Sunday, September 1, 2024

Resist the Dem Transformation – VOTE Trump!


John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© September 1, 2024 [UPDATED 9/2/24]


Today I’m sharing from a couple emails I received from Conservative sources. The first is amusing (well … at least to fellow Patriots) and the second I find disturbing.


First up an email from We The People Convention (WTPC) is a post about a satire Pro-Trump 2-minute campaign video that was actually from X/Twitter Nicole Shanahan posted on X 8/29/24 and on WTPC on 8/30/24. The video is so humorous I’m posting it to my Rumble account which is what you will see in the cross post. The video title: Independence: The Cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome.


The second email was from The Patriot Nation under the disturbing title, “They Are Now Sponsoring A Drag Queen Summer Camp That Will Teach Children How…” The post is from 8/31/24. The reason it got my attention is I grew up in Washington State. I left in 1982 for Oklahoma to attend Bible School (RHEMA). Between the late 1980s and 1997 I moved back and forth between Washington and Oklahoma finally sticking to Oklahoma through the present (motivated by my wife being from OK). It grieves me tremendously when I read things like “Seattle’s Museum of Pop Culture” is hosting “Summer Camp: the Art of Drag” for children to be brainwashed into LGBTQ cultural acceptance.


JRH 9/1/24 [UPDATED 9/2/24]


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Awesome Campaign Ad by Nicole Shanahan Team


By Nichole Shanahan Team [via X/Twitter]

August 30, 2024

We The People Convention

[BLOG EDITOR: Evidently the "Nichole Shanahan Team" or possibly Blogger anti-Trump Election 2024 guidelines (I suspect the former) has restricted the TDS Cure campaign video on this platform. AND when one clicks as instructed within the video, one is redirected to an entirely different video than the video embedded in the title. Thus I'm going to embed the X/Twitter video and see if that functions. HERE WE GO! 9/2/24] 

Rumble VIDEO: Independence: The Cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome


[Posted by SlantRight

Published September 1, 2024




Independence Commercial [transcript]:


Are you or your loved ones suffering from illnesses such as TDs, also known as Trump Derangement Syndrome?


Do you dismiss or deny the current issues facing our country, such as historic inflation, illegal immigration, corporate corruption, World War three escalations, and the chronic disease epidemic?


Are you willing to elect someone who was the least popular vice president in modern history, and who offers no policy or vision for America, simply because your brain keeps telling you anyone but Trump? If so, you might be struggling from TDs introducing independence. Independence allows you the freedom to finally think independently once again, instead of believing everything you hear from the mainstream media. Independence allows for constructive, critical thinking.


I used to hear people on the news say things like Donald Trump and the movement he has encouraged are a threat to democracy. And I instantly believed it.


With independence, I now realize the media is run by the Democrat elite, who are a corrupt oligarchy that censors free speech, silences political opponents, supports forever wars, and abandons democracy by anointing its candidates.


Independence may not be for everyone.


If you enjoy being lied to about your president's cognitive abilities, support Orwellian totalitarianism, or are excited about communist fiscal policy, independence may not be right for you. Common side effects of independence may include an awakening of rational thought, successfully identifying propaganda, freedom of choice, loss of hatred, anti-narcissistic behavior, and love of democracy.


I used to blindly hate whoever my party was running against. I didn't care about facts or policy because I was hopelessly indoctrinated with independence. I'm much more interested in policies that uphold democracy, and I truly care about the health of our country and its citizens.


Ask your doctor (OR your fellow Americans) if Independence is right for you and enjoy your freedoms once again.


©2024, We the People Convention




They Are Now Sponsoring A Drag Queen Summer Camp That Will Teach Children How…

Drag Queen Story Hour (LGBTQ Indoctrination) [The Patriot Nation Photo]


Posted by dan

August 31, 2024

The Patriot Nation


Can any doubt remain that they are after your kids, anyone’s kids, and everyone’s kids?


Well, are you ready to get your kids to unleash their inner king or queen? Seattle’s Museum of Pop Culture is hosting a summer camp where children aged twelve and up can learn the art of drag. Led by Seattle drag artist Joshua Hancock, the “Summer Camp: the Art of Drag” program aims to teach kids the skills needed to create and portray their own drag personas.


For $400 per week, children will have the opportunity to explore the world of drag and learn various hair and makeup techniques to help them develop their characters. The program has been running for the past two summers and has become a popular choice for “woke” parents across Seattle. The Museum of Pop Culture, home to the world’s largest memorabilia collection for Seattle musicians such as Jimi Hendrix and Nirvana, will be the location for this fabulous summer camp.


The summer camp is inclusive and open to “youth of all gender expressions and identities,” making it an exciting opportunity for any child interested in exploring the world of drag. The program will run from August 18 to 22, and the cost is $370 for those who register before May 31, 2022. After the deadline, the price will rise to $400.


The summer camp promises to be a fun and interactive experience. Children will have the chance to create their own drag personas, choose their names, and develop their characters’ stage presence. They will also work with local artists to learn about drag history and explore the art of self-expression.


The program is described as follows by the Art of Drag summer camp:


“Calling all current and future kings and queens! Explore self-expression in MoPOP’s week-long, drag-tastic summer camp! Led by Seattle performer Joshua Hancock, you’ll investigate drag history and work together with local artists to create your own personas. You’ll choose your name, explore hair and makeup techniques, and develop your character’s stage presence. At the end of the week, celebrate your new drag personas with a private showcase! ”


Joshua Hancock, who has been involved in Drag Theater for 30 years, believes that drag is for everyone. He has a Master of Arts from Texas Woman’s University in Theatre and has worked in various countries worldwide. His drag character, Parton, is based on Dolly Parton, and he uses her voice to spread love and open minds.


The Museum of Pop Culture spokesperson, speaking to Fox News, expressed their pride in offering young people an opportunity to explore self-expression through drag.


“We are proud to offer an opportunity for young people to use drag to explore self-expression through creating characters and performances that express and uplift their unique identities,” which apparently includes sex-based creativity with underage kids.


The museum was established two decades ago and offers exhibits on various aspects of popular culture, including film, music, and video games. The summer camp has been held in past years, but the invitation to middle schoolers is new territory.


Sources: AWM, Foxnews, Dailymail


The Patriot Nation HOMEPAGE

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