists due to their support for a strong Israel. NO ONE ELSE in the West in governments or in the private sector has condemned the decimation of Christian communities in the Muslim world.

Carolyn Glick has pointed out that many Christians are supportive of some the despotic governments in the Muslim world because they perceive a modicum of protection from the actions of Islamist inspired hatred toward Christians in Muslim nations. The perception is inaccurate and is based on centuries of dhimmitude.

The basis of Muslim nation dictatorships protecting Christians is based on the ability of Christians using their feet to flee nations because of persecution. Since Iraq was liberated from the brutal dictatorship of Saddam Hussein the focus of religious strife has been on the minority Sunni Muslim population and the majority Shia Muslim population. Little has been said about the near million person Christian population being decreased by acts of Islamic terrorism with very little protection of the current Iraqi regime.  

Recently the head of the Lebanese Maronite Church visited Paris and publically decried if the West topples the Syrian regime of Assad, he fears that Christians will receive the same persecution that other Muslims nations have executed with the toppling of a dictator. This prediction seems to be backed up by Missionary Terry Law that has shared from his experiences in preaching the Gospel in Middle Eastern nations that Christians fear the results of the Arab Spring. The Arab Spring is developing into a Christian Winter for Middle Eastern Christians.

The European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ) submitted a report on Christian persecution in Muslim nations to European nations on January 25, 2011. The report (PDF) demonstrates the cruelty that these Christians face as a whole.

One of the largest Christian populations among Muslim nations is in Egypt. Egyptian-Coptic Christians represent 10% of the Egyptian population. With the Obama abandonment of Hosni Mubarak there has been a greater and greater influence of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) over the Muslim-Egyptian population. The MB influence is evidenced by the Egyptian government and military either looking away as persecution happens to Christians or outright aiding in the persecution of Christians.

The West is so hampered by political correctness and the fear of offending Muslims that there is all the appearance that Muslim nations are enabled to the ethnic cleansing of Christians in Muslim nations.


It is time for Western governments – especially the American government – to become more involved in protecting the rights of Christians in Muslim nations. Protection means more than the occasional press conference publically announcing the verbal displeasure and verbal denunciation of the ethnic cleansing of Christians.

JRH 10/12/11

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